antifeminism entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises reddit sexy robot ladies

MGTOWs are already worrying that sexy lady sexbots will tear off their penises

Be careful, fellas! Those lady robots can turn on you in a second!
Be careful, fellas! Those lady robots can turn on you in a second!

Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the impending sexual singularity — that is, when sexbots become so sophisticated that they can replace real human ladies in the sexing department, thus rendering real human ladies pretty much obsolete, ha ha sucks to be you, ladies!

On the MGTOW subreddit, though, one fellow is warning his MGTOW colleagues about a potential downside to the future sexbot utopia — the possibility that your sexy sexbot might get mad at you and literally pull your penis off with her powerful robot hands.

Chittybanger 3 points 20 hours ago Oh man, I could imagine a future with sex robots where women are getting pissed off because their pussies are no longer placed on a pedestal. Over time men start to fade away from them and turn to sex robots. In order to get revenge some feminists extremist terrorists hire some blue pill hackers to upload a virus into the sex robot system that makes them attack their male owner. Imagine bob comes home from work and kicks off his boots. He opens his closet where his robots stasis tank is. He turns her on and lays back on the bed as he takes off his shorts. His sex robot kneels down and reaches for his dick but instead of giving him a nice handy J SHE GRABS HIS DICK WITH ALL HER FORCE, TWISTS AND RIPS IT CLEAN OFF! Scary shit lol

Hey, it could happen.

Stay safe, fellas!

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8 years ago

My only concern about sexbots existing at this point is some people (including me) have automatanophobia which is the fear of life like objects like automatrons, mannequins, wax statues, etc.

But I don’t mind creatures like Pokemon, digimon and characters from Ghibli studios existing in robot form.

And another concern is people will end up breaking them if they’re not durable.

8 years ago


I’m still on the first page of comments, so in case no-one’s recommended it yet, Tanith Lee’s The Silver Metal Lover addresses some of those themes/issues.

It also has something called (I think) mirror preference as a recognized sexual preference. That’s when a person prefers lovers who look like themselves; reverse mirror preference is when a person does stuff to look like their lover, like dyeing their hair and wearing identical clothes to them. Which should tell you something about how that society is set up….

Yes! I have that book. The term you’re thinking of is “mirror-biased”, or M-B for short. One of Jane’s friends is a gay guy named Clovis who’s like that, and who gets all messed-up when he finds himself falling for Jane’s robot/boyfriend, Silver, to the extent that he dyes his hair red and starts wearing silver makeup to match him. (‘nother messed-up detail: Silver actually develops a soul, and when he’s taken away and dismantled, he gets back to Jane via a Ouija board.)

“Making Mr. Right” is another (more lighthearted, rom-com) story in which a woman and a robot catch feelings for each other. I’d recommend it; it’s got John Malkovich in a dual role as Ulysses the sweet android, and Dr. Jeff Peters, his misanthropic maladjusted creator.

Also, there’s this song, which should totally mess with the Never-Gonna-Go-Aways:

…especially since it’s sung by a girl with short hair.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Is anyone else watching the HBO show Westworld? I can’t help seeing the robot characters as people even knowing they’re not. Maybe it’s because they’re played by human actors and there’s no uncanny valley effect to them. Still, if a robot was sophisticated enough to perceive itself as human, I just can’t think it would be ethical to mistreat them. I shudder to think what MGTOW would do if they were given the opportunity to go to that park.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Robot ethics is practically my fetish. Normative ethical philosophy, algorithms, cognitive science, and robotics, all together now!

8 years ago

The protagonist of Stross’ Saturn’s Children is a sexbot who’s not so much rebellious as obsolete: she was built to please gynephilic humans, but humans are extinct.

8 years ago

You know, I never really understood what exactly sexbots would do for these MGTOW types that existing technology doesn’t already do.

@ impatiens, they’re not actually fantasising about what sexbots could do for them. They’re fantasising about how sexbots will hurt women. The main point of the quoted post is that the existence of sexbots would demolish the power of women to withhold (hetero) sex from men, because they could just get a “wet hole” from a sexbot.

This “logic” does indeed overlook the existing options for the purchase of sexual pleasure (not to mention being heteronormative as hell). But MRAs can’t admit that alternatives to standard sex already exist, because that would flatten the “argument” that women control the world by threatening to withhold sex. For their fragile toxic masculinity psyches to keep operating, women have to be The All-Powerful Enemy who will be defeated…but at some point in the future.

