Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the impending sexual singularity — that is, when sexbots become so sophisticated that they can replace real human ladies in the sexing department, thus rendering real human ladies pretty much obsolete, ha ha sucks to be you, ladies!
On the MGTOW subreddit, though, one fellow is warning his MGTOW colleagues about a potential downside to the future sexbot utopia — the possibility that your sexy sexbot might get mad at you and literally pull your penis off with her powerful robot hands.
Hey, it could happen.
Stay safe, fellas!
GitS is awesome.
And “Rebellious sexbot” is practically a trope on its own. It’s got everything a horny dood wants – woman-shaped object specially-designed for sexing; but it’s a machine so regular morals and social requirements don’t apply; but it’s rebellious and therefore either a magic-pixie-girl-who-needs-to-know-what-real-love-is or hot-piece-of-ass-who-don’t-need-no-man-but-needs-to-be-taught-a-lesson. Everything an MRA wants.
(I loathe anime tropes sometimes. Love you, Japan, but there are a few things that really jitter my critters.)
There was a rebellious sexbot in Blade Runner. It’s not a new trope.
(Blade Runner earns further misandry points by having the human characters refer to it in jaded terms, indicating that rebellious sexbots are an everyday occurrence.)
It’s my theory that Decker in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep is just an recorded emotional tone poem a la Mercer’s climb, and that he is the actual sexbot experience while dealing with the illusory Rac… oh,. wait. Off topic, my bad.
Hacked sexbot was in the Sabu Thief of Baghdad,, 1940. Arguably, the 19th-century ballet Coppelia revolves in part around the fear of a malfunctioning sexbot. NOT a new trope.
Er, Deckard, sorry. Late night.
Further off topic, the title “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” never made sense to me. Is dreaming of sheep a thing? I know “Counting Sheep” when trying to go to sleep, but not dreaming of sheep. It always seemed to me that the title should be Do Androids Count Electric Sheep?
@ impatiens
In their fantasies, women will finally regret not submitting to them when they ride off into the sunset with their obviously-superior-in-every-way-to-a-real-woman sexbots. That’s the only thing they need and desire from a sexbot they can’t get from current technology: a way to get back at women.
Normal people want partners for the love and togetherness. These guys lack the capacity to appreciate any kind of human interaction that isn’t competition, domination & submission, or otherwise zero sum. But they still long for acceptance, respect and acknowledgement from others. So they look for them in the only ways they understand: taking them by force, and by placing themselves at the top of an oppressive hierarchy. You don’t get real respect or acceptance this way. But for them, the kind of respect and acceptance that fear, envy and submission entail are more desirable anyway.
Domineering doesn’t work as well as it used to. The people who get the rotten end of the deal can to some extent walk away from it now. The only way these dudes can win with women anymore is to get revenge. And the obvious way to get back at someone who rejects you and doesn’t need you is to reject them even harder and need them even less. So, sexbots.
Any robot that is strong enough to support your weight and moves as quickly as a person is a robot that’s pretty capable of causing serious injury or killing you. There’s a good reason industrial robots are put behind a safety fence and their zone of operation is clearly marked out. But hey, you wanna set one of those loose on your chonson, you go right ahead, dude!
(incidentally, my money is on teleoperated realdolls being a thing before independent sexbots. this allows for the frankly hilarious possibility that mr glass ego suddenly realises that he could be being serviced by a fat, ugly, old lady or worse… a man, and he’d never know. i wonder if that would put him off his stride)
(incidentally 2, sexbots would also finally make another one of their fantasies come true, namely that too much sex makes orifices all baggy and worn out. that silicone ain’t gonna heal itself bro. http://www.deathandtaxesmag.com/248414/this-guys-job-is-to-fix-the-broken-vaginas-of-realdolls-nsfw/)
Oh, and finally finally, mocking people who might want to own sexbots as being pathetic human beings… that’s not really very reasonable now, is it? Do you mock people who own sex toys? How about people who genuinely find it very hard to find partners, whether through psychological or physiological problems or social issues or whatever else? There’s nothing wrong with the possibility of sexbots. It is only the people who want to use sexbots to somehow punish women who deserve contempt.
Well, it being Dick, it’s probably just a phrase that he woke up with one day and turned into a book, but to me, if you’re “dreaming” of sheep, you’re in that one hellish dream where you are actually asleep, but you don’t know it, but you know you have to sleep, so you do everything you can to relax… so the illusion is that you’re awake and unhappy about it… life is but a dream.
Also, the title character owns an electric sheep in order to keep up with the Joneses and look like a caring family, and later acquires a flesh-and-blood goat, which gets killed by his rogue sexbot affair partner. Make of that what you will, possibly a four-page essay in freshman year.
Heh, the TAC-SAC only comes in black and dark brown. THEY’RE TRYING TO CUCK YOUR GUNS NOW, BRO. Write to those multicultural motherfuckers right now, and demand a tac sac in manly aryan delicate pink.
Who is this referring to? Not quoting or referencing anything specific suggests it’s prevalent here, but I really don’t recall any off the top of my head, much less enough to “inform the group.”
