alt-right antifeminism cassie jaye entitled babies hate speech homophobia literal nazis matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA racism rape culture red pill

“Red Pill” director Cassie Jaye hits a new low with her appearance on a white supremacist podcast

Odd couple: Matt Forney and Cassie Jaye

Filmmaker Cassie Jaye seems to have developed a weird affinity for bigots.

First, she cozied up to some of the most hateful figures in the Men’s Rights movement during the filming of her documentary The Red Pill.

Then, when her funding for the film ran out, she happily accepted financial assistance not only from the actual subjects of the film but also from a motley assortment of far-right ideologues — among them a notorious quasi-journalist who was famously tossed off of Twitter after his fans barraged Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones with racist abuse, and a delusional Trump superfan who literally believes he gave Hillary Clinton the flu with his mind. (After a big donation to Jaye, he got himself an associate producer credit on her film.)

Now she’s trying her best to drum up interest in her film, which has barely drawn any notice at all outside the overlapping spheres of alt-right lady haters and MRAs since it premiered at a New York theater earlier this month.

While The Red Pill got a glowing, if rambling, “review” from new pal/volunteer fundraiser Milo Yiannopoulos at Breitbart, and a somewhat less-enthusiastic thumbs-up from Cathy Young at the right-wing internet tabloid Heat Street, the two real film reviewers who’ve bothered to give it a look have panned it.

Katie Walsh at the Los Angeles Times took issue with the film’s “uncritical, lopsided” argument, complaining that Jaye “twists herself in knots to justify the movement’s misogynist rhetoric.” The Village Voice’s Alan Scherstuhl dismissed Jaye as an inept “propagandist” and warned potential viewers that, as the headline to his piece put it, “You Can’t Unsee ‘The Red Pill,’ the Documentary About a Filmmaker Who Learns to Love MRAs.” (His review of what he described as an “agonizing” film caused much wailing and gnashing of teeth amongst the MRA crowd.)

With little hope of attracting positive attention from film critics, and apparently desperate for any publicity she could get, Jaye agreed to appear on the podcast of an internet-famous bigot who has been described by one critic, not without reason, as “THE MOST WARPED USELESS PEICE OF SH*T THAT I HAVE EVER HAD THE DISPLEASURE TO ENCOUNTER [on the] INTERNET OR ELSEWHERE.”

I am talking, of course, about the rape-excusing, abuse-encouraginglady-hating, gay-baiting white supremacist Matt Forney — he’s the one on the left in the photo below.

She didn’t just give Forney a couple of minutes of her time; she sat down with him for roughly three-quarters of an hour for his podcast “This Alt-Right Life.” It’s a singularly unedifying discussion. At one point she mentions that she used to get into arguments with her boyfriend every month about nothing, something she now jokingly blames not on PMS but on her (former) feminism.


She also expressed sympathy when Forney mentioned that he himself had been the victim of a “false” rape accusation. (Imagine that, the author of a blog post titled “Why Girls Rarely Mean No When They Say No” being accused of rape!)

Not that long ago, Jaye was by all appearances a staunch opponent of pretty much everything Forney and his alt-right pals stand for.

In 2012, she released a documentary titled “The Right to Love,” which, according to its description on IMDb, is the portrait of a “Californian married gay couple and their two adopted children,” fighting against the forces of “discrimination, ignorance and hate” who would deny them their right to marry and raise children.

Now she’s appearing on the podcast of a guy who is a virtual embodiment of this ignorance and hate.

It’s not as if evidence of Forney’s despicable views is hard to find, and not just in the WHTM archives. The name of his podcast contains the phrase “alt-right.” In the list of “popular posts” highlighted in the sidebar of his blog one finds such lovely titles as “How to Crush a Girl’s Self-Esteem” and “Why Fat Girls Don’t Deserve to Be Loved.” (Neither title is meant ironically.)

And then there is the endless stream of racist, misogynist and homophobic abuse that is his Twitter account. Some highlights from the last several days:

That last tweet — a reference to Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet’s practice of murdering people by throwing them from helicopters — is technically a death threat, aimed at a National Review writer who has gotten many such threats from Forney’s colleagues in the alt-right, including photoshopped images of his 7-year-old daughter being gassed in a Nazi death camp.

Are these really the sorts of people Jaye wants to align herself with?

In his “review” of The Red Pill, Milo claimed, without evidence, that a virtual army of feminists was “scrambling to stop Cassie Jaye” and her film. In fact, feminists have mostly ignored The Red Pill. And the person who has done the most to damage Jaye’s credibility is, well, Jaye herself.

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weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

It’s interesting how MRAs seem to completely disregard the rights of boys. When fathers opt out of financial responsibility for their children, some of those children are boys. Their self-centered right to stay foot loose and fancy free supercedes the right of their sons (and daughters) to have food, shelter, clothing, medical care etc. I see nothing so selfish in feminism. Woman feminists care no just about themselves, but the rights and welfare of girls. Just another key difference between feminists and MRAs.

