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Trump accuser is lying because she used an expression other people have used before, Trump fans claim

Trump: Hands like an octopus?
Trump: Hands like an octopus?

Most of us like to think of ourselves as originals. But when it comes to communicating with other human beings, we’re not quite as original as we think.

When we talk, and write, we not only use words; we use a wide assortment of stock phrases that we’ve picked up along the way. Some of these phrases are basic building blocks of language, more or less essential to communication; others are, as the expression goes, worn-out clichés. Some of these clichés are so burned into our brains that we almost can’t help using them — though we sometimes apologize for it afterwards (or even before).

Last week, a Manhattan woman named Jessica Leeds told the New York Times of a strange encounter with a much younger Donald Trump on an airplane in the early 80s. Seated besides him in first class, she says, she chatted with him briefly, then — following the MO he laid out in that now infamous conversation with Billy Bush — he started kissing and groping her.

“He was like an octopus,” she told the NYT. “His hands were everywhere.”

Now some Trump fans are saying that the “octopus” line is clear evidence that her claims about Trump are a “hoax.” 

Why? Because people other than Leeds have, over the course of human history, used the phrase “he was like an octopus” to describe (allegedly) gropey men. 

No, really, that’s their argument.

Take it away, Mike Cernovich:

So … if someone uses a phrase that was once used in a Velvet Underground song, they are automatically lying?

This is the sort of “logic” that only Trump fans could love. And they do: Cernovich’s tweet was retweeted thousands of times, and picked up by other credibility deficient media outlets on the fringe right, including Political Insider and Gateway Pundit.

Snopes, meanwhile, has classified this argument as “just silly,” which it is.

Indeed, Cernovich’s “logic” here is so completely ridiculous that it’s hard to even figure out what he and his fellow Octopus Hand Truthers think happened.

In their imagined scenario, I guess, Leeds is some kind of sleeper agent for the forces of Big Hillary, tasked with the job of making false groping accusations against Trump. After being triggered, Manchurian Candidate style, by Trump’s denials of groping accusations from other women, Leeds sprang into action and began fabricating her own story of being sexually assaulted by Trump.

But alas, her grope-fabrication skills were a bit rusty. Unable to come up with a convincing scenario, she poured herself a drink and put on the Velvet Underground’s White Light/White Heat album, which she has on the original vinyl. While listening to the exceedingly strange story-song The Gift, about a lovelorn weirdo named Waldo who literally mails himself in a big box to his sort-of-cheating sort-of girlfriend, she hears the phrase “My God, he was like an octopus. Hands all over the place.”

Bingo! Those phrases tie the whole fake sexual assault accusation together.

A slightly more plausible scenario is that people have been using the phrase “hands like an octopus” and variations thereof for decades. That it’s just part of the language, not some weird clue in The Hardy Boys and the Secret of The Phrase That Was Used Before in a Velvet Underground Song CHECKMATE, FEMINISTS.

And there’s certainly evidence for that. A few minutes with Google reveals that there’s an entry for “Octopus Hands” in Urban Dictionary (which was posted six years before the Year of Trump); it’s in romance novels; someone even uses it to describe a cute piece of handmade jewelry for sale on an Etsy store. This dude made a joke about it on Twitter in 2012.

It was certainly a familiar phrase to me when I read it in the New York Times story, though admittedly I’m a Velvet Underground fan.

There’s another piece of evidence that suggests “octopus hands” is simply an expression that people have been using for decades — that it’s even a bit of a cliché. And it comes from the Leeds interview itself.

If you watch the video of Leeds’ interview with the New York Times, you will see that she sort of apologizes for using the phrase even before she uses it, presumably a little embarrassed to be resorting to such a hokey cliche.

“[I]t was a real shock when all of a sudden his hands were all over me,” she told the NYT.

He started encroaching on my space. And I hesitate to use this expression but I’m going to, and that is, he was like an octopus. It was like he had six arms. He was all over the place. 

You can find the relevant portion of the interview about a minute into the NYT video.

The real question for me at this point has nothing to do with octopus hands. It’s a lot more basic.

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Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Got a surefire way to be believed. Try speaking Navajo. Fascists have an especially hard time deciphering it, and nobody’s gonna accuse you of copying a song

8 years ago

There’s a reason he hasn’t heard the phrase before: people tend to use it when describing assault to people they trust. It’s used in intimate conversation, to lighten the mood because you’re protecting the listener from having to bear the full weight of the story you’re telling. No one would have such a discussion with someone with views like his.

