hillary clinton no trolls allowed open thread trump

Ten Days Now: Election, etc Open Thread

Cheeto Jesus
Cheeto Jesus

So it’s ten days until the election now, and I cannot wait until this nightmare is over. Talk about it, or whatever else you want to talk about. No trolls, MRAs, Trumpkins, etc.

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8 years ago

@Handsome Jack

Appealing to the hive should work here, no doubt. You’ve been the organ grinder for years here (I suspect).

What does that even MEAN?

Another Zen koan!

I have high hopes for Gert. This individual might actually qualify as a Troll of Yore.

8 years ago


Sorry, I’m sure when you said “Zionist bonobos” you weren’t being racist at all. Or when you called Obama the biggest disappointment ever.

So this site still has the odd surprise in waiting. Here we have someone complaining about racism without understanding what racism actually is.

How is being dissapointed in Obama racist? Obama is undoubtedly a fine specimen of a human being: both smart and articulate. And cool too.

Yet millions around the world expected so much after the Cairo speech, NONE of which materialised. THAT’s dissapointing. Not to an idiot like you, obviously.

And if you believe being critical of Israel’s policies vis-a-vis the Palestinians is racist, then you even more stupid than I first thought.

You are beneath contempt, so much below contempt.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

both smart and articulate

No racist has ever tried to show how non-racist they are by declaring a specific black man to be smart and articulate.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

So this site still has the odd surprise in waiting. Here we have someone complaining about racism without understanding what racism actually is.

How is being dissapointed in Obama racist? Obama is undoubtedly a fine specimen of a human being: both smart and articulate. And cool too.

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History Nerd
8 years ago

It’s at least somewhat plausible that the rape allegations against Julian Assange are false. Under Swedish law, prosecutors are not allowed to discuss any details of sex crime charges. Sweden (rightfully) allows for a rape conviction based solely on a credible accusation without corroborating evidence. I’m not familiar with how often the Swedish legal system prosecutes cases like that, so it could be that Sweden is truly progressive on the issue or that the prosecutors decided to move forward for political reasons (even though they should move forward with the case).

8 years ago


No racist has ever tried to show how non-racist they are by declaring a specific black man to be smart and articulate.

What can I say? He really is. But so many expectations were raised and so few fullfilled. To claim that stating so is racist is well beyond stupid.

He’ll go down as an unremarkable president, at the very most.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Holy shit, Gert had a meltdown while I was off playing Minecraft, didn’t they?

Came in here swinging and shouting, and now they’re getting pissy because we ‘Murricans don’t agree with the opinions of a person claiming to be from Yorkshire.

Gert you’re not even American by your own admission, so I hope you can see at least one reason why I’m side-eyeing you super fucking hard right now.

The rest of the reasons are summed up as “You’re being a racist, sexist asshole because people aren’t reacting well to you being hostile in a no-troll thread”.

Please do fuck off. At the very least until you fucking cool off and try to come back like nothing happened. Again.

Dreadnought | October 29, 2016 at 12:18 pm

Wow that is unreal. In Canada, I cannot remember a single instance of people protesting — I mean real protest, not this Trumpian voter intimidation shit — at voting locations.

Eh, he wasn’t protesting so much as campaigning. There were Democrats there with flyers too. Campaigning is allowed outside of a certain distance from the polling place, and after you cross that line, you are guaranteed to not have flyers shoved in your face or people trying to convert you, which was nice.

And the guy didn’t like try to step in front of the car or anything, he just waved us over and once we ignored him he moved on to the next car.

He was closer to the entrance of our polling place, the Dems were a little further back, hoping to catch people walking in before they hit the “barrier”, which I think was smarter, considering we just drove past the Trump guy. XD

joekster (Bearded Beta) | October 29, 2016 at 12:43 pm
Also, I’ve never really understood all the hatred directed at Hillary. My father has a theory: that the right has never forgiven her for not dumping Bill after the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Makes as much sense as anything I can come up with.

And they still wouldn’t have forgiven her if she did because that would make her “unloyal” and she’d be bad for not “standing by her man”.

Either way, they would be shouting about it and saying how it makes her unfit to be president.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

He’ll go down as an unremarkable president, at the very most.

At least he’ll go down as a President.

8 years ago


Stick your infantile gifs where the sun doesn’t shine.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

(Anyone who hasn’t seen this needs to see it)

8 years ago


At least he’ll go down as a President.

After an election campaign that was the most expensive in all of human history.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

The DNC didn’t switch ~4 million votes to Clinton. He lost with PoC, the poor, and women. Ya know, the Dem base. He won white, middle class men. Overwhelmingly! Turns out there ain’t enough of them to win a blue primary. Remember what I said about some people being mad at certain groups cos Clinton won…

The only other female candidate was Carly Fiorina, you donkey

‘Would’ is a modal verb. It’s often used in hypotheticals. What hypothetical candidate coulda beaten her? Warren? Gillibrand (I hope she runs in 2024, btw)? Pelosi? Shaheen(Governor and Senator. Impressive)?

It means spacetime as bent around on itself, cos I’ve only been here for 7 months (commenting) and ~11 months (lurking). Years tho…

Not now. Out!

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Well, fuck, I went to look for the video and you already posted it.


Stick your infantile gifs where the sun doesn’t shine.

Oh, I wish I could.

I wish…so hard…so much

It means spacetime as bent around on itself, cos I’ve only been here for 7 months (commenting) and ~11 months (lurking). Years tho…

I think they said that because you’re pronouns were confirmed “he/his” so, like, that makes you a guy, possibly the ONLY GUY on this ENTIRE WEBSITE.