If they have to admit you can already replace voluntary consensual sex by paying sex workers or buying sex toys…they’ve lost.

Robyn Blanpied
Robyn Blanpied
8 years ago

It’s always written from a male POV.
Men are a lot less important to women’s sex lives than they like to imagine.

8 years ago

I do wonder how much overlap there is between the “OMG I can’t wait for sexbots!” people and the “if women weren’t good for sex we’d kill them at birth” people.

8 years ago

Women’s biggest problem is they don’t understand their place beneath men. MGTOW put women in their place – most effectively. How? By declawing the cat. MGTOW simply don’t give women any legal or financial power over their lives – hence the brilliance of MGTOW. Is it any wonder women disparage MGTOW to such a great degree? If someone cut off your access to the ‘easy button’, would you not hate them as well?

See how simple that is? I just put you in your place…ladies…beneath me…a man. To real women – that felt good – didn’t it (rhetorical). It’s good for women and men to admit that men are above women. This overall understanding of social order is sometimes seemingly invisible to hyper gynocentrists. Hyper gynocentrism (feminism) is simply an advanced case of tradcon inspired gynocentrism. That’s the ‘modern problem’…this…this…’feminism’. Feminism is women begging to be put back in their place. Feminism is women in need of a good, hard spanking.

The best thing a man can possibly teach a woman is that her place is on the rung just beneath men’s. In this way, women can learn better to be subservient to men – so that women can continue to ride men’s coattails to the top. We men will make that ride as enjoyable or as miserable as you’d like. Choose carefully.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Women’s biggest problem is they don’t understand their place beneath men…

(I really love this gif.)

But, anyway, you went for the jugular to try to get a rise out of people here, didn’cha? What a bold move, cupcake. I’m sure you’ll totally be entertaining for about five minutes. A little bit refreshing to have an asshole wear their stupid and fuckiness on their sleeves rather than pretend what they’re doing make sense and twist shit like the troll in the other thread.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Women’s biggest problem is they don’t understand their place beneath men

Below, not beneath. Or maybe you do mean beneath. Whatever you’re into, buddy

I just put you in your place…ladies…beneath me…a man

Bringing Streisand in from the other thread:
Absolute treasure

men’s coattails

Ooh, I really like coats with tails! Too fancy for me to pull off tho

8 years ago

I wave my own dick
And I tell you to go down
Why are there scissors?

Woe is me indeed
Tell women to be my b****
Get spat in the face

If I act out porn
It’ll be just like muh hentai
This cannot go wrong.

You dirty talk is,
frankly needs some improvement.
Smut writers can help.

Your dom fantasy,
Could be fulfilled if you try
BDSM clubs.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Tim | October 27, 2016 at 11:05 pm
Women’s biggest problem is they don’t understand their place beneath men.

I’m more of a doggy girl myself, but hey, whatever floats yer boat.

MGTOW put women in their place – most effectively. How? By declawing the cat. MGTOW simply don’t give women any legal or financial power over their lives – hence the brilliance of MGTOW. Is it any wonder women disparage MGTOW to such a great degree? If someone cut off your access to the ‘easy button’, would you not hate them as well?


I don’t really know why you think we care so much that you’re (eventually) Going Your Own Way.

We really don’t care.

Shoo. Go. Be free, little Tim. Go live your life without women.

Or go learn to fucking whittle or some shit. Get a hobby or something. You’re obsessing.

See how simple that is? I just put you in your place…ladies…beneath me…a man. To real women – that felt good – didn’t it (rhetorical).

Eeew. Stop being creepy. No one wants to hear your gross sex fantasies.

That’s the ‘modern problem’…this…this…’feminism’. Feminism is women begging to be put back in their place. Feminism is women in need of a good, hard spanking.

The only person I want “spanking” me is Jackie.

Please take your boner elsewhere. No one here cares about your boner. Stop being creepy. And gross.

The best thing a man can possibly teach a woman is that her place is on the rung just beneath men’s. In this way, women can learn better to be subservient to men – so that women can continue to ride men’s coattails to the top. We men will make that ride as enjoyable or as miserable as you’d like. Choose carefully.

It’s cute that you seem to think that women can’t make our own way to the top. We’re already going, son. We’re waving to you from our rear-view mirrors because you’re too focused on looking back and making sure we see you go.

I’ve even got my own ride.

comment image

And it’s fabulous.

