Wake up, Sheeple-Going-Your-Own-Way! The (((Globalist Oligarchs))) are out to get you!
A self-described “nationalist MGTOW” on Reddit is warning other Going-Their-Own-Way dudes that our evil globalist overlords (and overladies) have it out for men. In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today, a dude calling himself Talkytalktalk declares that the “oligarchs that run the world are destroying all men and raising women up.”
Why? Because women are so much easier to control. Heh heh heh.
Women are more docile and less likely to question authority. Evolutionary psychology explains this unquestionable phenomenon quite well. Men have often been competitors to the death for resources and women throughout our evolution,thus men really need to ascertain whether their leaders have their back or whether their leaders will eliminate them when they have the opportunity.
The world’s women, on the other hand, don’t need to worry about all this man-elimination, because they know that even if the globalist police bust down their doors and drag their men off screaming, they, on account of being ladies, will soon be provided with new dudes to leech off of.
Women are just transferred to a new man when coups occur, so they will always be taken care of. They don’t need much suspicion of leaders.
Just make sure you fill out the proper forms at the Department of Female Transfer (Leeching Division), gals!
Indeed, no matter how much chaos these man-elimination policies may unleash, ladies will always do just fine. There’s like a rule about it, or something.
I think it’s part of some treaty or U.N. plan that any government cuts cannot negatively affect women. Therefore it’s de facto open season on the men of the world.
Globalists also love the ladies because ladies are always buying lady crap for stupid lady reasons.
The multinational corporations these oligarchs run love the profits generated from the female tendency towards conspicuous “keeping up with the Jones’s” consumption. Men’s more reasonable purchase decisions are less desirable. Therefore the oligarchs benefit most if they can put a woman in charge of a man’s hard won dollars.
Statistics from the Department of Ladies Buying Lady Crap With Men’s Hard Won Dollars reveal that ladies typically spend more than 50% of their monthly budget on bon-bons and bon-bon related purchases.
But don’t assume that the globalists, despite their “virulent pro woman anti male sentiment,” are necessarily pushing feminism. Nah. Apparently the globalists sell more bon bons by pushing so-called traditional values that on their surface seem like they’d be worse for the ladies.
The globalist oligarchs push all sorts of tradcon pro marriage stuff to keep a man enslaved to a woman. They’re even importing jihadis into individual oriented freer western nations to turn back the clock and put men back into the bluest of blue pill institutions, fundamentalist marriages.
So devious, these globalists!
Indeed, so devious that, asTalkytalktalk ominously notes, some of these evil globalists are even trying to worm their way into the MGTOW movement!
The globalist libertarians of mgtow are despicable infiltrator into mgtow, because they are intellectually unable to acknowledge any of this, due to brainwashing.
They cannot acknowledge that maybe corporations do bad things, because that would be communism. nor can they criticize immigration, because that would be nationalistic Nazism. They’re prevented from seeing the truth through years of globalist conditioning.
In conclusion, wake up sheeple.
I’m a little surprised this person hasn’t also tried to pin this globalist man-killing plot on George Soros
Somebody’s in the comments tryna explain how friends are supposed to work. Cos people apparently need to be told in 2016. And everyone else is making any assumption necessary to convince themselves that the author messed up somehow. 3early5me. The internet, everyone!
If we’re so easy to control, why are MGTOWs and other manosphereans always whining that we won’t do what they want us to?
White dudes inventing reasons to accuse minorities of oppressing them have got to be the most pathetic and confused people on the planet.
It was a big MRA whine for a couple of years after the Haiti earthquake because so many men were aggressive in line and taking the food for themselves, the UN relief org had to start distributing it to the women first.
The women were actually willing to share with their whole family.
Off course, in MRAland, this meant the evil women got all the food and the men got none.
My favorite thing about that Tampon guy was this article: http://thetab.com/uk/2016/10/20/spoke-anti-tampon-tax-guy-told-women-just-hold-bladder-23156
This quote in particular was the best:
Of course they’re oppressed, they can’t murder non-Caucasian people for not ‘knowing their place’ anymore. They can’t backhand their wives or girlfriends when they feel like it, nor is raping their wives a natural right anymore. They can’t murder or assault (or rape) gay people without repercussion. They can’t assault or murder trans-women* (or trans-people in general) without repercussion.
Obviously they are quite heavily oppressed. /sarc Note: obviously some do get away with these things, but on the whole the law and society is not on their side.
