Dunning–Kruger effect entitled babies hillary clinton persuasion scott adams trump twitter

#Hillbullies: MasterPersuader Scott Adams discovers hashtag of doom for Hillary C

The MasterPersuader, persuading
The MasterPersuader, persuading

Watch out, Hillary Clinton! Dilbert creator and self-described master persuader Scott Adams has discovered the Twitter hashtag that will spell your doom!


See, it’s “Hill” for “Hillary Clinton,” and “bullies” for “bullies,” and it sounds like “hillbillies” which is HILARIOUS, so therefore LANDSLIDE VICTORY FOR TRUMP.

Let’s back up a second here, in case you don’t fully grasp Mr. Adams’ PERSUASION MASTERY.

You see, Adams has been trying for some days now to reverse the perception that Trump and his followers are bullies — you know, just because Trump has repeatedly called for protesters at his rallies to be beaten up, and his followers have gone ahead and done that, you know, that sort of thing.

But as Adams sees it, it’s Hillary’s supporters who are the REAL bullies, because some of them have called him “silly” on Twitter.

No, really. This is his response to someone literally calling him “silly.”

And here he is taking on someone who jokingly referred to him as the creator of the Garfield comic strip.

And here he is responding to someone who called him a “douche.”

But there was something, well, lacking about his replies, persuasion-wise. “Clinton bullies” doesn’t have much of a ring to it. Even when it’s rendered as the hashtag #ClintonBullies.

Now Adams has turned his MasterPersuasion up to 11 with a devastating new hashtag. I am speaking, of course, of #Hillbullies.


Adams wasn’t the first to use the hashtag to go after Ms. Clinton; assorted tweeters have been using it sporadically for some time. But none of them had Adams’ reach, or his enthusiasm for the hashtag, which he’s pulled out again and again since his earthshattering discovery of it.

Apparently it has not occurred to Mr. Adams that calling someone a “Hillbully” isn’t technically an argument either.

But no matter. Adams’ fans think he’s a GENIUS.

Naturally, people have started making the memes.

I don’t know about you, but all this persuasion is making me dizzy.

(Note: I realize that I used the “fanbullies” in the headline of my last post. In my defense, I only used it twice. I hadn’t seen Adams’ tweets before using it, which must mean that I am as much of a MasterPersuader as he is for attaching “bullies” to another word.)

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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Scott Adams is trying so hard to be relevant. It would be cute if he weren’t a grotesque human being, but he is, so it looks more pathetic than anything.

All of his tweets might as well be LOOK AT ME #popularhastag over and over

8 years ago

It’s odd. Every time Scott Adams lets slip one of his whinges of war, it conjures both an image and sound in my head, namely that of a out of tune fog horn blatting loudly whilst a sewage drain ejects its payload into a fetid river.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Oh my god, this guy is hilarious.

I can’t wait to read his reactions after the election. It’s gonna be glorious.

8 years ago

How cute. Really that’s just adorably naive.

8 years ago

Dear Scott Adams: Your message is crap, and so are you. Also, you’re the bully. Now pull your head out and stop projecting your own faults onto your critics. The Power of Persuasion: Yu no haz it.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I keep thinking “hillbillies” instead of Hillary, tbh. Like, really mean rednecks or Biff on a tractor in overalls or something.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

He induced cognitive dissonance like Cernovich induced Clinton’s pneumonia…

8 years ago

Didn’t he endorse HRC?

8 years ago

I may be missing some nuances, being British, but aren’t the following things true?

– Hillbilly is a slur commonly used against working class white communities in the Eastern states of Anglo-Saxon (often Scottish and Irish – I know, A-S not the best label) origin.

– These are communities often cited as easy targets for Trump, not least the ones from traditionally mining communities who are concerned about HRC’s climate change agenda.

– Scott is seeking to support Trump by using a slur (albeit an oh-so-clever play on words) that paints HRC with an association to these communities.

Explain to me again how Scott thinks this helps anyone but HRC. Assuming anyone outside the alt-right echo chamber ever sees them.

8 years ago

Oh goodness, Scott Adams is a national treasure; may he never, ever stop saying ignorant shit in public.

In other news, a jury in Oregon has just found every single one of the Oregon Standoff terrorists not guilty. They’re going to be heading back out into the world celebrities of the Sovereign Citizens movement. So, yeah. Fuck that.

8 years ago

There is only one, consolation, the Bundy family and those 15 are still facing federal prosecution, facing charges of 20 to life. If then they all still are considered innocent, well I might as well call liberty dead and buried because white terrorism is apparently a legally sanctioned activity.

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

I tried to come up with something clever around Lady and the Trump, but it sounded too romantic. Which… ick.

Scott Adams continues to annoy me by misusing the term “cognitive dissonance”. He must be punished.

But not now. Now it’s raining, and I’m going to pull up a cat and crack open a book and forget about elections and idiots for a while.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Oh goodness, Scott Adams is a national treasure; may he never, ever stop saying ignorant shit in public.