8 years ago

both man and woman should be able to decide whether they’re opting in, or opting out, of assuming the rights and responsibilities of parenthood

Both can, through abstinence. Short of that, there’s birth control, but it’s not 100%.

Once there’s conception, it’s in the mother’s womb, so the father doesn’t get to perform surgery on this other person, sorry.

After birth, the child exists. You can’t opt out of the child’s existence.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Don’t Starve Update:

Fucking frogs killed Woodie at 18 days goddamnit. (Don’t build by the ocean because frogs come from it somehow??) And then I jumped into an old Wickerbottom save and got her killed because, dumby me, I accidentally attacked a Pig Man. I was doing so good, too! I had so many goddamn rabbits and had jerky like whoa and plenty of bushes and grass and sticks at 13 days. And then I got her killed!

I think I might just be bad at Don’t Starve.
comment image

Also, it seems that 4Chan was doing some election hoaxing by spreading false rumors that you could vote online by Tweeting…which is ridiculous but still.

8 years ago

Inspired by @Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack I thought I’d post a bit of an update on my Europa Universalis IV shenanigans: Basically, the new DLC “Rights of Man” prods some serious buttock. I’ve started games as various different nations to test out the new mechanics and now I’ve started my first “proper” run. I’m playing as England and have managed to survive “The War of the Roses”, which only lasted three years, and now I have the moderately awesome Henry VII Tudor on the English throne at barely 30 years old. The fun thing is that old Arri Tudur (he was Welsh, you know) has as his consort a lovely English lass named…*drumroll* Jane Grey. 😀 Sometimes RNJesus throws out some fun historical names. ^_^

As for the topic at hand… I really don’t get a good feeling about anyone associated with “Red Pill” the movie or the phenomenon.

Ray of Rays
Ray of Rays
8 years ago

@ Paradoxical Intention

This is so minor I hesitate to mention it, and has nothing to do with your actual post, but…”phenomena” is a plural. ^_^

@ Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack

Huh. Actually, if you’ve unlocked Woody already, I think you already have everyone who’s unlocked by just XP. Wes, Maxwell, and Webber are all special condition unlocks (and the first two require Adventure Mode…in which I’ve never gotten past stage 1).

And oh, the Moose/Goose. Probably the worst of the bosses, since it doesn’t even drop anything all that useful (if you kill it multiple times, you can make…an unreliable special weapon). At least it doesn’t break things like the Deerclops, and I think it despawns after a bit.

I hates them frogs. Hates ’em so much. And…frogs in the ocean? Is that part of the Shipwrecked expansion? Haven’t played it, yet, so I generally only run into frogs when I settle too near a pond, or if it’s spring and starts raining them (and even then, I lower the rate before starting a world).

I almost hesitate to bring it up, but it is possible to save-scum in DS. If you have an active touchstone (or presumably something else preventing your death, like a meat effigy), die, and close the game before your resurrection registers, the game will still load at your last save. I know it goes against the spirit of roguelikes, but I’ve used the trick many times. >_>

@ Monzach

I own that game (bought it in a Steam sale), but I keep getting frightened away. I haven’t really gotten into 4X games beyond Civ 5, but EU4’s loading screens manage to hint at freaky levels of complexity for my limited patience. Am I worrying over nothing?

8 years ago

And now he is predicting a white bay boom due to all the sex dreams women are having about trump

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

TW harassment, threats of violence and sexual violence

I just watched a reaction video to the season premiere of The Walking Dead on youtube. I’m not gonna post any spoilers, but obviously it’s a very dramatic episode. The young woman in the video cried from start to end.

Aaaand here come the alt-right/4chan fuckheads, homing in on another victim. Comment section is filled with people calling her names, whining about “college safe spaces”, “stupid girl”, “my dear”, “sweetheart”, “I would pay 100 dollars to smack the sh1t out of this chick!”, “this is why women should not be paid the same treated the same because there all emotional fucking bitches and all need to die”, “my dick will make you feel better”, “Are you on your period?”, etc etc etc. On top of that, the creepazoids spamming their “omg you’re so pretty”, “I need to marry you”, “I should be there to hold you”, “I hate seeing a pretty girl cry”, on and fucking on.

About an hour ago, the video uploader posted a comment saying:

Okay for you big tough guys writing to me online saying you want to “cut my head off” don’t fucking watch my video. Honestly, If you don’t like this video that is fine move on and go watch something you enjoy on Youtube. Keyboard warriors smh. Thank you for the other supportive people <3 I don't want to disable comments because this is a place to have open discussion. But I am starting to feel a bit threatened by some of these comments.

Well. This is how humanity has decided to behave, I guess. I’m gonna go have a quick depression, brb.

8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal

I’m pretty sure that Negan is going to become a hero and role model to those types of people.

