Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the impending sexual singularity — that is, when sexbots become so sophisticated that they can replace real human ladies in the sexing department, thus rendering real human ladies pretty much obsolete, ha ha sucks to be you, ladies!
On the MGTOW subreddit, though, one fellow is warning his MGTOW colleagues about a potential downside to the future sexbot utopia — the possibility that your sexy sexbot might get mad at you and literally pull your penis off with her powerful robot hands.
Hey, it could happen.
Stay safe, fellas!
I figure there’s more sense in the four of us than the whole dang Wild Rose, I tell you what ಠ_ಠ
maybe five if you count me.
I think there ARE a lot of progressive Albertans, especially since we’re such a mobile population. We tend to have to keep our heads down and choose our battles though, because the cultural narrative is so strongly traditionalist.
My sampling for the truck nut prevalence might be skewed, though. I live in a very blue collar part of the city so there are a lot of mudders with jacked up trucks, as opposed to people with working farm vehicles.
ETA: Maybe between the 5 of us we can cancel out the horribleness from the steaming pile of grizzly bear excrement that is Karen Straughan?
Truck nutz are nothing anymore. Make way for GUN nutz…
…and yes, they ARE real. Sadly.
Leaving aside the fact that I didn’t think it was possible to needlessly gender guns to make them more masculine, and good god why are you treating your gun like a toy that you want to stick testicles on….
If you are making a “gag gift” to sell to people, do not sell it for $40, particularly when it does absolutely nothing but look like testicles. At least the truck hitch nuts are only $20, and serve a purpose (allows you to see your hitch/keep you from taking out your kneecap on your hitch if you don’t). Is anybody going to spend $40 on a laugh that is good for about 2 minutes worth of immature jokes and has absolutely no utility? This is a dollar store quality idea and they want people to pay the boutique price.
The mine of fragile masculinity is deep, and corporations are more than happy to mine it for all of its worth.
These are aimed (heh) at the same guys who seriously believe their AR-15 is their “man card”. An all too literal penis compensator, right down to the dangly giblets.
The only questions I have would be: Are they rubber, and do they swing? And if so, do they repeatedly teabag the shooter as he’s going bangity-bang-bang-bang? If so, that’s the most homoerotic bit of toxic-masculine homophobia ever.
And it leaves me not the least bit surprised that these guys are being forced to compensate via firearms (and silly, overpriced accessories). After all, who’d sleep with a guy who’s that insecure?
As if the guns = manhood thing wasn’t obvious enough. Heck, the gun store in my city used to have standing disembodied penises as the mascots, with the testicles as legs and wearing cowboy hats. And it was on the outside of the store window, plainly visible to anyone on the street.
No, no, see we need to care about them leaving. Because they’re not going to use their almighty penii on us anymore! And that should make us sad because we can’t trap them and enslave them with our butter-scented hormones! [/snerrk]
There are plenty of people who have trouble interacting with others who are anything but “sad, pathetic losers”. For instance, I have real problems talking to people in meatspace due to social anxiety, and sometimes I prefer a sex toy to a living person when I just want to get off.
Are you saying that anyone who prefers a sex toy to a living person for whatever reason is a “sad, pathetic loser”?
Off-topic: I have only seen one pair of truck nutz in the wild: Back when I was living in that small Nevada town. It both repulsed and amused me.
I’m the first to admit I know very little about guns, but doesn’t this accessory replace a grip, which means you have to grab the gun by the testes to shoot it with any sort of aim? If so, I am stumped by how paradoxically homoerotic this is for the homophobic toxic masculinity crowd.
Also, from the website:
Fuck these transphobic assholes, they don’t get to make Firefly references.
I think that’s actually the punch line to a very old joke. Guy gets a bionic arm, controlled by a mic. Guy is bored. Guy tries out new hand for masterbation fun. “Stroke it.” Hand does. “Rub it.” Hand does. “Jerk it off.”
Somehow I don’t think the OP has his delivery down.
I still suspect a truly successful sexbot would be enough like a human being personalitywise that MRAs would find it every bit as hard to deal with as a real woman.
The penis ripping fear makes me wonder if someone has been watching Sonny Chiba in The Street Fighter. And maybe the original Bubblegum Crisis as well.
I’m pretty sure I’ve seen at least one set of truck nuts in Saskatoon.
Maybe we could exchange some of you Albertans for the people here in Saskatoon who vote for people like Brad Trost.
It’s the very pinnacle of tacticool
Apparently a new study just came out that showed Donald Trump, out of all the presidential candidates, has the most feminine manner of speaking.
I wonder how the guys who hold him up as the ultimate alpha male will react to that!
Maybe they’re supposed to make believe they’re grabbing their enemy/potentially cuckolding rival by the goolies and then metaphorically jerking off all over him? That’s the only thing that makes sense from a toxically-masculine standpoint.
Unfortunately, it’s still homoerotic as fuck.
“What would appeal to our gun-testicle purchasing clientele, do you think?” “Hmm, I don’t know. How about some completely unprompted transphobia?” “Yup, sounds perfect. They’ll eat that up. These are definitely people who should be owning guns!”
Former Albertan here! I sometimes have to explain things to the Easterners i pal around with, out here.
On Saturday, it was the word ‘parkade’. Sometimes i use my funny Western words for a laugh (garborator is one) but this one honestly blind sided me. What do people call parkades, out here?
The answer, i was told, is ‘parking lots’. Nevermind that parking lots are FLAT and outside (or, like at WEM, with a single other level). I think they call them parking garages?
It’s weird. Easterners are weird.
(And living in Vancouver for a year and hearing them refer to Albertans as ‘Easterners’ was SUPER WEIRD.)
I, for one, welcome our feminist robot goddess overlords (overladies?). This could be a serious case of be careful what you wish for for MRAs. 😛
This is just why they need to listen to the Space Pope!
Hacked/rebellious sexbots sounds like it could be a really cool sci-fi story.
Boldly willing to stroke, oil, and finger hard and blatantly-entesteed phallic symbols until they go off, admitting that the very act gets THEM off…
…is anyone else getting a Chuck Tingle vibe, here? Startlingly progressive, in its way.
Didn’t the laughing man hack some sexbots in Ghost in the Shell too?
Didn’t A.I. have a rebellious sexbot as one of the main characters?
So yes.