Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the impending sexual singularity — that is, when sexbots become so sophisticated that they can replace real human ladies in the sexing department, thus rendering real human ladies pretty much obsolete, ha ha sucks to be you, ladies!
On the MGTOW subreddit, though, one fellow is warning his MGTOW colleagues about a potential downside to the future sexbot utopia — the possibility that your sexy sexbot might get mad at you and literally pull your penis off with her powerful robot hands.
Hey, it could happen.
Stay safe, fellas!
Or, Cuck-bots, Beta-bots, and Chad-bots. Come to think of it, with good enough AI, wouldn’t those bots make them obsolete?
Sexbot FAQ
– How to get rid of the thousand antenna stare?
– Has my sexbot been riding the bot carousel?
– Used sexbot – reset to factory tightness?
– How to fend off Chadbots?
– How can I know my sexbot is not spermjacking?
– Can my sexbot make a sandwich?
– How to remove shrapnel and graffiti from my sexbot?
– What to do if my sexbot is avoiding me?
– How to win a debate with my sexbot?
– Can my sexbot be returned after use?
– Has my sexbot hit the wall?
– Why is my sexbot is a lying b****?
– Why are all sexbots lying b****es?
– Why is my sexbot not capable of love?
– How to make my sexbot interested in playing Call of Duty with me?
– How to beat my sexbot at Call of Duty?
– How to get my sexbot to leave me alone when playing videogames?
– Has my sexbot been sexting with Chadbots?
– How to get my sexbot to agree to an open relationship?
– How can I get laid as often as my sexbot?
– How to get my sexbot to agree to close the relationship?
– Am I being cucked by my sexbot?
– Where can I buy decorative human skulls?
@ starfury
I think you’ve probably said the same thing; just a lot more coherently.
One of the major themes is that humans are superior to andys because they have empathy for animals (hence the social prestige in owning a real one)
So it’s like an andy could emulate that, by owning (and possibly empathising with?) an electronic animal, but even then there’s a differential being maintained (real > electronic) to highlight their ersatz status.
But one of the best things about PKDs work is it can be interpreted in so many ways on so many levels.
(You ever read ‘We can build you’ btw?)
@[email protected]
Not really. The chain of reasoning that lead up to the final bit of software is tricky to follow, but the actual feature represented is often something that even non-technical people can grasp. For image processing systems, you can even visualise the feature represented by a given chunk of neural net or decision tree and say “yep, herringbone fabric” or “yep, hourglass figure” just by looking at it.
It isn’t all that easy, but it is way less arcane than people would have you believe. The fact that there’s no way that a person or a team of people could write some conventional code to do the same job doesn’t mean that the machine generated stuff is magic.
Some key parts of a system would be done using a machine learning approach, but the whole ensemble would be glued together by much more conventional stuff. No-one’s gonna train a machine learning system to do the job of an off the shelf networking stack, for example.
There’s going to be reams of entirely conventional firmware, written by conventionally mediocre programmers working for crappy wages for companies who are probably the lowest bidders for a given component or subsystem. None of the people involved will care about the security problems of their work, or be even remotely interested in learning from experience.
Have a quick think about self driving cars and the fact that current onboard car networks can be hacked via their tyre pressure sensors.
Relevant to the discussion, probably.
Mgtow (any manospherian) are already obsolete. Nobody wants a d*** who provides nothing in a relationship except throw a temper tantrum over everything a woman does.
I’m still on the first page of comments, so in case no-one’s recommended it yet, Tanith Lee’s The Silver Metal Lover addresses some of those themes/issues.
It also has something called (I think) mirror preference as a recognized sexual preference. That’s when a person prefers lovers who look like themselves; reverse mirror preference is when a person does stuff to look like their lover, like dyeing their hair and wearing identical clothes to them. Which should tell you something about how that society is set up….
@Imaginary Petal
You win all of the Internets for your Sexbot FAQ!
(Most particularly for the line about decorative skulls.)
So, if dudes think that sexbots are going to eliminate the need for relationships with women…then why are there still women out there having relationships? Because, you know, we already have a handy mechanical device that gets us off – it’s called a vibrator.