I respectfully disagree. Chuck Tingle is a National Treasure. Scott Adams is just an ignorant shit.

About the Bundy Gang: I hope they get nailed in federal court. Fuck those domestic terrorists.

8 years ago

Notice that the bullying is about the messenger, not the message. As per usual.

Your message is even more reprehensible, Scott.

8 years ago

Well I’m an atheist living in Australia and even I am praying for November 10th (the date we will probably learn the outcome of the election in the antipodes.) At least then some of the smug will disappear from the Trumpette-sphere. (I’m a little worried about what will replace it.)

It’s finally something of a relief to live in this little, backwards, refugee-torturing, marriage-equality denying island, for a change. Never thought I’d say that, but at least the whole Pacific is between us and the US – seems safe enough ?

(Ps – also first time posting here – hi everyone! Long time reader, first time poster kind of thing)

8 years ago

Just to recap: at one point, Adams claimed that he had no particular fondness for any of the candidates. He was simply impressed with Trump’s supposedly masterful persuasion abilities. At this point, persuasion is cool and evidence of skill. Politics had nothing to do with any of it – or so he liked to say at the time.

Then, post Trump tapes, he began to claim that Clinton’s people (not Clinton herself, cause girls can’t hypnosis I guess) were the real master persuaders, and all this time he’s been trying to pull the wool down from America’s eyes. In this context, persuasion is wrong and bad and manipulative, and the ignorant everyday American must be saved from it by Certified Genius Scott Adams.

Now, he is the master persuader, since he’s discovered a hashtag. And now persuasion is a good thing again! Also, he’s using it to support his preferred candidate, who just so happens to be the same person whose persuasion skills he had been talking up for months. But he wasn’t being political then, no sir.

Also, that candidate isn’t even his preferred candidate, because he’s supporting Johnson now. And by “supporting Johnson,” of course I mean “disengenuously pretending to support Johnson in order to make some self-satisfied point about how people are making way too big a deal about Trump’s sexual assaults.”

8 years ago


Yeah, you’ve got it essentially right there. It would be a stretch to call it a slur, at least in the modern age, but it’s definitely an insult and the dynamic you describe is correct.

However, it probably won’t come across quite as badly as the base analysis paints it… It’s sort of a– hierarchical– insult? Virtually everyone who might be tarred with it doesn’t consider themselves its target, but THOSE yet-poorer, even-less-cosmopolitan hicks right over the next hill…

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

“Hillbullies” Yep, it’s hilarious all right but not for the reasons Scotty thinks it is. What’s the next, “#BigMeanPoopyHeads”?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Well, in order to critique your “message”, Mr. Adams, there are a few steps you must take:

1. You have to have a message.
2. You have to have a coherent message.
3. You have to have a coherent message that doesn’t change every time you make a new post to your blog or a new tweet.
4. ???
5. Profit! Discourse!

You see Mr. Adams? It’s really quite simple.

8 years ago


Hillbilly is a slur commonly used against working class white communities in the Eastern states of Anglo-Saxon (often Scottish and Irish – I know, A-S not the best label) origin.

Scots-Irish is the term. Poor Anglo-Saxons don’t get culturally shat on as much, nor do Germans. Poor Irish, Poles, and other white Catholics get shat on more, Asians more than that, Hispanics more than them (especially if they’re poor ), and Black and Native folks get shat on the most. There’s a brief primer on US castes.

8 years ago

(waves hello to Lucrece)

Howdy! Pull up a hard chair, light your scented fucking candle from the Welcome Package (on the right-hand sidebar), and a beverage of your choice. Also, make sure you have plenty of popcorn on hand for this one; it beats eating one’s fingernails, what with Drumpf’s Electoral Adventure being about to come to its ignominious end.

And welcome!

8 years ago

What is it with alt-righters and their ilk thinking their asinine little insults are devastating? The praise of “#Hillbullies” reminds me of the argument that “cuck” is somehow an enormous blow to the liberal psyche. It’s all very goofy.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Hi, Lucrece! Welcome!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Notice that the bullying is about the messenger, not the message. As per usual.

Ummmm…Isn’t “hillbullies” also about the messenger, not the message?

Re: the Oregon standoff jury nullification, that verdict was a disaster. The militias and “poll watchers” are now going to be emboldened, right before election day, because apparently it’s just fine and dandy to do whatever the hell you want in this country as long as you’re white and armed. Expect more armed takeovers of public lands, more violence, more ugliness. What a horrendous miscarriage of justice.

impatiens the hillbully
impatiens the hillbully
8 years ago

(Name is totally worth going back in the filter.)

So, are we world-dominating, all-powerful, all-knowing shrews, or are we ignorant schoolyard bullies with no teeth who drink too much moonshine? I can never keep track of what stereotype I’m supposed to live up too each day.

Besides, didn’t a lot of conservatives get very salty about Obama’s “clinging to guns and religion” quote from way back when?

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