alt-right antifeminism antifeminist women bullying comics cupcake douchebaggery empathy deficit entitled babies harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny twitter

Comics fanbullies refuse to believe comics fanbullies drove Mockingbird writer offline

Modified detail of cover art for Mockingbird #8

Yet another woman has been driven off Twitter by misogynistic fanboy bullies angry that she had invaded their putatively male turf. This time, the arena is comics, and the woman in question is writer Chelsea Cain, a bestselling novelist who brought her feminist sensibility to the Marvel comic book series Mockingbird, which recently came to an end after eight issues.

Cain deleted her account on Twitter yesterday, after a series of tweets aimed at the misogyny that’s still rife in the comics world.cain1



Cain’s resignation from Twitter prompted a flood of support, on Twitter and elsewhere, from fans and others troubled by misogyny online.

Her detractors responded by declaring that it was all a big hoax — that she’d made up the misogynistic harassment she claimed she’d gotten. And also that she sucked and feminism sucked and that it was a terrible thing that she and other feminists were ruining comics and that no, the harassment of her, which didn’t exist, had nothing to do with sexism, it was just because she sucked.

Gosh, what a shock to find Donald Trump fans mixed up in all of this.

EDIT: As several people have mentioned, Mockingbird Vol. 1: I Can Explain is currently the #1 seller in Marvel Comics & Graphic Novels on Amazon.

H/T — Thanks to everyone who brought my attention to this as well as to and Willamette Week for screencapping and posting the screenshots of Cain’s tweets.

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8 years ago

Woman comic book writer being harassed on Twitter…must be a day that ends in Y.

8 years ago


Southeast Asian Steampunk?
Ask, and ye shall receive.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


So free speech is ok, but free comic development is not ok. So selfawareness, and absolutely no double-standard. At all.
Maybe they think life will give them an achievment like a console, something like the “Whinning Achievment”, “Troll Achievement” or “Harassment Achievment”. From the bottom of her well, the frog is still complaining.

Have a nice day.

8 years ago

So, serious question, is there a handy list of every media property that may be worth a look because it caused tantrums in the manosphere somewhere?

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

Never had to block people until I started writing comics.

Says it all, really.

Comic book fans, and many geeks in general, will claim that they were bullied in high school and grapple with trauma from insults and verbal harassment they received. Which may very well be true. But now those same fans and geeks, usually men, are telling women and people of color that insults and harassment are just words; toughen up.

Her detractors responded by declaring that it was all a big hoax — that she’d made up the misogynistic harassment she claimed she’d gotten.

Well, thank goodness they made sure to actually dump misogynistic harassment on her to retroactively prove her right. Good Samaritans doing good work is what they are. /s

Also, FUCK that asshole who dares claim that “this has nothing to do with sexism, she’s just a bad writer”. Holy fuck do I wish that I had some handy chart showing “number of times women are accused of being bad writers” vs “number of times men are accused of being bad writers”.

It’s almost as if when a woman isn’t working within a box of behaviors acceptable to a specific audience, she’s torn down and all manner of harassment and threats are justified.

Which is a phenomenon that is in no way anything like the treatment of women who aren’t perceived of as sufficiently liberal. Nope. Not at all.

Matt C
Matt C
8 years ago

So, serious question, is there a handy list of every media property that may be worth a look because it caused tantrums in the manosphere somewhere?

That’s a pretty cool idea. Easiest thing would be to just create one here:

8 years ago

For all you guys wondering about Black Steampunk, its called SteamFunk (and a bunch of other names) and there are many different kinds, with anthology series, short films and cosplay. Its beautiful:

AFROPUNK – … the other Black experience

And visit the website Chronicles of Harriet, which deals with all things Steampunk, SteamFunk, Afro Punk, Afro-Future Punk, etc. in the Black community. It even has cosplay and costume segments for the Black cosplayer. They’re gorgeous!

8 years ago

As for Asian Steampunk theres:

Shanghai Steam anthology
Steampunk World anthology
The Far West anthology (its also an RPG)
Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff

And I am currently reading Toru :Wayfarer Returns by Stephanie Sorenson

The RPG:
Steamscapes Asia

8 years ago

“Obvious feminist trash writing”
*current #1 best seller in all of Marvel’s material*

8 years ago


I love video games, and I love the idea of this Zoe Quinn/Chuck Tingle collaboration. My concern though is that things that are made with the purpose of being so-bad-it’s-good tend to just be bad.

I intend to pledge as a Spaghetti Sweetie, and recommend the same to others, because “spaghetti” is tied to a bunch of memes on 4chan and I expect a significant number of awful people will feel upset about “their” jokes being appropriated.

8 years ago

@Tragedy of the Commas

1st: AWESOME username. I’m 1,000,000% jeally. Respect!

2nd: Your article link from the is FANTASTIC. This quote, in particular, is well worth sharing:

White nationalist David Duke high-fiving Assange on Twitter is a sign that it’s long, long overdue for progressives to consider the source of the material leading them to think certain feminist and black journalists are traitors to all that is right and good.

