aggrieved entitlement alt-right antifeminism antifeminist women empathy deficit entitled babies literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA none dare call it conspiracy racism TROOOOLLLL?

No one told these Tweeters that the #RepealThe19th hashtag was all a big joke

Not a Trump supporter
Not a Trump supporter

Yesterday, after poll guru Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight posted a chart showing that Donald Trump could easily win the election if only men were allowed to vote, some Trump fans began wondering, with varying degrees of seriousness, if maybe it would be a good idea to repeal the pesky 19th Amendment that gave women in the US the vote in the first place.

Soon #RepealThe19th hashtag was trending on Twitter.

The good news is that most of the people using the hashtag were those who were appalled by the very idea of it. The Washington Post went through 1000 Tweets posted in the hashtag last night, and as best as they could tell, only about a tenth of the posts were from Trump supporters, and most of them weren’t serious about actually taking the vote away from women.

Indeed, some took it upon themselves to tell the world that #RepealThe19th was nothing more than a big goof.

Some even went so far as to claim that the hashtag was some kind of disinfo operation designed to make Trump supporters look bad:

But if this was all some big conspiracy against Trump supporters or the Alt-Right, someone forgot to tell this to the Alt-Righters who actually do want to roll back the 19th Amendment, some of whom had been using the hashtag already.

Consider, for example, Paul Ramsey (RAMZPAUL), the affable white supremacist YouTuber who’s been arguing publicly against women’s suffrage for at least as long as I’ve been running this blog (and probably a lot longer than that).

And apparently the female role involves a lot of not voting.

RAMZ is apparently unable to detect irony, because alongside all of these tweets he also posted this:

Then there is the woman known as Spacebunny, also known as Theodore “Vox Day” Beale’s apparently non-imaginary wife.

These guys seem, well, fairly sincere in their hatred of women voting as well:

But these days who knows who’s sincere or who’s trolling, or if there’s even a meaningful distinction between the two, at least when it comes to the most energetic shitposters in the Trump army.

Whether or not these guys really think women should be forbidden to vote, I feel fairly certain that they are really a bunch of hateful dicks.

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8 years ago

Yeah, sign me up for all 4 of those please.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

TFW you see Teutonic Plague un-ironically paraded as evidence of sexism.

Seriously though, I’m pretty sure he’s a troll and provocateur. You only need to listen to True Capitalist Radio to figure that out.

Ironic misogyny is effectively misogyny. If he’s being sarcastic or just joking, he didn’t make it obvious. Most people have not heard of True Capitalist Radio, let alone listened to it, so why is it a surprise that most people wouldn’t immediately assume he’s “just” trolling?

Also, how is misogyny provocative? There’s nothing subversive or original or brave or interesting about misogyny. It’s the status quo.

I don’t give a single wee little fuck whether or not Teutonic Plague is trolling, sincere, or both.

8 years ago

Whenever these alt-right dweebs get called out for their nonsense, they always claim they were “just joking.” Well, nobody’s laughing and if you have to explain that it was “just a joke” then there is no joke. Oh, and the process for amending the Constitution to repeal another amendment takes so long that Hillary Clinton would already be serving as president before anything happened.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Frigid virgin
1)love the nym *hi five*

2)you fuckin tell him!

3)nah, ‘delusional’ is swell. I’m sure some muffuga can make it ableist, but it’s generally acceptable round here

4)Hiya, I’m Axe! Welcome package on the right

I wish I could follow what Timmarencenis was talkin about. Hard to parse. Interesting that it was ‘artistry’ before MGTOW. Tried game and failed, ya think?

8 years ago

Frigid Virgin: please move to Montreal so we can get some decent snow this winter. But only next week — I’m travelling this week, and I haven’t gotten around to harvesting my last basil (which normally would have frozen off a couple weeks ago, but hey, global warming).

