Yesterday, after poll guru Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight posted a chart showing that Donald Trump could easily win the election if only men were allowed to vote, some Trump fans began wondering, with varying degrees of seriousness, if maybe it would be a good idea to repeal the pesky 19th Amendment that gave women in the US the vote in the first place.
Soon #RepealThe19th hashtag was trending on Twitter.
The good news is that most of the people using the hashtag were those who were appalled by the very idea of it. The Washington Post went through 1000 Tweets posted in the hashtag last night, and as best as they could tell, only about a tenth of the posts were from Trump supporters, and most of them weren’t serious about actually taking the vote away from women.
Indeed, some took it upon themselves to tell the world that #RepealThe19th was nothing more than a big goof.
Some even went so far as to claim that the hashtag was some kind of disinfo operation designed to make Trump supporters look bad:
But if this was all some big conspiracy against Trump supporters or the Alt-Right, someone forgot to tell this to the Alt-Righters who actually do want to roll back the 19th Amendment, some of whom had been using the hashtag already.
Consider, for example, Paul Ramsey (RAMZPAUL), the affable white supremacist YouTuber who’s been arguing publicly against women’s suffrage for at least as long as I’ve been running this blog (and probably a lot longer than that).
And apparently the female role involves a lot of not voting.
RAMZ is apparently unable to detect irony, because alongside all of these tweets he also posted this:
Then there is the woman known as Spacebunny, also known as Theodore “Vox Day” Beale’s apparently non-imaginary wife.
These guys seem, well, fairly sincere in their hatred of women voting as well:
More female control of government and taxation undermines marriage culture and family formation. pic.twitter.com/tAfNGHtOvU
— AnechoicMedia (@AnechoicMedia_) October 13, 2016
Only weak cucks think women should vote.
You aren't a weak cuck, are you?#RepealThe19th https://t.co/1UdA1lr9j9— Kali Yuga Wolf ⚡️⚡️ (@wolfofariosophy) October 13, 2016
Women say they won't vote for Trump due to locker room talk when THEY are NASTIER and DIRTIER about it. HYPOCRITES!! #RepealThe19th NOW!!!
— 👌Teutonic Plague 👌 (@AspieCapitalist) October 13, 2016
Women have been voting since 1920, and we all know how THAT turned out! #Repealthe19th, keep 'em out of polling places!
— 👌Teutonic Plague 👌 (@AspieCapitalist) October 13, 2016
Femenism = cancer pic.twitter.com/Xy5weiucTc— Aryan-American (@destory_marxism) October 13, 2016
Even most women think feminism is dumb. pic.twitter.com/rfklV7Tudc— Aryan-American (@destory_marxism) October 13, 2016
But these days who knows who’s sincere or who’s trolling, or if there’s even a meaningful distinction between the two, at least when it comes to the most energetic shitposters in the Trump army.
Whether or not these guys really think women should be forbidden to vote, I feel fairly certain that they are really a bunch of hateful dicks.
@Weird Eddie
Oh man, there’s this certain chortle that I hear from middle-aged white men that makes my skin crawl and reminds me of all the times that chortle has been used at my expense. *Shudders*
Demeaning, dismissive, that’s the sound of perceived innate superiority….
See, I’m a huge fan of self awareness. It’s the best. I mean, “over-privileged, arrogant arse” is pretty spot on. As one of many burdened educators around here, allow me to engage in a little… pedagogy
Shut up. This ain’t an angry imperative. I’m not telling you to leave forever and never come back. But shut up. Not everything needs to be said, not everything needs to be said now, and not everything needs to be said now by you. For some people, speaking is their only defense against a world actively aimed against them. You’re not some people. You can afford the occasional silence. Also, if I may be so bold, you’re not as funny as you think you are. Just a general observation
Oh, and I’d like to think I’m usually right, but perhaps that’s my own arrogance at play…
Hmm… Nope
@Joekster: It is deeply messed up, yeah.
My reaction was a lot more muted. I got it right away, and then was like “grass grows, sun shines, and deplorables gonna deplore”.
@kupo: Aw cripes, you’re right. I don’t know why I read that as an acknowledgment of slavery.
The inauguration of President Hillary Clinton can’t come soon enough.
No difference, or else the trolls are worse. Insincerity is not a defense, it is an aggravating factor.
@ Axe
I don’t follow, please explain? Thanx.
Oh fuck. It is still too damn early in the morning for #notallwhitemen.
The fact is, Trump still has a majority of the white male vote. This means that the majority of white men simply don’t see women as people and they don’t see POC as people.
I don’t give any kind of fuck if pointing this out gives the “good” white men a sad. Take it up with the “bad” white men. Use your privilege for something other than seeking cookies for being one of the good ones.
@ax: I don’t ever post on this site trying to be funny. I know it doesn’t come off right, and I don’t want to make light of anyone’s experiences by accident. Everything I post is intended to be serious.
I’m tempted to add ‘seldom sarcastic’ to my handle, but I’ve already got two S’s in there.
@Kupo: Humanity as an ‘extinction level event’? There may be something to that. Bears thought.
Lou Dobbs, who used to be a reporter on the Today Show, is now on Fox. He just doxxed one of Trump’s accusers, the woman who is now in her 70s.
