Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the impending sexual singularity — that is, when sexbots become so sophisticated that they can replace real human ladies in the sexing department, thus rendering real human ladies pretty much obsolete, ha ha sucks to be you, ladies!
On the MGTOW subreddit, though, one fellow is warning his MGTOW colleagues about a potential downside to the future sexbot utopia — the possibility that your sexy sexbot might get mad at you and literally pull your penis off with her powerful robot hands.
Hey, it could happen.
Stay safe, fellas!
I like how in his fantasy, the evil feminists have to persuade blue pill men to hack into the sexbots, even in his fantasy he can’t conceive of women being able to hack.
These guys have already made it obvious with their comments and the “bio-c**t” comic that what they want isn’t really a machine to sexually satisfy them, but for the live women/feminists to be punished for being human.
But for Chittybanger, even that scares him.
Right. You get two replies here! First is serious professional reply, then not serious reply.
~puts on dork glasses~
One, why the heck would we put servos in a humanoid robot powerful enough to do that? That’s wasteful and utterly useless. Not to mention dangerous.
Two, do you MRA dorkuses have any idea how involved actually doing this stuff is? Building a system that can handle social interactions in realtime? Especially the incredibly high-bandwidth multimodal signals in social communication? And you think a virus is going to inject that sort of highly-coordinated response system? Please.
Three, you ain’t getting sexbots. Sorry. I mean, you might get a relatively humanoid robot what can gyrate and pivot and whatnot, but it’s gonna have a remote control. It won’t be self-controlling. You think self-driving cars is an adequate metaphor here? lol. Self-controlling sexy-times robots are to self-driving cars as amoebas to kitties.
~takes off dork glasses~
Right! Lol, nice story, bromide.
@Tyler Gatsby
“Feminists are gonna rip our dicks off with sex robots!”
Is this really what passes for humour in your circles? olololol i guess. Feel free to tell some more!
(As it turns out, one of humours’ functions is to create a bonding experience for the participants! It’s a way to demonstrate loyalty to the in-group. That’s why you think “lol femnazis gon try to rip our dicks off” is a funny joke – not because it’s funny, but because it demonstrates your allegiance to the group. It’s also why you’re all “you femnists aren’t funny at all, your jokes are lame!”. Because you don’t want to demonstrate loyalty to this group.)
Ugh! I told them not to get their “upgrades” from shady torrent sites and be careful what they click, but did they listen? Of course not, my only motivation is to kill their fun.
… but ransomware just got a whole lot more fun to watch.
Wow, even the sexbots are rejecting them in their fantasies. Now they’re going to need sexbot-bots, in order to make the sexbots feel all remorseful and abandoned as they interface with their multiple catbots.
@Tyler Gatsby
No, the correct term is “sarchasm”. Hope your landing won’t be too bumpy!
You can’t satisfy misogynist urges toward violent bullying by thrusting between the couch cushions, but you can’t trust any woman shaped thing to not rip your penis off, what’s an MRGTAOW to do!?
So, on a side note, “Chadbot Thunderantenna” is the name of my new ska band.
And hey, ransomware…. you could remotely take a sexbot hostage for money. This bears investigation.
I shall call my sexbot virus (snerk)…. Lysistrata.
You know who would care? Various religions. I can imagine artificial humans and the fucking thereof being a theological minefield (and religions often have strong opinions on approved peen usage now). If there’s going to be any dick-ripping-off (there won’t), my money’s on religious extremists being more likely to organise it.
Aw. Did someone have a nightmare after seeing a certain repeat episode* of The Big Bang Theory?
I think this actually exemplifies one of the reasons I find feminism a good fit. Sex is so much more fun if you don’t play it as zero-sum game. Heck, it’s more fun in solo mode than in zero-sum…
@ Axe; note to all….
… put a hole in the cantaloupe FIRRRSSSTTT!!!
I’m off to Wal-Mart for a new microwave….
… and I’m gonna hack a sex-bot…??? yeesh….
Hi, Tyler.
Look at the banner of this blog.
“The New Misogyny, Tracked And Mocked.”
Were you unsure of what that meant?
Iseult the Idle wins the thread.
Also, is it just me or does anyone else think that we need to make Scildfreja wear the dork glasses more often? She’s totes adorbs wearing them.
Shhhhh! You know that, and I know that, and most of the people here know that, but any lurking Morons Not Really Trying To Go Their Own Way probably don’t know that. I’m kind of hoping that one of them tries it and the placebo effect takes over. Worth a shot, no?
(And even if it doesn’t, the thought of them getting even crankier is still amusing.)
I don’t think most real women would even notice if these idiots got a million sexbots.
Early voting results are encouraging!!!
I am surprised that these people weren’t more scared by the prospect of a working male robot. He never needs to stop working (or barely), work faster, is stronger, is better looking, is polite, etc. Why in their imagination, where women only like men because they want to suck their blood or their money (I forget wich one), wouldn’t that scare them more? We have no sex robot yet, but several well paid blue color jobs have already been replaced by robots. It seems that even their fantasy lacks imagination and forethought.
Tyler Gatsby,
MGTOW have been rhapsodizing about the sexbot revolution for a long time. It does appear to be a joke. Nice try though!
Impatiens said: “You know, I never really understood what exactly sexbots would do for these MGTOW types that existing technology doesn’t already do.”
It doesn’t demean or humiliate women by suggesting that they’re replaceable. That’s really key to their fantasy–not just that they’re getting laid, but that they’re having a better sexual experience than women are and aren’t women sorry now HAHAHAH!
To quote my girlfriend, “Robospouseatron 2000 deserves better than these jerks.”
Are you trying to tell me that hacking might be more involved that pointing a smartphone at something and hitting the button on my hack ap? Nice try. I watched the first third of a watch_dogs let’s play. This is clearly exactly how it works.
You telling me that they think their sex bots will be wirelessly connected up to some sort of central hub for some reason so they can be remotely triggered to rip off dicks? They should probably turn off their sex bot’s wifi, then.
Sorry @Number Sequence. I did science to it.
daww, thanks @EJ
Hardware vendors are desperately trying to make the “Internet of Things” happen. Personally, I don’t see why I would want a fridge which shops for groceries online, but in a world where vendors are pushing that sort of thing, I can certainly imagine companion robots which tweet, or IM you at work. “Don’t forget to pick up dry cleaning. Also, I want your cock”.