They’re on to me! A post on the Men’s Rights subreddit asks the question: “Is Google Manipulating Search Output Again? I can’t believe that certain people are that prominent.”
The “certain people” in question? Me. I’m the certain people!
Apparently convinced that I am way too insignificant to show up in Google search results, Redditor Imnotmrabut naturally concludes that SUPER SEEKRIT SJW SKULLDUGGERY is afoot. I mean, it’s not like my blog is, you know, fairly widely read, or that the particular post in the screenshot got more attention than most. IT MUST BE A PLOT. There are probably Jews involved.
To their credit, several of the commenters in the Men’s Rights subreddit thread do in fact raise the possibility that maybe, just maybe, my post was high up in the search results because, you know, people were reading and linking to it. But others aren’t convinced:
It’s all a plot I tells ya!
Imnotmrabut isn’t the only MRA I’ve seen who thinks that some EVIL SJW CONSPIRACY is trying to keep people from learning about The Red Pill.
In a discussion about the film on IMDb earlier this month, one commenter wondered why they had had some trouble finding the film’s official page on IMDb. Another commenter suggested that IMDb had been SEEKRETLY WARNED not to publicize the film.
“It’s part of a systemic suppression by the mass media to silence dissent against the politically correct regime,” a budding conspiracy theorist called mystikan charged.
What we are seeing across the board these days is an exact reprise of the Bolshevik revolution that gave rise to the Soviet Union. So it wouldn’t surprise me if IMDb had been “quietly spoken to” as regards publicising this movie.
If you Google the name, you’ll find quite a few mainstream media reports on it – every single one poisonously dismissive of it. There are no positive reviews anywhere except in the usual MRA/MGTOW-friendly publications.
The sad thing is, these Stalinist scum will probably destroy Cassie Jaye’s career over this.
In another comment about the film on IMDb, mystikan warned evil feminist Bolsheviks that they can’t suppress the TRUTH forever:
You feminist suckups can scream and cry all you like, your time is up. The truth is out and it’s only going to get louder and harder to bury from here. You wanted a gender war, you’ve bloody well got one.
Needless to say, mystikan also has many opinions about the recent lady-filled Ghostbusters reboot, and the ladies who try to convince their boyfriends to see it.
“If you are hooked up with a chick who wants to drag you along to see this,” he wrote,
that’s your cue to ditch that bitch and run for the hills, before she slaps a false rape/DV accusation on you or turns you into a pussywhipped little cuck.
You’ve been warned!
tl:dr: I run Google, something something Trump Stalin Ghostbusters cuck
…Now I can’t stop thinking of 80’s Stan with teased hair, eye shadow and zebra stripe pants.
I mean, he already had a mullet, and he grew up in the 70’s, so there’s a 97% he’s a David Bowie fan anyway.
weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo:
I dunno, I liked Woody. He had his wide eyed adoration of Paul Elam. It was kinda adorable. I always pictured him typing his posts in a room covered in Elam posters and a shrine in the corner.
Shut up, Woody!
Who is advocating? What are they advocating against? Details please.
See, we actually did have a discussion about this a few threads back, because another user tried to co-opt the “toxic” adjective, but failed to actually tell us what kind of femininity is Toxic Femininity, and we actually sat down and discussed it a bit.
We discussed it as the idea that women will do anything to appear traditionally feminine, mostly to their own detriment, but this can extend to others.
For example: a woman will defer to her husband on all things, which could put her in danger if he’s violent, or their children in danger if he makes poor, or selfish decisions. But she still obeys him, because that’s what she believes she should do as a woman. This makes her brand of femininity toxic not just to herself, but it could also extend to her hypothetical children.
However, I would invite you to please do explain to us what your definition of Toxic Femininity is, and why you think it’s bad. And I mean this in all seriousness. I would love to get into another discussion about it, because I believe it does exist in some form or another, and it would greatly benefit feminism to maybe talk about it and figure it out.
Nah, bruh. I’ve told this story before, but I actually wrenched mine back after being assaulted as a child. After I was finally out from under the man who sexually abused me, I rebuked anything feminine out of fear of being targeted again. I wore boys’ clothes, I cut my hair short, etc.
It took some doing, but when I finally felt safe to be feminine again years later, it was great because I finally felt safe doing feminine things. I grew my hair out, I wear skirts, I do my nails weekly, it’s awesome. And honestly, that’s not threatened by anyone, so I fail to see how that makes my femininity “fragile”. It’s not threatened by outside forces anymore, and I dare say that makes it much stronger.
Though, I would ask one question: How do you think our femininity is “fragile”? Or are you just making an attempt at co-opting feminist language in a very sorry attempt at a “gotcha”? Because it’s not working.
I can tell you how some masculinity is fragile: It’s threatened by the slightest bit of anything not-masculine, which is literally everything that isn’t defined as “masculine” (gunmetal grey, matte black, grenade or gun shaped, has “bro” or “man” as a pun in the name of the item, etc).
Masculinity defines itself as a box, and says everything outside of this theoretical box is Not Masculine, and never the two shall meet, otherwise a “man card” is revoked, or a person’s masculinity comes into question.
Take this Summer’s Eve commercial for example.
This guy was so scared because he used a women’s body wash, that he did tons of traditionally masculine things to “earn his man card back”, like mow the lawn, forge metal, etc.
That is how fragile masculinity is. It can be threatened by women’s body wash.
But, again, feel free to add to the discussion. I’d love to hear your takes on “toxic femininity” and “fragile femininity” and I’d love to get some feedback on my own thoughts.