8 years ago

So ‘girls’, have you figured out what you’re going to do once men stop enlisting and leave the military in droves? Do you think Hillarity is going to evoke ‘male-only conscription’ before launching her strike against mother Russia? Do tell. We MGTOW of course will lead the male denial of any support for that man-hating feminist wretch. MGTOW will encourage men to NOT enlist and to sue the government for gender discrimination should that most wicked of witches attempt male-mass-murder. What’s your take? Glad to send off your boys to die for your rights over men per usual?

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Hi, Mark. Er, sorry, Tim.

I was gonna reply, but – well – is there anything to reply to in that? Not really. Instead, Paradoxy has inspired a new theme for the thread – people in tiny cars.

beep beep!

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

The only person I want “spanking” me is Jackie.

Love ya, too, sugartits.

8 years ago

Women’s biggest problem is they don’t understand their place beneath men. MGTOW put women in their place – most effectively. How? By declawing the cat. MGTOW simply don’t give women any legal or financial power over their lives – hence the brilliance of MGTOW. Is it any wonder women disparage MGTOW to such a great degree? If someone cut off your access to the ‘easy button’, would you not hate them as well?

It is always weird when these guys seem to think that feminists are all about thinking women need to be dependent on men. Pro-tip, dude: know your audience.

Also, yeah that’s why women disparage MGTOW. *pat* keep telling yourself that buddy.

See how simple that is? I just put you in your lace…ladies…beneath me…a man.

OK, sooo I’m going to start a list of words\expressions you don’t seem to understand!

–Put in place

To real women – that felt good – didn’t it (rhetorical). It’s good for women and men to admit that men are above women.

–Question marks.

This overall understanding of social order is sometimes seemingly invisible to hyper gynocentrists. Hyper gynocentrism (feminism) is simply an advanced case of tradcon inspired gynocentrism. That’s the ‘modern problem’…this…this…’feminism’. Feminism is women begging to be put back in their place. Feminism is women in need of a good, hard spanking.

–feminism (he REALLY doesn’t understand this one)

The best thing a man can possibly teach a woman is that her place is on the rung just beneath men’s.

There’s a ladder now?

In this way, women can learn better to be subservient to men – so that women can continue to ride men’s coattails to the top.

To the top of what? The ladder? I thought we are on the rung below men… Now we’re riding on coat tails. Why can’t I just climb the ladder to the top by myself?

We men will make that ride as enjoyable or as miserable as you’d like. Choose carefully.

You lost me again. I totally get that this was a threat. That was totally obvious. No worries there. But how would a ride up a ladder be enjoyable? Are you personally on this ladder? Cause I don’t see how that could be anything but miserable. Why are we even on this ladder, anyway? What’s at the top?

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

(Btdubs, I’ve already told Jackie that calling me things like sugartits okay. Just in case. But only Jackie gets to do it. The rest of you will get my wrath. Or thrown down the Jack Hole. Or jettisoned out the airlock. Whichever I’m feeling.)

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(I just wanted tiny kittens driving cars, but Google brought up images of stories about kittens getting hit by cars or being rescued from traffic and I’m like NOOO I DIDN’T WANT THAT GOOGLE)

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

But only Jackie gets to do it. The rest of you will get my wrath. Or thrown down the Jack Hole.

The Jack Hole sounds fun. For me. Because I imagine it involves me using a variety of things with the word “jack” in its name in horrible manners to jackasses, like letting Jack Russell terriers bark in people’s ears for hours in end because they saw a squirrel or something.

It pleases me.

8 years ago

“Hi, Mark. Er, sorry, Tim.”

Ha. Tis I – Tim Marky Mark. Scildfreja Unnýðnes is all knowing.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Oh, look. Mark’s back.

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Wake me up when someone interesting shows up

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

The best thing a man can possibly teach a woman is that her place is on the rung just beneath men’s. In this way, women can learn better to be subservient to men – so that women can continue to ride men’s coattails to the top. We men will make that ride as enjoyable or as miserable as you’d like. Choose carefully.


….and then you woke up.

ETA: kittehs driving wee cars! SQUEEEEE

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Girls in scarequotes. On the upside, it’s a shitty thing to say regardless of your target’s gender, so… Equality?

8 years ago


Ooh, I really like coats with tails! Too fancy for me to pull off tho

I dunno, I could rather see you in a Horse Guards coat. With tight breeches and a shako, of course.
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8 years ago