Wake up, Sheeple-Going-Your-Own-Way! The (((Globalist Oligarchs))) are out to get you!
A self-described “nationalist MGTOW” on Reddit is warning other Going-Their-Own-Way dudes that our evil globalist overlords (and overladies) have it out for men. In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today, a dude calling himself Talkytalktalk declares that the “oligarchs that run the world are destroying all men and raising women up.”
Why? Because women are so much easier to control. Heh heh heh.
Women are more docile and less likely to question authority. Evolutionary psychology explains this unquestionable phenomenon quite well. Men have often been competitors to the death for resources and women throughout our evolution,thus men really need to ascertain whether their leaders have their back or whether their leaders will eliminate them when they have the opportunity.
The world’s women, on the other hand, don’t need to worry about all this man-elimination, because they know that even if the globalist police bust down their doors and drag their men off screaming, they, on account of being ladies, will soon be provided with new dudes to leech off of.
Women are just transferred to a new man when coups occur, so they will always be taken care of. They don’t need much suspicion of leaders.
Just make sure you fill out the proper forms at the Department of Female Transfer (Leeching Division), gals!
Indeed, no matter how much chaos these man-elimination policies may unleash, ladies will always do just fine. There’s like a rule about it, or something.
I think it’s part of some treaty or U.N. plan that any government cuts cannot negatively affect women. Therefore it’s de facto open season on the men of the world.
Globalists also love the ladies because ladies are always buying lady crap for stupid lady reasons.
The multinational corporations these oligarchs run love the profits generated from the female tendency towards conspicuous “keeping up with the Jones’s” consumption. Men’s more reasonable purchase decisions are less desirable. Therefore the oligarchs benefit most if they can put a woman in charge of a man’s hard won dollars.
Statistics from the Department of Ladies Buying Lady Crap With Men’s Hard Won Dollars reveal that ladies typically spend more than 50% of their monthly budget on bon-bons and bon-bon related purchases.
But don’t assume that the globalists, despite their “virulent pro woman anti male sentiment,” are necessarily pushing feminism. Nah. Apparently the globalists sell more bon bons by pushing so-called traditional values that on their surface seem like they’d be worse for the ladies.
The globalist oligarchs push all sorts of tradcon pro marriage stuff to keep a man enslaved to a woman. They’re even importing jihadis into individual oriented freer western nations to turn back the clock and put men back into the bluest of blue pill institutions, fundamentalist marriages.
So devious, these globalists!
Indeed, so devious that, asTalkytalktalk ominously notes, some of these evil globalists are even trying to worm their way into the MGTOW movement!
The globalist libertarians of mgtow are despicable infiltrator into mgtow, because they are intellectually unable to acknowledge any of this, due to brainwashing.
They cannot acknowledge that maybe corporations do bad things, because that would be communism. nor can they criticize immigration, because that would be nationalistic Nazism. They’re prevented from seeing the truth through years of globalist conditioning.
In conclusion, wake up sheeple.
@Reggie, the Neighbor’s Cat:
The hell of it is, I think there is meaning for him, poor stupid thing.
It’s a common theme for reactionary pricks. Women and “inferior races” are stupid/childish/easily manipulated but also devious and powerful enough to put down mighty whitey whenever they want.
Ignorant douche forgets prehistoric women and other female animals always fought to the death for resources. Women provided hunter gatherer groups with the bulk of food and fashioned the most essential tools the group needed to survive. Female animals don’t exactly eat bon bons in safety either as Nature mercilessly destroys females that are sick, weak, and deformed.
Weird (and tired of trumpery) Eddie:
My friend who studies Evo-Psych in college says that the use of Evo-psych evolved in early humans just for this reason. They would sit around the camp fire and argue over prey movement. “When attacked the prey will head north, because south has the ‘ow’ sound in it, and the prey will go in the opposite direction because they evolved the desire to avoid pain.” Plants don’t have psychology, so that’s why women didn’t evolve evo-psych.
OP, like most manospherians, just srsly wants to be oppressed and be “kept down” for the sake of not having to face the fact that maybe, just maybe, they’re the cause of some, if not most, of their own problems and other men caused another good chunk of ’em.
I mean, if we sit down and try to parse out exactly what any particular sect of the Manosphere is pissed off about, it can usually be traced to either their shitty personality or other men enforcing patriarchy. (And, of course, there’s also tons of cognitive dissonance in there as well.)
Only men are being drafted? Patriarchy. Men forcing other men to fight for their shitty wars and keeping women out by telling us that we’re too delicate and fragile and distracting on the front lines. (Of course, manospherians will also argue this in the same breath that they argue about how unfair it is that only men are drafted, regardless of what feminist agrees with them that the draft is shitty.)
