alt-right heartiste hillary clinton men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny the c-word trump

Trump bombs at the Al Smith dinner; his fans declare victory over the “wicked bitch”

Hillary Clinton at the Al Smith dinner, looking forward to her imminent
Hillary Clinton listening to Trump at the Al Smith dinner, and looking forward to her imminent landslide victory

If you watched Trump’s appearance at the Al Smith dinner last night, you might be forgiven for concluding that he bombed, big league.

The annual charity dinner is sort of a political version of a celebrity roast, albeit one that is a little less vicious and a lot less funny. The main task of any politician speaking at the event is to demonstrate the rudiments of a sense of humor, especially when it comes to jokes directed at them.

Trump failed. Unlike Hillary, who managed to more or less get into the spirit of the thing, Trump’s only decent self-deprecating joke, if you can call it that, was at Melania’s expense, not his own. And he devoted most of his time to nasty attacks on Hillary that didn’t even vaguely resemble jokes, managing to draw actual boos from the crowd in the process.

Naturally, Trump’s most terrible fans think that he totally kicked ass.

On his blog today, white supremacist pickup artist James “Heartiste” Weidmann celebrates Trump’s alleged victory over “the infirm Queen of C*nts, Hillary Rotten Clinton” with several paragraphs worth of overcooked prose:

At the Al Smith charity dinner, Trump laid a trap for the elites and unleashed his vengeance on a gathering of effete plutocrats, smug globalist whores, lapdog media hacks, intellectually inbred urbanites, and the Wicked Bitch herself. …

He nuked the ruling class and the Clinton Machine from orbit and took a piss on their smoldering ashes. 

Weidmann continues on in this vein for several more paragraphs, but I imagine you’ve got the gist of his, er, argument already.

Amazingly, Weidmann has managed to find another Trump fan whose, er, analysis of the event is even more histrionic than his own, an anonymous fellow running a blog called Face to Face. Here’s what that dude has to say on the subject:

[T]he time for yukking it up with the Establishment is over. Watch as Trump the court jester begins with his routine of juggling several glistening knives in the air, for the amusement of the white-tie audience, then calmly collects them one by one into his hands, and throws them straight into the chests of the plutocrats and the media.

The courtiers mocked him as a reality TV clown, and struck cruel blows against his little-people supporters whenever they felt like a little entertainment. So the jester decides to put on a show for the court where “Trump acts like Trump” and they’re all laughing along with the act. He convinces them it would be a riot for them to put on wax masks showing elitist caricatures, then begins a fire-breathing routine — only to spit the fire right onto their masks. As the courtiers scramble around the ballroom with their faces ablaze, the jester and his little-people companions storm out and burn down the rest of the palace.

Yipes. I think someone’s metaphoric license needs to be revoked.

If you want to watch what actually happened at the dinner when Trump got up to speak, here are some of the highlights, by which I mean lowlights.

You can see the whole thing here.

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8 years ago


but he went for his wife instead (and it was a genuinely funny line).

Funny thing is, it’s a line I think I’ve heard before. Did he plagiarise a joke about his wife’s plagiarism? TRUMPCEPTION!

8 years ago

More proof that men just can’t be funny.

🙁 what’s that supposed to mean?

8 years ago

@moggie there were a number of jokes about the plagiarism on a similar line, but it wasn’t set up the same way – where you think it’s about to be some paranoid rant about the librul meedja being out to get him and then boom it’s a joke on himself (well, his wife/ campaign). It was kind of a joke only he could tell and it be that funny.

If you remember they drug someone out to crucify for the mistake and then put her back in a box.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago


Mangled evopsych being flipped around.

8 years ago

There’s a long-standing misogyinistic trope to the effect that female comedians are intrinsically unfunny. I assume that PoM was ironically reversing it.

8 years ago

October 21, 2016 at 4:56 pm
What’s more alarming than one puffed up and grumpy son of privilege are all the people who think he’s some kind of bona fide dark triad genius. I’m not going to argue for or against his diagnosis of narcissism, sociopathy and Machiavellianism (is that last one even an actual psych thing?) but I can’t believe that there are people out there who think this combination which basically describes selfish fucks with hearts full of hate and the will to use that hate is a GOOD thing and the more the selfishness and destructiveness the better. I don’t doubt he’s a hatin’ and selfish fuck, but they keep projecting these psychobabbly qualities onto him and saying how wonderful it is and how good it will be for the country. As if the concept of the servant leader is a bad thing.

In a capitalist society those really are good qualities to an extent. Most who support capitalism would never admit it (although I have encountered some arch-conservatives and libertarians who gleefully describe capitalism as a bloody, cut-throat game and they won’t have it any other way), but it really fosters that the only way to get ahead is through antisocial behavior. Clueless dorks who crow about dark triad traits fancy themselves future CEOs because of their callousness.

8 years ago

@Axe: Barack– and for that matter, Bill Clinton– set a pretty high bar for charisma and seemingly effortless extemporaneous speaking.

