alpha males alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism crackpottery crank magnetism entitled babies grandiosity heartiste hillary clinton literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny none dare call it conspiracy PUA trump

Hillary wants to kill men and give their jobs to women, Alt-Right Trump fans charge

Hillary Clinton: Man-murdering warmonger?
Hillary Clinton: Man-murdering warmonger?

As Donald Trump descends ever further into the maelstrom of his own id, the rhetoric of his most devoted fans grows ever wilder.

On the blog of the rabidly racist pickup artist James “Heartiste” Weidmann — you may recall his recent attacks on Paul Ryan — one of the regular commenters has a rather creative new theory about Hillary: She’s deliberately trying to start a war with Russia because she wants to kill off as many young American men as possible. 

In a comment on Heartiste’s blog, someone calling himself Days of Broken Arrows lays out the twisted logic of this hypothesis:

Hillary wants to send your sons off to war so your daughters will get their jobs. It’s a deliberate attempt to kill off large segments of the male population.

Maybe it’s conscious on her part; maybe it’s unconscious, but the end result is that lots of men will be pulled from the labor force making way for women. I’m surprised no one else has picked up on this. To me it perfectly explains why she’d be gunning for a war with Russia before she’s even in office. Has she been pushing for a female draft? No. Therefore, a large-scale war would be the ultimate “full employment” program for women.

The final solution for feminists, so to speak.

Apparently the “alt” in “alt right” is short for “alternate reality.”

Instead of dismissing Mr. Broken Arrows’ theory as possibly the most ludicrous thing anyone has ever said about Hillary (except for those who think she is literally a reptilian space alien who feeds on human blood), Heartiste has chosen to highlight the comment, and more or less endorse its “logic,” in a post of his own.

“thec*nt has been saber rattling for war with Russia,” he writes, using his favorite nickname for Hillary.

I wish that was hyperbole. She is an insane evil witch who hates Putin for whatever godforsaken neocon reason and would work hard to thrust America into a land war in Asia, her finger shaking with Parkinson’s as it dangled over the nuke button.

It couldn’t be that Hillary is critical of Putin because he, you know, invades his neighbors, murders civilians in Syria, and is using hackers to try to influence our elections. Naw, it has to be something else. Like a desire to kill men.

I’ve been saying from the beginning that thec*nt is a man-hating dyke. Literally. She hates men and she eats p***y. This is why she was so quick to forgive Bill’s affairs; she didn’t give a shit. Her heart was with other women. This is also why Trump’s unapologetic alpha male masculinity enrages her. She has a visceral hatred of men, and especially of men who act and look like men. It’s no wonder her campaign is filled with bitterbitch cat ladies, gay men, and effete nümales. Not a drop of testosterone between them to offend thec*nt.

Therefore: war with Russian, men dead, problem solved!

Naturally, Mr. Broken Arrows’ theory makes eminent sense to Heartiste’s eminently senseless commentariat.

“Days of Broken Arrows is on to something there,” WereallPalestinians now writes.

While I think there are many angles at play here, this is an important one. Its also one that the opposition can quickly point at and cry “Conspiracy kooks”. …

The (((Elite))) are getting nervous and pulling out all the stops. But the Trumpening has a slowly waking populace on its side.

The ironically named A Wise Man also seconds Broken Arrows’ theory — and adds another one of his own (which, as silly as it is, at least makes a teensy bit more sense than the “kill men give jobs to women” theory).

I’ve been saying for months that the C*nt wants to start WWIII with Russia. Not only for the reasons mentioned in this article, but also because of her paranoid belief that Russia is behind the wikileaks dump. Don’t doubt for a moment that this bitch isn’t petty and vindictive enough to drag us into a war to end all wars over what she perceives as a personal slight.