Womens are too weak to live on their own and need a man to “leech off of”? Patriarchy. Men refusing to let women in the workforce for the longest time and telling women we needed men to survive. (Manospherians will also argue that women belong in the home taking care of kids and making them steak dinners with complimentary blowjobs under the dinner table.)
Women won’t fuck you? Personality. No one wants to fuck someone who hates them solely because they identify with a certain gender. Or if you’re a cissexist asshole like most manospherians, “born with a vagina”.
I could go on and on and on. Hell, I could very well start a blog about it. (HA.)
Granted, some of these men have very likely had shitty experiences with some shitty women that tinged their view of the world, but the idea that women as a whole are simultaneously both the proverbial Boogey(wo)man that are diabolically plotting the diabolical demise of men and are somehow also stupid, childish, and incapable of knowing what they want or how to get it just boggles the mind.
The MGTOW mindscape is something that would put MC Escher to shame, that’s for sure.
Not entirely OT: anyone see Boing Boing’s alt right conspiracy image generator? It’s A+.
(Apologies if this has already been mentioned somewhere I missed.)
How the hell do I get employed by this one world government I keep hearing so much about?
Despite which, plenty of non cis men have joined military forces throughout history, even if they had to disguise themselves as same to do so.
And traditionally is mostly an upper middle class thing (in the upper clases, of course, men don’t do any work either). In a non-motorised farm economy everyone works sunup to sundown, and women have always been heavily represented in the service sector (one reason it’s so denigrated). The idea that a (hetero) working class couple can get along with only the man working for pay is a 20th century thing, and even then the availabilityof such a lifestyle is exaggerated.
I suppose he just take for granted that women view all men as interchangeable money-dispensing devices. Just as this MGTOW guy seems to view all women as interchangeable (but faulty) sex-dispensing devices. Because there’s no way that anyone of any gender could possibly view another human being with affection and warmth, instead of cold “pragmatism”.
Yeah love, trust and respect, who in the world would believe in that stuff?
It’s like the world’s worst koan…
@Ray of Rays
Zen Going Their Own Way:
Ganto came upon a new disciple meditating in the disciple’s One World Government-provided mansion. He lifted his axe and told the disciple, “If you move, I will cut off your head; if you do not move, I will cut off your head”. The disciple continued to meditate as if Ganto had never spoken. Ganto cut his head off, because the disciple was a globalist libertarian infiltrator come to destroy Buddha by passing women around between totalitarian dictators until rational self-determinism was no longer allowable. Then he went after that sex traitor Tozan, because weighing flax is female work.
Author’s Commentary: Did you ever notice that “Wumen” sounds like “Women”? The “Gateless Gate” is slang for ladybits. Zen is an illusory humanist religion crafted by the (((Illuminati))) to destroy the minds of men by making them try to think about paradoxes and question the utility of received wisdom from our societal betters. [Ed. Note: There was a six-page rant here about tampons, but it made less sense than the rest of the work combined.]
@Ray of Rays
Kill the Globalist if the Globalist exists somewhere else. Kill the Globalist, because you should resume your own MGTOW nature.
Out of nowhere the sexism comes forth.
“Like this cup,” Roosh said, “you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Bangbook tips unless you first empty your cup?”
Yep, I remember the classic scene from the Trojan Women where Andromache has her son killed and is going to be “given” to the son of her husband’s killer, but then Hecuba says: “Women are just transferred to a new man when coups occur, so they will always be taken care of.” Then all the Women remember that this is totally normal and everything is fine and they frolic off to happily marry total strangers/deadly enemies! This is an important lesson to demonstrate to ladies that drama is only caused by them being emotional and overreacting!
The thing about women wasting money was ironic after a conversation I just had with my uncle who works at the World Bank. When they provide aid to families, if they give it to mothers, a much greater proportion goes to actually feeding and clothing the children. If they give the money to the fathers, lots of it gets wasted because many fathers just spend it on luxuries for themselves or on alcohol, cigarettes and gambling. So there is a debate about whether this justifies a policy of always giving the money to mothers.
There’s an article about it in the Wall Street Journal. Guess what! Research also shows that this is cultural and not the Manosphere’s precious evopsych or whatever their favourite pseudoscience is now.
In other news, this guy just flat out said that we live in a world where women are property who just get transferred to a new owner in a war, and he sees nothing wrong with that. How can any human being have so little empathy?
@HawkAtreides Was the tampon rant anything like this? 😉
So basically this all boils down to “Jews are plotting to steal our women”? That’s kinda sad. M was right: there is no originality in conspiracy theories, just endless remixes of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
@Tessa: That was amazing. You had me absolutely giggling.
@Fishy Goat That’s the exact one I was intending to reference. That person, if he is real, well…as a FOAF’s webcomic characters once said, “We all envy his advanced state of not-knowing”.
