alt-right anime nazis anti-Semitism empathy deficit entitled babies hillary clinton kitties literal nazis memes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism sexual assault trump

Trump’s worst fans turn “grab ’em by the p**sy” into their new favorite meme

Pussy grabs back
Pussy grabs back

After that Access Hollywood tape of Trump bragging that his fame allowed him to get away with sexually assault women on a whim, his supporters and surrogates seized on what they saw as the ultimate rebuttal to Trump’s critics. Borrowing the argument from a meme that had already been circulating on the Internet for some time, they declared that they were “much more bothered by what Hillary has done than by what Trump has said.”

This argument would be a lot more convincing if a) Trump hadn’t been talking about things he claimed to have, you know, done, if b) women weren’t coming forward to tell media that he had in fact done these things to them and if c) Trump’s apologists were actually bothered by Trump’s claims.

While there are no doubt some Trump supporters who are genuinely troubled by Trump’s remarks, many of his most fervent followers think his comments (and presumably the actions he was describing) are hilarious. To many Trump superfans in the Alt-Right, Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. And they have made it into their new favorite Trump meme.

In the latest “Memetic Monday” thread on Internet Nazi tabloid The Daily Stormer, you will find, alongside the standard racist caricatures and Hitler jokes and “Hillary for Prison” memes, a wide assortment of “grab ’em by the pussy” memes created by Daily Stormer readers or borrowed from other sites — some of them slick, some of them amateurish, and none of them funny.

Here are some of them. You will notice that some of the meme-makers have managed to work in some of their other favorite subjects — Hitler, Hillary being jailed, and even (I regret to have to tell you this) kittens. In the interest of keeping this post more-or-less safe for work, I’ve avoided the worst of the batch.









Of course, the “grab ’em by the pussy” memes were not the only jokes about sexual assault in the thread. Because these are neo-Nazi Trump fans, and that’s just how they roll.


Trump 2016: Every Day is a New Low.

EDIT: Added a reference to the women who have come forward to say that Trump had indeed sexually assaulted them.

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8 years ago

“Mr. Trump will grab your pussy now.”

I admit it, I actually laughed. Trump is basically what Christian Grey would be in real life: not sexy and mysterious, but gross, slimy, and despicable.

8 years ago

Jeb Bush would still not have a chance to be the GOP nominee, not with the likes of Ted Cruz still existing. If Trump hadn’t decided to use the Presidential Election as the biggest narcissistic high he will ever get in his lifetime, Ted Cruz would have easily made the nominee pick.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Dreadnought, I think it was this one?

@skybison, nice charts are the shortest way to my heart. That’s a lovely graph!

8 years ago

You’re welcome.

The more I look at it the more interested the huge differences between candidates you’d think were playing to the same crowd were, Jeb vs Rubio and Huckabee vs Cruz. Huckabee fans are the most authoritarian but almost democrats in empathy while Cruz supporters have some of the least empathy but really, really care about proportionality.

I’m guessing Mike had the well meaning Ned Flanders types who genuinely want to keep people out of hell while Cruz Christians just want to sit at the right hand of god and throw stones at the icky adulteress.

8 years ago

I need to seriously work on avoiding situations where eventually the discussion breaks down after my patiently trying to explain that no, these are the reasons why it is not just ‘locker room talk’ and it’s beliefs like that which are harming both young women and young men only to be told that Trump is a fine example for young men…

Which makes me want to reach through tech device screens and throttle people while yelling “NO HE’S NOT, MAYBE YOU CAN CONSIDER HOW THE YOUNG WOMEN FEEL NOW?”

I need to go look at some goat pics and raccoon pics to lower my blood pressure.

8 years ago

Thanks Scildfreja.

8 years ago

David I can’t believe you left some of the worst out? WTAF? This isn’t the worst?! I suppose maybe you left some out that had graphic images. But literally putting Trump in as part of some kind of time hopping Molotov-Ribbentrop pact???

I’m a patriot. Twice over. Both for my home country and my adopted country. I’m not jingoistic (I think) and I like to think I’m nuanced about it but I do buy into the respect for symbolism* and the idea of loyalty to your country – y’know by not embracing our enemies past or present.

Those assholes. They ‘protect white womanhood’ unless it’s a white man doing the assault. I knew it was only a matter of time until some women came forward. Trump is braggadocious, but his grab ’em by the pussy remark had the ring of truth – I was certain he’d done it (well, I’d already read about Jill Harth, so I knew he had.)

BTW @skybison the empathy of Huckabee fans doesn’t surprise me. I don’t like the politics of evangelical Christians, but I grew up among them and there is a portion of those folks who are genuinely go-out-of-their-way good neighbours who have done the hard graft of Christian charity. I mean really, literally, getting their hands dirty helping desperate people out.


*So for example Colin Kaepernick sitting out the anthem, I thought looked shabby, but absolutely his right. Him kneeling for the anthem – I thought that was inspired and I’m behind that 100% and I would do it myself. It’s hanging the flag upside down as a sign of distress, which is perfectly acceptable.

8 years ago

If anybody is interested, Buzzfeed has a very revealing article on how some Florida Trumpets are handling the rape accusations:

It’s un-fucking-believeable the lengths Trumpets will go to justify the actions of a rapist. Honestly, I don’t even know how to respond to this, it’s just so fucking abhorrent.

Trigger warning for rape apologia.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)


Yeah, you and me both. Judging by what they’re saying about “ordinary male behaviour”, these people don’t think much of men either. It’s a frightening worldview.

Have a teacup kitten.×300.jpg

8 years ago


(and that third guy I don’t recognise but is probably awful if he’s featured in this meme)

That’s Viktor Orbán (Orbán Viktor if I use the local name order), Hungarian prime minister. And yes he is awful. (The current leader of my country, joy… at least I didn’t vote for him, ever.)

