alt-right hillary clinton literal nazis matt forney misogyny rape culture rape jokes trump twitter

Alt-Righters respond to debate with rape jokes, conspiracy theories, intimations of violence


In the real world that you and I live in, the general consensus is that Hillary Clinton won last night’s debate. In the world inhabited by the alt-right and its fellow travelers, Trump crushed the evil Hillary even though she had help from a secret video screen hidden in plain sight on her lectern, possibly installed by George Soros himself.

Here, highlights from the Twitter feeds of some of the better-known alt-right Trump fans (and their fellow travelers).

First, some dispatches from alternate universes:

Some Red Pillers hailed Trump for allegedly being a psychopath:

There were, of course, an assortment of conspiracy theories:

Couldn’t possibly be light reflecting off of the polished wood of the lectern. Must be Hillary using her SECRET DEBATE LIFELINE.

Some tried to gin up new fake controversies, like Hillary’s allegedly TREASONOUS revelation that America’s nuclear response time is … very short!

TREASON! It’s not as if this was already widely known or anything oh wait never mind.

The lovely Matt Forney weighed in:

Dude, in that pic Trump’s teeth are exactly the same shade of brown. Because the picture is dark and the colors are off. In most pics, her teeth look fine (as do Trump’s).

Er, what? Metamucil is a fiber supplement. What relation it has to napping I have no idea.

Also, she doesn’t look tired. Just tired of Trump’s bullshit.

But of course. How could Matt possibly discuss the debate without making at least one rape joke.

Some alt-right Trump superfans were thinking beyond the election itself:

Er, land?

And finally, a thought from the biggest idiot of the bunch:

The debate was RIGGED, I tells ya. Rigged!

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Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@Bina, wrt to that ricky hashtag, you’re quite right

8 years ago

@Mish, thanks. I thought he sounded familiar. (They all sound alike, i.e. AWFUL, so that kind of stands to reason.)

8 years ago

Im not excited about Hilary. The main thing I hate is that both Bill Clinton, who will be given power if she wins, and Trump are rapists & creeps.

8 years ago

I was not excited about Clinton until recently. She has won me over bigly. It’s her wonkiness, her just incredible level of competence, her choice of advisors, and the cat gifs. But mostly the first three.

Example: The recent email leaks include one of her staffers trying to stick O’Malley for pledging decarbonization by 2050. Podesta quickly replies that O’Malley is promising something only slightly beyond what’s absolutely necessary (refers to 80% by then to avoid 2C, which is the number given by the IPCC).

Podesta is going to get a top position, so the fact he has the facts at his fingertips like this speaks well for our upcoming batch of ruling lizards.

8 years ago

Oh, and another thing going for Clinton. She didn’t sugar-coat the abortion question, discuss religious people’s hurt feelings, and use euphemism after euphemism. She just laid out a case for why abortion must be legal.

8 years ago

I didn’t expect much from the charity dinner/roast they were both speaking at tonight, they both have plenty have plenty of experience talking to a room full of rich people. HOWEVER!

Trump bombed, was repeatedly booed, quite possibly wrote his own material or at least was deeply involved in it.

Clinton did very well, got some good jabs in at various people and even one at herself clearly not have written her own jokes.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I’m excited because I’ve been following her career since the mid ’90s. It’s a fascinating thing to study from a feminist point of view – by this point, she’s probably more qualified than the 43 previous presidents combined, and yet half the damn country would still rather vote for a racist, incestuous, paedophilic, treasonous rapist and conman for no other reason than “Penis good, vagina bad*.” She’s worked her ass off twice as hard as any man for half the recognition (and ten times the moronic conspiracy theories) for over thirty years, and when she finally smashes the ultimate glass ceiling, I’ll cheer like a drunken soccer hooligan. No joke, I’ve already ordered the American flag party hats and blowers.

*Obviously, not all men have penises and not all women have vaginas, but we’re talking about a Trump voter’s POV here.

8 years ago

I started out the election disliking Clinton for her reputation as a DINO-esque centrist. But my disposition towards Hillary has greatly improved over the course of her campaign – particularly from her debate performances. I like her stances on social issues and domestic policy. Establishing a very positive relationship with Bernie post-nomination helped a great deal.

I still harbor a great deal of skepticism regarding her foreign policy: I’m not fond of her belligerent, overly-eager track record when it comes to military intervention.

I’m wary of her fiscal policy due to her history as a centrist and too-close-for-comfort relationship with Wall Street. But I do like the plans she’s currently pitching for tax reform; I’m holding out hope that she delivers on them.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

apologies for all the posts, but this is so brilliant – a Mexican architectural firm asked interns to design a possible wall for closing the border:

The hot-pink design, inspired by the buildings of a Pritzker Prize-winning Mexican architect, will “allow the public to imagine the policy proposal in all of its gorgeous perversity”

comment image


8 years ago

Nthing Nidi’s response. At this point for me is waiting and seeing if she’ll deliver on her statements rather than revert to her old points pre dem nomination.

8 years ago

Well if you want to see a pissed off Trump, here’s a gif.