And if the simple ability to get off without touching another human being renders intimacy useless, why is anyone still craving it? Masturbation, my dudes, it has existed since ever and yet people still enter into relationships.
*gasp* It’s almost like people desire a partner with their own wants and needs instead of just a soulless machine.
(Though I guess if those hypothetical sexbots are able to emulate human behaviour well enough, using one will end up being a matter of your own conscience and whether you can bring yourself to play along. Still, if that future ever arrives, MGTOWs are gonna be very disappointed to find that they’re not the only ones hot for some robotic booty.
…can I have my sexbot gf designed as big and buff and with short pink hair BECAUSE I HAVE VERY DETAILED PLANS.
No, wait. Big, buff and orange. With red stripes.
@Blackrising: I would like Sakura Oogami pls.
I wonder if some of these MGTOWs are themselves robots. Given that Tay is a thing now, you never know….
There is a tumblr called “anti-SJW bot”, I think.
It’s some variation of that, though I’m pretty sure I’m close.
I was thinking earlier about how rarely people say “Gee, I would really prefer an artificial lab-created version of X to the natural version”. There are some cases where a manmade substitute is expedient (for example, artificial sweeteners for people who can’t eat/don’t want sugar) but nobody’s going to argue they perform as well as the original in every respect. No matter how sophisticated a sexbot is, it’s always going to be a copy.
To extend the sucralose analogy, maybe MGTOWs really can’t tolerate intimate relationships and they’re better off with a simulation. Where they go wrong is insisting that the rest of us are poisoning ourselves with the real thing.
Everybody’s talking about a certain Mister T these days.
But here’s news about another great Republican, another Mister T — with the same MO.
Lawyer says that Clarence Thomas groped her at 1999 dinner party
Be afraid, Republicans, very afraid. You started this shit before social media was a thing. But we are now in a Twitter World.
I’ve been wondering this: Republicans probably think it’s *so* unfair that Bill Clinton got elected President, just because he ran in the 90s. He’s the same age as Trump and Trump fans are convinced he must be fully equally sleazy because other Trump fans are saying it all the time.
Diamonds; depends on who you’re talking to though. Also meat in some cases (b/c it removes any possible moral issues re:treatment of meat animals)
I love my lab created opals and sapphires. Prettier and cheaper than natural stone. 😀
@ Buttercup
Carl Sagan used to argue (when people inquired as to whether it was a good idea to advertise Earth’s location on the Pioneer probes) that we had nothing to fear from aliens because even if they wanted to eat us. any civilisation with the technology to get here would also be able to replicate whatever it was that made us tasty.
Having seen how people rave about organic food I never found that argument particularly convincing.
hi xyz! Happy to have you!
Not Clarence Thomas too!
@kupo & Dalillama – There’s definitely a large category of “manmade substitutes that are more moral than the original” which diamonds and meat and sexbots fall into, at least when it comes to angry misogynists. And the related category: “manmade substitutes that are more durable”. You’ve probably heard the horror stories from fleshdoll repair folks. (Brr.)
I was wondering more generally about whether non-MGTOW people would be less satisfied with the manmade when it comes to something as intimate as relationships. As Alan said, with the current popularity of all things organic and paleo, sexbots might be a harder sell for the average person.
I live in Texas, and I’ve only seen those truck nuts a couple times. The first time, it really confused me, because I imagined that anyone who would want to display something like that would also be the type to insist that mechanical vehicles are female.
And they would also reject the idea that a female could have nuts…
So… I really didn’t know what to make of it.
Lurking under your ladyfembot boys.
This entire thread has made me think about the Isaac Asimov story Satisfaction Guaranteed. Can’t think why. Maybe it’s to do with the fact that
Spoilers (even though it’s from 1951)
TN3 doesn’t raise Claire’s self-esteem by making her think she is an object of desire. He engineers a situation so her neighbours think she is an object of desire.
That, to me, is very reminiscent of MGTOWs’ view of how desirability works.