alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism crackpottery crank magnetism entitled babies grandiosity heartiste hillary clinton literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy PUA trump

Hillary wants to kill men and give their jobs to women, Alt-Right Trump fans charge

Hillary Clinton: Man-murdering warmonger?
Hillary Clinton: Man-murdering warmonger?

As Donald Trump descends ever further into the maelstrom of his own id, the rhetoric of his most devoted fans grows ever wilder.

On the blog of the rabidly racist pickup artist James “Heartiste” Weidmann — you may recall his recent attacks on Paul Ryan — one of the regular commenters has a rather creative new theory about Hillary: She’s deliberately trying to start a war with Russia because she wants to kill off as many young American men as possible. 

In a comment on Heartiste’s blog, someone calling himself Days of Broken Arrows lays out the twisted logic of this hypothesis:

Hillary wants to send your sons off to war so your daughters will get their jobs. It’s a deliberate attempt to kill off large segments of the male population.

Maybe it’s conscious on her part; maybe it’s unconscious, but the end result is that lots of men will be pulled from the labor force making way for women. I’m surprised no one else has picked up on this. To me it perfectly explains why she’d be gunning for a war with Russia before she’s even in office. Has she been pushing for a female draft? No. Therefore, a large-scale war would be the ultimate “full employment” program for women.

The final solution for feminists, so to speak.

Apparently the “alt” in “alt right” is short for “alternate reality.”

Instead of dismissing Mr. Broken Arrows’ theory as possibly the most ludicrous thing anyone has ever said about Hillary (except for those who think she is literally a reptilian space alien who feeds on human blood), Heartiste has chosen to highlight the comment, and more or less endorse its “logic,” in a post of his own.

“thec*nt has been saber rattling for war with Russia,” he writes, using his favorite nickname for Hillary.

I wish that was hyperbole. She is an insane evil witch who hates Putin for whatever godforsaken neocon reason and would work hard to thrust America into a land war in Asia, her finger shaking with Parkinson’s as it dangled over the nuke button.

It couldn’t be that Hillary is critical of Putin because he, you know, invades his neighbors, murders civilians in Syria, and is using hackers to try to influence our elections. Naw, it has to be something else. Like a desire to kill men.

I’ve been saying from the beginning that thec*nt is a man-hating dyke. Literally. She hates men and she eats p***y. This is why she was so quick to forgive Bill’s affairs; she didn’t give a shit. Her heart was with other women. This is also why Trump’s unapologetic alpha male masculinity enrages her. She has a visceral hatred of men, and especially of men who act and look like men. It’s no wonder her campaign is filled with bitterbitch cat ladies, gay men, and effete nümales. Not a drop of testosterone between them to offend thec*nt.

Therefore: war with Russian, men dead, problem solved!

Naturally, Mr. Broken Arrows’ theory makes eminent sense to Heartiste’s eminently senseless commentariat.

“Days of Broken Arrows is on to something there,” WereallPalestinians now writes.

While I think there are many angles at play here, this is an important one. Its also one that the opposition can quickly point at and cry “Conspiracy kooks”. …

The (((Elite))) are getting nervous and pulling out all the stops. But the Trumpening has a slowly waking populace on its side.

The ironically named A Wise Man also seconds Broken Arrows’ theory — and adds another one of his own (which, as silly as it is, at least makes a teensy bit more sense than the “kill men give jobs to women” theory).

I’ve been saying for months that the C*nt wants to start WWIII with Russia. Not only for the reasons mentioned in this article, but also because of her paranoid belief that Russia is behind the wikileaks dump. Don’t doubt for a moment that this bitch isn’t petty and vindictive enough to drag us into a war to end all wars over what she perceives as a personal slight.

A commenter calling himself GB somehow manages to say nothing about Broken Arrows’ theory while using the word “cuck” as many times as possible. Accusing the GOP establishment of wanting Trump to lose, he notes that he

[j]ust got an email survey from GOPe, asking if I was voting Trump, yes. And if I was voting GOPe downticket, nope. Cucks are catching on that it ain’t their country anymore. Don’t be fooled they can’t be converted, backstabbing cucks forever. I think the GOPe dream is a c*nton presidency with both houses being GOPe cucklicans.

“Cucklicans?” Wouldn’t “Recucklicans” be the preferred nomanclature?

I don’t know if I can take another month of this nonsense.

