Wake up, Sheeple-Going-Your-Own-Way! The (((Globalist Oligarchs))) are out to get you!
A self-described “nationalist MGTOW” on Reddit is warning other Going-Their-Own-Way dudes that our evil globalist overlords (and overladies) have it out for men. In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today, a dude calling himself Talkytalktalk declares that the “oligarchs that run the world are destroying all men and raising women up.”
Why? Because women are so much easier to control. Heh heh heh.
Women are more docile and less likely to question authority. Evolutionary psychology explains this unquestionable phenomenon quite well. Men have often been competitors to the death for resources and women throughout our evolution,thus men really need to ascertain whether their leaders have their back or whether their leaders will eliminate them when they have the opportunity.
The world’s women, on the other hand, don’t need to worry about all this man-elimination, because they know that even if the globalist police bust down their doors and drag their men off screaming, they, on account of being ladies, will soon be provided with new dudes to leech off of.
Women are just transferred to a new man when coups occur, so they will always be taken care of. They don’t need much suspicion of leaders.
Just make sure you fill out the proper forms at the Department of Female Transfer (Leeching Division), gals!
Indeed, no matter how much chaos these man-elimination policies may unleash, ladies will always do just fine. There’s like a rule about it, or something.
I think it’s part of some treaty or U.N. plan that any government cuts cannot negatively affect women. Therefore it’s de facto open season on the men of the world.
Globalists also love the ladies because ladies are always buying lady crap for stupid lady reasons.
The multinational corporations these oligarchs run love the profits generated from the female tendency towards conspicuous “keeping up with the Jones’s” consumption. Men’s more reasonable purchase decisions are less desirable. Therefore the oligarchs benefit most if they can put a woman in charge of a man’s hard won dollars.
Statistics from the Department of Ladies Buying Lady Crap With Men’s Hard Won Dollars reveal that ladies typically spend more than 50% of their monthly budget on bon-bons and bon-bon related purchases.
But don’t assume that the globalists, despite their “virulent pro woman anti male sentiment,” are necessarily pushing feminism. Nah. Apparently the globalists sell more bon bons by pushing so-called traditional values that on their surface seem like they’d be worse for the ladies.
The globalist oligarchs push all sorts of tradcon pro marriage stuff to keep a man enslaved to a woman. They’re even importing jihadis into individual oriented freer western nations to turn back the clock and put men back into the bluest of blue pill institutions, fundamentalist marriages.
So devious, these globalists!
Indeed, so devious that, asTalkytalktalk ominously notes, some of these evil globalists are even trying to worm their way into the MGTOW movement!
The globalist libertarians of mgtow are despicable infiltrator into mgtow, because they are intellectually unable to acknowledge any of this, due to brainwashing.
They cannot acknowledge that maybe corporations do bad things, because that would be communism. nor can they criticize immigration, because that would be nationalistic Nazism. They’re prevented from seeing the truth through years of globalist conditioning.
In conclusion, wake up sheeple.
So he’s like every other asshole covered on this website.
James Ball can have all my middle fingers.
That aside, here‘s some more fun stuff regarding Assange and Russia that doesn’t seem to be mentioned in the article (unless I missed it). Whoopsie.
I kinda hope that didn’t mean what I thought it meant but I guess it was as I feared.
Fuck yeah!
Fuck off!
I feel good about this in a no doubt very unhealthy way. At this point tho, I don’t even care ?
I had to reassess my opinion of WL as soon as the details of what Assange was accused of doing came out, and he just didn’t dispute them. He disputed that the acts amounted to rape, but not that he had done what was described. That made me feel squicky, because it sure sounded like rape to me.
The major defense of Assange was always that what he did wasn’t legally rape in most jurisdictions, so the obvious implication to defenders was that his only crime was doing a totes normal thing in the wrong place. What I saw was a guy who thought raping a lady was okay, and that made me reassess Assange and what he was doing. I concluded that he was a bad person who was doing something that was positive for the world by accident, not by design.
I also have many middle fingers for the writer:
Someone who hides behind the old “we are obligated to presume innocence until proven guilty despite not being a court of law” trope is an enemy to rape victims.
Re: Gadsden flag, “Don’t tread on me”
I recall seeing a version where the snake was replaced by a big, neatly coiled turd.
Without fact checking, I think it’s likely that the deplorables are right, in this case. Seems quite possible that WL would publish on the website before tweeting.
