alt-right antifeminism antifeminist women bullying comics cupcake douchebaggery empathy deficit entitled babies harassment men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny twitter

Comics fanbullies refuse to believe comics fanbullies drove Mockingbird writer offline

Modified detail of cover art for Mockingbird #8

Yet another woman has been driven off Twitter by misogynistic fanboy bullies angry that she had invaded their putatively male turf. This time, the arena is comics, and the woman in question is writer Chelsea Cain, a bestselling novelist who brought her feminist sensibility to the Marvel comic book series Mockingbird, which recently came to an end after eight issues.

Cain deleted her account on Twitter yesterday, after a series of tweets aimed at the misogyny that’s still rife in the comics world.cain1



Cain’s resignation from Twitter prompted a flood of support, on Twitter and elsewhere, from fans and others troubled by misogyny online.

Her detractors responded by declaring that it was all a big hoax — that she’d made up the misogynistic harassment she claimed she’d gotten. And also that she sucked and feminism sucked and that it was a terrible thing that she and other feminists were ruining comics and that no, the harassment of her, which didn’t exist, had nothing to do with sexism, it was just because she sucked.

Gosh, what a shock to find Donald Trump fans mixed up in all of this.

EDIT: As several people have mentioned, Mockingbird Vol. 1: I Can Explain is currently the #1 seller in Marvel Comics & Graphic Novels on Amazon.

H/T — Thanks to everyone who brought my attention to this as well as to and Willamette Week for screencapping and posting the screenshots of Cain’s tweets.

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Some Guy
Some Guy
8 years ago

Fuck all of them

But especially fuck Musou Tensei for spewing this nonsense with a Nitori Kawashiro avatar. I’m not entirely sure why, but there’s nothing quite as depressing as seeing Touhou characters get dragged into anti-feminist alt-right bullshit.

Weird (and tired of manboys) Eddie
Weird (and tired of manboys) Eddie
8 years ago

“The Rules” (according to the manosphere):

Rule #1: If it’s wrong, we’re not doing it.
Rule #2: If we’re doing it, it’s not wrong.
Rule #3: If we’re doing it and it is wrong, it’s someone else’s fault.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Polynesian/southeast asian steampunk for me pls. Steam powered airships plying the Indian Ocean, struggling to fight off the English South Seas company for dominance in the spice trade? Sign me up.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


You forgot the “The” in front of The Incredibles. Nitpicky, yes, but I do like my titles named to be accurate.


Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Speaking of sexism and writing. Thing is, I kinda wanna read some of those…

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Crooked Nasty Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

If y’all will excuse me, I have some comics to read ?

8 years ago

But ‘females’ are the emotional and irrational ones.. K..
:sigh: I’m sooo tired of mangry fake nerd boys desperately seeking attention by harassing and making terrible memes of women and girls and invading our spaces. What a bunch of entitled special snowflake princes they all are. ?

8 years ago

Admittedly, I’m not involved in the comic book world at all, but they sure make it seem like a rotten, backwards community. (I’m sure they’re just bad apples) It reminds me of Brontë who felt compelled to use a male pseudonym to get her book taken seriously, is that the Victorian level of sexism that these guys reside at? What a paradox, something that should be full of creativity and original ideas is actually full of strawmen- and windmill-fighting human anachronisms, typing away on a computer while showing their severely outdated attitude. (yet sadly, still too common)

I don’t think any of them would be capable of writing anything good, they lack the humor, creativity and self-awareness.

8 years ago

God, this is the kind of news that makes me super sad. 🙁

Also, FUCK that asshole who dares claim that “this has nothing to do with sexism, she’s just a bad writer”. Holy fuck do I wish that I had some handy chart showing “number of times women are accused of being bad writers” vs “number of times men are accused of being bad writers”.

The ratio between those two numbers is so bad it doesn’t even exist (since you can’t divide by zero).

