So it’s ten days until the election now, and I cannot wait until this nightmare is over. Talk about it, or whatever else you want to talk about. No trolls, MRAs, Trumpkins, etc.
And you have no idea what a troll actually is. Zero.
Enlightenment achieved!
Thanks, Gert!
8 years ago
However, if you, Gert, know of a smoking gun letter, please provide the link. Maybe you can change my mind. Evidence tends to do that for me.
If you haven’t seen them by now (and ‘don’t have time’) you won’t want to see them now either.
How comfortable are you with a candidate who is extremely cosy with Big Banks/Big Corp? Are you aware just what a problem Big Donor money is in American politics?
Why do you think Sanders (think of him what you will) decidedly kept his distance from all that?
Vote for Clinton all you want (I would: to keep Trump out) but expext more of the same: moneyed interests running the show.
This election could have been a real opportunity for change: now at best you’ll end up with a status quo prez or a potential menace to much/many.
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
@Dalilama: you’ve got a point about conditional economic aid. Also about the Marshall plan, although my understanding was that it went to Germany as well (which still falls under your point about ‘white Europeans’). The other thing about the Marshal plan is that it’s intent was to try and keep Communism out of Western Europe by shoring up the governments that were already there.
I often do refer to Roman Catholics as ‘Followers of Rome’ or somesuch, but I’m always afraid in the back of my mind that that will get translated into ‘papists’ or ‘Romish’ and be found insulting. It’s a conundrum. And, I suppose, brilliant marketing on the part of the Vatican.
I think Roman Catholics works though. Because saying ‘Roman’ automatically implies that you’re speaking of that part of the Catholic (or universal) church that follows Rome. At least, that’s what I tell myself. No idea if that’s good Latin or not.
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
How comfortable are you with a candidate who is extremely cosy with Big Banks/Big Corp? Are you aware just what a problem Big Donor money is in American politics?
I think racism is a bigger problem. I think misogyny is a bigger problem. Big Money is a problem but there are other problems that are more pressing … unless, of course, one is a straight white male-presenting man, then one doesn’t have to worry about racism and misogyny.
I like Clinton despite her flaws because she cares about stuff that non-white non-men care about. She doesn’t have the white man blinders on. To white men, that makes her look like she doesn’t care about their problems, but to non-white non-men that makes her look like some kind of magical unicorn in human form.
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
I never disliked you. I was mad at you one time but I got over it. I don’t dislike you now and I’m more than happy to bury the hatchet if you forgive me for being, apparently, a dick sometimes. (I don’t see it, but I know I can be one, and will grant that I probably was one without realizing it)
8 years ago
OK. So Gert has no emails at all, only vague allegations.
@ Gert
If you don’t have links, they may as well not exist. You need to show us what you’re talking about. Every one I’ve looked at showed a big zero of nothing interesting or incriminating.
Personally, I think all politicians are cosy with big business, big donor money. It’s part of the system right now. I’d rather have a candidate that is using that money to fight for women’s reproductive rights, for example.
And Hillary isn’t a bad candidate. She’s very honest compared to most politicians and she’s been fighting for change overall. I can’t say she didn’t ever make mistakes, but we’re not going to pretend that humans never make mistakes are we?
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
To be clear, I’ve no objection to anyone who isn’t Protestant (or Orthodox, Luther and Huss weren’t the first to split with Rome, after all) using the term ‘Catholic’ to refer to the RCC. Among all the Christians in the world, a plurality (sometimes even a majority) look to the Vatican, so it’s not entirely inaccurate.
I think I’ll try to use Roman Catholic if it comes up in the future, however.
8 years ago
I have skimmed this thread long enough to have seen that Gert called a woman a twat and then told people not to get their panties in a knot. And then I fell over from my extreme shock and surprise.
8 years ago
When you come to a feminist site, start spouting misogynistic and racist bullshit, treat people like shit for calling you out on it, double-down on everything, and insist you’re the only enlightened one in the group, you’re a fucking troll.
Where’s the “racist bullshit”, Dupo?
I made one polite comment to Kat (p. 1 or 2) and immediately Weird One starts attacking me. I react. You’re pissed off? So am I!
Again: where’s the “racist bullshit”? Go on. I’m all ear.