And he’s a journalist by training.
I’ll bet that there are no repercussions for Dobbs.
Fox Business host Lou Dobbs tweets phone number and address of Donald Trump sexual assault accuser
“This is the Dirtiest Campaign in our History,” Dobbs captioned a screen grab of alleged victim Jessica Leeds’ info
Well said!
keep the Obama’s
or let the British take over
I’m tempted to celebrate taco Tuesday every week while she’s in office.
I avoided addressing it again last time I posted, but maybe re-read the last paragraph of Margaret’s post. It’s not about you. It’s not about white men. It’s about us and how it makes us feel to see these god damn poll results and know these assholes who hide behind “just kidding! You’re so gullible!” actually do wish we couldn’t vote.
Regarding extinction, we’ve passed a carbon level tipping point we can likely never return from, so we’re probably going to get a taste of our own medicine soon.
Sigh. Yes, absolutely. Well said and I will gladly pass up all my cookies for the rest of my life if Santa will bring the rest of my gender some decency in exchange.
Oh wow. What a scumbag. That’s downright pathetic of him.
Is there something we can do? Would just signal-boosting it help?
…is that Lomberg taking a position which is in line with the rest of his discipline rather than adopting his usual attention-seeking contrarianism? This must be properly serious.
@Weird Eddie
I think what Axe Calibur is getting at is: don’t “other” people. Yes, Trump supporters are pretty odious, but they are still human. It’s just unfortunate that humans can be so terrible (in addition to being so awesome).
I’m not familiar with him, but I did see that he managed to find a way to agree while still being contrary.
I think signal-boosting could help. Thanks for thinking of it.
As a Brit, let me just say: fuck that. You may have noticed that we aren’t doing so well ourselves. We’ve voted to cripple our economy, Theresa May can barely run her government, the opposition is a shambles, hate crimes are up, the pound is sickly, we may need to build a wall across Ireland, and Jessica Ennis-Hill has retired. We’ve done our bit for America by sending John Oliver, and that’s about as much as we can manage right now.
There’s an E in Axe, ya know? Minor gripe…
Quite correct. They’re not terrible, and thus not human. They’re terrible, because they’re human. We all have that capacity. Saying otherwise absolves ‘humans’ from shittery (we all know that ain’t true) and leads to some pretty noxious ideas in the minds of ‘humans’. Trumpian ideas…
We appreciate it! And thanks for Sam Bee, Canada! We’re stealing everybody 😛
I looked at that and concluded, “Yep that’s definitely a scatterplot.”
@Paradoxical Intention
You stole my stolen line about trolls! Whatever, I’m on a Vonnegut kick so my first thought is from Mother Night “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”
Having been on the recieving end of ‘othering’ (spoiler: I’m trans) I whole-heartedly agree that no one deserves to be othered. The people who do (and say) those repulsive and repugnant things are human, to deny them their humanity is to sink to their level.
The alt right need a serious reality check
1. abortion is not the cause of population decreases all in most 1st world countries .The cause of lower birth rates is economic the economy is about the bottom line not people so there is no incentive to have kids and more of an incentive for woman to work . And isn’t it interesting how the morons who blame woman for not having kids don’t go after the MGTW crowd after all there not starting families either.
2. There still pushing that Eurabia nonsense that immigrants will takeover by out breeding natives sorry this doesn’t work. Yes first gen immigrants tend to have more children but 2nd and 3rd gen immigrants tend to only have a few or at least the average due to better education etc. (which feminists can be thanked for) Plus in the meme in question feminists would look at the white woman at the top and the black woman at the bottom as equal of the opportunity to have a career .And not be just a baby making machine which is ironically what alt right morons want even white woman to be it’s ironic .
3. The vast majority of 20th century wars and atrocities were done by men .and last i checked Nazi Germany,Imperial Japan ,The Soviet Union and Fascist Italy didn’t have democracy. So how is it again woman voting caused all this .
4. As for there graft do they ever stop to think why woman might not wanna marry ?
5.As for woman wanting there to be a social safety that EVERYONE can use apparently to preserve western civilization we need to be assholes
re: the sixth extinction event (from Kupo and others) –
It irritates me to hear lefty-types constantly* harp on about Saving the Planet! ™ in regard to AGW. The Planet has, and will survive another extinction event and more than likely so will (at least) some life forms. The Planet does not, and never has needed our species for its continued existence.
Why does no one* couch AGW in terms of human extinction? Too scary? Not scary enough? Is it politically incorrect? Factually implausible?
*In my experience. I could easily be missing other views and I really hope that that is the case!
To me the idea of “save the planet” is about the ecosystem, not the hunk of rock we’re on. We’re damaging a lot of species other than just humans, and even if humans weren’t in the list of species that might die off as a result of our carelessness we should still do something about it because it’s vulgar to carelessly kill off entire species for our own greed.
Sorry if that’s too “lefty” for you.
A fantastic point. Short of a cosmic scale event not just the planet, but life will be fine. It finds a way. Casting AGW in the context of being at best a major pressure on human civilization is something I see a bit of, but needs to be at the forefront.
@ Axe and @ Jaygee
I stand corrected, and I apologize.