Obviously, you’re the one calling the shots here.

8 years ago

eli and joekster – I grew up in the Missouri Synod corner of Lutheranism* and as far back as the late 70s, we (in our southern California liberal congregation, anyway) considered the ELCS the conservative bastion, along with the Wisconsin Synod.

Coincidentally, I just got off the phone with my very conservative aunt in the midwest (still and always LCMS). All she talks about is how the congregations of all the churches are getting older AND how much she dislikes having contemporary church services. “Sunday rock concerts” is how she put it! Well, gosh! How *do* you explain the dearth of young people in churches these days?

Anyway, the point of all that was, far as I can tell, Lutheranism is probably not the way to go. Luther was a sexist, antisemitic butt head, anyhow.

*For the record, I’m ex-Lutheran, ex-Christian, and ex-Pagan. Currently agnostic but sympathetic to those roots.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Still waiting for those “wikileaked Clinton mails”, Gert. Or are you ready to admit that when you referred to them, you actually meant the Podesta emails, even though you explicitly denied referring to the Podesta emails in that same post?

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago


I be sneaky that way, sorry.

8 years ago

@Axe Bollox:

The DNC didn’t switch

“After Wikileaks published Democratic National Committee emails which suggested that DNC staffers had inappropriately backed Hillary Clinton in the primary campaigns while criticizing the Bernie Sanders campaign, Wasserman Schultz tendered her resignation as the head of the DNC, to become effective as of the close of the nomination convention in Philadelphia. According to reports in the Washington Post, Wasserman Schultz strongly resisted suggestions she resign, requiring a phone call from President Barack Obama to finally force her resignation.”

But that was because she was a woman, right? AND Jewish!

I’ve seen your anti-“Bernie Bro” BS, threads and threads ago, Axe.

Hillary is your Queen. You’re welcome to at least four more years of the same tedium.

If I’m wrong on that, I solemny swear to do penitence here, publicly. I’ll keep an open mind.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


S’alright. I just figured that seeing that video played over and over again as an ad on YouTube would have given me a leg up.


But that was because she was a woman, right? AND Jewish!

Is Clinton Jewish?

I’ve seen your anti-“Bernie Bro” BS, threads and threads ago, Axe.

Dude, do you even know what a “Bernie Bro” is? They aren’t called “Bros” for nothing.

Like, the bad kind of bro, BTW.

8 years ago


Or are you ready to admit that when you referred to them,

This isn’t one of your Empire’s black op interogations rooms, so go swivel.

Read those links and get back to me on that. Tell me how that’s a ‘nothing burger’ too…

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

This isn’t one of your Empire’s black op interogations rooms, so go swivel.

Thanks for flashing your ass for us. You know nothing about these emails, not even who wrote them or how they were released or by whom. You don’t even know the difference between Clinton and Podesta.

The FBI never investigated Podesta. The FBI investigated Clinton. So your attempt to draw some kind of parallel between the new Abedin emails and the Clinton emails has just hit a brick wall, because you were thinking of the Podesta emails the whole time. Your logic is bad because your information is bad, and you’re too ignorant to even know what you don’t know.

So your opinions on this topic are worthless, and that’s now been established.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago



I mean, your name is Jack. Who knows how Hairt is squaring that particular circle


But that was because she was a woman, right? AND Jewish!

Not bigoted at all!

I’ve seen your anti-“Bernie Bro” BS, threads and threads ago, Axe

Good! I wasn’t hiding it. I preferred Sanders up until the 2nd primary debate. I was even on them after that. Then, Super Tuesday, and all the shit that followed, led me to Clinton. Never looked back. I don’t need to justify this, but I will to the ends of the Earth. If you’re (general you) still salty that your guy lost, get over it

Hillary is your Queen

Salma Hayek is my Queen. Hillary will be my President

You’re welcome to at least four more years of the same tedium

*sarcastic thumbs up*

joekster (Bearded Beta)
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago

@Paradoxical intention: welcome back! Always good to see you.

I’ve been checking in when my review lectures get tedious. Or after I get paged, and figure I might as well before going back to the lectures. It’s fascinating.

@Hambeast: I’d heard that the LCMS was somewhat right of center, while the WELS was far right, and the ELCA was growing less conservative.

Well, if the UMC doesn’t split, or if the conservatives manage to chase us liberals out, maybe I will join the Episcopalians.

After all, our Methodist brethren in Britain keep trying to reconcile with the Church of England, so it’s only fair.

8 years ago

@ Gert

All those links aren’t to the email themselves. It’s an analysis of the emails and none mean anything incriminating. They show she’s a politician. Nothing else.

And what’s wrong with anyone not having time to comb thru every email myself? If I had to vet every email, I couldn’t spend time with my loved ones, go to work, have a hobby, etc.

That’s why we have researchers look into stuff that’s their specialty. So far, no credible source has indicated that any wiki leaked emails meant much of anything.

I was hoping you had something. You don’t. And you’re really rather mean to folks on this thread. So I think you ought to tone it down a bit.

joekster (Bearded Beta)
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago

Point of interest: is there a non-gendered form of ‘brethren’?

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I mean, your name is Jack. Who knows how Hairt is squaring that particular circle

Well, her name is Jack, too.
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Family, squad, circle, peeps, mateys–it depends on the context and how strong you want it to be.

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