Hilariously, given the phenomenon of men sock-puppetting as women for sexual gratification, that might actually become a thing.
So, they want their robot “waifu” with a tsundere or submissive (or anything (what they think is) japanese enough) personality and they end with a robot acting like Sada in Ai no corrida.
If their incapacity of ever being genuinly happy with what they have could be transformed in energy, we would have no need for oil or nuclear plants…
> about the scrotum shapped rifle handle
In France, a common term for ammunitions (of light weapons) is “balle” (coming back from old rifles firing lead marbles), even if the current ammos are hardly ball shaped. So, our guns are full of balls… Fire weapons comparisons with male reproductive apparatus is an endless source of (not often funny) jokes and discussions, here…
Have a nice day.
A friend of mine on US side told me a hilarious story.
It was raining like blazes, and generally chilly, miserable day. He was driving along in mild traffic jam in motorway, and saw from some distance away that a guy had a problem with his truck. The truck had been parked to some safe distance away from the road, and the driver had spread the blanket (now wet) on the ground (even more wet), and he was clearly cussing up a storm as he was laying on his back by the rear wheel and trying to fix something underneath.
Then, he was closer, and saw that the truck was one of those with Truck Nutz, and while the guy tried to wrest something open or loose down there, the Truck Nutz kept teabagging him in face, which provoked a new storm of cursing.
Normally, he would have stopped to help, he said… but this time he was laughing too much, and unable to stop…
They’ve been watching “Robogeisha” again. Although that does mean you can terrify them with fried shrimp
@ tessa & aunt podger
Re: androids dreaming
There’s sort of a semi ‘official’ explanation of the title. It references the fact that Deckard dreams of owning a ‘real’ sheep one day (because the importance of empathy with a living creature being what distinguishes humans). So would an android have empathy with an artificial lifeform and thus dream of owning an electronic sheep (whether androids can have empathy, even to each other, being another theme of the book)
That’s just something PKD mentioned a few times in later years though. It may be a bit of a retrospective justification. Other people have said that PKD was toying with the titles ‘Do androids dream’ and ‘Electric sheep’ separately and it was his publisher Don Wollhaem who mashed them up together (his theory being that longer titles sold more).
It makes sense in context. In the book, most animal species are extinct, or close to it, due to radioactive fallout from nuclear war. Consequently, pets are the ultimate status symbol, & most people get by with robotic pets, while dreaming of owning a real animal. As with most of PKD’s books, the theme centres on what it really means to be human; in this case, whether there’s any real difference between a human & a sufficiently advanced android. I’ve read the book many times since the 70s, & it still holds up very well, if you can cope with PKD’s quirky & surreal style.
I can’t help being reminded of a malfunctioning sexbot in the original ‘Westworld’ movie as one of the indications something is amiss with the resort. Building up to the robot gunslinger going haywire – there’s a gunman for whom a novelty gun grip would have no meaning…
Ah, or maybe they have seen too many times the anime Armitage III, and believe it is right and this is going to happen.
Sometimes, psychotrops can not even match your own imagination (and delusion).
hello from another Albertan here.
I’ve been following the blog for a while, but too shy to comment.
Sexbot malfunctions are more likely to be the irritating low-grade kind: forgot to plug in the charger, constant upgrades, loud pop-up ad at an inopportune moment.
I can’t imagine there’s going to be much of a market for used/refurbished sexbots, either, given MGTOW’s phobia of “prior occupants”.
What AI we have are based on “heuristics” and “neural nets.” Basically, you write a program and make it go through hours upon hours of studying data (maybe thousands of photos, maybe trials in simulated environments), and that program writes and tweaks a second program based on its observations. These programs-made-by-programs tend to be “black boxes,” meaning a human would have a very, very difficult time reading the code and making sense of it.
So a “hack” that makes a sexbot rip off a man’s junk would be even more of a technical marvel (read: unlikely) than a sexbot.
Men Going To Obsess and Whine’rs do realize that if female sex bots are going to exist then Male equalivents will be built too, right?
Studies show that women are mostly the ones who buy sex toys and gay men exist so chances are there are going to be a lot of male bots.
Then Men Going To Obsess and Whine’rs are going to call the male bots ‘Cucks’, ‘Betas’ and ‘Chads’ and we all know that’s going to be sad as h*ll.
@ banned
Really? Even after “2001: A Space Odyssey”? I’m guessing somewhere there’s also people trying to build autonomous killing robots with Austrian accents.
This guy has clearly spent a lot of time thinking about a sex bot going Terminator on him.
Maybe what he really wants is not a meek wifu-bot, but a dom who’ll threaten to tear his willie off.
@ Alan
ahhh, I thought it was because the humans desire live animals as a part of their status but androids are considered so far beneath them that even the lowly faux electric livestock would be a step up for them. i.e. the androids aspire to be granted the most basic level of human rights; the right to just exist.
That was my take but I’ll check out PKD’s comments on it now you’ve mentioned I might be way off