alpha males alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sexual assault sexual harassment trump

Theodore “Vox Day” Beale defends Trump’s “Alpha talk about women”

Two of a kind
Two of a kind

In news that will shock precisely zero people, fantasy author/piece of human garbage Theodore Beale thinks that Trump’s newly exposed boasts about kissing and groping unsuspecting women are just fine.

In a post on his Alpha Game blog, Beale describes Trump’s comments as “Alpha talk about women.” And in a longer post on his other blog, Vox Popoli, Beale lays into House Speaker Paul Ryan for condemning Trump.

If you ever wanted to know why I’m not a conservative or a Republican, this craven pandering to women pretty much sums it up. I’m not sickened by Trump’s locker room talk. I’m sickened by the fact that weak little gamma males like Ryan … have any influence in Western society at all. The only correct response to this “scandal” should have been a single question: “so the f*ck what?”

Never trust a moderate, a Churchian, or a cuckservative. Never. They will stab you in the back in order to virtue-signal every single time. 

Uh, Ted, even Melania Trump has acknowledged that The Donald’s comments were “unacceptable and offensive.” Is she a “cuck” too?

Oh, sorry. I forgot. She’s a woman, which is apparently worse.


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8 years ago


Please answer the following questions. You get 1 point for each question that you correctly addressed.
1) Define “toxic femininity”. Additionally: provide proof that it exists on a social level (not just “single woman was an asshole once to a single man” stuff).

2) Would you be okay with stay-at-home-to-take-care-of-the-house-and-children parents (who have to spend a lot of time at home to do just that, and therefore can’t concentrate on their own career paths, and therefore aren’t likely to get financial dependency, and therefore are likely to be dependant on the spouse who did concentrate on their career) not being able to divorce ever, lest they’re left without alimony and any chance at financial survival? Yes or no.

3) Define “female charlatanism”. Additionally: provide proof that it exists on a social level (see question 1).

4) Why do you blame women for not being enlisted, when it was MEN who repeatedly forbade women from enlisting, despite the fact that women REPEATEDLY TRIED to remove said ban?

Demand the majority of spending on health, education and welfare spending be diverted to men – since it has been primarily diverted to women for several decades.

5) Provide evidence for the bolded claim. Make sure to prove that there has been a financial diversion, aka “men’s resources were massively cut while women’s resources were paid with the money resulting from said cuts”. Merely “women’s resources were made and paid for” doesn’t cut it – you also need to prove that men’s resources were damaged as the direct result of “women’s resources were made and paid for”.

6) Provide evidence that the vast majority of men got married against their own consent.

Boycott sperm banks – which will remove the cheapening of male biology.

7) This question is completely optional (failure to answer will have NO ripercussions on your score): What the fuck are you talking about?

8) Define “hyper-gynocentrism”, and prove that it exists.

9) Explain why you believe that religious conservatism is “gynocentric”. Prove, specifically, that women hold the vast majority of religious power.

10) Provide evidence that false accusations made by women are significantly more than false accusations made by men. ALTERNATIVELY: provide evidence that false accusations of rape are definitely more common than false accusations in general.

TOTAL SCORE: ? out of 9 – ???%


Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
Redsilkphoenix: Jetpack Vixen
8 years ago

Every time I hear someone talk about virtue signaling, I keep picturing what Det. Lenny Brisco (from Law and Order: Original Flavor) would likely do with that phrase. Probably work in a crack or two about perp signaling, I’m sure.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

So… is that score in inches or centimeters?

*yoinks coat*

Nick G
Nick G
8 years ago

can I be a pi male? – ER

That would be irrational. – Moddie

But also transcendental*!

*A transcendental number is one that is not the root of any non-zero polynomial with rational coefficients. The transcendental nature of pi was proved by the Lindemann-Weierstrass Theorem. (And yes, I did have to look that up!)

Nick G
Nick G
8 years ago

I’ve just discovered this strange subculture of balding weirdos, wow! This particular balding gentleman appears to think he’s the future of the (balding) white race, I feel a bit safer now. Great site, thanks ! – Dermo

There are plenty of things for which Beale can be held responsible, and plenty for which it is fine to sneer at him. Going bald is not one of them.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

He is complaining that women do not need men to make babies. Remember, anything that does not place women under the control of a man is evilbadwrong.

Ah, I see.

Men going their own way: yell about it from the rooftops, fill the internet with terrible cringy memes, force society to recognize your plight.

Women going their own way: just shut up about it, you don’t exist, society needs to regulate this so it’s illegal.

You’d think MGTOWs would heartily support sperm banks so that there’s less risk that someone might spermjack them and make them pay the dreaded child support.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago
8 years ago

Seriously, the alt-right’s definition of “Alpha” seems to legitimately be “bad person who ought to be in jail”

There’s no ifs, ands, or buts to that. If you aren’t a sociopath who is a legitimate danger to civil society, you’re beta.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


a sociopath who is a legitimate danger to civil society

Latter not predicated on former. Comments policy

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)


Bravo. Applause. That was magnificent, especially question 7.

Regarding your question 5, remember that military spending, subsidies to prop up businesses, long-term land leases and investor tax breaks all flow principally into male pockets.

Also, you missed out question 10: “Should Cernovich be made to pay back the alimony he receives?”

GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
GrumpyOld SocialJusticeMangina
8 years ago

Regarding “toxic femininity”, I would say that it exists when a woman feels that she must desperately try to conform to traditional standards of female behavior — just as “toxic masculinity” is slavish conformance to traditional norms of male behavior.