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8 years ago

BTW, Hillary Clinton supports woman being registered for the draft… so there goes one of those inane conspiracy “theories”.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

For all the obsession with the draft and how terrible it is, these guys also love war. Being a soldier is seen as a totally boss alpha male thing to be by these guys. They love seeing a diverse collection of people hurt. We’ve seen descriptions of violent revenge fantasies based on going to war with their so-called enemies before; imagining living out video game style power fantasies for real. So, why the hate for the draft? Why hate being forced to fight in a war and be all alpha male Expendable for ‘Murica for really real? Is it like how a child might be happy to help out with the dishes but hates to do it if mom tells them to do so? Or is it because the actual military has rules and orders, like about not sexually assaulting people? And that in a real war you might end up fighting white people?

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


I’m surprised no one else has picked up on this.

Conversely, i am surprised you are able to imagine such ludicrous claims and stay so serious. Better go write fictions, like your Vox friend.

effete nümales

What is that ? A new metal band ? (nudge nudge wink wink)

Have a nice day.

8 years ago

@Tragedy of the Commas
I think that’s why some people sound almost excited about the “Upcoming Race War” – be a solider and fire guns at dark skinned people and make women do what you want and finally get the respect you deserve, but without all the rules and work and people telling you what to do and the very real possibility of being turned inside-out by a Russian heavy machine gun in some freezing forest in the Baltic somewhere.

8 years ago

Hillary wants to send your sons off to war so your daughters will get their jobs. It’s a deliberate attempt to kill off large segments of the male population.

But that’s better than being gold diggers, right?

8 years ago

Hey now, lay off the witch claims. Hilary is no witch, I should know. *adjusts pointed hat*

Also, they do realize that if it goes nuclear, it’d kill, well, pretty much everyone. Right? Right?

Oh wait, I forget, their realities are informed by video games and movies where the grizzled white man always survives!

8 years ago

She has a visceral hatred of men, and especially of men who act and look like men. It’s no wonder her campaign is filled with bitterbitch cat ladies, gay men, and effete nümales. Not a drop of testosterone between them to offend thec*nt.

So Heartiste isn’t aware that women and other nonmen have testosterone too?

He thinks that testosterone is reserved for men?

I have a feeling that this misunderstanding is just the tip of his Iceberg of Ignorance.

8 years ago


BTW, Hillary Clinton supports woman being registered for the draft… so there goes one of those inane conspiracy “theories”.

Reality is misandry!!!1!!1!

Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
Mish of the Catlady Ascendancy
8 years ago

@occasional reader

effete nümales
What is that ? A new metal band ? (nudge nudge wink wink)

I actually had to look up nümales; it was a new one for me (the alt-right just keeps on giving). On the one hand I found Numale Medical – specialising in treating men with low testosterone, low sex drive (whatever that means), hair loss, etc. On the other was the E. Dramatica & Urban Dictionary definitions which basically equate to ‘cuck’. Quelle surprise.
And then there were the memes. Oh dear god.

8 years ago

She is an insane evil witch who hates Putin for whatever godforsaken neocon reason and would work hard to thrust America into a land war in Asia

But that’s one of the classic blunders!

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Wait…is there an anti-woman “they took our jerbs!” contingent forming? Or is it the anti-immigrant “they took our jerbs!” contingent evolving? The de-facto melting pot of human offal gets confusing sometimes.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Good catch, Kat. I didn’t notice that. It always cracks me up when people think men and only men have testosterone and women and only women have estrogen. I guess it feeds into the notion beloved by misogynists everywhere that men and women are completely separate species.

8 years ago

@wwt – I got misdiagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome because my periods are irregular my T levels were ‘too high’ and probably – though they didn’t say – because I’m fat.

I just laughed. I’m like “Those T levels? – I think that’s just who I am.”

Why don’t we check thyroid instead? Oh, it’s very low. Bingo bango – one thyroxine prescription later and periods back to normal. Still fat. And probably still have high T.

Weird (not wired) Eddie
Weird (not wired) Eddie
8 years ago

A Moggie

But that’s one of the classic blunders!

yeesh… next she’ll be going against a Sicilian when death is on the line….

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ moggie & eddie

A quick invasion of Russia as soon as she’s elected this Winter and it could all be over by Christmas.

Nick G
Nick G
8 years ago

Wake up, sheeple! – Mish of the Cat Lady Ascendancy


Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


low sex drive (whatever that means)

You and me both. It’s sorta in the DSM, but in a way that’s a complete mess. Thanks all the same Numale Medical. I’m OK…

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Hold up.

Apparently, according to one of Trump’s Advisors, Betsy McCaughey, Hillary Clinton is a hypocrite for condemning Trump’s comments about sexual assault because Beyonce.

Because Beyonce uses “vulgar language” in her music, and Hillary loves Bey (as do I, for that matter. She’s not for me, but I appreciate her skills, hard work, and just straight up existence), that makes her a hypocrite.

Because Beyonce once sang a lyric about taking her lover out to Red Lobster after fucking him, and apparently, that statement is equivalent because it has swear words and talks about sex.

comment image

This has spawned the hashtag #ByeBetsy, and I cannot be happier.

