Wake up, Sheeple-Going-Your-Own-Way! The (((Globalist Oligarchs))) are out to get you!
A self-described “nationalist MGTOW” on Reddit is warning other Going-Their-Own-Way dudes that our evil globalist overlords (and overladies) have it out for men. In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today, a dude calling himself Talkytalktalk declares that the “oligarchs that run the world are destroying all men and raising women up.”
Why? Because women are so much easier to control. Heh heh heh.
Women are more docile and less likely to question authority. Evolutionary psychology explains this unquestionable phenomenon quite well. Men have often been competitors to the death for resources and women throughout our evolution,thus men really need to ascertain whether their leaders have their back or whether their leaders will eliminate them when they have the opportunity.
The world’s women, on the other hand, don’t need to worry about all this man-elimination, because they know that even if the globalist police bust down their doors and drag their men off screaming, they, on account of being ladies, will soon be provided with new dudes to leech off of.
Women are just transferred to a new man when coups occur, so they will always be taken care of. They don’t need much suspicion of leaders.
Just make sure you fill out the proper forms at the Department of Female Transfer (Leeching Division), gals!
Indeed, no matter how much chaos these man-elimination policies may unleash, ladies will always do just fine. There’s like a rule about it, or something.
I think it’s part of some treaty or U.N. plan that any government cuts cannot negatively affect women. Therefore it’s de facto open season on the men of the world.
Globalists also love the ladies because ladies are always buying lady crap for stupid lady reasons.
The multinational corporations these oligarchs run love the profits generated from the female tendency towards conspicuous “keeping up with the Jones’s” consumption. Men’s more reasonable purchase decisions are less desirable. Therefore the oligarchs benefit most if they can put a woman in charge of a man’s hard won dollars.
Statistics from the Department of Ladies Buying Lady Crap With Men’s Hard Won Dollars reveal that ladies typically spend more than 50% of their monthly budget on bon-bons and bon-bon related purchases.
But don’t assume that the globalists, despite their “virulent pro woman anti male sentiment,” are necessarily pushing feminism. Nah. Apparently the globalists sell more bon bons by pushing so-called traditional values that on their surface seem like they’d be worse for the ladies.
The globalist oligarchs push all sorts of tradcon pro marriage stuff to keep a man enslaved to a woman. They’re even importing jihadis into individual oriented freer western nations to turn back the clock and put men back into the bluest of blue pill institutions, fundamentalist marriages.
So devious, these globalists!
Indeed, so devious that, asTalkytalktalk ominously notes, some of these evil globalists are even trying to worm their way into the MGTOW movement!
The globalist libertarians of mgtow are despicable infiltrator into mgtow, because they are intellectually unable to acknowledge any of this, due to brainwashing.
They cannot acknowledge that maybe corporations do bad things, because that would be communism. nor can they criticize immigration, because that would be nationalistic Nazism. They’re prevented from seeing the truth through years of globalist conditioning.
In conclusion, wake up sheeple.
Even by MGTOW standards that’s incoherent. I mean, leaving aside the usual staggering ignorance, I genuinely have no idea what this guy actually wants.
How does this comport with the power of women’s butts or vaginal secretions to control the minds of men? I need to know if women are all-powerful and starting wars by proxy, or if they are docile children who can be easily controlled by globalists (who can’t be women themselves obvs).
I like how this dude’s entire argument rests on a premise he can’t be bothered to verify.
The whole thing is full of WTF? But that’s where I got really confused.
Right. No man ever engages in conspicuous consumption, like buying expensive golf clubs, or a fancy boat, or a Harley.
Eco-psych is the Most useful tool. It seems to support whatever these dimwits want it to support.
Says a man who’s mad because we’re not docile and we question HIS authority…
Actually, no, it does not. At ALL! Because this phenomenon is highly questionable, and anyone who believes in it is a junk-scientist. Women have gotten by quite well without men throughout the centuries, and have resisted being taken by “conquerors”, too. Sometimes, admittedly, by suicide. But still, we don’t just blithely follow whoever won the war. If he’s a conqueror, the odds are that we’ll hate his fucking guts, not admire his gigantic nuts.
We have a tremendous and well-founded suspicion of all would-be “leaders”, including the petty tyrants who would only call us “wife”. ESPECIALLY those latter.
And don’t even get me started on how female prisoners of war are treated. Being “taken care of” is hardly the phrase for it. Try RAPE AND ABUSE, you fucking idiot.
Oh gawd, how far removed from reality IS this dude? Government cutbacks ALWAYS affect women first and hardest. And the UN doesn’t do fuck-all about it. There is no “de facto open season on the men of the world”, you MORON!
Clearly this guy never grew up in a family where the husband drank away the household money before he even brought a cent of it home. And clearly he’s never seen the “reasonable” spending (on gold-plated everything!) of one Donald J. Drumpf, either.
Actually, reverse the genders and you’d have the real situation. And for “globalist oligarchs”, substitute churchmen and right-wing politicians.
Are you fucking kidding me? This is exactly the OPPOSITE of what’s happening. Soldiers are being sent from the “freer western nations” to destabilize North Africa, the Middle East and Indo-Persian corridor. What’s coming from there is refugees struggling merely to survive, not “jihadis”. And fundie marriages, again, are VERY male-dominated throughout the world.
Finally, some semblance of truth. Unfortunately, the rest is all still bullshit. And the “infiltration” conspiracy theory is a joke, just like MGTOW themselves.