8 years ago



8 years ago

“Churchian” ? Is that even a word? Toxic masculinity really does a number on the old brain cells.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

“Churchian” is a made-up put-down for people who belong to a religious group primarily out of a desire to belong to a community. The fact that it is used as a put-down tells you something about its users.

8 years ago

I think there’s a difference there. Femininity’s negative side tends to be more self-destructive rather than outwardly destructive. Toxic masculinity “refers to the socially-constructed attitudes that describe the masculine gender role as violent, unemotional, sexually aggressive, and so forth.” These things are toxic because they lead men to physically harm others. I can’t think of a feminine equivalent.

Femininity is harmful to me when it tells me I’m less competent, that I shouldn’t speak out against being treated unfairly, that I must wear painful undergarments, that I’m unacceptable to look at because I don’t paint my face or wear painful shoes. But that’s all inward harm. It doesn’t drive me to feel entitled to others’ bodies to the point where I feel justified in shooting other people if I’m rejected. It doesn’t make me feel like violence is an acceptable way to express myself.

There’s a reason the only Google search results for toxic femininity only pull up manosphere articles

Brony, Social Justice Cenobite

Redsilkphoenix bringing up the subject reminded me that like “SJW”, “virtue signalling” is another term that is ripe for stealing.
“Everyone get their virtue signals ready!”
“Break out the virtue signals!”
“It’s the virtue signal” (cue themesong)

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

@Toxic Femininity: I think there actually can be a very serious discussion had on this topic, and I think Kupo’s got a real good handle on what the effects of it are.

Like most things Traditionally Feminine, Toxic Femininity requires a woman to put everyone else (especially if they’re men) before themselves and their own health, physical and/or mental.

Which isn’t to say Toxic Masculinity isn’t damaging to men themselves, it’s just that it also hurts everyone else because it tells them that they are supposed to be the “rulers” of their household/workplace/area they occupy, and everyone else is to bend over backwards to them, so it puts them first, and everyone else second, which is the polar opposite of Toxic Femininity.

Of course, just like Toxic Masculinity, Toxic is an adjective in the phrase Toxic Femininity, and thus specifies what kind of Femininity we’re talking about.

For instance, personal story time: I actually felt safer completely shunning my feminine side after my abuser left my life permanently. I cut my hair boyishly short, I wore baggy men’s clothing to cover up my figure, and I shunned traditionally “girly” things that “girls my age” were supposed to like.

On the other hand, my younger sister shunned everything girly because it was shoved down her throat due to her grandmother on her father’s side. Her grandmother forced her to wear girly, frilly dresses, she curled my sister’s hair, and she was treated like a little porcelain doll. So, once that woman left our lives as well, my mother let my sister dressed how she wanted, and she wanted to look very boyish.

Later on, I eventually re-claimed my femininity. I desperately wanted to be more feminine, but I felt like it was a mark of weakness that people would prey upon. So, when I was mentally able to again, it felt like a huge step forwards towards healing the scars my abuser left on me.

My sister eventually grew her hair out and started wearing makeup, but this time, it was her choice. Her clothing style is still “boyish” in ways (she doesn’t wear skirts, and wears darker colors), but she made those “feminine” choices for herself.

The moral of the stories: Just like masculinity, not all femininity is toxic, and when we say “Toxic Masculinity/Femininity”, we’re, of course, referring to a specific brand of the stuff that’s harmful to people of all genders.

Sometimes, it feels right to specific people to want to be “traditionally” feminine or masculine, but you should take care that you’re not harming yourself or others.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Thank you for sharing your story, Paradoxy. I’m glad that you and your sister have been able to reclaim your identities from the grip of others. That’s not an easy thing to do.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

“Churchian” is a made-up put-down for people who belong to a religious group primarily out of a desire to belong to a community.

Wait. Isn’t this literally true of Pox, though? Like, word for word?

I know these guys chemosynthesise projection, but bloody hell.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Interesting discussion about “toxic femininity”. I’ve been thinking about it all day, but I’ll probably mostly stay out of the discussion. Others will have more interesting things to add. My initial reaction was that “toxic femininity” possibly does have a negative effect on other people, but mostly other women. It’s not a fully formed thought though.

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

Re: “toxic femininity,” I think there is a type of toxic femininity that IS both externally and internally directed. I’m talking about the Mean Girls/ Handmaid’s Tale/ Conde Nast publications/ Phyllis Schlafly normative policing of traditional gender roles. However, since these are rarely used except in the service of oppression of humanity (because let’s be honest, this BS hurts everyone in the long run), you’ll rarely see an MRM rail against it unless it keeps him/ her from getting laid.

@Paradoxical Intention – Resident Cheeseburger Slut, I think what you have said is one of the purest illustrations true feminism I’ve read in a while. Good on you and your sister for that.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Is there such a thing as toxic… androgyny? Wrong wording? How might that present itself?


more feminine

You’re good, but I’ve always been uncomfortable with the idea of more or less masculinity/femininity. It kinda implies that there’s an maximum manliness/womanliness level. That there’s a goal in reaching it and there’s a single, optimal way to do so. As a means on self identification (‘I’m feeling more masculine today’), I got nothing but love for it. Totes cool! It’s just weird, and potentially super toxic, when someone else makes that assessment


these are rarely used except in the service of oppression of humanity (because let’s be honest, this BS hurts everyone in the long run)

24 words express what I’ve been tryna say infinitely better than the paragraphs I’ve been obsessively revising for almost an hour. Thanks 🙂

Aunt Podger
Aunt Podger
8 years ago

@Axecalibre (ahem): aw, thanks!

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Thank you for sharing that, Paradoxy. You are an awesome person regardless of what length your hair is.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago



Teehee! ?