Some scent company marketed an aftershave last winter in a hand-grenade shaped bottle.
Couldn’t help thinking this might be an unwise purchase for anyone liable to get stopped and searched, or attract extra attention while boarding planes, say for some totally random reason like skin colour, for instance.
I would say not so much the HB they feel they deserve, but the HB they feel they need to have to finally be taken seriously by their peers.
@everyone re Wikileaks,
I was steering clear of the rape cases in my earlier comment as I was trying to express my disappointment in all of Wikileaks’ recent actions. My previous support was for the organisation, not Assange. Years before the Swedish cases, Aust. writers like Robert Manne were expressing disquiet about Assange’s attitudes to women; I had few illusions on that front.
OoglyBoggles articulated the anger & disappointment very well in his post (imho). 5-6 years ago, many of us really thought that WL was doing important, worthy stuff. Recent events have come as a shock.
Re the “autist” comment: apparently JA is hailed as a hero and “fellow autist” by certain alt-righters who seem to understand it as equivalent to asshole. I read Ball’s point “the autist he’s often seen as” as a description of that, not an endorsement. But perhaps not, so fair enough 🙁
I know this is a heated issue, esp. right now, so thanks for being courteous, and my apologies if it was just not appropriate.
I haven’t read this brand-new article yet, but I’m looking forward to doing so.
Trolls for Trump
Meet Mike Cernovich, the meme mastermind of the alt-right.
So alpha
I’m surprised he managed to get a 2nd wife (divorced by the 1st one in 2011…), I also feel bad for the kid they’re having sometime soon-ish due to the misogy-douche her dad is so very proud to be.
That Cernovich piece is good. He’s thrilled by the attention — I found out about the piece from his blog — but it’s really not a flattering piece.
It also contains a funny cameo from Lou Dobbs, who comes off if anything even worse than Cerno. I know people who used to work with Dobbs and he’s apparently every bit the pompous blowhard he appears to be on TV, and then some.
@David Futrelle
But how likely would it be for a sizeable chunk of those who read the piece on Juicebro to actually ‘get’ that it’s not terribly flattering given the subtlety?
All sociology is nonsense.
Except my vaguely evo-psych-based sociology built on my presumptions about how early pre-modern civilizations worked. That’s totes legit.
My favorite part of the article:
In July, 2015, [Cernovich] tweeted, “I said if a Republican acted like me and ran for office, it’d be a movement. Donald Trump has proven me right. People are tired of pussies.” Politics is a blood sport, but, during the primaries, Jeb Bush and the rest of Trump’s “cuckservative” opponents preferred to be genteel.
Politics is a blood sport?
Sounds as though pussies have an edge over nonpussies.
We pussies bleed (on and off) for decades but do not die.
I used to watch the Today Show back in the 1970s when Dobbs was a reporter for it.
He always looked unhappy but he didn’t seem to be a hater. Not back then.
I loved this part:
Also this, about a group of Syrian refugees he spotted in Budapest:
Oh, they’re playing SOCCER! And FLIRTING! Well then, obviously they’ve forgotten all about losing their homes, livelihoods and families, and everything is okay now! I mean, it just wouldn’t make sense for people who have been through unbelievable trauma and upheaval to band together and do things that might bring them some semblance of stability and joy. It must be a hoax.
I get so tired of seeing that same specious handwaving argument from the right wing, again and again. It’s a variant of “oh, you’re happy/ate steak/own a television, therefore you’re not really living in poverty, therefore shut up about it.” When a marginalized group doesn’t look and behave according to their stereotyped gut feels of how oppressed people should look and behave, these guys argue that they’re not really oppressed. Same with women. They see carefree women walking around in public earning money and getting “attention” at bars, so they conclude that the issues feminists raise aren’t real.
“If I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist” isn’t a very adult line of reasoning.
That line is the Bugbear of the century for me.
By that logic the famous Christmas football match proves WW1 was a fake.
When I was in Atlanta last weekend, my friend pointed out a car sporting both the blue/yellow equality sticker and a Gadsen flag. Still not sure what to make of that.
“I care about equality but I don’t want the government to have any part of it.”
Soooooooooooo the government is supposed to do what…? Maybe just handle the collection/budget distributions of taxes, environmental regulations, and be comprised of a bunch of old white dudes with swimming pools full of money? Would prosecution of criminals be considered dabbling in matters of equality on the part of the government?