Who knew that deep down, Men Going Their Own Way were really secret romantics?
In the midst of a tirade againstΒ the “childish, immature, cruel and narcissist[ic]” women of today, one Redditor Going His Own Way posits that it is men, not women, who are the truly romantic ones.
In a post on the MGTOW subreddit,Β FloydMayweatherGOAT declares
Men have superior intellect, Men work harder,Men are stronger, Men are more moral and kind, Men are more romantic,
As for the ladies:
Women only have wet holes to offer and that isnt even that grand.
Huh. That doesn’t really sound very, well, romantic.
They’re all just illusions , take away the make up, perfume, done up hair and fancy clothes and ask yourself what is she really offering me? Women are worthless in my opinion …Β I will ignore every Woman and view her as beneath me from this day forth. Men stop being intimidated by Women, You are better than Women in Every Single way. Destroy the illusion.
Not sure any of this is really helping your “men are more romantic” argument, dude, but I am definitely in favor of your plan to personally ignore all womenΒ from this day forth. Perhaps while sitting in a hut on one of these lovely islands?
Go forth, young MGTOW, and go your own damn way already!
In the meantime, I have made some more lovely greeting cards inspired byΒ FloydMayweatherGOAT’s romantic philosophy.
It simply means that the police will takw custody of the animal and pass it on to an org which will try to find a new family for it. In some cases they’ll sadly put the animal down. π
Oh, I’ve always found that very likely. I’ve had pet rabbits before, so I know that they don’t really have huge personalities. I’ve been in contact with the police and it turns out nobody’s filed a report about a missing bunny in the last few months. I’ve also not found any flyers in the area about missing rabbits, and nobody’s replied to any of my efforts so far.
The Animal Protection services have agreed to pick the bunny up tonight or tomorrow morning. I’ve made them promise not to euthanize it, and they’ve agreed to notify me when/if they find a new home for it. I’ve also stated that I will personally find a home for it in case they fail. So now I’ll just have to wait and see.
@ LittleLurker,
No serious need to respond to this, ok? You’re busy π
Just had to say I love your reading list, but, but … no Foucault?
I did consider it. Foucault just has a bit of a tendency to a) evoke strong reactions and b)potentially lead to very long discussions, in my experience. π Besides I got so used to the “send them to Foucault”-tactic from my own teachers that I thought, I’d be more…creative. π
And now, I can’t stop wondering what the Doctor thinks of Foucault… Though there probably already was an episode where he met him…somwhere among the ~1000 episodes I still have to watch. *eyes DVD pile* Bad self! Back to work!
True, I see what you mean. I still recall my women’s studies reading group many years ago arguing over Foucault’s work. There’s a fantastic book by Lynne Huffer called Mad for Foucault (you probs already know this, however). This is my favourite MF photo (no fangirl, not me):
His cat was called Insanity. Of course.
Re Dr Who – no MF in there afaik. My theory is that they are the same person π
The bunny has now been picked up by a friendly lady from Animal Protection.
We miss Leila already. π
Ps. We named the bunny Leila, and they promised to keep calling her Leila.
Aww. I’m sure they’ll be able to provide Leila with everything she needs.
I think that GOAT is showing a typical trait of the MGTOW – a rather scant knowledge of female anatomy. Our ‘hole’ ie the entrance to our vagina is not invariably wet. Moist is the every day condition, and varies from woman to woman, at different times of her life.
Sexual arousal is something that can certainly create wetness, but as sexual arousal generally requires lustful desire due to the appropriate stimulation (mental or physical) I would argue that someone as dismissive of any other aspect of a woman would really be most unlikely to ever know what a vaginal opening is like, wet or otherwise.
@David Futrelle
Sorry but I think that was pretty unthinking to post that.