Yesterday, after poll guru Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight posted a chart showing that Donald Trump could easily win the election if only men were allowed to vote, some Trump fans began wondering, with varying degrees of seriousness, if maybe it would be a good idea to repeal the pesky 19th Amendment that gave women in the US the vote in the first place.
Soon #RepealThe19th hashtag was trending on Twitter.
The good news is that most of the people using the hashtag were those who were appalled by the very idea of it. The Washington Post went through 1000 Tweets posted in the hashtag last night, and as best as they could tell, only about a tenth of the posts were from Trump supporters, and most of them weren’t serious about actually taking the vote away from women.
Indeed, some took it upon themselves to tell the world that #RepealThe19th was nothing more than a big goof.
Some even went so far as to claim that the hashtag was some kind of disinfo operation designed to make Trump supporters look bad:
But if this was all some big conspiracy against Trump supporters or the Alt-Right, someone forgot to tell this to the Alt-Righters who actually do want to roll back the 19th Amendment, some of whom had been using the hashtag already.
Consider, for example, Paul Ramsey (RAMZPAUL), the affable white supremacist YouTuber who’s been arguing publicly against women’s suffrage for at least as long as I’ve been running this blog (and probably a lot longer than that).
And apparently the female role involves a lot of not voting.
RAMZ is apparently unable to detect irony, because alongside all of these tweets he also posted this:
Then there is the woman known as Spacebunny, also known as Theodore “Vox Day” Beale’s apparently non-imaginary wife.
These guys seem, well, fairly sincere in their hatred of women voting as well:
More female control of government and taxation undermines marriage culture and family formation. pic.twitter.com/tAfNGHtOvU
— AnechoicMedia (@AnechoicMedia_) October 13, 2016
Only weak cucks think women should vote.
You aren't a weak cuck, are you?#RepealThe19th https://t.co/1UdA1lr9j9— Kali Yuga Wolf ⚡️⚡️ (@wolfofariosophy) October 13, 2016
Women say they won't vote for Trump due to locker room talk when THEY are NASTIER and DIRTIER about it. HYPOCRITES!! #RepealThe19th NOW!!!
— 👌Teutonic Plague 👌 (@AspieCapitalist) October 13, 2016
Women have been voting since 1920, and we all know how THAT turned out! #Repealthe19th, keep 'em out of polling places!
— 👌Teutonic Plague 👌 (@AspieCapitalist) October 13, 2016
Femenism = cancer pic.twitter.com/Xy5weiucTc— Aryan-American (@destory_marxism) October 13, 2016
Even most women think feminism is dumb. pic.twitter.com/rfklV7Tudc— Aryan-American (@destory_marxism) October 13, 2016
But these days who knows who’s sincere or who’s trolling, or if there’s even a meaningful distinction between the two, at least when it comes to the most energetic shitposters in the Trump army.
Whether or not these guys really think women should be forbidden to vote, I feel fairly certain that they are really a bunch of hateful dicks.
I think they mean a cuck who doesn’t even lift as opposed to one with whom the cuck is weak.
@ the actual post: right, because disenfranchising half the US population is a ‘good’ thing. I think ‘willfully ignorant’ is a good adjective for the people described above.
Edit window ran out.
I know plenty of white men who are voting for Hillary. That doesn’t change how disappointed I am in the sheer volume of white men voting for Donald. Also, Axe isn’t the only one who calls you out on your privilege. But I’m used to dudes getting credit for saying the same god damn thing I already said, so I’m not even mad.
I can’t find any current numbers on Trumpf’s support among blue-collar white men, but with all the other numbers, it’s GOT to be in the 80%+ range. Having worked in various factories and manufacturing plants for 25+ years… I believe it….. Makes me glad I switched to wearing collar-less pull-over shirts!!! That could’a been bad!!
Given that Irish pro-choice activists have gotten #Repealthe8th (the 8th Amendment to the Irish constitution being the major block to legalising abortion) to trend a fair few times, I wonder if it’s a case of attempting to co-opt a feminist rallying cry or just
divergentconvergent thought on how to use it as a hashtag@Kupo: You are correct, and it was wrong of me to ignore you. I thank you for taking the time to call me out when I’m out of line as well. Ax just does it more aggressively, so it sticks out more to me.
My apologies.
@Kupo: regarding your other point, my comment about white men who support Hillary was mostly in response to the comment upthread stating something like, ‘men are more likely to support Trump, which is why its reasonable to hate all men’. I’m not sure how to express what I’m thinking without coming across as an ‘equalist’, which I’m not. I am deeply disappointed in all of Trumps fanbase. I’d say I’m more disappointed in those women who support Trump, but the truth is, most of the white men who support trump are working class themselves, and a Trump presidency would destroy the working class just as much as it would demolish women’s rights, so both groups are actively campaigning not only against what is good and right in the world, but also against their own interests.
