After that Access Hollywood tape of Trump bragging that his fame allowed him to get away with sexually assault women on a whim, his supporters and surrogates seized on what they saw as the ultimate rebuttal to Trump’s critics. Borrowing the argument from a meme that had already been circulating on the Internet for some time, they declared that they were “much more bothered by what Hillary has done than by what Trump has said.”
This argument would be a lot more convincing if a) Trump hadn’t been talking about things he claimed to have, you know, done, if b) women weren’t coming forward to tell media that he had in fact done these things to them and if c) Trump’s apologists were actually bothered by Trump’s claims.
While there are no doubt some Trump supporters who are genuinely troubled by Trump’s remarks, many of his most fervent followers think his comments (and presumably the actions he was describing) are hilarious. To many Trump superfans in the Alt-Right, Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. And they have made it into their new favorite Trump meme.
In the latest “Memetic Monday” thread on Internet Nazi tabloid The Daily Stormer, you will find, alongside the standard racist caricatures and Hitler jokes and “Hillary for Prison” memes, a wide assortment of “grab ’em by the pussy” memes created by Daily Stormer readers or borrowed from other sites — some of them slick, some of them amateurish, and none of them funny.
Here are some of them. You will notice that some of the meme-makers have managed to work in some of their other favorite subjects — Hitler, Hillary being jailed, and even (I regret to have to tell you this) kittens. In the interest of keeping this post more-or-less safe for work, I’ve avoided the worst of the batch.
Of course, the “grab ’em by the pussy” memes were not the only jokes about sexual assault in the thread. Because these are neo-Nazi Trump fans, and that’s just how they roll.
Trump 2016: Every Day is a New Low.
EDIT: Added a reference to the women who have come forward to say that Trump had indeed sexually assaulted them.
What?? That a presidential hopeful sexually assaults women whenever he damn well pleases isn’t a real issue? What the hell, people?
Diptych is right. You can find it here:
BTW, that Rush Limbaugh bit was so jaw-dropping I had to double-check it, and wound up with the full audio on YouTube via the Young Turks.
I mean… wow. The transcript doesn’t do it justice. He says “Here comes the rape police” is such a sneering tone, like the “rape police” are the “thought police” rather than, you know, THE ACTUAL POLICE.
It was weird enough when people n the right didn’t seen to understand what consent meant. Now I learn Rush understands it just fine, he just think its a liberal plot. Like Global Warming, I guess.
Here’s a thing:
If you’re one of Trump’s most rabid supporters, one of the ones who can’t wait for him to make Mexico build a wall, who want him to gas the “kikes” and the “shitlibs”, who want him to deport the “muzzies”? You have to vote for Hillary or have your dreams crushed.
While he’s undoubtedly a thoroughly loathsome and despicable individual in just about every way imaginable, he’s not actuallyy going to do any of these things if elected. Even if he’d like to, those things are not really within the realm of what the POTUS can realistically do. There’s things like civil rights, supreme court, the US constitution and, well, Mexico to prevent all of those things from happening. If he’s elected president, your dreams will quickly die.
However, if Hillary is elected president, she obviously won’t do any of those things either. Nobody will. But then you can still have the dream that if only the Great Orange Leader had been elected, he totally would have. And votes are secret – you can still claim that you voted for him. Nobody will ever have to know that you did what was necessary to keep dreaming the white supremacy dream.
I will be SO VERY ECSTATIC when Trump loses and he fades back into the background noise again.
… this morning I had a longer version of the mini-discussion I’ve had several times with the receptionist at my workplace… about Donald, BLM, flag protests, etc…. Where do you start with someone who has NO IDEA what’s going on in the world….????
re: Rush Limboob’s comment, the important thing is to dismiss ANYTHING favored by anyone who is “other.” If a purported “liberal” said “… you must love thy neighbor as thyself”, they’d claim the lib was advocating mutual masturbation….
It doesn’t surprise me that the occasional (morally bankrupt) person would have a hostile view of consent. Peoples behaviour/beliefs/morals run the entire spectrum and it’s inevitable that some people will be on the evil (or at least, not so good) end of that spectrum.
What I find depressing and, quite frankly, scares the ever-loving hell out of me is the *number* of people who agree with Rush’s diatribe about consent. Even if it’s just an extremely vocal minority, I’m profoundly disturbed that anyone would be so ‘proud’ of holding such views. 🙁
@ malitia
@ leftwingfox
how do you imbed the grafix files, e.g. the “pig” and “so cool” pics?
I apologize for ranting kind of off-topic but I feel like my entire day is ruined since my boss thought it was a good idea to start making fun of Trump’s recently-revealed sexual assault victims.
Not only was he surprised I didn’t laugh, but he actually started raising his voice over me when I tried to tell him what it was like for me when I was a young woman in my 20s having my ass patted and caressed, being kissed and hugged and slobbered on secretly in hallways by some of my past (married!) bosses. This was all around the time of Anita Hill, too, early 90s. Yes, please, Mr. 62-year-old Rural White Small Business Owner Man, please tell me how it really was to be a woman and to be taken sexual advantage of against my will just so I could keep a job. I’m sure your two daughters would be THRILLED to have some stranger stick his hand up their skirts on a plane!
Ugh. I usually try to stay upbeat but today it’s hard. Fuck you, boss, at least I know you’re voting for Hilary.
ETA: I do apologize for venting here. I don’t really have anyone else I can tell right now who “gets it” like the commenters here “get it”.