Point me to the place to sign up for the Women Leeching benefits!
@tim gueguen
But golf clubs,fancy boats and Harley’s are manly things used for manly activities and therefor practical .
Soooo… that sounds like he’s describing a hierarchy with a small number of men at the top, women in the middle, and the rest of men on the bottom? That’s the best I can make of it. There’s no description (at least not above, I’m not in the mood to check the original) of who’s giving orders to women. He seems to be convinced they are too much of obedient sheep to be the real leaders. Unless… aliens? Wizards? Unicorns?
So, I’m assuming that he’s not going to recommend going after women to stop this. If we granted that there was any truth to it, then that would be rather counterproductive. After all, he’s totally logical, right?
@Fabe, that isn’t conspicuous consumption. Those things are NECESSITIES.
That’s right. There’s no reason for women to be suspicious of people who will treat you like property, according to some guy who wants to treat women like property.
(A) does not lead to (B) and outright refutes (C). And (A) isn’t even true. But it’s totes unquestionable…
So, he has just as much understanding of political science as he does natural science?
Well, that’s just words
DAMMIT I brought a filled-out Leech Transfer Form 17-2B, and when I got there they told me I needed the Supplemental 368-1 as well.
Now I have to ride my unicorn all the way home to my ivory tower and back. Couldn’t they just list all the forms you need for a simple leech transfer!?
You’d think someone calling themselves Talkytalktalk would know what to do with words :\
@Bina, excellent takedown XD
If this were true, the feminist movement would’ve never happened.
Oof. You know that any argument that starts with the words “evolutionary psychology explains” is not going to turn out well. I love how he starts with saying that women don’t question authority. Not like those superior manly men! Then in the very next sentence, declares his opinion unquestionable.
Citation needed. I’m aware of no evidence of paleolithic men dueling to the death for mammoth meat and dates.
I think this is a useful skill for people of all genders. A good way to evaluate whether or not leaders are potentially genocidal is to pay attention to whether or not they use fascist and authoritarian rhetoric and to not support the ones who do. Who wants to bet this joker is a Trump supporter?
I know nobody is actually wondering what JuiceBro is up to tonight but this got mocked into my twitter timeline while I’m trying to watch the Cubs game so you all get to be bewildered too.
Why is Mike Cernovich called “JuiceBro”?
So…how does Point A (“Men have often been competitors for resources”) lead to Point B (“Men really need to know if their leaders have their back”)?
Unless OP is worried that his leaders think he’s as disposable as he seems to think women are? But, I thought it was the feeemales who are catty and back-stabby and only used men for their precious money and
bloodLIQUID FUCKING GOLD?Sure we do. I’m suspicious as fuck of anyone who claims to want to be a leader but who lacks the slightest bit of empathy.
And I suppose it would depend on your definition of “taken care of”.
Because that doesn’t always mean what you think it means. Sometimes it means that a woman will be provided for, and sometimes it means a woman will be murdered.
Both of which are exceedingly likely to occur, considering it’s men who are usually the ones committing violence against women.
So, yeah, your whole “women are always taken care of because they’re just transferred to new men” idea is, well, shit.
You think, therefore you have no fucking clue.
And that’s why men always make reasonable purchases, like sportscars and guns and barbeque grills and hyper-masculine products that pander to their masculinity, instead of silly, unnecessary things like clothes and bills and food for their families.
Nope, silly wimmens buy clothes and makeup (that most men demand they wear or else they’re ugly and unfuckable), and therefore, we’re the unreasonable ones.
And it’s not like women ever buy anything like houses, or cars, or “reasonable” purchases, no siree!
And it’s not like men ever compete with one another by buying bigger and better items to show up Mr. Jones, nope!
Aaaand I’m bored now. Since I have my desk back up and running, Minecraft is waaaaay more intriguing than wading through this pile of self-serving garbage.
He’s apparently peddling a “juice cures your lack of masculinity” book, written by himself. It’s as quacky as you might imagine.
Wha … why? This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and that’s without the poster’s misuse of Evolutionary Psychology, I’m currently going through my first semester if Psychology and from what I’ve learned there is nothing in it about women being naturally more docile. Trying to unravel MGTOW sheiße is making my brain hurt.
And frilly knickers! That well known honey trap for Honest Menfolk!
What a sad bunch of twits, these MGTOWs are…
Is there meant to be meaning in that word vomit?
It’s effectively impossible to use evopsych “correctly,” given that it is mostly a pseudoscience that produces no testable hypotheses. Evopsych is an interesting idea and there is probably some truth to the notion that our psychology has evolutionary baggage. However, evopsych falls down on finding out exactly what that baggage is, and how much of it is biological rather than sociological.
Such as hand grenade-shaped shower puffs, for example. Way more reasonable!
Whenever you see phrases like “reasonable” and “healthy” applied to male sexuality and purchases, it’s a dead giveaway that what they are about to describe is the furthest thing from reasonable and healthy, but still you’re supposed to accept it without question as The Way Things Are. Disguising a taste for 13 year old girls and BBQ man candles with a moderating qualifier like “totally normal” or “biologically appropriate” just calls more attention to the fact that no, these are not things that the majority of men want.
Oh wait, I didn’t finish mocking that sentence:
“We made a billion dollars in revenue last year, and…aw, crap! It’s all from men. Why do we keep getting less desirable profits!?”
Said no corporation, ever.
and some stuff I’ve heard but never bothered to look up about him saying anabolic steroids are actually super awesome for you.