Hamish Imlach
Hamish Imlach
8 years ago

Can I point out that Pence (and by extension the GOP establishment, whose support Trump is now begging for) has an even more aggressive stance towards the Putin-backed Assad regime than Clinton does?

8 years ago

“Cucklicans?” Wouldn’t “Recucklicans” be the preferred nomanclature?

I haven’t been able to find any examples on-line, but it seems to me that the John Birchers and other fringes of the Paleoconservative movement used to insult mainstream Republicans by calling them “Publicans”.

They were using the word in the Biblical sense – crooked tax collectors who were hired by the Roman government and who were allowed to keep any money they collected above their assigned quota. So the implication is that these are Republicans who aren’t “real Conservatives”; they’ve sold out to DC for a share of the loot.

So “Cucklicans” represents a wonderful new synthesis between the old (Christian) Paleoconservative movement and the new (secular) alt-Right.

It just goes to show, you can’t stop progress!

8 years ago

Funny how things change. When I was a kid, including through most of the 60s, our thoughts about any possible future war were that it would be a nuclear war. WW111 would be ghastly but quick, so some people could joke about it. Tom Lehrer was one of the best.

8 years ago

Though perhaps this one would be better known to most people.

8 years ago


This isn’t a mistake or an oversight this is a DELIBERATE STRATEGY to say that Trump’s words were just words and women say bad words, too, so nah nah nah.

This whole locker room banter thing is all about ‘it’s just words’

Well, of course he was talking and words were coming out of his mouth. But he was talking about sexual assault and in a way that makes me believe he’s actually done it. I mean Trump is pretty braggadocious but there’s some eyewitness testimony about him being a groper, a rapist and an attempted rapist as well as a lech. So in this case, it might be words, but it’s words out of his own mouth that describes behaviour that other people say he’s done.

If you haven’t been the victim of one of the lech assaults – the handling of private body parts – maybe you can think of it as just words, but if you’ve ever had your pussy grabbed or your tits grabbed or been forcibly kissed or ‘fondled’ then these aren’t just words.

All these things have happened to me, but they’ve either been shrugged off as ‘he likes you’ or I’ve said nothing. I’m more likely to be wounded by people’s dismissive words than by unwanted touching up (not everyone is the same, this is just me) so often I have chosen silence. This isn’t a good choice, just for me the best of a bad choice.

These people KNOW that women experience this kind of thing all the time, so the benefit of this deliberate strategy is continuing to put women down, continuing to disbelieve all victims of sexual assault (whether women or not) and to make us stay silent.

Tragedy of the Commas
Tragedy of the Commas
8 years ago

Because Beyonce once sang a lyric about taking her lover out to Red Lobster after fucking him, and apparently, that statement is equivalent because it has swear words and talks about sex.

Yeah, exactly. It’s a pretty damned stupid attempt at a gotcha and also quite the stretch in music criticism. If I tried to write that comparison in one of my English classes, I’d be rightly laughed out of it. Sam Seder summed it up well when he said, “When Don Lemon can dismiss you and own you that easily, I honestly think you’ve got to be looking for a different career.”

At least she’s hilariously dumb. Unlike this deeply disturbing Trump supporter. Something tells me, that she’ll be one of the “challengers” at the polls.

Can I point out that Pence (and by extension the GOP establishment, whose support Trump is now begging for) has an even more aggressive stance towards the Putin-backed Assad regime than Clinton does?

I imagine the cognitive dissonance is rationalized away as “Pence’s a cuck, so it doesn’t matter.” Trump is too alpha to be influenced by him, don’t you know? Same with Ryan and the rest of the Establishment. (I sincerely hope no Trump supporter votes down ballot and that this ends up making Congress blue. Although I do get and agree with Scildfreja Unnýðnes’ fears and concerns.)

@ BaronJenks


Weird (not wired) Eddie
Weird (not wired) Eddie
8 years ago

being turned inside-out by a Russian heavy machine gun in some freezing forest in the Baltic somewhere.

One of the many frightening things about the Right, especially the Alt-right is that comic-book/movie fascination with civil war. Sure, in a nation with a 3-day supply of food, less than a day of medical care and 275 million guns, it’s gonna go down like they dream. Take heart, Militia-Boy, you’re gonna get to shoot brown people!! And you’re gonna get to see your loved ones butchered, kidnapped, tortured (many times by your own kind), see them slowly starve, die of infection and contagion, and watch your precious White Society eat itself alive…. Hopefully YOU won’t be killed, ’cause then you’ll be able not only to watch the destruction but to do so knowing that you could have prevented it AND DID NOT….