*Pet peeve of mine (and I hope this doesn’t bother anyone): It seems that trans-women are the go-to bogeyman that 99% of all the haters like to bash on and murder. We’re all just pervs and incipient rapists waiting to get some poor cis-female (child or adult) alone in a bathroom, or ‘trick’ some poor guy into having sex, etc, etc. I’m in Canada where (I think) things aren’t all that bad, but I’m still too paranoid (and just plain too scared) to use a public washroom that isn’t designated unisex. Umm ya, sorry for the OT ramble.
I can’t decide which one I like better:
Ambassador, you truly spoil us.
No puppet! No puppet! You’re the puppet! You’re the puppet!
Men are expendable.
They have to be trained to work together.
Their ‘reasonable’ purchases include big trucks, sports cars, guns, boats, sports team gear, guns and other stunningly useless stuff designed to impress other men.
Highly aggressive males have difficulty not destroying communal efforts to improve the general welfare.
The ancient practice of ‘the king must die’ may have been a social hygiene practice to eliminate the most aggressive males from the population.
The rise of a white male monogod has been a disaster for humanity.
The author of this self-pitying whine demonstrates why.
@Jesalin No shit!!
Yeah, there are definitely douche bags in Canada. 😛
Excellent, conspiracy theorizing and total inability to accept that not everyone has the emotional breadth of a lazy slime mold makes for such cogent arguments. Deep socio-political analysis can only come from brilliant non sheeple (wolfle?) such as this man.
Also, I would like to state for the record that if in fact women had leech mouthparts, we would live in a very different world than we do.
Add confederate flags to your list of useless shit men buy.
Other “reasonable” male purchases: McMansions, definable as “overpriced, poorly built subdivision houses with pretensions to castle-like grandeur”. Last I looked, few women were buying these (or could even afford to).
Also, Gadsen flags.
One of my buddies in the Navy spent his signing bonus and then some on a brand new truck so big that even he, at 6’4″ had to climb into it. He wasn’t an outlier.
Talkytalktalk, you and the other totally alpha males will definitely not be killed in a coup, on account of you being all badass and stuff.
Which means that you guys will get the EXTRA WOMEN!
After a while, all the beta guys will have been killed off, so I hope that you and the other totally alpha guys are READY TO PARTY WITH ABOUT A BILLION WOMEN!
In news of Leslie Jones:
Leslie Jones Fires Back at Trolls and Hackers With Hilarious SNL Takedown
So MGTOW are straight up huffing paint now.
@ Snowberry,
I accidentally read that classic work, The myth of male power before I knew such a thing as MGTOW existed (happy days). This is the exact logical fallacy that kept jumping out at me.
Men die in wars and in crime fighting defending women and children? Of course they do – but they’re defending them from other men. Men are made powerless by The Government? Often they are – by a government that is mostly comprised of other men. Men are kept in poverty? Yep. By economic conditions created by – everyone join in now – other men.
It’s no wonder they love evo-psyche so much; they honestly want society to operate like a pride of lions. The most powerful male around takes control of his harem of females, mates with them all, lets them do the hunting, takes first crack at the kill, and drives away any other males who might challenge him, including his own offspring. And they all assume that they are powerful enough to have their own pride, if only those damn females would follow the script and be submissive.
Nah, dudes. You are the scrawny lions that can’t knock off the pride leaders. You have no territory and no females and you’re surviving on scraps because the females you want are humans with agency and refuse to have anything to do with your sorry, needy arse.
I had to Google the Gadsden flag *dramatic shudder*. Next time I’ll just ask you instead 🙂
I like this take on the gadsden flag, even if it’s a pretty old reference at this point.
>>Women .. they will always be taken care of
I’m confused, I thought in the great patriarchal model, it’s women who are supposed to take care of men: by birthing, raising, cooking, washing, cleaning, homemaking, blowjobbing, ceiling-watching and other such minstrelsy?
When I do a computer search for “Trump” now, I get this (among other websites):
We Won / Donald J Trump for President
There’s a CNN website above it that says this:
Presidential poll: Hillary Clinton leads Donald Trump by 12
I’ve seen that poll as well, there’s even articles where apparently Trump is telling his base to look for voter fraud in Dem districts instead of I don’t know, getting more voters to his side. It is so pathetic to see.
I’d feel pity if it weren’t for the fact the people involved in his campaign are knowingly going to screw over anyone with melanin and a small bank account.