After Paradoxical Intention’s great post, this calls for placing bets on whether a) Anti-SJW will not respond at all, b)will respond without contributing anything of value (Value to be decided by general consensus), c) will respond intelligently and compellingly, changing the minds of some of the people who will realize that our femininity really is fragile and toxic, or d) will respond intelligently, but ultimately realizing the error of their ways.
So, I’ll provide a Paypal account for you all to send your money! Oh and you can totally come up with other betting options, like e) this is a scam and I will keep all your money you silly es jay double yous!
(some swears in there :o)
Glam Stan cares not for you fragile masculinity because he looks great in glitter.
(Sorry, Alex Hirsch. Blame Bina.)
@Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Abe Lincoln smacking the orange off of the racist leather bag was the best part.
Trump is so awful and lacking in substance and qualifications, and I feel like that was captured in that rap.
Ha, “Coincidence ? I think not…” at its best…
And it is always better to be a certain person that an uncertain person. That is part of “being alpha”, MRA should be happy with that.
(Assertivity has nothing to do with manliness, but shhhh, their dogma and pride shall not be scraped…)
Have a nice day.
Hey, I just got back from the reality where “The Red Pill” is a huge hit. It seems that Melania Trump’s campaign is going down in flames, and Bill Clinton’s set to be elected the first male president of the Fifty-One States.
Dear Anti-SJW
A bit of advice – going against warriors can have many poor outcomes for the antagonist.
Oh, and being the reverse of a warrior probably means you are nothing more than a child sniveling under your bedclothes because the bogeymen/women are coming to get you … to which I can only respond “BOO!!!”
I rate Glam Stan 12 out of 10
(Did you make that?)
@Dan Kasteray
I once read Mark Millar’s The Unfunnies, I thought at the time it was a garbage edgy-on-purpose comic but with what we’ve seen with Scott Adams I think its plot was a prophecy.
Scott is now currently living in Dilbert’s world to escape culpability in the real world while the pointy haired boss lives out his life in our world, it’s a conspiracy I tells ya!
Today I’m at a conference that I’ve spent the last two month organising. We’re bringing a lot of people together to discuss their research, and are intentionally aiming it at lower-level people in order to get participation from those doing the work rather than those supervising them.
We fought over the keynote panel. Some of the organisers wanted to invite people based on their importance and charisma, aware that big names sell tickets and attract sponsors. Others of us wanted female participation. It got difficult, because nobody wanted to get so acrimonious as to make the rest of the organisation impossible. In the end, we got one woman. She thoroughly deserved to be there, and her credentials were impeccable, but she still looked pretty lonely.
This morning, she called to cancel due to last-minute family issues. Our keynote panel ended up being five men. Each of them also thoroughly deserved to be there, but still it didn’t exactly fill me with confidence.
In the end, though, it’s turning out great. Almost half the attendees (and about 40% of presenters) are female. We have corridors full of ambitious young women talking about excitedly about arcane mathematical and scientific esoterica. We have badass women standing in positions of authority, presenting about their research. We have older women speaking in a mentorish fashion to younger women. This is amazing.
To be clear: this hasn’t been organised explicitly as a female thing. This is just what my field looks like now, at the lower level. I really, really hope that as this generation of women become older and their careers advance, they remain in the field. I want this to be the future.
Gender goggles off. Race goggles on.
Fuckin’ near on everyone (like 90% of people) were white. It was even more pronounced among women: I saw one woman of colour, and she was a total badass* but she’s a generation older than most of those attending. Apart from her all the people of colour were male. Most of them were Asian, either South Asian or East Asian. I think I saw two black people, both male.
We still have so, so much work to do.
* Dr Yasmin Ahmed. She was speaking at a session about data architecture.
Cheers reference?
Site in-joke. As every other in-joke on this site it has to do with a troll. :3
C’mon, Dave, we all know you are The Grand Google Master. You may as well come clean.
@ EJ
I spent some time with my 8th grade granddaughter who is really beginning to get her geek on. She got straight A’s on her last report card, including the advanced math and physics she had been struggling with. She’s applied for a summer program learning coding. Oh, did I mention she’s black? (multi-racial would be more exact).
While we were driving, she was collecting songs on yoo-toob for the quadratic formula (to the tune of “When I’m Gone”???)
I’m doing my happy dance!!!
“sometimes when i’m alone i use comic sans”
That was the cutest thing ever with your gravatar! 🙂
@Weird (and tired of Trumplings) Eddie, oh god the quadratic formula
There is a deep and restless beauty in that construction which is so poorly taught. Factorization is an incredible process, and I’m ever so happy that she’s taking to it! The formula itself is the hardened crystal of a gorgeous calculus process. I hope she continues to travel in that direction. It’s really somethin’ else.
WHTM reference. Woody’s a troll who thinks Paul Elam can do no wrong, even when massive heaps of evidence of Elam’s wrongdoing have been produced in the OP directly above his head. His reading comprehension could use some work. He’s been put on mute until he can stop that.
Manospherians tend to be like a kid screaming at the triage nurse for taking care of this one girl who has a head injury before they take care of his brother with a broken leg.
The kid wouldn’t be helping anyone…not even his injured brother, he’d just be acting like a loud obnoxious little jerk.
Speaking of WHTM references, is it okay to ask who is Katie? Like, I’ve seen her being praised blessed here and I’m always so confused. Is she some sort of blog specific deity of Mammotheers or…?