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


As many said it here before, there is not such a thing as an “implicit consent”. And maybe it is possible to add that even “explicit consent” is not always relevant, especially if not given by freewill (not sure of my grammar, here, sorry). I mean that an “explicit consent” obtained at the point of the gun or by blackmail can not humanly speaking be called a consent.

Have a nice day.

8 years ago


Thanks. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you this, but I don’t believe Hungary’s previous alliance with Nazis went well.

8 years ago


Following up:

“Watching him in the boardroom making sexual comments to Marlee Matlin, to all of the women on the Apprentice, it was obvious that that’s just a part of who he is,” says 2011 contestant Richard Hatch. “It was obvious and it was grotesque. It was blatant and it was frequent. He did it with Lisa Rinna; he did it with Marlee Matlin. He did it with whomever happened to be there at the time.”

“He went back and forth with Marlee,” Hatch continues. “No matter how she responded, no matter how politely, he would push it a step further with comments about her looks, and how she was making him feel, and about what he thought of her, and how happy he would be to do something with her.

“It was a lot of innuendo, far beyond the norm. It was odd and weird, and people in the boardroom would look at one another, but he didn’t care. [Matlin] was with her interpreter, Jack, and I thought, ‘Gosh, I wonder if he’s comfortable with this?’”

Hatch says Trump even used innuendo in the presence of his daughter.

“He did it in front of Ivanka,” he says. “That was not just uncomfortable for me. It was weird. I was fascinated as a people watcher to think what could possibly be going on in that woman’s mind. He didn’t care that she was there; he didn’t seem afraid that she would hold him accountable or say anything about his boorish behavior. None of that happened. He was just that way, and it didn’t matter to him one bit that his daughter was listening in.”

Although a second source confirms Hatch’s recollections, the Trump campaign tells PEOPLE that nothing untoward happened in the boardroom


The Trump campaign denies that anything happened. They point to the messenger, Richard Hatch, who went to prison for tax evasion.

I hope that the news tomorrow is that Rinna and Matlin confirm this report.

I guess that going through the interpreter was for maximum power-charged thrills.

And Trump may prefer little girls (could be!), but Matlin was 46 then. The man is flexible!

And Matlin was married. And the mother of four. Mister Trump enjoys being extra inappropriate.

I’m gonna bet that Marlee Matlin will make a comment tomorrow. Because I found this in Wikipedia:

On April 14, 2009, Matlin released an autobiography, I’ll Scream Later. In it she describes her drug abuse and how it drove her to check herself into Betty Ford. She also tells about her rocky, two-year relationship with actor William Hurt, who she claims was physically abusive to her and abused drugs during that time. She also addresses the sexual abuse she says she suffered as a child at the hands of her female babysitter.

8 years ago

This is new news and it’s sad:

Physically Attacked by Donald Trump – a PEOPLE Writer’s Own Harrowing Story

8 years ago


Neither did our “alliance” with the Russians, but somehow people aren’t that big on learning from the past. :/

Fun fact: Mr. Orbán began as a bleeding heart liberal politician in the late 80s and was one of the loudest “Russians go home!” people. Then in the late 90s (when he first got into power) he metamorphosed into a nationalistic christian-conservative… he is slipping more and more right ever since and gets more and more pro-Putin to boot.

8 years ago

Christians ought to oppose Trump? What?!

Students at Liberty University have issued a statement against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as young conservatives at colleges across the state reconsider support for his campaign.

A statement issued late Wednesday by the group Liberty United Against Trump strongly rebuked the candidate as well as the school’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., for defending Trump after he made extremely lewd comments about women in a 2005 video. The students wrote that Falwell’s support for Trump had cast a stain on the school’s reputation.

“We are Liberty students who are disappointed with President Falwell’s endorsement and are tired of being associated with one of the worst presidential candidates in American history,” the statement said. “Donald Trump does not represent our values and we want nothing to do with him. … He has made his name by maligning others and bragging about his sins. Not only is Donald Trump a bad candidate for president, he is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose.”

8 years ago

OK. Now something less depressing. Gwenpool… Pig!

comment image

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Students at Liberty University have issued a statement against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as young conservatives at colleges across the state reconsider support for his campaign.

Bloody hell, even Liberty’s ditching the dipshit? This is going to be a landslide.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

Err, that’s not to insinuate that we should get lazy, of course, because fuck that shit. I’m mailing in my ballot tomorrow.

8 years ago

@Scented Fucking Hard Chairs

Sure hope it’s a landslide!



In other news, lawmakers in the NSW state parliament of Australia — for maximum irony, the author of the motion is a Green — have cast aspersions on the totally innocent, 100 percent organic slug by unanimously passing a motion that labels Donald Trump (whose hair products alone are a shelf of chemicals!) “a revolting slug.”

Which is pretty funny.

And there’s a video!

8 years ago

Need MOAR kittens. And puppies. And raccoons. And goats. 😛

8 years ago

Not sure if this has been posted before, but Trump has been order to appear in court on charges of raping a 13 year old girl.

Reggie, the neighbour's cat
Reggie, the neighbour's cat
8 years ago

I can’t get past the first one, it’s just so ridiculous. Is TRON mixed with Miami Vice meant to be some cool alpha male thing?

Owl (formerly OwlAboutIt, still looking for a good 'NYC)
Owl (formerly OwlAboutIt, still looking for a good 'NYC)
8 years ago

Just to state the obvious: the People journalist’s account has elements right out of the PUA playbook.

8 years ago

Oh, yeah, that 80s TV promo card thing’s been all over Twitter the past couple days. It’s not an alt-right thing; just the pop image meme of the week.

I have no idea why Trump’s head is so tiny in that terrible ‘shop.