I would really like to know the criteria Trumpets use to determine what constitutes a “real” issue. Trump has already said that he has no qualms about using his position of authority to sleep with women, and apparently these people have no issue with this shit-stain representing them for the next four years.
@Weird (and just about drained) Eddie
I just copy-paste the picture links in a new line. If it ends in jpg/png/gif or something like that it generally embeds automatically.
@ dreadnaught
Form what I’ve seen on social media it’s “Something something emails something Goldman Sachs something something Bill”
<3 dreemr, I understand entirely. I work from home and am very very happy to stay that way. Sort of dread going back into office work. Office work + STEM field = the absolute worst of the worst. Would rather be back in the oilfield. You can vent here all you want!
@ Robertshaw
funny you should mention Goldman Sachs… one of the things Trumpets (around here at least) crow about is, Trump’s gonna reign in the banks and stop the outsourcing of jobs. Back in the ’70s and 80’s when the American manufacturing industry was being moved to Asia, who was there??? THE DONALD!!! If he wasn’t intimately involved in those deals, he was first-name-basis friends with the men who were involved. Similarly, he is first-name-basis friends with the men who torpedoed the world economy in ’08…. He has demonstrated that his business model is to build houses of cards on the backs of investors and workers (these are called “suckers”) then cut and run before the shit hits the fan. We, the American People are the current “suckers-in-waiting.” So, you GO, alt-righties, see how your mango-hued demi-god works out for ya!
Oh my God, I’m so sorry you had to experience that. So your boss says something incredibly insensitive, then gets defensive when he’s called out on it? What an incredible display of lack of empathy. If you need us we’re here for you.
@Scildfreja – thank you, I was just about in tears over it, remembering all the bullshit I and EVERY woman has had to cope with.
I was infuriated because: not listening, talking over me, “mansplaining”, discounting my experiences as a woman, not listening not listening NOT LISTENING.
And thank you @Dreadnought <3
It's not that I'm totally un-used to coping with this shit, it's just – I don't know, it all piled up this week and I just can't take it anymore.
He (and many of the men, and sometimes women I deal with on a daily basis) are somehow unable to put themselves in others' shoes. They've never lived anywhere but this tiny rural town in North Dakota (population around 2500) they've never had family that did any other work than farming, and they seem to believe everyone lives the same kind of life they have.
Nooo don’t ruin mangoes for me with Trump-association, I already hate it that cheese-snacks are ruuuuuined…
Wow, I managed to find the one trump supporter that makes me feel pity rather than disgust and apathy.
This was on Huffington Post before being quickly removed
@dreemr, all the love <3 workplaces are horrible. I'm extremely lucky to be working in a situation where I can toddle into my office in a housecoat and slippers and only have to deal with other people through a chat window.
I don't get the way your boss thinks. I mean, I don't get the way a lot of people think, mind you. But, how could you make fun of someones’ suffering like that? It’s horrendous. Being around that just makes me wither up into a little ball and hide.
I hope that you can avoid him for awhile and regain a bit of serenity. At the very least you have earned yourself a glass of wine or something when you get home!
Well, that’s just it – he doesn’t think. He’s not a hideous monster. He’s your typical privilege-blind, racist-ageist-sexist-and-classist-while-thinking-he’s-none-of-those, older white rural guy. He tries, sometimes. He votes democrat most of the time, and agrees with things like universal health care, etc. But he does like to “get a rise” out of me sometimes, and he occasionally trolls me with certain things, knowing I am far more liberal/progressive than he is.
He doesn’t think and he’s completely non-self-reflexive. He has no ability to consider other peoples’ viewpoints. I often do call him out on a lot of things but – BUT – he is my boss and I need this job. I have to pick my battles. That’s the way it is, that’s the way it always is.
@Everyone – thank you for your indulgence and understanding, it is MUCH appreciated. I needed the reminder that there ARE other people like me. Many many thanks.
It really is a question of “What morally abhorrent actions could donald trump suggest and not lose his base?”
So far we’ve got: massive, unchecked bigotry, torture, nuclear war, sexual assault, and killing children to name a few.
None of that phases the 40% of voters who just don’t care.
Re. the Rush Limbaugh thing, Libby Anne has a really good post on her blog where she explains the difference between how progressives and conservatives judge the morality of sexual acts.
The TL;DR is that progressives judge them on whether or not they’re consensual, but for conservatives, this doesn’t factor in at all. Instead, they judge them based on whether or not they’re biblically-sanctioned. Rush seems to have figured this out, but by gum he doesn’t agree with it:
Also, other people have said this, but- the rape police.
The rape police?!
We don’t have a special liberal rape police who are out to defend our perfumed effete urban liberal sensibilities, Rush. Rape is actually illegal. It’s the regular police who are gonna come knockin’ on your door.
As it always goes. I understand what you mean about him not being evil, just non-reflective and very entrenched. There’s not much to do about it but, like you say. Pick your battles. It’s a deep shame that life for so many people is all about shutting up and letting the boss do their thing, just to put food on the table. Hopefully something wakes him up, but I get the impression that that isn’t gonna happen. At least he’s on board for a lot of progressive things.
There are lots of people like you, you aren’t alone!
I’m not a hugger by nature, @Scildfreya, but you get all my internet hugs today. Thank you so much for your expansive kindness, you continue to be an inspiration to me in the way you interact with others.
Those people are the worst. They prod and “joke” without fully realising the anguish they are causing in others. I do hope you can find some time away from him, you deserve it. <3