What is your take? Chocolate vodka or margarita? 😉
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago
Cool, ^5
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
@Megalibrarygirl: exactly. Hillary gets painted in an extremely bad light by the conservatives, and they’ve had thirty years to work at it. That’s longer than many of us who are voting this year have been alive.
I’d be seriously suspicious if she hadn’t acquired a few skeletons in that time.
@Axecalibur: ‘the conservatives’ is intentional. I think that’s one group that deserves to be marginalized.
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
Chocolate vodka, definitely. Chocolatinis are Chad Vader approved.
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
We can all agree that gender equality in politics in desperately needed
How much y’all wanna bet he means equality like Suzie in that other thread did?
In that case Clinton would hardly be a favourite, IMHO
Then who would, pray tell? Apparently, she is a dishonest, crooked, warmongering, capital e Establishment stooge. Well, it turns out, the guy seen as the literal opposite of that ran against her. And lost. Perhaps, your honest opinion is wrong
A ‘bad’ female candidate in the WH is NOT a victory for feminism
And? It’s a victory for me. Besides, a qualified, competent, experienced woman defeating the prototypic nadir of patriarchal entitlement to be the first lady sworn in… Seems like a feminist victory to me
We should give everyone else extra votes instead. White dudes (women seem to be turning around. Let’s give em a chance) can still vote. But now they’ll know how it feels to be legally given a voice but for it to be screamed over by everyone else. Also, white LGBT+ people can get 2 votes as well. Don’t make us regret this /s, but only on logistical grounds
I like Clinton despite her flaws because she cares about stuff that non-white non-men care about
Preach. It!
8 years ago
I’ll toast one in your ‘nym. 😉
8 years ago
OK. So Gert has no emails at all, only vague allegations.
Appealing to the hive should work here, no doubt. You’ve been the organ grinder for years here (I suspect).
What does that even MEAN?
joekster (Bearded Beta)
8 years ago
So, hacked emails from Clinton aides (still none from Clinton’s servers, by the way), show that when Clinton is speaking to wall street and big banks, Clinton is not always adversarial with them.
Which proves, what? That Hillary Clinton is a lawyer who’s figured out that you don’t get anywhere with people if when invited to speak with them, all you have to say is attacks and name-calling? Someone who understands the importance of trying to find common ground with people and work together?
Come to think of it, those are lessons that a great many US citizens failed to learn in grade school.
Hence, Trump.
Policy of Madness
8 years ago
What does that even MEAN?
I know those words, but that statement makes no sense.
Enlightenment achieved!
Thanks, Gert!
If you haven’t seen them by now (and ‘don’t have time’) you won’t want to see them now either.
How comfortable are you with a candidate who is extremely cosy with Big Banks/Big Corp? Are you aware just what a problem Big Donor money is in American politics?
Why do you think Sanders (think of him what you will) decidedly kept his distance from all that?
Vote for Clinton all you want (I would: to keep Trump out) but expext more of the same: moneyed interests running the show.
This election could have been a real opportunity for change: now at best you’ll end up with a status quo prez or a potential menace to much/many.
@Dalilama: you’ve got a point about conditional economic aid. Also about the Marshall plan, although my understanding was that it went to Germany as well (which still falls under your point about ‘white Europeans’). The other thing about the Marshal plan is that it’s intent was to try and keep Communism out of Western Europe by shoring up the governments that were already there.
I often do refer to Roman Catholics as ‘Followers of Rome’ or somesuch, but I’m always afraid in the back of my mind that that will get translated into ‘papists’ or ‘Romish’ and be found insulting. It’s a conundrum. And, I suppose, brilliant marketing on the part of the Vatican.
I think Roman Catholics works though. Because saying ‘Roman’ automatically implies that you’re speaking of that part of the Catholic (or universal) church that follows Rome. At least, that’s what I tell myself. No idea if that’s good Latin or not.
I think racism is a bigger problem. I think misogyny is a bigger problem. Big Money is a problem but there are other problems that are more pressing … unless, of course, one is a straight white male-presenting man, then one doesn’t have to worry about racism and misogyny.
I like Clinton despite her flaws because she cares about stuff that non-white non-men care about. She doesn’t have the white man blinders on. To white men, that makes her look like she doesn’t care about their problems, but to non-white non-men that makes her look like some kind of magical unicorn in human form.