I think you horribly misunderstood Margaret Pless if you think that’s what she was arguing. Try reading it again and not allowing your immediate defensiveness at being part of the group she’s referring to cloud your interpretation.
This is the last two thirds of Margaret Pless’ post:
‘On the other hand, knowing that most men would vote Trump is the best goddamn reason to hate men on principle I’ve heard all week; and this is the week I’ve been reading new stories practically every day about Trump groping his employees and Miss Universe contestants and threatening to sue the Times for writing about it.
I don’t hate men, but things like this trains me to expect very little from the majority of them. In particular, this incident leads me to expect that you could stuff a scarecrow and run it against Hillary, and as long as it looked acceptably male the men would probably vote for it.’
I suppose it’s possible Margaret was speaking as a hypothetical, that is, ‘supporting Trump is a great reason to hate someone’. I don’t know. It just doesn’t sit right.
‘course, Margaret has a right to post whatever Margaret is thinking, and I don’t want anyone to think that I’m trying to silence them.
Margaret, if you’re still reading this thread, did I mis-read you?
Weird (and just about drained) Eddie:
Today’s Guardian has an article about how the election is a referendum on male entitlement. It mentions this: An ABC News/Washington Post poll at the end of September showed Trump with an overwhelming 59-point lead among among white men who don’t have college degrees – 76% of whom supported him.
I don’t know how different that is from previous elections. But in reading comments from left-leaning Americans over the last few election cycles, writing about family members, one complaint comes up again and again: men in my family think that voting Repub is part of their masculinity, and they mock me as unmanly for voting Dem. And one of the first things which struck me when watching online arguments between Repubs and Dems was how often the former used “faggot” as their insult of choice (this was long before “cuck”, of course).
As an outsider, this is bizarre to watch.
Re: The “escaped farm animals” thing
It took a few minutes but the only thing that came to mind (considering the source of the quote) is that they were referring to people of color, can someone please tell me I’m wrong, because I’d like to be wrong.
@Jesalin, you aren’t wrong. If only you were, but you are not.
@Frigid Virgin, welcome! Thank you for doing your part in combating global warming!
@jesalin: I have no clue what the ‘escaped farm animals’ thing refers to. Your explanation makes a scary amount of sense.
If you’re right, than ‘willfully ignorant’ may be too kind for the person who made that post.
“There is no equality in nature. Equality is Satanic. We are designed by nature for certain roles”
Well Mr. Ramsey, as far as a polar bear is concerned, your role in nature is to be a source of protein if there are not enough seals about.
Yeah, my reaction to the “farm animals” thing was approximately:
“That makes no sense!”
“Wait, there was something…”
*hopes for extinction-event asteroid impact in near future*
@Joekster: By “escaped farm animals”, they mean former slaves, and the fact that the 15th Amendment expanded voting rights to all male citizens regardless of race (in theory, at least) before the 19th expanded it to women. Deplorable, but on the other hand, it’s nice to see them acknowledge that African-Americans were enslaved, instead of trying to erase them with the whole “Irish indentured servants were the first slaves and you don’t see them whining” stuff.
That’s my reaction in a nutshell as well.
@kindasortaharmless: that’s messed up. I’m not arguing with your interpretation, but it is.
I’d like to join Moggie’s reaction.
At least, up to the emesis part. There’s enough people on this planet who don’t deserve an extinction level asteroid. I have to believe that.
I disagree that they’re acknowledging that African Americans were enslaved. Keeping livestock is generally seen as different from slavery. You don’t see most people refer to oxen and hens and cattle as slaves. There’s an extra level of dehumanization to the statement, and on top of that, this person is implying that women are even less human than that gross level of dehumanization they just piled onto former slaves.
Oh, God, I don’t know why, but for some reason I watched that entire video. Apparently Paul Ramsey thinks “Boys should be raised to be brave, so they can stand up to political correctness.”
Deep sigh.
I agree, even though sometimes it’s hard to believe.
Completely agree!
Most American men. Not that men elsewhere are necessarily better in general, but in just about every other country (except Russia) Clinton would beat Trump by an avalanche.
@joekster and moggie
We don’t need an asteroid. We’re already in the middle of an extinction event and everyone is pretending like it’s not happening.
@ Moggie
Thanx for the link!! Here’s a couple quotes from it which illustrate the diametrically opposite points of view between the Trumpfets and the human beings….
And, as you stated earlier…
There’s a sort of half-chuckle-half-sneer with which I’m very familiar…. In many of the blue-collar places I’ve worked, that noise was the stock response to any objection on my part to the bigotry of my coworkers.