This is the first I’ve heard about this. Am I living under a rock inadvertently, or is this not something that has been reported sufficiently? To me, if someone hobnobs with a prominent white nationalist and former grand dragon of the Klan, this immediately calls everything about that person into question. I suppose that may be the fallacy of the poisoned well, but racism is SUCH a noxious, ubiquitous, and pernicious toxin that frankly I’d like to be a few counties away from the well at this point.

Really quality share! Thank you for enlightening me today 🙂

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


its called SteamFunk

Right on, sista!
*digs thru links*

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ axe

There was something I wanted to run past you, but I’m not sure if it’s a bit weird. But as we’re speaking about comics. For various reasons I’ve been on a bit of a nostalgia trip in regards to some Brit comics of my youth. You’ve mentioned you’re a fan of The Wall so there’s one character I thought you might be interested in. She was the first black woman main character with her own strip over here. The backstory behind how she was created is, I think, quite interesting in itself. But I’d be interested in your take on her. Please tell me to stick if I’m being out of order, but if you wouldn’t mind having a look let me know. Cheers.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Ominous af, but whatever. Go for it, bruh

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ axe

Here we go, meet Ms Ebony Jones.

First perhaps a little background as to how she came about. Back in the 70s IPC publishing brought out a comic called ‘Action’. It was phenomenally popular. Unfortunately it got banned and was effectively relaunched as ‘2000AD’ (the theory being that they could get away with the themes if they presented them in a sci-fi/fantasy context). IPC’s main rival DC Thompson created a comic called ‘The Crunch’ to compete with Action/2000AD. IPC then created a distaff version of 2000AD called Misty. So again DC Thompson set out to create their own version. The rule was ‘no ponies, no ballerinas’. Unfortuately the project was abandoned. However Ebony was one of the stritps they’d created and they though she was too good to waste so they published the stories in The Crunch.

As to Ebony herself, she’s the daughter of an ex British army officer and works for the special missions section of MI6. Apart from her name and her ‘She’s black, beautiful and deadly’ tagline, her ethnicity didn’t appear to be a major feature of the stores themselves; although she wasn’t a fan of racists. Anyway, I can dig a bit more stuff up if you’re interested.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Dalillama, of course the Girl Genius would be first to bat with exactly the steampunk I was looking for. Thank you 😉

Gotta say though, Steamfunk? My god that sounds awesome. Reading that article I can understand the issue – Steampunk generally has this Victoriana bent to it that hauls a lot of colonial and imperial visions which clash with a lot of, well. With a lot of humanity. Still, I’m super pleased that it’s being chewed up and digested by other cultures, making it into something new and unique.

(I’d really, really like to see some alternate history fiction where the Kingdom of Mali/Songhai was able to fend off the colonial powers, and where Ethiopia managed to fend off the Italians and reclaim old Abyssinia. That would make a great story, I think. That’s just me though!)

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

The video game Guns of Icarus was made by a team of British people of Asian ethnicity, IIRC. Given that it’s a game about steam-powered airship combat in which you can dress up your characters in waistcoats, corsets and goggles, I defy anyone to say that it’s not steampunk.

The band Sunday Driver do a fusion of steampunk folk-rock music with traditional Indian music, based around steampunk themes and played whilst wearing goggles, so I would argue that they count too.

(They’re completely awesome, by the way. Just saying.)

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Guns of Icarus


pew pew pew!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Ms Ebony Jones

Ha! Perfect

a distaff version of 2000AD called Misty
Left: Marvel’s Misty Knight. NYPD detective turned private detective with a super fantastic, golden robot arm. The fro is righteous
Right: Simone Missick. Portrayed Misty in Netflix’s Luke Cage, a comic in which Misty was regularly featured. Great casting

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ axe

Great casting

Indeed. Although forgive me if I recycle an old joke.

Agent: “Congratulations Simone! I’ve got you the part of Misty. It’s a three year contract, you get star billing and you’re on $100,000 an episode. You start on Tuesday.”

Simone: “For that money I’ll start on Monday!”

Agent: “You can’t; Monday’s when they’re taking your arm off”

(I’ll get my coat)

8 years ago

I wish the TV Misty Knight had a golden arm and a fro

8 years ago

Mercorgies?! *dies*

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I wish the TV Misty Knight had a golden arm and a fro

I’m sayin! I waited 13 episodes for that arm, and they dare to deny me!? The fro woulda been sweet too, but her poofy curls are cool too
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Apparently, she was explicitly told not to straighten her hair 🙂

8 years ago


I’m sayin! I waited 13 episodes for that arm, and they dare to deny me!?

I know!!! I was so excited when they teased it; when it didn’t actually happen I was so disappointed. Much muttering at my computer transpired after that.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

It better happen in the Defenders show. And a Misty/Colleen team up too. The debt must be repaid, Marvel!
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