I suspect also that Hillary has had, for all her political life, had to walk a line between “bah, just another overemotional female” and “jeez, whatta ice queen”… and it might be well ingrained into her when it comes to public speaking of any sort.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@Austin Loomis

I don’t know whence Face to Face dude got his first scenario, but the second is Edgar Allan Poe’s “Hop-Frog”.

The murder-by-cutlery sounds awfully like Kuroshitsuji, or Black Butler. Which makes me very, very sad. Is there anything these people won’t sully?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

Also, if I hadn’t already stolen part of my nym from these guys:

effete plutocrats, smug globalist whores, lapdog media hacks, intellectually inbred urbanites, and the Wicked Bitch herself.

That’s just rich with awesome possibilities 😀

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Is there anything these people won’t sully?

They can try, but how can one possibly sully them:
comment image
Too precious!

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


No need to suspect, she’s done an interview about that very thing.

8 years ago

Clinton really does not seem comfortable doing comedy. Which is a shame, because she had some good jokes in there. Ah well, I guess we’ve been spoiled by Obama’s charisma. She’ll be a great president, even if not a particularly good one for one liners.

8 years ago

I couldn’t take my eyes off the lovely in the red dress with white gloves. Is that Maria Bartiromo? She looks so much like Sophia Loren to me.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Infrequent Commenter (whose handle disappeared) | October 21, 2016 at 5:19 pm
TRUMP: “Hillary is so corrupt…”

AUDIENCE: “How corrupt is she?”

BRETT SOMERS’ ANSWER: something something bazooms

I really loved watching Match Game when it was on Game Show Network. The jokes were pretty funny, even for me, a child of the 90s, ten to twenty years after the show aired.

Robert Walker-Smith
Robert Walker-Smith
8 years ago

The image of Trump’s ‘little people supporters’ is disturbing. Like Trump is a mighty manly figure with a horde of small vicious alt-righters swarming around him.

If this prose was any purpler, Weird Tales would rise from the dead and offer to publish it.

Side note: I’ve often thought that Al Smith dodged a bullet by losing to Hoover. If the Crash of ’29 had been blamed on a Democrat (and the first Catholic President), the long term consequences would have started with no FDR and gone on from there.

Addendum: the man to Trump’s right (stage left) is wearing a decoration (the pendant cross). Does anyone know what that is?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@Axe, you are SO right, of course. The degree of adorability is such that we even forgive them for Season 2 *shudder*
I was about to ask if you’d seen Book of Circus or Book of Murder, but I’ll save it for an open thread 🙂

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Unrelated: Wait, what’s this shit about (probably) Russia DDoSing half the US?

8 years ago

The largest ddos attack ever affected a major backbone network in the us, shutting down and disrupting connections to major sites across the east coast and California. People suspect Russia because a DDOS attack with this much coordination would require alot of computing power and logistics that a couple of people in a basement would never have.

Overall the lesson to take from this event is cyber security is vastly outstripped by hackers and that any escalation would mean millions of dollar’s worth of losses in terms of revenue.

8 years ago

So, Trump is a poor man’s version of the psychopathic Joker without the charm or charisma of the Joker – just the psychopathy?

8 years ago

The other lesson may be “Yes, people *will* hack refrigerators,” since apparently the DDOS was perpetrated through compromised Internet of Things devices:

8 years ago

As a side note:

The nu atheists pretty much are buying simulation ai god using creationist arguments. We have gone full circle, and every passing moment I feel ashamed to be an atheist when knowing I have these folks as my contemporary peers, when the YouTube conservative atheists aren’t in my thoughts. This is Animal Farm all over again.

It’s times like this where I seriously start considering reconverting to buddhism. Then I remember reading all the gross patriarchal misogyny of the Konjaku and Lotus Suttra, and how alot of scholars seem to want to gloss over the sexism in favor of contemporary depictions of buddhism, then it all just keeps tumbling down.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

It seriously blows my mind that anyone can say they’re against plutocracy and support Trump. What strange twists and turns of logic does your brain have to take to get to the point?

And totally unrelated, but I wanted to express my anger that the Lynx lost the WNBA title on a really, really bad piece of officiating. Fuuuuuuuck!!!!

OK. Sorry. Just had to get that off my chest.

8 years ago

Robert Walker-Smith,

It looks like a Chivalric Order of some kind, though I’m not familiar with exactly which.

The closest one I could find was the Order of St. Louis, but that’s a long abolished French order
comment image

It’s hard to tell, because chivalric orders are supposed to have a specific ribbon color to denote what kind of order it is, but the ribbon is the first thing to wear and tear, so you can’t always assume the person replaced it with the right color

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago


I know what you mean. I found the new atheist stuff really exciting (years ago) but ohmygod it has toxic elements. When I saw a meme on Pinterest with this: “If someone says they believe in god, I automatically assume they are stupid,” the irony knocked me sideways.
And now this AI stuff that you linked? 🙁

8 years ago

She’ll be a great president, even if not a particularly good one for one liners.

Not one liners, but she is good at sass! The “I discussed this in my book” line at one of the hearings was awesome, as well as the “Donald can’t write a book past Chapter 11”.