A theater chain in Melbourne has cancelled screenings of Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill in response to a petition on Change.org. Good news for feminists? No. Bad news.
As someone who’s writing critically about Men’s Rights activists for years, including many of those who appear in the film, I ask you to NOT support efforts to get the film removed from theaters.
Yes, the film (which I haven’t seen) looks to be a whitewash of some of the most noxious people in the world.
But if you’re interested in fighting against MRAs and all that they stand for, attempts to get The Red Pill removed from theaters don’t help.
I’m against this sort of thing on principle. But it’s also a very bad move practically. These sorts of campaigns give the film free publicity. They allow Cassie Jaye and her supporters to play the part of free-speech martyrs — especially ironic given the ongoing efforts of MRAs and fellow travelers in the alt right to silence women and feminists through harassment.
It’s exactly what they want.
So please don’t start petitions against The Red Pill, don’t sign petitions against The Red Pill; don’t support petitions against The Red Pill.
Let it sink into the obscurity it deserves on its own.
EDIT: As I said in the comments, this is such a boon to MRAs I would not be shocked in the slightest to discover that it was an MRA publicity stunt.
@EJ, Fluttershy is like me in some respects and not like me in others. She’s a symbol of kindness, and even though she’s very shy she’s often the first to be kind to others, even to her own detriment.
One of the reasons I like the show is that the characters aren’t idealized, even in their themes. Fluttershy can also get very angry, can be stubborn and sulky, and has some fairly significant self-esteem issues. The fact that she has these problems while at the same time being able to exemplify kindness is one of the brighter points of the show.
@sillybill, it isn’t for everyone, certainly! There’s been something of a pony diaspora going on, which is actually nice to see in my opinion. Interesting to watch it evolve and mature. Also, nice to see. The trolly, gross fans have begun to migrate on to other things, while those who enjoyed the show for other reasons are still around. It’s good!
Perzackly! I’m now almost 70. I was brought up in a conservative, religious household – I was still teaching Sunday School when I married my first husband in 1969. (I’m inclined to believe that “Craig” had not been born by then.)
As for being “taught” feminism. I’ll admit to attending a few consciousness raising meetings in 1975, the IWY, but my education was partly from buying and reading lots and lots of books. A lot of philosophers – Rousseau, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Marx, Nietzsche, Mill, Wittgenstein, even Freud, though I’d read most of them for other purposes. Then there were the standard feminist texts of the time from Christine de Pisan through Mary Wollstonecraft to Stanton and Anthony then de Beauvoir, Millett, Firestone, Greer, Friedan, Brownmiller, Summers and all the rest of them.
The rest of my feminist education was from living my life. Not being able to get a bank account or a credit card or buy a car or rent somewhere to live in my own name at all, or only with a husband or father to co-sign or guarantee the deal. Working as a union rep to get better conditions for everyone, not just women.
The idea that someone somewhere has simply spoonfed me my ideas and my ethics and I have no other reason for thinking and acting the way I do is just plain insulting.
@ Scildfreya
I had a similar experience with Futurama, actually. I got by on their camaraderie for awhile, although their camaraderie is kind of, shall we say, unstable. I’m in a better place now, happily, because (since I started hanging out at Shakesville and WHTM) I can’t enjoy Futurama anymore. I’m like, Fry just fucking leave Leela ALONE already.
Did you stick around long enough to witness the disagreement? Did you, I don’t know, learn anything?
Perhaps not, but thanks to the hivemind influence of the mammotheers – mostly you and PI – I’ve started watching.
Do you think Discord is meant to be embodiment of male entitlement? I recently saw the episode where he had the blue flu and imposed himself on Twilight Sparkly while a relative was visiting. I think the episode was called Three’s a Crowd? It sure seemed that way to me!
FWIW I thought the only reason Alan brought up Nazis was because Petal asked whether this was the slowest deportation case ever. I don’t think he was trying to draw any other parallels, and I think it was a case of him being his legal geek self and jumping in with what he thought was an interesting anecdote around the topic being discussed.
I think I’ll stay away from the rest of it because I don’t understand why everyone is so upset and I think I missed something. Or a lot of somethings.
@WWTH, I can certainly see that! Though, I always try to remember that they design these characters along many axes. I can certainly see that as being one. Entitlement is certainly one of Discords’ features, and he’s also one of the few males.
(Though, I haven’t seen him doin’ any mansplainin’ yet, so perhaps the male side of things is over-reaching)
((Though-though, the fact that Discord is male and it’s a group of physically weaker but socially stronger ladyponies that oppose him is certainly and element too. Hmm.))
((<3 Brony! You are certainly not the Element of Male Entitlement!))
One thing that has always baffled me is how so many bronies completely miss the feminist themes in the show. It’s clear as day and written right into the whole premise, but they can’t see it – it’s all memes and pop culture references. Maybe I’m the one that’s over-reaching.
@Scildfreja Unnýðnes
It all really boils down to one simple fact:
Fluttershy is best pony.