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

Well, I’m convinced! This is just as suspicious as when that film reviewer saw the red pill doco before its public release. Can’t fool me 😛

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Maybe there are so many cliches about gropey men because so many women have been groped by men?

I’ll bet Trump has used some of them to describe himself. I could totally see him giggling about how he has Roman hands and Russian fingers.

8 years ago

Wow, this is clutching at straws. Wonder how many arms that takes?

8 years ago

Yup, octopodal comparisons are probably THE most commonly used by anyone who’s ever been on the receiving end of a rapid-fire, persistently pesky groping. And head-like-an-unflushed-toilet comparisons are probably THE most commonly used by anyone who’s ever seen an opinion out of the twitstream of Juicebro.

8 years ago

Mike Cernovich should not be taken seriously unless he uses his own words, written in his own alphabet, and spoken only in sounds that have never before crossed human lips.

The same goes for every brilliant investigatition who has been parroting this ridiculous theory. Until they does this (and I must admit, I’d kind of like to see it), well, it’s nothing we haven’t heard before, is it?

8 years ago

Yurk. I think you finally manged to actually kill my 20 year old tentacle fetish with that picture.

Deimos Masque
Deimos Masque
8 years ago

Funny enough, if she had just said “his hands were all over me” they could use the same argument except citing so movie or TV show where it was stated.


It’s almost if there was some sort of underlying culture that has slinked in to western pop culture, a rape culture if I could be so bold.

Nah, she must be lying and referencing 60s and 70s NYC indie rock, instead.

8 years ago

They’re in lala land. Like this is tinfoil helmet worn by people with utter sincerity levels of mental gymnastics.

tim gueguen
8 years ago

Sounds like the excuses some people have made for why Cosby can’t be a rapist. “Those women, their stories all sound the same.” Well, yeah, I would kind of expect a bunch of women who have been assaulted by the same person to report similar experiences.

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago

he was like an octopus. It was like he had six arms

Hey, octopuses have 8 arms, not 6…! You can’t fool me, NYT! Gotcha! *does a bunch of donuts in the man-mobile in the NTY parking lot before driving off a dick shaped cliff and into the testosterocean*

tim gueguen
8 years ago

Tales From Testosteroceans was the 5th album by Maybe, a 23 disc concept album dealing with the cosmic significance of hormones

8 years ago

Number Sequence:

Hey, octopuses have 8 arms, not 6…! You can’t fool me, NYT! Gotcha! *does a bunch of donuts in the man-mobile in the NTY parking lot before driving off a dick shaped cliff and into the testosterocean*

If he had 8 arms, he wouldn’t be like an octopus, because his legs would make 10 limbs!

8 years ago

I was born in the 1950s and I heard “octopus hands” in junior high. It’s been around awhile.

8 years ago

I first heard the gropey octopus expression in an I Love Lucy episode, and although I can’t give specifics of where else I’ve heard it, it’s definitely pinned in my mind as a tired old cliché I’ve heard many times.

This silly argument does remind me of something from my own life. When my Nigerian husband went back to Nigeria and applied for a spouse visa to re-join me in Australia, he had an interview with an immigration official, who refused his visa on the grounds he didn’t believe my husband was really in love with me because “his answers were cliché”. WTF? Arsehole

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

I could totally see him giggling about how he has Roman hands and Russian fingers.

This is the first thing that popped in my head.

Yurk. I think you finally manged to actually kill my 20 year old tentacle fetish with that picture.

I hate when that happens!

8 years ago

He could be a pervy squid in a suit.

8 years ago

The octopus in Beast From 20000 Fathoms had six limbs.

This is a fact that I am actually using in a discussion about a US Presidential election.

Well, I’ve reached peak 2016. How’s everyone else doing?

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Thank you for sharing that, Lynette. That sounds enormously aggravating. I hope you got the visa in the end?

8 years ago

Another Woman Accuses Trump of Inappropriate Conduct

Another woman in the employ of the Clinton campaign?

Gotta be.

8 years ago

Another Woman Accuses Trump of Inappropriate Conduct

woman in the employ of the Clinton campaign?

Pearl Clutcher
Pearl Clutcher
8 years ago

You’re a kid! You’re a squid!

8 years ago

Now I’m imagining Trump as Octodad.

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