antifeminism cassie jaye cuck entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men paranoia post contains sarcasm red pill reddit trump

Uh oh! MRAs have discovered that I SECRETLY RUN GOOGLE

Heh heh heh
Heh heh heh

They’re on to me! A post on the Men’s Rights subreddit asks the question: Is Google Manipulating Search Output Again? I can’t believe that certain people are that prominent.

The “certain people” in question? Me. I’m the certain people!

Apparently convinced that I am way too insignificant to show up in Google search results, Redditor Imnotmrabut naturally concludes that SUPER SEEKRIT SJW SKULLDUGGERY is afoot. I mean, it’s not like my blog is, you know, fairly widely read, or that the particular post in the screenshot got more attention than most. IT MUST BE A PLOT. There are probably Jews involved.

To their credit, several of the commenters in the Men’s Rights subreddit thread do in fact raise the possibility that maybe, just maybe, my post was high up in the search results because, you know, people were reading and linking to it. But others aren’t convinced:

cherrycheesecake 5 points 13 hours ago Google's search engine has capabilities to put certain people under "protective action". It's only logical for it to be able to be tweaked to have negative search results show up higher. Their excuse is "a balanced search result", which in reality is basically just: "If your political alignments don't match ours, tough shit for you!". The same thing has happening for the past year with the Hillary/Trump presidential shitshow of a race. Google prefers "positive" news regarding Hillary and "negative" news on Trump. This is one of the few times where Bing and Yahoo outdo themselves by lacking the extensive filtering capabilities that Google has and showing more or less unbiased results of the crap from both sides.

It’s all a plot I tells ya!

Imnotmrabut isn’t the only MRA I’ve seen who thinks that some EVIL SJW CONSPIRACY is trying to keep people from learning about The Red Pill.

In a discussion about the film on IMDb earlier this month, one commenter wondered why they had had some trouble finding the film’s official page on IMDb. Another commenter suggested that IMDb had been SEEKRETLY WARNED not to publicize the film.

“It’s part of a systemic suppression by the mass media to silence dissent against the politically correct regime,” a budding conspiracy theorist called mystikan charged.

What we are seeing across the board these days is an exact reprise of the Bolshevik revolution that gave rise to the Soviet Union. So it wouldn’t surprise me if IMDb had been “quietly spoken to” as regards publicising this movie.

If you Google the name, you’ll find quite a few mainstream media reports on it – every single one poisonously dismissive of it. There are no positive reviews anywhere except in the usual MRA/MGTOW-friendly publications.

The sad thing is, these Stalinist scum will probably destroy Cassie Jaye’s career over this.


In another comment about the film on IMDb, mystikan warned evil feminist Bolsheviks that they can’t suppress the TRUTH forever:

You feminist suckups can scream and cry all you like, your time is up. The truth is out and it’s only going to get louder and harder to bury from here. You wanted a gender war, you’ve bloody well got one.

Needless to say, mystikan also has many opinions about the recent lady-filled Ghostbusters reboot, and the ladies who try to convince their boyfriends to see it.

“If you are hooked up with a chick who wants to drag you along to see this,” he wrote,

that’s your cue to ditch that bitch and run for the hills, before she slaps a false rape/DV accusation on you or turns you into a pussywhipped little cuck. 

You’ve been warned!

tl:dr: I run Google, something something Trump Stalin Ghostbusters cuck

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8 years ago

If your movement is so poisonous no one but your websites supports it, it might be time to rethink your hateful movement. I think men do have legitimate issues but not once have I seen these people do anything about them. They seem to think women should leave behind our significantly more urgent movement and concentrate on them.

8 years ago


Given that they troll every single thread in droves, with a number of them having been around for longer than and giving the site more posts and pageviews than even me…

… Insert that webcomic with the bike and the stick here.

I went looking for it, couldn’t find it (???) then got sidetracked by this, and in turn, by this. It seems kind of appropriate somehow.

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago


What I’m trying to say is that I think Scott Adams it he Pointy Haired boss who escaped into the 3D world, shaved and became a waste of oxygen in our dimension.

Weird (really wanting Trump gone) Eddie
Weird (really wanting Trump gone) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Tara

free chocolate and obscure folk music

don’t know how “obscure” either one is anymore, and sorry, any free chocolate I’m keepin’

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago
Lady Mondegreen
8 years ago

David, could you make Van Morrison come up first whenever someone types “great male singer songwriter”? I really like Van Morrison.


Nick G
Nick G
8 years ago

Also, “jewgle” — heh. I bet they really do believe the Elders of Zion run it. – Bina

Surely it would be the Youngers of Zion – the Elders will still be trying to work out what the cyber is, like Trumplethinskin.