Frigid virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
Frigid virgin (hey, I'm trying to stop global warming over here, what's your excuse?)
8 years ago

@Axecalibur: Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I was hoping it would be okay, as I haven’t seen anyone called out for it, but I also didn’t want to stumble on my very first post. First impressions and all that, you know? I really like it here, and I want you to think well of me.

@David Futrelle: Thank you so much for WHTM. Seriously. I’ve run afoul of so much MRA talk on the internet, that I was honestly starting to feel very hated as a staunch feminist. To come to this place and realize that I’m very much not alone in wanting equality for everyone and for women of all stripes in particular has been a blessing. Thank you.

8 years ago

Personally, I’d go for something like “willfully ignorant” before “delusional” – but, that’s just me. And, welcome – good to have you!

8 years ago

@Frigid virgin
I hope you have a good stay here and would like to post more. Have a few pics as a welcoming gift.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

@Frigid virgin

First impressions and all that, you know?

1st and 2nd impression: nailed it!

I really like it here, and I want you to think well of me

Glad to have you around, fam 🙂

8 years ago

Add me to the “grosses me out that most men in this country are voting for Trump” list. Ugh.

@frigid virgin


8 years ago

@Frigid Virgin

Add me to the “grosses me out that most men in this country are voting for Trump” list. Ugh.

Likewise, although I suspect that if you control for race you’ll be able to parse the category that supports him a bit finer.
I initially thought that the last picture was a photoshop of a flute transforming into a snake.

8 years ago

You know, there was a suffragette in Britain who horse whipped Winston Churchill about the face for opposing women’s suffrage, and while I’m not advocating that, say, the ghost of that suffragette rise from the grave and horse whip these nincompoops, I also wouldn’t feel bad if that happened. Like, at all.

8 years ago

Anybody else notice that AnechoicMedia’s chart doesn’t prove anything? They forgot to put in the trend line in their scatterplot, but even if you extrapolate what it would be, all it would show is a small 5% difference in number of never-married white people MIGHT affect the number of women in state legislatures. There are four anomalous cases, but they don’t seem to impact the basic trend, otherwise they would be further to the right.

Oh also, the fact this scatterplot only examines white never-married individuals is weird? Would including unmarried minorities skew this somehow? Why would anyone even begin to assume that the amount of women in state legislature would be impacted by this? Or even vice versa, which their statement implies?

Wait, hang on, does this chart include children? Because that’s not really fair. I don’t understand this chart at all. It raises MORE questions. I’m just going to chalk this up to the cherry-picking of statistics by a racist mind and be done with it.

8 years ago


I think I saw it best on Reddit:

“If you think that you’re clever by getting people to call you out as sexist for the hashtag (referring to #repealthe19th) bear the following in mind. We live in a country where a racist self-professed serial sexual assaulter and possible rapist is getting more than 30% of the popular vote. Right now more than ever women are going to take you saying shit like this seriously because this is where our nation has lowered itself to.”

Although I don’t necessarily think that our nation was ever any better than this shit >.>

8 years ago

Friends – I urge you to share information about #repealthe19th in your personal social media, your facebook and twitter, because just talking about it here – while useful and restorative – isn’t entirely effective. People need to know that there are people who really, totally, entirely believe that women shouldn’t vote. I have friends and relatives who had no idea.

Olive O'Sudden
Olive O'Sudden
8 years ago

Just regarding that picture of the young, lean, and attractive man in the pro-Hillary shirt who is presented as the ‘Face of Low T’: That young, lean, and attractive man’s face and body shows all the signs of testosterone having done its job and continuing to do it very well indeed.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

There’s a reason white women were given suffrage after escaped farm animals.

Jesus fuck.

I’m going to go back to playing Skyrim for the next 12 hours. Excuse me.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


> weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Totally off topic, but I think I found Mark/Terrance’s first appearance here. Way back in 2012!

