antifeminism cassie jaye cuck entitled babies evil SJWs grandiosity men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy oppressed men paranoia post contains sarcasm red pill reddit trump

Uh oh! MRAs have discovered that I SECRETLY RUN GOOGLE

Heh heh heh
Heh heh heh

They’re on to me! A post on the Men’s Rights subreddit asks the question: Is Google Manipulating Search Output Again? I can’t believe that certain people are that prominent.

The “certain people” in question? Me. I’m the certain people!

Apparently convinced that I am way too insignificant to show up in Google search results, Redditor Imnotmrabut naturally concludes that SUPER SEEKRIT SJW SKULLDUGGERY is afoot. I mean, it’s not like my blog is, you know, fairly widely read, or that the particular post in the screenshot got more attention than most. IT MUST BE A PLOT. There are probably Jews involved.

To their credit, several of the commenters in the Men’s Rights subreddit thread do in fact raise the possibility that maybe, just maybe, my post was high up in the search results because, you know, people were reading and linking to it. But others aren’t convinced:

cherrycheesecake 5 points 13 hours ago Google's search engine has capabilities to put certain people under "protective action". It's only logical for it to be able to be tweaked to have negative search results show up higher. Their excuse is "a balanced search result", which in reality is basically just: "If your political alignments don't match ours, tough shit for you!". The same thing has happening for the past year with the Hillary/Trump presidential shitshow of a race. Google prefers "positive" news regarding Hillary and "negative" news on Trump. This is one of the few times where Bing and Yahoo outdo themselves by lacking the extensive filtering capabilities that Google has and showing more or less unbiased results of the crap from both sides.

It’s all a plot I tells ya!

Imnotmrabut isn’t the only MRA I’ve seen who thinks that some EVIL SJW CONSPIRACY is trying to keep people from learning about The Red Pill.

In a discussion about the film on IMDb earlier this month, one commenter wondered why they had had some trouble finding the film’s official page on IMDb. Another commenter suggested that IMDb had been SEEKRETLY WARNED not to publicize the film.

“It’s part of a systemic suppression by the mass media to silence dissent against the politically correct regime,” a budding conspiracy theorist called mystikan charged.

What we are seeing across the board these days is an exact reprise of the Bolshevik revolution that gave rise to the Soviet Union. So it wouldn’t surprise me if IMDb had been “quietly spoken to” as regards publicising this movie.

If you Google the name, you’ll find quite a few mainstream media reports on it – every single one poisonously dismissive of it. There are no positive reviews anywhere except in the usual MRA/MGTOW-friendly publications.

The sad thing is, these Stalinist scum will probably destroy Cassie Jaye’s career over this.


In another comment about the film on IMDb, mystikan warned evil feminist Bolsheviks that they can’t suppress the TRUTH forever:

You feminist suckups can scream and cry all you like, your time is up. The truth is out and it’s only going to get louder and harder to bury from here. You wanted a gender war, you’ve bloody well got one.

Needless to say, mystikan also has many opinions about the recent lady-filled Ghostbusters reboot, and the ladies who try to convince their boyfriends to see it.

“If you are hooked up with a chick who wants to drag you along to see this,” he wrote,

that’s your cue to ditch that bitch and run for the hills, before she slaps a false rape/DV accusation on you or turns you into a pussywhipped little cuck. 

You’ve been warned!

tl:dr: I run Google, something something Trump Stalin Ghostbusters cuck

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Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago
Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

I am now hypnotized by kittens.

8 years ago

Congratulations, David, on being certain people!

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

1) David has the power to decide search engine rankings.
2) David’s own website is not #1 all the time.

3) David has something to hide! He doesn’t want the world seeing WHTM. What are you hiding, David?

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

Paul Beaulieu | October 26, 2016 at 10:50 am
Google is rigged
Reviewers are rigged
‘cos the media is rigged
Elections rigged too

Well, it’s like Samantha Bee said, these guys just hate riggers.

8 years ago


OMG! The box of kittens was cute enough but that second one! *melts*

8 years ago

The sad thing is, these Stalinist scum will probably destroy Cassie Jaye’s career over this.