A commenter calling himself GB somehow manages to say nothing about Broken Arrows’ theory while using the word “cuck” as many times as possible. Accusing the GOP establishment of wanting Trump to lose, he notes that he

[j]ust got an email survey from GOPe, asking if I was voting Trump, yes. And if I was voting GOPe downticket, nope. Cucks are catching on that it ain’t their country anymore. Don’t be fooled they can’t be converted, backstabbing cucks forever. I think the GOPe dream is a c*nton presidency with both houses being GOPe cucklicans.

“Cucklicans?” Wouldn’t “Recucklicans” be the preferred nomanclature?

I don’t know if I can take another month of this nonsense.

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8 years ago

A US/Russian war would also kill a lot of young Russian men, leaving young Russian women with all the jobs.

She’ll be cementing the GYNOCRACY in two places at once!

Weird (not wired) Eddie
Weird (not wired) Eddie
8 years ago

I’m wondering if they know… war with Russia wouldn’t be fought in Asia, it’d be fought in Asia, Europe and here… among (eventually) other places. And it wouldn’t just kill men, either.

8 years ago

“I don’t know if I can take another month of this nonsense.”

Month? These idiots will continue to attack Hillary Clinton and claim there’s still a way to prevent her from becoming president right up to when she is sworn in. Then they will switch to talk about impeachment for the next three years. Then they will talk about defeating her in the election for the next year. Then impeachment talk for four years. Then and only then will they stop with Hillary Clinton.

8 years ago

Eric Trump called his father an “alpha personality” today, in case you thought that Trump campaign would stop dog-whistling to these creepers.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

It just seemingly slips their mind that there are already women in the US military.

Granted, those aren’t large numbers (I imagine it’s due to a lot of gatekeeping and a heaping helping of Traditional Femininity), but there ARE women in the military.

Hillary’s supposed “plan” to get men killed would get women killed too, but apparently, if we ain’t being drafted, we ain’t proper soldiers like DA MANLY ALPHA MENZ.

While I think there are many angles at play here, this is an important one. Its also one that the opposition can quickly point at and cry “Conspiracy kooks”. …

WereallPalestinians got that right at least.

But, of course, leave it to these raving assholes that’s a sign that they’re somehow “right”, and not the fact that they really should get out from under their tin foil hats and come join us in the real world.

8 years ago

Don’t doubt for a moment that this bitch isn’t petty and vindictive enough to drag us into a war to end all wars over what she perceives as a personal slight.

The incredible irony of this is killing me.

Also, why are they so terrified of women? It really just hit me after several years of watching these dudes that they are not just dismissive, they don’t just hate women, they’re terrified of us.

Guys, we’re just people, seriously. Get a friggin’ grip.

8 years ago

I wonder where Heartiste was when The very white and right wing George Bush was sending men to die in Iraq for Oil?

8 years ago

Look I don’t like that Russia’s a ticking time bomb with Putin being the sole lynchpin with no heir or plan of inheritance, but that doesn’t make much sense to go to war or have an escalation plan. Not to mention the fact that a #killallmen would already be in place if they were to factor a whole decade of middle eastern occupation from the US military. But then that would mean them being anti war and anti kill muslim people, and they can’t have that on their profile.

8 years ago

Just so you know David, you’ve left an instance of the C word uncensored in the third direct quote, that is to say the 12th paragraph of the full text.

8 years ago

Well, they’ve got to find something to talk about since their God-Emperor has spent the last few days baby-raging on twitter over losing endorsements.

8 years ago

I’ve seen this a few times; Trump supporters who say they won’t vote down ticket.

I don’t want to encourage them in their nonsense, but, actually i do. On current evidence, the Presidential election is done and that means Congress IS the battleground. If Trump supporters are taking their ball away, good (but don’t tell them I said so).

Also, it’s not in the bag. Vote HRC!

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

bitterbitch cat ladies

comment image?w=646

Robyn Blanpied
Robyn Blanpied
8 years ago

And their desperate search for relevance to society continues.

8 years ago

I’ve seen this a few times; Trump supporters who say they won’t vote down ticket.

Yeah, JuiceBro Cernovich was promoting it with the hashtag #OperationPurgeCucks this morning. LOL.

