alpha males alt-right creepy davis aurini homophobia literal nazis matt forney men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism red pill sarkeesian! trump

This week’s Complete Lack of Self Awareness award goes to … Matt Forney

Matt Forney. Detail from a photo he himself put online. Other than enlarging and cropping I have done nothing to alter it in any way.
Matt Forney doing his version of Blue Steel at the LA showing of The Red Pill.

Some great news for the sentient pile of burning garbage known as Matt Forney!

He has won the first Donald Trump Memorial Complete Lack of Self Awareness award (hereafter known as the Donald Award), which is an award I just made up and which I will henceforth bestow on people from time to time as necessary. I’ve named it the Donald Trump award as a way to avoid giving it to Trump, because otherwise he would pretty much be winning it every day.

Forney, a hateful rape-apologizing “pickup artist” turned freelance white supremacist dickhead, wins the award this week for a series of Tweets that collectively represent a failure of self-awareness of truly Trumpian proportions.

Hell, he could have won the award for this Tweet alone:

Even setting aside Forney’s delusions of grandeur here, this is patently ludicrous. Twitter is so lax about enforcing its rules that it isn’t even able to keep the ban-evading Forney, a regular violator of said rules who’s been permabanned already at least once, off of its platform. Yet Forney thinks he’s so important, and so “dangerous” to the status quo, that Twitter is engaging in some sort of high-tech secret censorship against him.

Here Forney accuses someone critical of Trump of being a “paid Hillary troll” working for peanuts.

This is, of course, silly, but what makes it ironic is that Forney used to make much of his living writing clickbait/SEObait articles for $5 a pop on Fiverr, a fact he actually brags about on his blog.

At one point in January, I was getting upwinds of 8-10 orders a day, with gig multiples bringing my total earnings to around $400-500 per week.

On paper, it would seem like I had it made, right?

Yeah, except for the part where you’re literally writing 80-100 articles a week — in other words, roughly 4200 to 5200 per year — for the equivalent of a yearly salary of somewhere between $21,000 to $26,000. Which at the low end isn’t that much more than you’d make working 40 hours a week for minimum wage.

Though Forney ultimately realized that the “Fiverr Hamster Wheel” was a pretty “demoralizing enterprise,” he went on to recommend it to others  in a Kindle mini-book titled “Writing for Peanuts: How to Make Easy Money on Fiverr” in which he offered specific tips on writing phony reviews on Amazon, Yelp and TripAdvisor.

Yes, that’s right: He wrote a how-to guide on becoming an internet shill. Based on his personal experience.

“Sperging out?” I guess that’s one way to try to convince yourself that a good portion of the Internet wasn’t just flat-out laughing at you.

Yet Forney is an avid fan of a guy so thin-skinned he thinks that Alec Baldwin’s spot-on parody of him on Saturday Night live this past weekend was a “hit job” by an evil media conspiracy trying to rig the election against him.

Yeah, Donald, you just tell yourself that.

Nepotism, huh? Here’s a photo of Forney’s idol, whose entry into the real estate world was greased with a “small” million dollar loan from his father (among other favors). He’s posing with several Executive Vice Presidents of the Trump organization who may look a little familiar to you.


I wonder how they got their jobs?

Meanwhile, Forney’s successful career as a sentient pile of garbage was made possible with help from his father, the notorious Islip Garbage Barge.

Hey there, son! Mom says hi!
Hey there, son! Mom says hi!


Here’s a, well, revealing pair of Tweets:

Nah. I’m pretty sure both terms are useful descriptors for “dudes who are such racist pieces of crap that they use a Tweet about Julian Assange as an excuse to drop one of the white supremacist internet squad’s favorite racist catchphrases.”

Forney’s bestest friend in the whole wide white world is a fellow named Davis Aurini, one half of the Sarkeesian Effect team that is no longer a team, and the, er, director of an unauthorized feature-length spinoff of the Sarkeesian Effect. That is, a whole “film” about someone he hates on the internet.


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princess sunny burn
princess sunny burn
8 years ago

God, if I was ever in the same physical space with any of the Trumps I’d be feverishly hoping they’d not give me a second look. Even if Trump wasn’t an admitted sexual predator, the thought of having him or one of his odorous sons wanting to speak to me makes me wanna vom, frankly.

8 years ago

imagine being a woman and hating Trump because he and his sons are misogynistic steaming piles of male entitlement.


@princess sunny burn Inorite?!

8 years ago

Remember that our enemies are people who throw apoplectic fits over mean words. We can beat them by humiliating them over and over and over.

imagine being so pathetic that you spend every day obsessing over someone you hate online, and not realizing that you are a complete loser

Have we reached peak projection yet?

imagine being a woman and hating Trump because you know that neither he nor his sons would give you a second look if they saw you in public

Imagine hating women so much, and being so down on your own chances to ever find love, that your fantasy has nothing to do with any kind of relationship, but with being able to turn a woman down. Then imagine that you so misunderstand women that instead of choosing a celebrity for which this pathetic revenge fantasy makes sense, you choose men that most women wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Whoa. He literally sent out a tweet about not being able to tweet. Is this the ultimate version of a manbaby screaming “I’M BEING SILENCED” while making a fuck ton of noise?

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
8 years ago

Whoa. He literally sent out a tweet about not being able to tweet.

Also, not complaining about his previous banning but about some random hiccups in his sockpuppet account service.

Berdache from a previous life
Berdache from a previous life
8 years ago

Kinda wondering if he’d pass a Turing test.

Sheila Crosby
8 years ago

@Princess. That was my exact first thought too. It’s one of the advantages of reaching the invisible age.