Hate to bust yer bubble, Totally-MRA-no-buts-about-it, but…she’s not important enough to merit any such treatment. She was already relatively obscure BEFORE all this. And she can torpedo her own career without anyone else’s help, thanks.

The ironic thing is that she’s getting some undeserved free publicity now from somebody’s petition to ban her, which is not “Stalinist”, it’s just another use of free speech. You know, freedom to speak out against something you think is wrong???

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Given that they troll every single thread in droves, with a number of them having been around for longer than and giving the site more posts and pageviews than even me…

… Insert that webcomic with the bike and the stick here.

8 years ago

I do love that some of these MRAs seem to be indicating that they actually expected this documentary to go big-time and attract positive attention from mainstream reviewers. Talk about setting yourself up for disappointment.

It honestly wouldn’t have gathered much attention even if Jaye hadn’t ended up going pro-MRA with it. It’s a low-budget indie documentary on a group that many people don’t even know exists, who are mostly defined by their unpleasantness.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Jesalin I couldn’t resist the widdle feetsies. LOL!

8 years ago

That was snark, right? If so I apologize, I’m very literal minded most of the time, and was the most gullible person in school for years.

8 years ago

“…google prefers “positive” news regarding Hilary, and “negative” news on Trump…”

Oh, so that is it. Nothing to do – as I thought – with the fact that everything Trump touches turns into shit, at all.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

So, all search engines, including the Googles, track your searches so that they can give you results weighted on your past searches.

DuckDuckGo claims it doesn’t. I still use Google as my secondary search engine, but DDG is my default.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

The same thing has been happening for the past year with Hillary/Trump presidential shitshow of a race. Google prefers “positive” news regarding Hillary and “negative” news on Trump.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent
8 years ago


I remember the last time I checked my Facebook feed, which included posts from “friends” from my high school. It’s a Trumpfest. I saw a friend of the female persuasion shitting on Hillary.

There’s a reason I rarely use Facebook anymore.

8 years ago

@Dan Kasteray
Are you implying that Scott Adams is actually an escapee from Dilbert?

Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
8 years ago

David, since you control Google, could you at least target my ads better? I keep getting ones for “senior Russian dating,” and judging by the pictures, they must mean “senior” as in high school. Get me some ads for free chocolate and obscure folk music, please.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

The same thing has been happening for the past year with Hillary/Trump presidential shitshow of a race. Google prefers “positive” news regarding Hillary and “negative” news on Trump.

Weird how they transpose “Google” with “reality” like that.

8 years ago

If I ran google there would be a lot more funny, cat videos. Oh, wait a minute.

8 years ago

Has there ever been anything that could possibly have been described as “positive” news about trump? I’m reasonably certain that the absense of such material is more the fault of trump than of the jewgle politburo and its sinister overseer, comrade futrelle.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)


Has there ever been anything that could possibly have been described as “positive” news about trump?

“Disastrous Trump campaign causes downticket Republicans to lose votes”, perhaps?

8 years ago

I’m lost. Are they the Bolsheviks and FEMINISTS (it’s the style guide, you have to capitalize it) are the Tsarist oppressors who need to be overthrown?

Or are they the downtrodden proletariat suffering under Stalin’s bootheel.

It can’t be both.

donkey konkey
donkey konkey
8 years ago

single greatest tl;dr of all time.

8 years ago

@Pie: (heh, just had some myself; strawberry/rhubarb, yum!)

Has there ever been anything that could possibly have been described as “positive” news about trump?

Not coming from any reputable news outlet, no. But there are a plethora of wild-eyed right-wing crapaganda sites out there that have remarkably high Google rankings even so. And which remain attached remora-like to Drumpf’s sad ol’ schlong.

Also, “jewgle” — heh. I bet they really do believe the Elders of Zion run it.

* * *

On to pleasanter topics, i.e. kitties in the box — I’ll take the torbie in the upper right-hand corner, thanks; she’ll go nicely with the polydactyl longhair one I already have been adopted by. And the shy little ginger at the very bottom too, just because it looks like it could use some love and smurgles.