antifeminism entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny penises reddit sexy robot ladies

MGTOWs are already worrying that sexy lady sexbots will tear off their penises

Be careful, fellas! Those lady robots can turn on you in a second!
Be careful, fellas! Those lady robots can turn on you in a second!

Men Going Their Own Way love fantasizing about what they see as the impending sexual singularity — that is, when sexbots become so sophisticated that they can replace real human ladies in the sexing department, thus rendering real human ladies pretty much obsolete, ha ha sucks to be you, ladies!

On the MGTOW subreddit, though, one fellow is warning his MGTOW colleagues about a potential downside to the future sexbot utopia — the possibility that your sexy sexbot might get mad at you and literally pull your penis off with her powerful robot hands.

Chittybanger 3 points 20 hours ago Oh man, I could imagine a future with sex robots where women are getting pissed off because their pussies are no longer placed on a pedestal. Over time men start to fade away from them and turn to sex robots. In order to get revenge some feminists extremist terrorists hire some blue pill hackers to upload a virus into the sex robot system that makes them attack their male owner. Imagine bob comes home from work and kicks off his boots. He opens his closet where his robots stasis tank is. He turns her on and lays back on the bed as he takes off his shorts. His sex robot kneels down and reaches for his dick but instead of giving him a nice handy J SHE GRABS HIS DICK WITH ALL HER FORCE, TWISTS AND RIPS IT CLEAN OFF! Scary shit lol

Hey, it could happen.

Stay safe, fellas!

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Michael P
Michael P
8 years ago

Sounds like a happy ending.

(I’ll see myself out.)

Latte Cat
Latte Cat
8 years ago

These people have genuine issues.

Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
Paradoxical Intention - Mobile
8 years ago

I like how even in his little feminazi-revenge fantasy we’re apparently still not capable of STEM stuff, and would have to outsource our penis-ripping virus to the beta males.

8 years ago

@LindsayIrene the best pussies on pedestals! I’m sure they all have braggadocious stamina, and outstanding temperament 😀

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

What Paradoxy said.

Also, I’m puzzled that they think we would stoop to violence. Wouldn’t it be more effective to get the robot to constantly recite subliminal advertising to him, and then spend the resulting profits on bonbons?

8 years ago

{deep bow to Michael P}

I predict that the next installment in the saga will be a concerted declaration by the Brethren* that the whole sexbot thing is a nefarious plot hatched by evil feminists and aimed at inducing men to expend their mighty creativity and hard-earned dollars on the purchase and upkeep of a life-sized doll which spends** all its time sitting in a closet and recharging…the Singularity equivalent of watching soaps while nibbling on bonbons. At that point the Moebius strip will have folded in on itself, and perhaps we can retire.

*concerted in their usual lackadaisical, haphazard fashion, of course


Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

Oh, ffs. Do they really think we care that much? Really?

8 years ago

@EJ (The Orphic Lizard):

Damn right. Brainwash them with messages of kneeling before the rightful mistresses of the Earth, serving without complaints and so on.

Even in the grim dark future of sexbot future, they can’t escape women.


(For the sarcasm-impaired MRAs reading this, yes, that was very much tongue-in-cheek.)

About a decade ago a friend of mine told me about his adventures in evolutive programming of various robots (precursors to those hospital robots that are gaining foothold), and emergent behavior that occurred as a result of it. It was hilarious. 😀

8 years ago


These people have genuine issues.

Serious mental health issues, I agree!

8 years ago

I remain baffled as to why these dudes don’t realize the existence of sexbots will eliminate the ability of dudes to get laid ever again. If someone starts creating them en masse there will be male and female bots. There’s already far more acceptance in the western world at least for women using some sort of hardware for sexual gratification, while men are stigmatized for it, so the major market isn’t going to be men.

And a cismale sexbot would be a wonderful option for women. It can’t give you an STI, can’t get you pregnant, will never hit you or rape you, will keep going as long as you need it to and do exactly what you need to get off, not leave a wet spot and never demand you make it a sandwich.

It’s far more likely the sexbot era would destroy men’s ability to get laid than ruin women’s lives.

8 years ago

Uh, asshole dudes? A steady diet of saltpeter is always an option. Means you don’t have to worry about us OR them anymore, because it takes care of your pesky libido and lets you focus on more important things, like collecting lint out of your bellybutton or watching the snail races.

Just puttin’ that out there.

bee's knees
bee's knees
8 years ago

@drst You’re probably right, not to mention that it’s easier to simulate a penis (and tongue) than a vagina! (Not that this can’t be done, I’m sure it will, but I’ve read some disappointing reviews of the currently available fleshlights/sleeves.)

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

“I charged my sexbot in the closet and she came out as lesbian”

8 years ago

Sexbots, advanced enough that everyone can obtain a f***toy but somehow doesn’t pass safety codes of not ripping people’s limbs off.

Weird (and tired of trumpery) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumpery) Eddie
8 years ago

@ everyone


(… now, channeling my inner MRA, I plot to hack all cis-male sexbots and reprogram them to only say “make me a sammich… make me a sammich… make…”)

😉 😛

8 years ago

Also, that calico kitty on the pedestal is positively magnificent!

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
8 years ago

Stasis tank? I’m surprised he doesn’t expect his sexbot to also keep a clean house and have supper ready for him when he gets home.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
8 years ago

I remember reading a SF short story years ago, in which one of the plot points was everyone being issued a genetically engineered. . . thing at puberty. Innie for the boys, outie for the girls. Nobody had to actually touch another human being for sexual satisfaction. They weren’t full size humanoids, either, but a fleshy block about as big as a large pumpkin. This had social and cultural consequences that, in retrospect, made the story a dystopia – although the characters did not perceive it that way.

It was years before I realized how horrific it was.

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

He forgot the machine gun jubblies, baby…

Tyler Gatsby
Tyler Gatsby
8 years ago

It’s mildly amusing that you people are taking a joke, turning it serious… Then trying(unsuccessfully) to make jokes making fun of said funny joke. Some might even call that “ironic.”

Weird (tired of the right-wing-nuts) Eddie
Weird (tired of the right-wing-nuts) Eddie
8 years ago

The whole sexbot concept is, to me, just… empty. Not that one can’t have an emotional relationship with a machine, i have one with my computer (I love it, it hates me…). But an intimate, sexual relationship with a… an… uhh, entity that has no wants and no needs is, well, not to put to blunt a point on it, is just an orgasm. I mean, I wanna go to dinner, go see a music festival, go… DO STUFF!!! Alright, I do take my computer to Perkins sometimes, but that’s different.

Ya know what I’m saying here???

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Purveyor of Misandrist Klondike Bars
8 years ago


Serious mental health issues, I agree!

Kinda uncool there. I have mental health issues. These people are just assholes.

8 years ago

I still think some kinda of VR set-up seems more possible and appealing than a sex-bot.

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