![Hillary Clinton: Man-murdering warmonger?](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/hillaryrambo.png?resize=580%2C373&ssl=1)
As Donald Trump descends ever further into the maelstrom of his own id, the rhetoric of his most devoted fans grows ever wilder.
On the blog of the rabidly racist pickup artist James “Heartiste” Weidmann — you may recall his recent attacks on Paul Ryan — one of the regular commenters has a rather creative new theory about Hillary: She’s deliberately trying to start a war with Russia because she wants to kill off as many young American men as possible.
In a comment on Heartiste’s blog, someone calling himself Days of Broken Arrows lays out the twisted logic of this hypothesis:
Hillary wants to send your sons off to war so your daughters will get their jobs. It’s a deliberate attempt to kill off large segments of the male population.
Maybe it’s conscious on her part; maybe it’s unconscious, but the end result is that lots of men will be pulled from the labor force making way for women. I’m surprised no one else has picked up on this. To me it perfectly explains why she’d be gunning for a war with Russia before she’s even in office. Has she been pushing for a female draft? No. Therefore, a large-scale war would be the ultimate “full employment” program for women.
The final solution for feminists, so to speak.
Apparently the “alt” in “alt right” is short for “alternate reality.”
Instead of dismissing Mr. Broken Arrows’ theory as possibly the most ludicrous thing anyone has ever said about Hillary (except for those who think she is literally a reptilian space alien who feeds on human blood), Heartiste has chosen to highlight the comment, and more or less endorse its “logic,” in a post of his own.
“thec*nt has been saber rattling for war with Russia,” he writes, using his favorite nickname for Hillary.
I wish that was hyperbole. She is an insane evil witch who hates Putin for whatever godforsaken neocon reason and would work hard to thrust America into a land war in Asia, her finger shaking with Parkinson’s as it dangled over the nuke button.
It couldn’t be that Hillary is critical of Putin because he, you know, invades his neighbors, murders civilians in Syria, and is using hackers to try to influence our elections. Naw, it has to be something else. Like a desire to kill men.
I’ve been saying from the beginning that thec*nt is a man-hating dyke. Literally. She hates men and she eats p***y. This is why she was so quick to forgive Bill’s affairs; she didn’t give a shit. Her heart was with other women. This is also why Trump’s unapologetic alpha male masculinity enrages her. She has a visceral hatred of men, and especially of men who act and look like men. It’s no wonder her campaign is filled with bitterbitch cat ladies, gay men, and effete nümales. Not a drop of testosterone between them to offend thec*nt.
Therefore: war with Russian, men dead, problem solved!
Naturally, Mr. Broken Arrows’ theory makes eminent sense to Heartiste’s eminently senseless commentariat.
“Days of Broken Arrows is on to something there,” WereallPalestinians now writes.
While I think there are many angles at play here, this is an important one. Its also one that the opposition can quickly point at and cry “Conspiracy kooks”. …
The (((Elite))) are getting nervous and pulling out all the stops. But the Trumpening has a slowly waking populace on its side.
The ironically named A Wise Man also seconds Broken Arrows’ theory — and adds another one of his own (which, as silly as it is, at least makes a teensy bit more sense than the “kill men give jobs to women” theory).
I’ve been saying for months that the C*nt wants to start WWIII with Russia. Not only for the reasons mentioned in this article, but also because of her paranoid belief that Russia is behind the wikileaks dump. Don’t doubt for a moment that this bitch isn’t petty and vindictive enough to drag us into a war to end all wars over what she perceives as a personal slight.
A commenter calling himself GB somehow manages to say nothing about Broken Arrows’ theory while using the word “cuck” as many times as possible. Accusing the GOP establishment of wanting Trump to lose, he notes that he
[j]ust got an email survey from GOPe, asking if I was voting Trump, yes. And if I was voting GOPe downticket, nope. Cucks are catching on that it ain’t their country anymore. Don’t be fooled they can’t be converted, backstabbing cucks forever. I think the GOPe dream is a c*nton presidency with both houses being GOPe cucklicans.
“Cucklicans?” Wouldn’t “Recucklicans” be the preferred nomanclature?
I don’t know if I can take another month of this nonsense.
We’ll miss you, Barry… ?