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Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

@Handsome “Punkle Stan” Jack
That trailer landed in my inbox this morning – it’s indeed very very pretty. No idea about anything else yet, but it looks amazing ?

Same here, but there’s speculation it might be about a young John Marston running with the gang. Kinda wouldn’t mind some young Landon Ricketts though.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

I don’t really buy into the idea that Hillary is so uniquely qualified and experienced. There have been plenty of former Presidents with massive experience and great qualifications. However, she’s definitely a cut above average (and a world above Trump).

8 years ago

Echoing Nidi and OoglyBoggles, I’ve gotten kind of excited about Hillary lately. (Thank you, Bernie Sanders, for pushing her to the left.)

She does seem to have some good domestic policies now.

But she’s still a hawk and a friend of Wall Street.

My hope is that she will remain amenable to being pushed leftward. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren seem to have good relationships with her. Fingers crossed.

8 years ago

Like other women I’ve read about, I found Trump’s performance in debate number 2 alarming in a personal way.

The looming over Hillary.

The angry, threatening facial expressions.

The stalking.

The chair humping!

Some members of my family made me all too familiar with this behavior.

I was triggered.

And in a way it was positive. I saw it. The nation saw it. People are talking about it. So I may have been triggered, but Mister Trump can’t gaslight me.

(Good grief, humping a chair — in front of the world! And if it wasn’t humping, why did it look like humping!)

Isn’t that the ancient aphorism about Caesar’s wife — not only does she have to be above humping a chair, she has to appear to be above humping a chair? Something like that.


That gif of angry Donald Trump — I wonder if that’s how he looked that time he tore out Ivana’s hair and raped her. The next morning, he asked her coldly, “Does it hurt?”

8 years ago

Wait, is the picture of Hillary with a gun supposed to be *negative*? It’s not even an ugly caricature; it looks more bad-ass than anything.

My interpretation is that a gang of bored right-wing hooligans has decided to attack the peaceful worshipers at the neighborhood mosque. And it’s just their bad luck that they picked the day when Hillary Clinton was coming by to meet with local community leaders.

I would *totally* see the movie that this is a poster for!!!

8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal

I don’t really buy into the idea that Hillary is so uniquely qualified and experienced. There have been plenty of former Presidents with massive experience and great qualifications

I’m very curious about those candidates. I honestly can’t think of any with a resume like Clinton’s except for George H.W. Bush.

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

“Alt-Righters respond to debate with rape jokes, conspiracy theories, intimations of violence.”

Shocked. I’m shocked.

One day, I would really like to see “Alt-Righters respond to [anything. A freaking sandwich recipe] with grace, poise, logic, and constructive good humor.” I bet Mr. Futrelle would be happy to write that headline… if he could find a relevant topic. Oh well. Maybe in another 160 days or so.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@the real Nick
Taft was Vice Pres, an ambassador, Secretary of War, and Chief Justice

Jefferson held almost every damn office he was eligible for under 3 regimes

Van Buren was a judge, state Senator, state Attorney General, US Senator, Governor, Secretary of State, ambassador, and Vice President. Clinton has been 2 of those things (3 kinda)

If you wanna get more modern, then Herbert Walker is our most qualified since the last realignment with Clinton tying or coming in a close 2nd. All time, she’s on the low end

Besides, of the 4 Presidents mentioned in this post, only 1 of em was any good at it. Qualifications and credentials matter, but it’s not everything 🙂

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

So apparently there’s a new wing of the manosphere: Calvinist “complementarians”. These are the people who don’t like the implicit egalitarianism of mainstream evangelical churches; they think evangelical churches are “feminized and sissified”, and they would rather worship a Jesus who saved us with his “sanctified testosterone”. Some of them are starting fight clubs in church.

And at least one of them is honest that yes, the reason he’s not voting for Hillary is because she’s a woman. He doesn’t even try to hide behind policy arguments.

You might want to add The Wartburg Watch to your blogroll. That’s where you go for the scoop on these guys.

There’s definitely a parallel between these guys and the alt-right. They’ve even been infiltrating and taking over existing churches, which is a bit of a Trump/Bannon entryist tactic.

With PUAs, MRAs, MGTOWs, and now CCs, that makes four….

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

Oh and there’s also a fringe element within this new Calvinist movement that also endorses racial segregation (the so-called “Kinists”) or at the very least romanticizes the Confederacy. So yeah; alt-Calvinist is a very good descriptor for these folks.

8 years ago


Wasn’t Taft Supreme Court Justice after his term as president?

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Just dropped by to say I’m still alive…oh, and to echo Nidi’s sentiments about Hillary. Also, any Tweeters on here? Check out the hashtag #TrumpBookReport…trust me, it’s freaking hilarious!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

You’re right! Leading me astray again, school! One of those things you remember so specifically, ya never think to double check. Thanks for the correction, buddy ?

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@Kat, whenever you mention your family, I want to find you and hug you or give you a big roll of bubble wrap <3

@VioletBeauregarde – well shit, there goes my afternoon. I was trying to choose a favourite from #trumpbookreport but just kept reading. Bestest ever.