8 years ago

How am I supposed to get pregnant from a wake-up-screaming nightmare?

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

I hates them frogs. Hates ’em so much. And…frogs in the ocean? Is that part of the Shipwrecked expansion? Haven’t played it, yet, so I generally only run into frogs when I settle too near a pond, or if it’s spring and starts raining them (and even then, I lower the rate before starting a world).

I don’t have Shipwrecked but there’s driftwood in the ocean so it might be just a part of the patch. I usually like to settle near the ocean so I don’t have to worry about the hellhounds coming from anywhere. I should get it soon, though, because I do like the new characters. Warly in particular seems especially fun since he’s suppose to have a bunch of new recipes.

And I forgot that Wes, Webber and Maxwell were SPECIAL because OF COURSE. I noticed that I was at “XP Cap” when Woodie died. :/ I guess I’ll look up how to unlock Webber, then, because there’s no way I can get into the actual story to get Wes and Maxwell. (Although being able to make balloons would be cool…)

Although I swore I had already unlocked Webber…

8 years ago

I’m sorry for responding late, I just, after a statement like that, I didn’t really have the words. It’s one thing to hear racist slurs from jackass drivers and people on electric scooters, it’s another to just get pushed aside, like you don’t even matter outside of being a tool.

I got a copy of Divinity: Dragon Commander. After my studies I’ll see to it that I’ll have my empire be the nightmare of mra’s, pua’s, mgtow and more. I’ll be pissing off the homophobic dwarves and conservative undead with my progressive reforms.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Walking Dead spoiler alert

Oh yeah. Negan is a total dark triad alpha male. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear some racism too. Something along the lines of Glen being a typical Asian beta for being killed by him.

End Walking Dead Spoilers

I watch TWD because I’m a big horror junkie, but from what I’ve seen, much of the fanbase leaves something to be desired. The GoT and ASOIAF fandom, despite being heavily female and heavily progressive still has enough right wing douchenozzles to deal with. I’m not getting near the TWD fandom!

8 years ago

I’m still pissed because they decided to stick to the book, yeah it’s not like Glen was one of the very few asian characters people know on the show.

8 years ago

@Ooglyboggles, no need to apologize. You can respond, take a break, disengage, whatever. The thread was moving fast and there was a lot of discussion about her “reproductive rights” bullshit, so I just wanted make sure you knew that, in the midst of all of that, your comments and her nonchalant racism didn’t go unnoticed by others. If that makes any sense.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Don’t Starve Update:

I remember now! I had Webber’s skull in a chest but didn’t know what to do with it in the Wickerbottom save I just messed up.


Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


it’s not like Glen was one of the very few asian characters people know on the show

The struggle is real. Walking Dead isn’t for me, but I recognize the feeling


8 years ago

In other news, I am drinking a beer before going back to practicing my stuff for school because fuck it, I never get to have a damn beer anymore because there’s always more practicing to do, and the worst thing that will happen is I can’t practice anymore tonight and I’ll have to put in like 4 hours tomorrow. Which… would actually really suck. But whatever! Outlaw country!

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I didn’t want to butt in on your thread with Susan, @Ooglyboggles, but her reply to you really jittered my critters, too. Her only reply to “multifaceted systemic racism!” was “That reminds me of all of the reasons why I’m right about things.”

If everything reminds you about the thing you happen to be talking about right then, chances are good you don’t know what you’re talking about. If it also happens when discussing the plights of other people, chances are good that you’re a jerk.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I too am drinking a beer and studying. Cheers!

8 years ago


8 years ago

RE: TWD, I’m a season behind (no cable TV, so I watch it on Netflix). After the last episode of Season 6 and what I’ve seen about the premiere, I might be done with it. As one of my friends said, I don’t know if I want to let that stuff in my head anymore.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Their really is in general a lack of Asian representation in American TV and movies, isn’t there?

I’d really recommend the movie Half-Life. I’ve been wanting to watch it again.

It’s an indie drama with a little bit of a sci-fi element. As a bonus, the writer/director is a woman.

ETA: Ignore the lukewarm IMDB user rating. Apparently a lot of people thought it was supposed to be an adaptation of the game. It is not in any way related to the game but I guess people assumed and tantrumed about it.

8 years ago

Wow, I just realized how slow I am posting comments. My earlier comment about Pizzey was started when the last comment in this thread was an Alan Rickman GIF, and I posted when I was finally finished with the research and editing. Sorry if I sounded like I was piling on or explaining an already-explained point. Serves me right for not refreshing before posting.

Weird (and tired of trumpery) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumpery) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Scildafreja & Viscaria

I am neither drinking not studying… not sleeping. Perhaps I should drink and/or study… might put me to sleep! 😉


Outlaw country as in music?

8 years ago

Outlaw country as in music, but specifically in the context of the TV show Archer. While I am deep in country music, uh, country, I’ve never gotten into it. I love Dolly Parton, and that’s pretty much it.

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