They already went through that once in the Soviet period. I thought it was the Nazis’ fault, but apparently it was just a feminist thing.
Days of Broken Arrows:
I know, right?
Wake up, sheeple! 😀
“Alex Jones’ new thing is claiming that Hillary is possessed by demons or the devil. Same for Obama. Evidence? They’re always crawling with flies. Also, “a lot of people are saying it”.”
Wait, they’re always crawling with flies? I don’t recall seeing a single fly on either one until this last debate. I don’t pay THAT much attention to the President, but I think I would notice if he were crawling with flies. And I imagine the press would have mentioned it.
(My mother in law goes to sleep listening to Alex Jones.)
I only read the Broken Arrows quote and noped all the way to the comments.
@Mish: This sheeple is a wolf in dusguise *sinister grin* *throws a throw pillow in your face* Now, if you’ll excuse me…back to my beauty sleep.
@Podkayne: “(My mother in law goes to sleep listening to Alex Jones.)”
Shit! My condolences!
Oh yeah, it’s probably a big red mushroom shaped button with a hair trigger and she sticks it in her pocket right next to her Blackberry right?
How do these guys get their ideas of how the world works?
He misspelled ‘Madame President’.
You can make it David, it’s less than a month now.
That’s actually a terrific campaign slogan.
But it’s not like it’s not obvious already that Clinton is a total lesbian. Her campaign slogan is “I’m with her”…
Alternate strategy, Trump fans could take his advice from tonight and “make sure you get out and vote November 28th.”
(Making fun of a candidate misspeaking is cheap, but that’s a funny one)
Same reason white Americans are terrified of black people. And it’s a pretty good reason actually. Some sort of combination of guilty conscience and projecting their own cruelty, stupidity and amorality on people they would prefer to keep powerless and continue to exploit.
May I say how frightened I am of these alt-right guys’ threat to campaign against Republican Congressional incumbents? Please! For the love of God you can’t mean that you want to let Democrats sweep the board to punish Paul Ryan and his merry crew….sorry, burst out laughing there. I saw Roosh V advocated the same thing. Just imagine if this becomes a widespread trend among Trump’s fervent supporters.
Anybody got any popcorn?
Does it mean anything if you attract moths? Or is it only flies? I keep getting moths in my bedroom and I’m wondering what it means.
It could just mean that my bedroom door is right by the side door of the house and moths sneak in when Bailey is going in and out to go to the bathroom and make for the nearest light fixture. But hey, maybe there’s a spooky supernatural reason for it.
I actually never heard of flies being attracted by demons. Honey, yes. Porchlights, yes.
They aren’t afraid off us anymore Hitler was really afraid of Jews. Painting is as monsters allows them to excuse any act of violence or degradation they are capable of making us suffer.
They are looking for a reason to strike first. They are so low and foul that in order to make themselves out as good guys, they have to make us out to be the most vile and abominable creatures imaginable.
Fartise is helping men who want to harm women clear their consciences.
Exactly, Dust Bunny.
It takes a special kind of stupid to think that only soldiers die in war zones.
Wait…don’t women have to start registering for the draft now?
Didn’t that legislation just pass?
Wait, did it? Seriously, did it?
If it did, I think I might call Rep. Duncan Hunter’s campaign office and laugh and laugh and laugh.
Well considering this years national defense act includes women from 18 to 26 to start registering with selective service starting in 2018, and Clinton was in favor of it… I’d say this person’s theory doesn’t hold water.
Next he’ll be complaining that women are taking all the military careers from the poor men.
Don’t worry. Once this is over, there will be fresh new nonsense to deal with. No matter who wins, there will be oodles of misogynist nonsense for at least four years. And a generous side of more generalized hateful nonsense, too.
This blog will never be out of material. At least you have job security.
The trick is getting the demons to wear the flypaper suits.
Let it never be said that mere facts stood in the way of these brave, brave souls and their fight for…whatever it is they want this week.
@ Paul B:
And sweat. They’d land on my legs in the late summertime and actually bite me to get some of that yummy, yummy salt. I was forever swatting at the pesky little buggers. They never left a mark, but they sure could pinch!
Also, Alex Jones repels flies because even they can’t stand the smell of that much bullshit all in one heap.
What else would they wear?