Futhermore, this criticism typically confuses quality for ideology. I despise Kite Runner for it’s morale and characters, that doesn’t make the author a bad writer. I went ahead and took a look at “Captain_Hat” to see exactly what kind of criticisms he has about her writing (because nothing pisses me off more than someone who says something sucks but fails to explain why).

The first few pages like the ones I showed really turned me off from the comic and it didn’t feel like #Mockingbird’s POV.

What a thorough analysis.

It felt like this was Chelsea Cain using the character of #Mockingbird as a platform to clumsily spout feminist ideology.

Right cause that’s neeeeeeever happened before. I mean fuck, it’s not like someone made a male superhero as some sort of power fantasy. PPPPPFFFFT.

I can’t see #Mockingbird talking in such a ridiculously aggressive manner about how you don’t need to be a MAN to be a hero.


Allow this douchecannoe to mansplain how you should write a female character. After all, if he can’t see Mockingbird being a feminist then clearly the author is a bad writer!

“Because it turns out you don’t need a Y-Chromosome to be a superhero…you just need balls.” That is terribly cringeworthy.

Its very pointless b/c there have been badass strong female superheroes for decades so why is this so ridiculously aggressive?

Ah yes. Chelsea is a bad writer because she made a female character who is aggressive (where aggressive = ‘speaks her own mind’). WOW. I’m done. Undyne can take it from here.

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

Holy crap, her Sheridan/Lowell novels are excellent!!

What is so wrong with people that they have to do this?? I am so tired of these people. Just so weary.

8 years ago

I’m not much of a comic book/graphic novel person, I hadn’t heard of this author until last night when I came across this on Twitter, but these do look awesome. Got them on my Amazon wish list now. It’s funny how many great new authors I’ve come across the last few years because of the manosphere’s antics.

8 years ago

I never read any of Chelsea Cain”s fiction, but the fact a bunch of entitled sexist brats threw a tantrum instead of reading something else is damned obnoxious.

I bet these same people cower when they see their school bully in the halls, but they feel so big and badass hiding behind a PC screen and harassing some writer just because she’s a feminist.

Perhaps she left Twitter NOT because she “couldn’t handle their tantrums”, but because these entitled snot noses are wasting her time.

8 years ago

OT: God fucking bullshit motherfucking white privileged

What the fuck? White terrorism and treason is allowed. Fuck you jury, just fuck you.

At least I can look forward to Nevada’s federal court. Because if they away with this there too, you might as well say “white means you’re above the law and can do no wrong”

8 years ago


What is so wrong with people that they have to do this??

Same thing that’s wrong with sexists in general and MRAs in particular: They see a woman doing a job that could have gone to a man, so they assume she got in only as a token, due to “feminism”, and that she “took a man’s job away from him”, and is using her hard-won clout in a very narrow industry (which has been made even narrower by a long-standing tradition of sexism, racism, etc.) to push propaganda, which in turn will result in more men losing ground to more women. The fact that she got hired on her own merits doesn’t matter doodley-squat to them. Neither does the fact that her mold-breaking characters could be more interesting than those an orthodox heterosexist male might have concocted. Or the fact that more women in the industry could expand its reach and make it less of a niche market, since half the human race is an awfully broad (pun intended) sector of society to sell more stuff to! No, she’s just a “bad writer” because TITZ ‘N’ OVARIEZ, lulz.

8 years ago

I got into it with some twitter anon over this. Why is it that red-pill babymen always use insults on me that don’t mean anything to me but are probably a big deal to each other? Like, call me a “nu-male” all you want, I honestly don’t even know what that is. I know what “cuck” is supposed to mean, but it doesn’t cut particularly close to the bone. “Faggot” seems pretty counter to the “cuck” thing, but implying I’m gay isn’t really much of an insult at all.

It’s just hilariously ineffective: like telling an atheist they are going to hell.

Anyway, if they got that worked up over a post from me, I can’t even imagine what Chelsea Cain got sent her way.