8 years ago

It’s like you’re a living caricature of exactly what they advocate against. You’re Toxic femininity, you’re femininity is so fragile.

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
8 years ago

@Anti-SJW: Hm?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Anti-SJW, feel free to cite specifics if you have any. Or, you know, continue to wail into the wind!

Why do you link to a gun website?

8 years ago

Gì? Could you be more specific? Like compared to Craig and Susan your wordcount is not even worth mentioning.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Worst troll since Woody.

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
8 years ago

@WWTH: I know, right? This was the first troll I’ve caught, and he, she, it, or they are sorely underwhelming!

8 years ago

Dudes who throw a fit about fragile masculinity are kind of hilarious, since they almost always prove the point. “Hey, how dare you say I’m fragile! I’m not fragile, I’m a big strong manly man!”

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

It’s like you’re a living caricature of exactly what they advocate against. You’re Toxic femininity, you’re femininity is so fragile.

I don’t think you understand what toxic masculinity means nor what it means when people say someone’s masculinity is fragile. So, I mean, this is really pathetic, not that you really tried, it seems.

Maybe, like, come back when you learn how to insult people at the least.

comment image

That is all.

8 years ago

Right, but Google does use a type of filter system to specifically target things you are interested. If a democrat were to google “obamacare,” they would find some of the top hits are different than a republican’s results.

Whether or not this leads to a left leaning or right leaning search bias is still uncertain. I think that Google probably doesn’t have much of a political bias in-and-of itself, but it likes to cater to what people like.

Of course, a lot of this is conjecture and hearsay, but my theory is this: these people are often googling SJW sites to take the piss, so Google decides to show them SJW sites.

It’s a lot like Youtube. You watch one pony video, and suddenly 45% of your “recommended videos” are pony related.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

If I could Run Google I’d unfuck YouTube and run a bonbon mining ring.

Madam or otherwise, if you could unfuck Youtube, I would delve deeper than any man before, present you with a bonbon wrested from the fleshy grasp of Tsathoggua itself, and sing your praises before the last vestiges of sanity were finally driven from my mind.

…off-topic, weren’t they going to decouple it from Google+ one of these days? C’mon David, droppin’ the ball here, aren’t we?

Weird (and tired) Eddie
Weird (and tired) Eddie
8 years ago

@ David;

Moggie, can’t do. Google Phase Two involves blackmailing everyone on earth.

so… Google one is “Don’t Be Evil”…
and… Google two is… “Don’t Be Google”

8 years ago

It’s like you’re a living caricature of exactly what they advocate against. You’re Toxic femininity, you’re femininity is so fragile.

You don’t even understand what we mean by toxic and fragile masculinity. You don’t win arguments by saying “No, you are!!!” and sticking your tongue out at your opponent.

The phrase “toxic masculinity” describes aspects of the social construct of masculinity that are harmful to women, but primarily to men!

Masculinity is fragile because men are insecure in their masculinity. So insecure that they can’t form close relationships with other men in fear of “looking/being gay” or express any feelings other than anger and appreciation for sports. It puts distance between them and their family and friends, stops them from enjoying or doing things deemed “feminine”, and a lot of other things! It boxes them in. Every time a feminist talks about toxic masculinity, they show more concern for men and their happiness and freedom than I have ever seen an MRA express.

Please explain fragile femininity to me, Oh Great Manly Man.

Weird (and tired of Trumpling trolls) Eddie
Weird (and tired of Trumpling trolls) Eddie
8 years ago

you’re femininity is so fragile.

Good grief, fool, femininity is SUPPOSED to be “fragile”… get your bigotry right before you come around here harshing our mellow!!!

oh, and though it’s probably a reach based on only two sentences, I believe that IS “Craig”

or, perhaps it is the same text generator as “Craig” is

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

That is quite the Glam Stan

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

It almost sounds like Anti-SJW (and we Auntie SJW’s thank you very kindly for making the distinction) meant to come in at a different point in the conversation… only I can’t think where that statement would make sense. Possibly talking about Judgy Bitch, somehow?

8 years ago


you’re femininity is so fragile.

YOUR. Remember, understanding grammar is the difference between knowing your shit, and knowing you’re shit. (You, sir, are the latter.)

Also, mine isn’t fragile. Someone tried to run it over with a car once. It took a lickin’ and kept on tickin’!

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
8 years ago

Not all of us are female, Anti-SJW. I’m not.

tim gueguen
8 years ago

MRAs are like most conspiracy theorists. Other than a few exceptions they greatly overestimate how much influence and public visibility they have. Milo Yiannopoulos is probably the most famous of the MRA crowd, and that’s more for his alt-right fanboying and involvement with Breibart. The rest? Even Paul Elam is likely to generate a “Who?” from most people if you asked.