A theater chain in Melbourne has cancelled screenings of Cassie Jaye’s The Red Pill in response to a petition on Change.org. Good news for feminists? No. Bad news.
As someone who’s writing critically about Men’s Rights activists for years, including many of those who appear in the film, I ask you to NOT support efforts to get the film removed from theaters.
Yes, the film (which I haven’t seen) looks to be a whitewash of some of the most noxious people in the world.
But if you’re interested in fighting against MRAs and all that they stand for, attempts to get The Red Pill removed from theaters don’t help.
I’m against this sort of thing on principle. But it’s also a very bad move practically. These sorts of campaigns give the film free publicity. They allow Cassie Jaye and her supporters to play the part of free-speech martyrs — especially ironic given the ongoing efforts of MRAs and fellow travelers in the alt right to silence women and feminists through harassment.
It’s exactly what they want.
So please don’t start petitions against The Red Pill, don’t sign petitions against The Red Pill; don’t support petitions against The Red Pill.
Let it sink into the obscurity it deserves on its own.
EDIT: As I said in the comments, this is such a boon to MRAs I would not be shocked in the slightest to discover that it was an MRA publicity stunt.

No no no. Craig, when you’re trying to co-op Orwell, you say ‘1984 is supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual!’ Then you pay yourself on the back like you’d actually said something clever, instead of completely clueless.
Animal Farm doesn’t enter into it.

… Hmm… needs more sheep…
Wow, wow, wow. Just as I thought. I pose a question and ask you to consider thinking independently and the venom you all spit is amazing. Why were you all so threatened? Stop the superficial knee jerk responses for one moment and ask what it is that makes you so very threatened by a view that isn’t exactly in support of what you’ve been taught to believe? Just to yourself, in your home or in your office – what did I really say that prompted the electronic reams of hate posted above? You’ll see it was nothing and that your response were more about pulling your co-posters close than responding to me. And that is the group think I mentioned. Truly independant thought is the one thing the world is really short of today. My desire is not to take sides between women haters or feminists. I look for places where group think is at its worst and try to prise one person out of the unconscious groove most people live in. Is there even one independant thinker amongst you or will it just be another stream of sarcasm, foul language and “yeah we’re all on this side” speech?
Hey, it’s the follow-up nobody was expecting, where he says we’re all ignoring his points and being mean.
Craig, you can’t have been in the manosphere long if you think a few short replies that treat your post with the derision it deserved was electronic reams of hate. Its your bloggers and fellow manosphere commenters you want to look at for that.
BTW, the only question you asked –
was rhetorical.
Stop dressing up your unfounded assertions as questions, its not fooling anyone.
So Craig thinks that people agreeing on basic stuff is horrible groupthink and proves that they are incapable of individual thought. Meanwhile, Craig thinks that the ridicule he’s been subjected to is a torrent of hate that proves he’s right.
I’m not sure if any of this is interesting, but it certainly proves that Craig is capable of independent thought, because otherwise he couldn’t possibly see that he is the only reasonable person in this thread. Which is clearly the case, because that way he doesn’t have to answer any criticism.
My favorite part is the harping on lack of independent thought why literally sounding like every other troll this site gets.
AM FIERC – hey, get off! Fierce tigers no like scritches!
Like scritches.
Double-posting to say welcome, Frigid Virgin! You made your entry in some style.
Attention Sheeples!!!
(‘Extreme sheep herding’ is actually a thing here, but these guys are amongst the best at it)
And it continues. Now one of you answer a question? How am I a troll? Unless you define a troll as anyone who doesn’t fall over themselves to agree with you? Are your beliefs that fragile? I hope not. But again, tell me how I’m a troll and whatnot is I said that is so hurtful that it brings the very best you can muster – an effort at superior, weary sarcasm?
These sheep pictures are so cute, ohmygosh. :3
Anyway, my view is that no, things like this shouldn’t be banned unless they promote violence against a specific group.
While it can be argued that this movie promotes hatred against women, to me it just seems like childish whining from people who have the majority of positions of power (CEOs, politicians); who don’t have to worry about sexual harassment; who have shows and other media catered almost exclusively to them (boy do they notice when one isn’t); who don’t have politicians threatening to punish them for decisions they make with their own bodies; who don’t have to struggle to be respected in workplaces simply because of their genitalia; who don’t have their work trashed because of their gender (that study where they showed that computer code written by women got great feedback – better than the men’s – until it was discovered a woman wrote it); who don’t have politicians mocking their looks, their bodies, and degrading them at every turn; who don’t deal with rape threats online for voicing an opinion. I could go on and on.
Suffice it to say, to hear these men whine and moan that feminists are somehow harming them is just beyond ridiculous. They are just a convenient scapegoat for their own failures.
@ Craig
Blimey, give us a chance!
This isn’t HelloCupid. The rules are different here. You have to wait at least half an hour before you get to yell at us.
Craig, answer our questions. Or post a link to a manosphere comment where you have similarly tried to disrupt the groupthink there with your probing rhetorical questions, and I’ll consider replying.
If you don’t, I will consider you to have conceded my point that you are misrepresenting yourself and your motivations. I will be home here doing my little victory dance. Whether anyone else here dances too is up to them.
I’ll dance for sure. I bet Alan will, too; he loves a good dance 😀
Shorter Craig:
October 26, 2016 at 6:33 am
How am I a troll?
You would be a troll if you main purpose here is to provoke fights. So, perhaps you can tell us if that is, in fact, your purpose here.
Unless you define a troll as anyone who doesn’t fall over themselves to agree with you?
As I said above, “you would be a troll if you main purpose here is to provoke fights.” People can disagree without being a troll.
Are your beliefs that fragile?
No, but many people get irritable when they are trolled, and that’s what trolls count on. One trick that trolls often use to irritate people, for example, is taunts such as “are your beliefs that fragile”?
tell me how I’m a troll and whatnot is I said that is so hurtful that it brings the very best you can muster – an effort at superior, weary sarcasm?
Other taunts include “is this really the best you can do?” coupled with a pained demeanor suggesting although you know you are completely wasting your time arguing with thin-skinned, self-righteous halfwits, you are still gamely, bravely sacrificing your time and energy in a probably vain effort to educate us and open our minds. How generous of you! So, you imply, you are not a troll at all, you are a selfless missionary amidst ungrateful natives.
Needs more sheep…

I’m going to dance with Croquembouche and Mish. Then I’ll go back to admiring the sheep photos and wondering how the wool would feel in yarn form.
Re: sheep pictures
Is anyone else starting to feel sleepy?
Troll = person who storms in here in bad faith, refuses to engage, pretends that any sort of response at all mean we’re “threatened” (thus making said troll feel that his boring status quo opinions are some sort of novel and dangerous heresy and imparting a fleeting sense of artificial triumph to said troll’s otherwise unremarkable existence), and refuses to accept that we all arrived independently at the conclusion that women are human beings.
Craig, you are the common variety of troll known as chessplayingus pigeonus.
@Alan – I lost count awhile back.