Wake up, Sheeple-Going-Your-Own-Way! The (((Globalist Oligarchs))) are out to get you!
A self-described “nationalist MGTOW” on Reddit is warning other Going-Their-Own-Way dudes that our evil globalist overlords (and overladies) have it out for men. In a post on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today, a dude calling himself Talkytalktalk declares that the “oligarchs that run the world are destroying all men and raising women up.”
Why? Because women are so much easier to control. Heh heh heh.
Women are more docile and less likely to question authority. Evolutionary psychology explains this unquestionable phenomenon quite well. Men have often been competitors to the death for resources and women throughout our evolution,thus men really need to ascertain whether their leaders have their back or whether their leaders will eliminate them when they have the opportunity.
The world’s women, on the other hand, don’t need to worry about all this man-elimination, because they know that even if the globalist police bust down their doors and drag their men off screaming, they, on account of being ladies, will soon be provided with new dudes to leech off of.
Women are just transferred to a new man when coups occur, so they will always be taken care of. They don’t need much suspicion of leaders.
Just make sure you fill out the proper forms at the Department of Female Transfer (Leeching Division), gals!
Indeed, no matter how much chaos these man-elimination policies may unleash, ladies will always do just fine. There’s like a rule about it, or something.
I think it’s part of some treaty or U.N. plan that any government cuts cannot negatively affect women. Therefore it’s de facto open season on the men of the world.
Globalists also love the ladies because ladies are always buying lady crap for stupid lady reasons.
The multinational corporations these oligarchs run love the profits generated from the female tendency towards conspicuous “keeping up with the Jones’s” consumption. Men’s more reasonable purchase decisions are less desirable. Therefore the oligarchs benefit most if they can put a woman in charge of a man’s hard won dollars.
Statistics from the Department of Ladies Buying Lady Crap With Men’s Hard Won Dollars reveal that ladies typically spend more than 50% of their monthly budget on bon-bons and bon-bon related purchases.
But don’t assume that the globalists, despite their “virulent pro woman anti male sentiment,” are necessarily pushing feminism. Nah. Apparently the globalists sell more bon bons by pushing so-called traditional values that on their surface seem like they’d be worse for the ladies.
The globalist oligarchs push all sorts of tradcon pro marriage stuff to keep a man enslaved to a woman. They’re even importing jihadis into individual oriented freer western nations to turn back the clock and put men back into the bluest of blue pill institutions, fundamentalist marriages.
So devious, these globalists!
Indeed, so devious that, asTalkytalktalk ominously notes, some of these evil globalists are even trying to worm their way into the MGTOW movement!
The globalist libertarians of mgtow are despicable infiltrator into mgtow, because they are intellectually unable to acknowledge any of this, due to brainwashing.
They cannot acknowledge that maybe corporations do bad things, because that would be communism. nor can they criticize immigration, because that would be nationalistic Nazism. They’re prevented from seeing the truth through years of globalist conditioning.
In conclusion, wake up sheeple.
@ Ooglyboggles
So basically one of those, “I prefer egalitarianism,” doofuses? I mean at this point it’s fairly obvious that equality doesn’t just fall from the skies.
As a resident of Atlanta (or close enough anyway), the Gadsden flag don’t always mean anything. Sometimes it’s just some bomb ass shit to put on your car. More than likely tho, it’s all about taxes. Most people in the city don’t really care whether everyone else gets gay married, so long as property taxes don’t go up a red cent
As an also-near-enough Atlantan, it’s worth noting that we have our fair share of lolbertarians. You know, the ones that think that all social ills are best handled by removing as much government as possible, especially the government agencies involved in mitigating those social ills, because if people are openly allowed to do heinous things to each other then we’ll know who the bigots are and can stop doing business / associating with them. Or who think that the best way to put their new PoliSci degree from KSU to use is…to dismantle all publicly-funded education and force Georgia into a system of solely corporate-run charters and private for-profit colleges (not a hypothetical, I knew this guy).
Also, don’t forget that taxes are tolerable when they’re building a new stadium for the Braves (in a location that’s already a traffic disaster) or Falcons (remind me to be out of town in 2019), but not for schools or roads. And that using the equipment a prior SPLOST / statewide tax paid for to, say, salt/sand roads in the face of an emergency-level winter weather dispatch from the National Weather Service is a waste of taxpayer funds…*ahem* why no, I didn’t have any loved ones stuck on the roads for almost an entire day in 2014, why do you ask?
Oh, I have no illusions. I just notice how Deal keeps having to veto regressive bullshit, or else the money exodus will make his tax cuts fall apart (looking at you, McCrory)
Also, how sad is it that we hafta do this SPLOST nonsense. Don’t you worry, it’s optional and it’s only 1%. It’s like legislating to toddlers. Just raise the damn taxes
This happens with rape and sexual assault survivors too, and it infuriates me. If a woman doesn’t cry and act traumatized constantly and eternally after being assaulted, then it wasn’t “really” rape.
Cue Lee Atwater
And those private schools can then keep out ‘undesirables’… Seriously, every goddamned jackass economic policy decision in this country comes down to racism in the end.
Ahh yes, the questionable statements regarding Syrian refugees as mainly young, able-bodied men who cut-and-run instead of defending their families and fighting for political change. Not quite: http://data.unhcr.org/syrianrefugees/regional.php
Not to mention the irony of suggesting young males are unworthy of refugee/asylum seeker status.
Oh how I wish it had been as consistent a position as racism. It was even stupider than that: he honestly believed that for-profit education produced an unequivocally better outcome for students and that education for everyone would benefit by getting the government out of it. This statement was made as two major for-profit post-secondary (AKA “votech”) companies – one of which was a former employer of mine – were going under due to having defrauded students and the government. He thought that making more of the same schools that are still to this day dying off across the nation was going to magically fix education, instead of understanding that some of the root causes of degree devaluation (i.e., having to have a Bachelor’s to answer phones in a non-mission-critical position or to do basic filing) are racist, sexist, and classist, and helping fight against the underlying issues.
Privatizing public services, including education, is in and of itself racist, sexist, and classist. Usually deliberately so, although there’s a cohort of clueless white dudes in whom it’s merely just-world background racism of the ‘Jim Crow is over so if black people are still poor it must be their own fault’ type
Women? Easier to control? HAHAHAHA…No. For one thing, have you tried controlling me? It’s hell, because I will put up a fierce fight!
Seriously, I’m very strong-willed…I even got my dad to give in and say I no longer have to eat onions if I really hate them that much.
Women’s hypergamy causes the spread of Islam.