(I should post a picture of my work desk, which is currently occupied by a plush shark, a plush fairy dragon, and a plush Fluttershy)
Another episode I saw was about how you shouldn’t change who you are to get a man. Rarity had a crush on a boy pony but he liked Applejack so she started dressing and talking like a stereotypical country/farm girl and this led to many problems. I can’t imagine MRA fans would like that message a lot.
I still think Twilight Sparkle is best pony.
Twily is adorkable.
No problem, I can make the seperation. I’m sure Discord is that sometimes. Each of the characters is more than one thing. I like him because of his fragmented nature and because while he not a bad guy, he is not really a good guy either. He tries though.
If Discord is chaos to Equestria, is he order to the void?

Im not sure I agree, that old canard ‘dont feed the trolls’ has proven to be dangerous and emboldening.
And to be perfectly honest, as a man I dont really think you are in a position to make that call.
Ooh, and is Celestia the void’s Discord?
Its blatant Hate propaganda directed at women.
We have been silenced for centuries and encouraged into passivity.
Godwins Law aside, If nations had stepped up against the nazis anti semitism in the 30s, history would be different.
And the US press rather than exposing Trumps unfitness for office from the start, allowed his shit to go mainstream.
Thank god for the women who spoke out. And Michelles speech galvanised millions upon millions of women.
Its women who will win this election because they have had enough.
Sometimes its wise to recognise that while its essential to be an ally, on a deeply personal level, its not your fight.
Speaking of ponies: My roommate went back for more pony waters because she’s missing Twilight, and she got an extra Rarity (for me), and two extra Applejacks.
So, if anyone wants a teeny, tiny Applejack, I’d be more than happy to get rid of them. I have one, she has one, and we have the two spares.
Slightly off-topic: I had some Redd’s Apple Ale after work, and I feel goooood.
Only if she started making big inconvenient changes to everything. Like lots of light. In the void. Well damn. The mythology just came full circle.
Thanks Kupo. I was starting to think I was the only one who read it that way and that I was imagining things… 🙁
As far as I know, there’s no reason why he couldn’t have applied for citizenship. I don’t know if he ever did and was denied, or if he just never bothered. In general, though, it’s probably relevant to note that until November 2015 the difference between being a citizen and having a permanent residence permit (PUT) was very minor to a lot of people. Non-citizens can’t vote in national elections (but in local elections they can), and a PUT can be revoked if the person takes up residence in a different country or spends more than a year, consecutively, outside the country. In this case, the man had nowhere else to go, so unless he really valued his right to vote in national elections he probably just never bothered to apply. There’s also an application fee to take into account, and some paperwork that could be stressful for some people.
However, since he had to renew his residence permit from time to time, it’s clear that he only had a temporary residence permit (TUT). I can’t tell from my sources whether he was always here on a TUT or if he had a PUT that was revoked at some point. Up until recently, it was standard practice to give a PUT to refugees granted asylum. I don’t know if that was also the standard practice in the 1960s. I would have to do some more research to find out. This man came here way before any of the more recent populations of refugees (Yugoslavia, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Eritrea, etc), so the 1960s is ancient history from my point of view.
@kupo & LittleLurker
Speaking for myself, I think Alan has had his benefit of the doubt revoked due to previous sketchiness. But even without the Nazi war criminal reference, all the other criticisms I gave are still valid.
@kupo & LittleLurker
Alan has previously defended the 4Channers who shot up a #BLM rally, the South African concentration camps, genocide in and of itself… And that’s just the first few off the top of my half-asleep head. So. Yeah.
(And I stand by my calls to ban him. He gets away with this shit because he’s mealy-mouthed enough to pull off the “DEVIL’S ADVOCATE” dodge, but we don’t let MRAs get away with “SATIRE,” do we?)
I hatched an Onix and got 57 Onix candies. 😀
I wouldn’t normally respond to you (not to be malicious, just knowing that you’ve got a problem with me so don’t want to stir) but that’s complete BS.
All I said in relation to the BLM thing was that it was likely the law would let the white people get away with it. I made it quite clear that I thought that was a bad thing, but that’s the reality of how the legal system in the U.S. operates. You interpreted that as me somehow approving. That’s like saying someone who comments on the low conviction rate in rape somehow approves of that too.
I’ve never even mentioned concentration camps and I’ve certainly never defended genocide.
You’re good at searching for prior posts. Please link to where I’ve ever said anything of the stuff you’re claiming.
My favorite Pony’s are Twilight, Pinky pie, and Rarity.
I love Twilight because in a lot of ways I relate to her because I’m bookish and had a really long period of my life were I was tended to avoid making friends like she does in the begging of the first episode.
I like Pinky Pie because in general I really tend to like people with that much enthusiasm.
And I like Rarity because she reminds me of my sister to an almost ridicules extent.
Lucky, I haven’t even seen an Onix yet. XD But I just hatched a Ponyta and got 64 candies. I thought I’d glitched something before I figured out it’s from the Halloween thing… Why can’t it be Halloween forever. =P
Well, honestly I’ve been pretty annoyed that I can’t find any Pidgeys and Weedles during this event. I don’t need any more Gastlys, Meowths and Cubones now. But on Saturday I’m gonna be riding the trams all damn day to collect Dratini candies. :p
And also just now I hatched a Charmander and got 21 candies.