So our old friend Roosh V, the rapey pickup guru and philosopher of “neomasculinity,” has some … interesting thoughts on the election. Here are some recent highlights from his Twitter feed.
It’s quite a conspiracy he’s alleging here. Apparently the (((Jews))) forced Roosh to write all those “field reports” in his Bang books that sounded an awful lot like confessions of rape, then they went back in time and forced Trump to brag about sexually assaulting women. And then the (((conspiracy))) conjured up all those women who have come forward to accuse Trump of sexual assault (and in one case, to accuse Roosh of rape).
Roosh has many other interesting insights on politics, and (((Jews))).
Er, Donald Trump is also a senior citizen, and the alleged groping took place more than 30 years ago.
Yeah, I don’t think that’s quite it.
Roosh also has thoughts on homosexuality.
And then there’s this little confession:
That would explain a lot, actually.
Woop! Fair enough.
I feel like I’ve also seen “deep state” as a description of a real thing: the strength of institutions over leaders. I might have the terminology mixed up (I’m not a political or social scientist) but there’s definitely a real thing that’s fascinating to study which helps explain how incredibly hard certain systemic changes are (e.g. ending racism), while others are pretty easy (e.g. turning a democracy into a dictatorship).
numerobis: What my brief sojourn into google and wikipedia left me with is that the term is used very haphazardly to describe almost anytime you’re suggesting the politics of the country is in some way being steered by anyone other than the voters. So if you talk about the influence of lobbyists and SuperPACs, for instance (especially some of the commonly known big ones, like K Street), that’s considered talking about Deep State just as much as saying the Trilateral Commission is secretly rewiring the electronic voting machines in order to ensure a Hillary win.
I’m never going to get that They Might Be Giants song out of my head, am I?
Actually, Rooshy-poo, it’s him going full Little Hitler. All that’s missing is the swastikas. And a uniform that actually fits, as his suits are really lacking in the tailoring department.
And just which states will he be “leading”? Where will the new Mason-Dixon line be? I have so many questions…
There is nothing neo about his brand of masculinity. Very little masculine, either. He is neither throwback nor a developmental stage, he is a self invented auto publicist, a sociopath with a keyboard.
Heck, we’ve had an openly lesbian Premier here in Ontario for over three years now. And while there are and have been numerous complaints about her, even the previous head of the Conservative party (who idolised Scott Walker and his dismantling of Wisconsin) didn’t try bringing up her sex or her sexuality as part of his last election campaign against her.
@Phill Evans
Comments policy, bruh…
Oh, yeah, fookin’ brilliant! Losing in the polls? Baselessly accuse your opponent of murder, that won’t make you look crazy!
So ‘Apex Fallacy’ isn’t a thing after all. Got it.
Meanwhile, here we have an elected official that used, withouth irony, the term “Cultural Marxism” to defend the teaching of (his prefered religion) in public schools. And it wans’t a joke!
I know this blog is US-centric (because that’s where David lives) and most of the political discussion is about English-speaking countries, but I’m just too mad at my country right now, so I need to sulk a little.
That’s awful! And it totally sounds like something that could happen here in the states.
Ew. But I do remember someone posting that disgusting thing Rush Limbaugh about consent in another post. I sincerely wonder how some public figures can get away with saying things that amount to “Yay, nazis!” and “Rape is a myth”.
Eh, we did have a nazi president, I guess.
I wonder if the Ontario Jenora Feuer was talking about is the one in Canada, or some place in the US I don’t know, cause you guys share a lot of names. I know there are plenty of of regressive people in Canada, but it doesn’t seem like there are so many that this sort of behavior from political figures is tolerated. Am I totally off base here?
Wait, did Roosh just admit that he’s never been to an anal orgy? Beta loser.
I wonder if manospherians are going to start following the example of the boys in the latest South Park episode. Instead of Free The Nipple, it’d be Free The Wiener. #WienersOut is kind of like a male, manospherian version of FEMEN?.
It’d land them in jail if they did so, though. Or maybe not (consider PC Principal’s reaction upon observing the protest). At least it’d make it easier to tell which guys are manospherians.
Maybe Mark Knopfler knows the answer.
There’s so much stupid in this I don’t even know where to start. But one bit that stands out for me is Roosh attacking gays for having orgies. I thought PUA’s were for sexual promiscuity? Why would they think orgies are bad?
EDIT: On second thought I think I can answer my own question. Orgies are socialist things where everyone gives according to their abilities according to their needs at an equal basis. Pua’s are about one sided exploitation. So I guess it makes sense Roosh is against them.
Anyway no roosh, straight dudes can still be president, they just won’t have an unfair advantage anymore.
Citing his own dreams as an argument for his political and social ideologies.
Martin Luther King Jr. you are not, Mr. Roosh.
I think Trump would not have gotten this far if there was actually a Jewish conspiracy.
I’m also ready for our gay presidential future.
There’s a conspiracy going on that makes it so that men who have admitted to committing to sexually assaulting women get accused of sexual assault.
I mean its a pretty lame conspiracy and could also be called straightforward logic but its totally worth going to war over. After all if we don’t stop this people who kill other people in cold blood could get accused of murder. And people who take other peoples things without asking could be accused of theft.
Its a dark world we’re creating.
Oh, accuse Hillary Clinton of murder? Right, because you know…that accusation has never happened before. In the past day or so, at least. I assume.
It doesn’t matter how much Roosh parrots the hard right line, when the chips are down he’ll still be a non-white person as far as they’re concerned, and hence a target like everyone else who doesn’t fit their desired niche.
When a manospherian steps out of his role as abuser of women to express opinions about another group, I’m reminded of the exhortations to businesspeople found in “leadership and success” books.
What is your business? these books ask. If your business is buses, don’t limit yourself. You’re in the business of transportation — that’s what you know. Think cars, planes, boats, trains, and so on. Don’t sell yourself short!
The savvy manospherian reads these books and takes their words to heart.
What is your business? he asks himself.
Hatred! comes the reply.
The well-informed manospherian knows there is no reason to limit his agenda of hatred to women. There are many, many groups to hate on.
Roosh is an inspiration to all manospherians.
Echoing Ray of Rays, has Roosh V never heard of Vince Foster?
The right wing has been flogging that particular conspiracy — alleging that Hillary Clinton killed her former law partner — for, I dunno, a quarter of a century.
Never mind that five official or governmental investigations have concluded that Foster killed himself.
Which of course only serves to bolster the argument that Hillary, in her devious brilliance, must have killed him. Why else would there be no evidence of murder?!
You do the math.
As everyone knows, women aren’t at all bright.
Unless they are, in which case it’s a satanic intelligence and very, very dangerous.
In David’s photo of Roosh, Roosh looks like he’s trying really hard not to laugh at his own BS.
Hu’s on first
No, they aren’t the same, men already have an equivalent to nipples… They’re called nipples! So cis men don’t need to free the nipple because they are already allowed to be topless in most casual public situations.
From Roosh:
So when do you think the MRAs are going to call out rush for using suicide rate as an sign of inferiority?