Andy E. Nystrom
8 years ago

I haven’t yet read any Mockingbird (oblivious to the controversy I tried seeking some out at a recent sale but they were sold out except for the pre-Cain SHIELD 50th Anniversary issue) but I am nevertheless dismayed that this is happening.

The comic industry sales are in the toilet, which results in less known quantities being replaced by additional titles feature a better known character. The comic industry needs to be expanding in every way possible to attract new readers. That means new characters, a reduced dominance of superhero comics (and I say that fully aware that I mostly read superhero comics), and, yes, new creators with fresh perspectives, both in and out of superhero comics.

I think the basic rules that apply to male writers should apply to female writers (or artists, etc): constructive comments are fine, but don’t harass the creator or put venom in the comments. If you think something is poorly written, quote specific passages that prove your point. It’s a bit trickier with Twitter because character limits are l;ow but that’s what links are for.

One theory I have: there’s that saying about living long enough to become your enemy. Comic readers were disenfranchised for quite sometime. Now people are starting to take our hobby with respect. That’s creating change, which most people fear to varying degrees. And no, not all change is automatically going to be good, but I think we’re seeing to a large degree a reaction to change without giving the material a fair shake. Given time I think most people adjust, but hopefully we won’t lose too many women, etc creators while this happens. Because I honestly believe there’s room enough in the pond for traditional and newer readers alike.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Well, fuck.

Today has just been a shit news day. I learned there a pipeline that fucking burst and contaminated an already fragile river system which supplied 6 million people with water that’s owned by the same fuckers doing DAPL so, like,

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Just…enough, please, for today at least. Uncle.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Ooglyboggles, o_o what the eff.

Acquitted? What the fuck?

Note that the Seattle Times pointed out that there was “drama in the jury,” with one of the jurors being removed for bias.

Note that almost every single quote is from a defense attorney or defendant.

Note that the article focuses on the screams of one of the defendants being tazed in the courtroom instead of the fact that a defendant was so unruly and riotous in the courtroom that he had to be tackled and tazed.

Note the focus on the cheers and whoops and waving American flags from the people outside when the verdict was announced.

Fuck those people. Sweet Allfather, it’s time for alcohol.

8 years ago

I hope the MCU won’t fall as fast or as hard.


PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago


Yeah, I get that…intellectual me kind of understands this, but incredulous me is like “wtf, guys?? Grow the fuck up!! Her vag didn’t write this!”

And I am really speaking of only her novels, because I don’t know the comic world very well, (although I may buy these because they sound interesting af) but one would think that just her awful Gretchen Lowell character would be seen as showing the world that well-written serial killers are not soley men, unless they want to lay claim that the bestus, most tremendous evil killers must be male…

It boggles.

(I enjoy News Of The Restless, btw. You write exactly how I think, if that makes sense.)

History Nerd
History Nerd
8 years ago

If I recall correctly, harassing someone and then demanding proof of harassment goes way back as a tactic on 4chan. It’s using social psychology to make people distrustful of harassment victims and it sets a social norm that you shouldn’t even talk about someone’s bad behavior unless you have “proof.” Harassers want talking about the behavior when you don’t have “proof” to be seen as cowardly.

8 years ago

In semi-but-not-really related news, did everyone know Chuck Tingle has a kickstarter for a video game?

Involved are Zoe Quinn, Seth Boyer of Welcome to Nightvale, and Jim Fucking Sterling Son.

I for one am beside myself with excitement for Project Tingler [True Name Concealed Until Release to Protect From Dark Magics]
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Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Jim Fucking Sterling Son is in Project Tingler?

(Apparently he’s now Jim Fucking “Wildcard” Sterling Son, too :3 )

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack


Well, my mood has suddenly improved dramatically. #ChocolateMilkCuties

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes

Jim Fucking “Wildcard” Sterling Son, Number One Boglin Boy.

The Boglin part is very important.

8 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes
According to the latest podquisition, yes! Which is where I heard about the project in the first place. :3

@Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack
The Boglin part is always very important.