I never disliked you. I was mad at you one time but I got over it. I don’t dislike you now and I’m more than happy to bury the hatchet if you forgive me for being, apparently, a dick sometimes. (I don’t see it, but I know I can be one, and will grant that I probably was one without realizing it)
OK. So Gert has no emails at all, only vague allegations.
@ Gert
If you don’t have links, they may as well not exist. You need to show us what you’re talking about. Every one I’ve looked at showed a big zero of nothing interesting or incriminating.
Personally, I think all politicians are cosy with big business, big donor money. It’s part of the system right now. I’d rather have a candidate that is using that money to fight for women’s reproductive rights, for example.
And Hillary isn’t a bad candidate. She’s very honest compared to most politicians and she’s been fighting for change overall. I can’t say she didn’t ever make mistakes, but we’re not going to pretend that humans never make mistakes are we?
To be clear, I’ve no objection to anyone who isn’t Protestant (or Orthodox, Luther and Huss weren’t the first to split with Rome, after all) using the term ‘Catholic’ to refer to the RCC. Among all the Christians in the world, a plurality (sometimes even a majority) look to the Vatican, so it’s not entirely inaccurate.
I think I’ll try to use Roman Catholic if it comes up in the future, however.
I have skimmed this thread long enough to have seen that Gert called a woman a twat and then told people not to get their panties in a knot. And then I fell over from my extreme shock and surprise.
Where’s the “racist bullshit”, Dupo?
I made one polite comment to Kat (p. 1 or 2) and immediately Weird One starts attacking me. I react. You’re pissed off? So am I!
Again: where’s the “racist bullshit”? Go on. I’m all ear.
Ooh! I found this 538 article about the FBI emails and their possible effect on the campaign:
Election Update: Four Ways Forward For Clinton After The FBI News
We are eerily thinking the same things.
What is your take? Chocolate vodka or margarita? 😉
Cool, ^5
@Megalibrarygirl: exactly. Hillary gets painted in an extremely bad light by the conservatives, and they’ve had thirty years to work at it. That’s longer than many of us who are voting this year have been alive.
I’d be seriously suspicious if she hadn’t acquired a few skeletons in that time.
@Axecalibur: ‘the conservatives’ is intentional. I think that’s one group that deserves to be marginalized.
Chocolate vodka, definitely. Chocolatinis are Chad Vader approved.
How much y’all wanna bet he means equality like Suzie in that other thread did?
Then who would, pray tell? Apparently, she is a dishonest, crooked, warmongering, capital e Establishment stooge. Well, it turns out, the guy seen as the literal opposite of that ran against her. And lost. Perhaps, your honest opinion is wrong
And? It’s a victory for me. Besides, a qualified, competent, experienced woman defeating the prototypic nadir of patriarchal entitlement to be the first lady sworn in… Seems like a feminist victory to me
We should give everyone else extra votes instead. White dudes (women seem to be turning around. Let’s give em a chance) can still vote. But now they’ll know how it feels to be legally given a voice but for it to be screamed over by everyone else. Also, white LGBT+ people can get 2 votes as well. Don’t make us regret this /s, but only on logistical grounds
Preach. It!
I’ll toast one in your ‘nym. 😉
But you don’t have time, of course…
Gert, we’re looking for CLINTON emails, not Podesta emails.
@Axe Bollox:
In part because of the DNC’s shenanigans:
The only other female candidate was Carly Fiorina, you donkey!
Take your pick.
Gert, those were released by the FBI. Wikileaks indexed and hosts them, but didn’t release them.
You don’t really understand the email thing at all, do you?
Sorry, I’m sure when you said “Zionist bonobos” you weren’t being racist at all. Or when you called Obama the biggest disappointment ever.
@Axe Bollox:
Appealing to the hive should work here, no doubt. You’ve been the organ grinder for years here (I suspect).
What does that even MEAN?
So, hacked emails from Clinton aides (still none from Clinton’s servers, by the way), show that when Clinton is speaking to wall street and big banks, Clinton is not always adversarial with them.
Which proves, what? That Hillary Clinton is a lawyer who’s figured out that you don’t get anywhere with people if when invited to speak with them, all you have to say is attacks and name-calling? Someone who understands the importance of trying to find common ground with people and work together?
Come to think of it, those are lessons that a great many US citizens failed to learn in grade school.
Hence, Trump.
I know those words, but that statement makes no sense.