@EJ (The Orphic Lizard)
If I were to ever see a conspiracy theory that doesn’t invoke the ur fascist weak/strong enemy paradox, I’d probably be dancing in joy for something that at least tries to be innovative in its own category. Until that day, here’s another remix of how Jewish people are going to pervert the world order to their whims somehow, some way, sometime. Insert theology/astrology/bureaucracy and such as your literary equivalent of wallpaper and voila “Greatest Hits of the Lizard People 2016, Halloween Special.”
Agreed wholeheartedly.
The thing that keeps nagging at my mind is that even if one accepts that everything they’re saying is true, then one should still oppose them. The rational choice for any woman would be to side with the globalists and get away from these creeps, and the rational choice for any non-asshole man would be to help her do so.
Even within their own alternate set of facts, they’re still wrong. That’s downright impressive.
Dear International Jewish Conspiracy: keep up the great work!
Has anyone else read “Escape” by Carolyn Jessop? She grew up in the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints (polygamous Mormons) and was married off at 18 as the 4th wife of a 50-year-old. At one point her husband decides that everyone except him and his favourite wife can live off $100 a month. About 40 of them I think. So she grows tomatoes in the garden and they buy flour because its cheaper to make their own bread, and everybody lives off tomato sandwiches. For a month. While the husband and his favourite wife eat steak at posh restaurants.
Yeah, women waste so much on unnecessary stuff. They buy scented candles, while men only buy booze and cars.
On a related note, you’d think from their evo-psych that men only have male ancestors and women only have female ones. I got half my DNA from a man.
Assume that scepticism really is genetic. Totally. (Bloody stupid assumption anyway.)
Assume Dad was 100% skeptical and Mum 0% skeptical (Bloody stupid assumption anyway.)
It follows logically that me and my brother would each be 50% skeptical.
Okay so to be clear, promoting “fundamentalist marriages” where the man is positioned as the head of the household with wives that are expected to have no power beyond cooking, cleaning, shopping, producing children and sexually satisfying their husbands is actually a conspiracy to oppress men… by giving them more autonomy and power in the relationship?
We’re through the looking glass now!
Anyone who believes evolutionary psychology (even the academics) are utter and complete … persons of limited intellect possibly expressing a preference for auto erotic stimulation
(I’m on a phone right now so cant be my usual long winded and blathery self) Can I just say that I love that they use the term “tradcon” now? Seems to have shown up in the middle of the Trump campaign. As soon as these alt right jerks realized that they didn’t actually have the support of most of the country, all of a sudden being “traditional conservative” was a mark of shame.
Keep drawing that circle closer, dipshits! Maybe you’ll eventually be able to demarcate the line between pure heroic people and evil globalist shills.
Whoops totally off topic.
TW: Sexual assault
The comments on this article are unsuprisingly horrible.
A woman goes for coffee to another student’s room in their dorm, after hanging out and really connecting with him for while. He kisses her. She has also made it clear she has a boyfriend (WHICH SHOULDN’T MATTER because she is a full person in herself, and was totally off limits because she never indicated she was interested.)
Anyway, she tells others what happened, and they were all ‘what did you expect, leading him on like that’?
Commenters are a mixed basket of not-deplorables arguing with those who are in a deplorable basket. (Seriously, someone needs to throw that one out and get a nicer one.)
I think this hit me really hard because yesterday i was talking with my room mates, and mentioned how good of friends i was with the husband of one of the friends in our group. One of them laughed and said “if the wife gets jealous, tell her to stop it.”
And i just laughed and laughed. I’m ace, demi or grey maybe? But definitely homoromantic. Like all the way. So while trust should mean that you aren’t worried about your significant other hanging out with people of a different gender, he would have more reason to be worried about her hanging out with me than the other way around, and somehow that never comes up? Go go heteronormaty, woo.
(I’m not out, but god i would probably tell her because SERIOUSLY)
Anyway, both article and comments at that link are rage inducing.
@Fallout Troy
I think they’re trying to argue that it’s unfairrrrrr for men to be expected to keep their end of the bargain, or make any sort of bargain when it comes to women. Sex and housekeeping should be free, no strings attached. Men working to support anybody other than themselves is slavery!
So many of these complaints reveal their fundamental laziness. The underlying demand always seems to be that they should get to play life on easy mode, with access to unlimited cheat codes. They think it’s emasculating to work at a relationship (that’s women’s work) and degrading to be held accountable for anything (smacks of pleasing others and sometimes having to admit you’re wrong and apologize, which are all beta moves in their minds).
I’m constantly amused by their attempts to rebrand the shittiest, absolute worst human behavior as alpha. Yes, let’s elevate a bunch of emotionally stunted, abusive parasites to god status, as the highest and best humanity has to offer, and demand absolutely zero of them in exchange for all the resources and all the women. That makes perfect logical sense!