8 years ago

It’s entirely possible that his tweets aren’t going through because the app is shitty. This is a complaint I’ve seen from liberals, and I took it off my own devices because I got tired of the notifications that it was eating up too much of my storage.

Thiazin red
Thiazin red
8 years ago

What is it with these guys who are so convinced of their irresistability that the worst possible thing for a woman would be to not be harassed by them?

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

neither he nor his sons would give you a second look if they saw you in public

Yep, cos chicks are just chasing after those dudes. Everytime they go out, they’re inevitably smothered by fanatical groupies. Their secret? They buy a bitch furniture. Bitches love furniture

Real talk tho, tell me why the juniors look like they sleep with sweaters tied around their necks. Like they’re Mr July and November in the Ivy League Assholes calendar. Like if the fuckin Kratt Bros went undercover in a megacorporation to stop deforestation or some shit, but then they stayed inside too long. Like they’re visiting the planet to learn the ways of Earth’s businessmen in order to bring that knowledge back and revitalize the economy of Xheturniklon 4. Like they got Huey Lewis and the News on CD. Not a good look, fellas… Jeez

Weird (and worried about the election) Eddie
Weird (and worried about the election) Eddie
8 years ago

Ladies, raise your hands if you’d like some attention from the Donald or his boys… … anyone???

Weird (and worried about the election) Eddie
Weird (and worried about the election) Eddie
8 years ago

@ Axe

Like if the fuckin Kratt Bros

geez… they do!

8 years ago


Perhaps not your most poignant meaning, but I do fondly remember the Kratt Bros. A healthy part of a childhood spent watching PBS Kids.
Though that would be a horrid fate to befall them….

Weird (and worried about the election) Eddie
Weird (and worried about the election) Eddie
8 years ago

@ David

(… sorry to keep posting like this…)

I read this shit they are accusing others of doing and I want to channel my inner junior-high-school-boy and say “nuh uh, that’s YOUUUU”

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Those boys look so incredibly creepy. I don’t even know what to say about them. It’s like they tried to bring back a murderer from the dead but accidentally said the spell twice and ended up with clones, then gave them different color wigs to be able to tell them apart.

8 years ago

NEEEEARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG! MY EYES! THEY’RE AFLAME WITH THE TOTALLY ALPHA-DOMINATION OF FORNEY. I just can’t handle his copious quantities of commanding testosterownage. Clearly this d00d is alpha af and I can’t handle it, so I must accept my fate being relegated to the skulking shadows of wretchedness that is voting for a candidate who isn’t a giant douchey manbaby. Woe is me, I am truly undone for I cast my vote for Hillary Clinton!

8 years ago


Not even Melania raised her hand. 😛

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
8 years ago

I guess it’s not particularly kind to mock another’s appearance but as Forney is the kind of guy who would do it without thinking to anyone who crossed him, I have to ask: what is up with his head?! Seriously, he looks like Kryten on Red Dwarf

Iseult The Idle
Iseult The Idle
8 years ago

Poor manbaby, he can’t tweet his widdle tweets? Where DID I leave my mourning armband…..

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Aaaaahahahaha! Through Forney’s twitter I found a link to possibly the most hilarious manosphere-related blog post I’ve ever seen.

Starting with the amazingly delusional title: “Explaining Trump Support to Left-Wing Liberals (and seducing girls with the argument)”

It just gets better from there.

Last Friday I ended up having a zesty threesome with a current French lover of mine and a girl we picked up on the train ride home together (you can read the details here).

Hahahahaha! Please read my totally believable jerkoff fantasy! Pleeeaaase?

Then, his fool proof “argument” that gets him laid with “liberal girls”:

The only issue in the world I’ve ever cared about is free speech. Since I was a kid growing up, we used outlets like music, drawing, and writing to express ourselves freely. It was the best way to release anger and vent frustration.

I do the same thing in my professional life, its just a lot more productive now that its fueled for a desire to help others.

Trump is crass, I don’t think he is a good person, and I don’t think he even has a solid political plan.

I don’t give a fuck–its what he represents that matters. The spirit that he brings to the public. Its a kind of energy that effects people when they listen to him.

If he’s elected President, his brash attitude, unfiltered mouth, and confidence will be on full display. And thats what this country needs right now. We’ve let political correctness go way to far and its inhibiting our creativity.

Well, ladies? Did he seduce you? Hahahahahaha.

The girls reactions are great too, they love it when a man doesn’t shy away from an argument and speaks with boldness. I can visible see that they are more turned on after hearing me out, even if it doesn’t change their mind.

My god! Those delusions. XD

Also, featuring the most cringey self-description of all time:

Goldmund grew up a wild-child and was constantly being disciplined. Using ancient rituals and game, he broke free from the shackles of his mind and the norms of this backwards society.

This guy. Oh my Fingie.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
8 years ago

@Imaginary Petal:×185.jpg

The eyebrows make this picture just perfect. 🙂

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Is dindu, like cuck becoming a catch all term for people they don’t like now? Because dindu is supposed to be a replacement slur for the n word and Julian Assange is about the whitest person on the planet.

Stephen Lawt
Stephen Lawt
8 years ago

Wait, Matt Forney, one of the guys behind Gamergate, was a paid shill on Fiverr. Wow so much about ethics in Game Journalism.
On an unrelated note, I’m going with my friends to Youmacon in Detroit this year.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago



I do fondly remember the Kratt Bros. A healthy part of a childhood spent watching PBS Kids

Wild Kratts is still dope


It’s like they tried to bring back a murderer from the dead but accidentally said the spell twice and ended up with clones, then gave them different color wigs to be able to tell them apart


8 years ago


I wouldn’t doubt it. Even among the worst, language drifts, and words mean things they didn’t always mean. The term is getting watered down, distorted, and hence neutered in its effect.

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