Oh, nicely done. It could be fun to know when the major trolls pop in WHTM first. Maybe David have this kind of infos ? As they are rarely changing their alias, it should not be to difficult to trace.

weak cuck

Hmm. Their “cuck” langage improve, but what the hell a weak cuck is supposed to be ? I can understant what is a weak cock, but not a weak cuck. And according to the usage of the word cuck they have, i am not sure that being a strong cuck make things better. So the distinction does not make any sense.

It all comes down to gossip, smears, crying, feelings and slander.

Is it not already the case ? This tweet in itself is like a mise en abyme, and the others tend to support this hypothesis.

It may be asking too much, but women should see that government pimping them out. They become fuck toys, and they marry this.

As you already consider the women as “fuck toys” (or even less), that will not change anything in that aspect. Reversly, it can only improve. And while you guys always insist that those “damn feminists will never marry”, it is strange that suddenly you invoke marriage as a threat.

Have a nice day.

8 years ago

@Victorious Parasol

One of my grandmothers was a little girl by the time of the 19th amendment. I’ll be thinking of her when I vote this year.

I think about that kind of stuff a lot.

Both of my grandmothers were heading into middle age when women won the vote.

My mother was born just before women won the vote — and just after her pregnant mother was really, really sick with the Spanish influenza, said to be the most devastating epidemic in recorded history.

Anyway, I’m really happy that women won the vote.

Hey, right to vote: I’m never gonna give you up. Heart, heart.

8 years ago

@Frigid Virgin

Christ was a goddamn feminist.

Yep. The first one I was aware of.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo | October 13, 2016 at 11:42 pm
I don’t give a single wee little fuck whether or not Teutonic Plague is trolling, sincere, or both.

Something, something, ironically fucking goats.

comment image

@Frigid Virgin: Hiya!

Also, would I be your polar opposite? A hot and steamy cheeseburger slut? :U

8 years ago

I read an interesting article by David Wong yesterday explaining a lot of the support for Trump. I wouldn’t consider it apologia but some might from a different perspective and the title is probably ablist. I am going to paste a link though because I find it a lot easier to talk sense into people with terrible ideas if I know more about why they think the way they do.

I don’t know how much it would apply to the awful people who are discussed here but it helps me to know that they are not necessarily representative of all Trump supporters.

8 years ago

I just made the morning mistake of skimming Jaxon Wright’s Twitter feed. The alt-right pareidolia boat is all ahead full and then some – they’re claiming that the flight attendant’s “octopus” statement is plagiarized from other “real” victims (because of course it’s all fake when it’s against Trumo, right?). Betty “America’s Best Christian” Bowers has even weighed in with one of the people he RT’d. I would call it glorious if it were not so mind-numbingly pathetic.

8 years ago

Sometimes I feel like we’re lancing a cyst and not only finding a considerable quality of purulent discharge, but also many botfly larvae. That are infected with worms.

Joekster-betas bearded, sheeple shamed, dragons derailed. Reasonable rates.
Joekster-betas bearded, sheeple shamed, dragons derailed. Reasonable rates.
8 years ago

@Frigid Virgin: Welcome! I totally agree with you on Christ being a feminist. Also a socialist. And an anti-racist. Basically, the exact opposite of the ‘Christian Right’. Seriously, every time I get stuck listening to one of their sermons, the shortest verse in the NT comes to mind: ‘Jesus Wept’.

Also, I’m joekster. I have a nasty tendency to stick my feet in my mouth (although I think that’s improving), and I’m pretty sure Ax (and probably other people here) thinks I’m an over-privileged, arrogant arse who needs to be taken down a peg or two. Sometimes, Ax is right, and Ax takes the burden of educating the privileged from all the other people here.

@Oogly: love the critter pics. Thanks 🙂

@everyone: I feel obligated to point something out: I’m a white male, and I’m voting for Hillary. So is my father. In fact, dad is ahead of me: he caucused for Hillary in 2008. His family is all white (assuming his sisters husband counts as ‘white’, seeing as he’s Italian), and includes several males, who also support Hillary. (my mothers family, ironically, is a whole different story).

That is all.