8 years ago


I hope they are dumb enough to not realize that their plan to punish the Republicans lower on the ballot is going to make it easier for Hillary to enact her evil plans.

A liberal majority on the Supreme Court becomes almost a certainty if the Republicans lose a net of 4 seats in the Senate. (which 538 says is about a 50/50 proposition)

Then McConnell is going to feel like a real winner for stonewalling the nomination of a centrist in Garland

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

OK, so other than the [slur] what’s that name supposed to be? Why’s it 1 word? Is it supposed to rhyme with summat? Reference summat? I get [slur]on. Starts with a C, kinda sounds like her surname. Not cool, but I get it. *sigh* These people are somethin else, yo…

And please don’t vote for the cucks downticket. All but, like, 2 of my local races are gonna go Republican. Us decents could do with the deplorables sitting this one out

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

(Please forgive the alarmist tone of this post!)


I don’t even think the idea of two-party politics, of “Are the republicans dumb enough to do this” is even in play anymore. There are three parties – Dems, Reps, and Trumps. The Trump electorate doesn’t care about whether their actions would help a Clinton president, because they’re trying to burn the whole thing to the ground. If Trump wins, he’s going to gut the system, in their eyes. If Clinton wins, they rebel against the government.

They don’t see losing the Senate as a problem, because they’ve been told again and again that the entire government is corrupt and against them, anyways, so why would it matter?

There’s a massive, massive upswell of populist sentiment right now, on the left and the right. In my guess, it’s because of the way the middle class has been crushed due to corrupt economic policies. It’s what made Bernie’s rise from obscure nobody to nearly beating Clinton , and it’s what knocked out the “sensible, stable” Republican nominees to be replaced by the desiccated-orange-rind-in-a-wig. They don’t care about who wins the Senate, they just want it destroyed.

(Gosh, I’m getting concerned over this. Cutting back on caffeine I think…)

EDIT: Of course, they won’t actually openly rebel. I expect some of them to commit crimes and violence, but we all know that these guys are big shit-talkers with no guts. They’ll fight just like the MRA fights, by whining on the internet.

8 years ago

I wouldn’t worry about a war in Russia. It’ll be over in half an hour

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Alex Jones’ new thing is claiming that Hillary is possessed by demons or the devil. Same for Obama. Evidence? They’re always crawling with flies. Also, “a lot of people are saying it”.

8 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes

I don’t disagree with that take. The “they” in my comment referred to the alt-righters who are mad at Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Not to main stream republicans

8 years ago

@Weird Eddie

War is abstract to them, completely. They don’t know. It serves merely as a talking point in the ‘men are drafted, women don’t know the horrors of wars we fight for them’ narrative.

The fact that wars HAPPEN somewhere and that civilians are killed is the background for a movie where they are (naturally) starring as the hardened heroes. If they think of reality, they think of it in a sneaking terror that they may not be the commandos they think they are – but that’s where the idea begins and ends.

The fact that there are female fighters never occurs to them, or if it does, they’re imagining them all girly and defeated by Real Men(tm). The Nachthexen never existed.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Alex Jones’ new thing is claiming that Hillary is possessed by demons or the devil. Same for Obama. Evidence? They’re always crawling with flies. Also, “a lot of people are saying it”.

Hillary Clinton being a lizard person has been floating around conspiracy theorist circles for many years.

8 years ago

@gijoel: I thought it was an hour and a half.

8 years ago

Imaginary Petal
October 11, 2016 at 7:14 pm
Alex Jones’ new thing is claiming that Hillary is possessed by demons or the devil. Same for Obama. Evidence? They’re always crawling with flies. Also, “a lot of people are saying it”.

Obama actually responded to that, very well too.

Number Sequence
Number Sequence
8 years ago

Hey, alt-right fuck bags. Please use that image of Hillary Clinton in the above photoshop in your memes about her so she looks pissed to be in your shitty memes.

Or just stop making shitty memes. That would be better.

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