alpha males alt-right empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sexual assault sexual harassment trump

Theodore “Vox Day” Beale defends Trump’s “Alpha talk about women”

Two of a kind
Two of a kind

In news that will shock precisely zero people, fantasy author/piece of human garbage Theodore Beale thinks that Trump’s newly exposed boasts about kissing and groping unsuspecting women are just fine.

In a post on his Alpha Game blog, Beale describes Trump’s comments as “Alpha talk about women.” And in a longer post on his other blog, Vox Popoli, Beale lays into House Speaker Paul Ryan for condemning Trump.

If you ever wanted to know why I’m not a conservative or a Republican, this craven pandering to women pretty much sums it up. I’m not sickened by Trump’s locker room talk. I’m sickened by the fact that weak little gamma males like Ryan … have any influence in Western society at all. The only correct response to this “scandal” should have been a single question: “so the f*ck what?”

Never trust a moderate, a Churchian, or a cuckservative. Never. They will stab you in the back in order to virtue-signal every single time. 

Uh, Ted, even Melania Trump has acknowledged that The Donald’s comments were “unacceptable and offensive.” Is she a “cuck” too?

Oh, sorry. I forgot. She’s a woman, which is apparently worse.


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Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Just want to throw it out there to remind anyone who has forgotten that the whole “alpha male” thing comes out of wolf pack research that was later proven to be bullshit. In a wild wolf pack, the alpha male and female are the adult parents of the rest of the pack. The rest of the pack doesn’t breed because they are juveniles surrounded by close blood relatives. The idea that the alpha male dominates all the other males in the pack because he is so much more wolfly than the others is based on observations of artificial packs in captivity and it’s not the way real wolf packs operate.

The entire concept is bullshit from beginning to end, which is why it’s so hilarious that people like Beale adopt bad and mistaken science as their life motto.

tim gueguen
8 years ago

VD will never have to worry about being accused of so-called virtue signalling. He obviously has no virtue to signal.

Reggie, the neighbour's cat
Reggie, the neighbour's cat
8 years ago

Saying sexual assault is wrong = craven pandering to women?!
I think I need a ten hour shower.

8 years ago

I just want to mention a point that Fred Clark made recently about virtue signaling. The term is used to suggest that the person signaling doesn’t actually believe in whatever they’re signaling, that they’re doing it for status or to prove that they are “pure” or whatever.

Clark argues that signaling has a cost associated with it, since you’re either calling out assholes or publicly stating a position you hold. Also the arguments against signaling rarely state that the virtue that is being signaled is a false virtue, more often it’s that the signaler doesn’t actually subscribe to the virtue.

Thus virtue signaling is actually a good thing because falsely signaling will blowback on you, and even the shitheads agree that the virtues signaled are a good thing. Even if some people are falsely signaling, they are still reinforcing a community standard that condemns certain actions, which is a benefit to society.

In other words, Beale is whining that society has standards and even terrible people agree with them, even if they don’t always follow them.

8 years ago

Ok, it just has to be posted:
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Even better:
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Laugher at Bigots
8 years ago

@Policy of Madness

I like to call it “pop lycanology”.

8 years ago

So, confession time. American football is a guilty pleasure of mine.

An even guiltier pleasure is this: when one of my favored teams wins a game, I read through the comment sections of stories about the game that appear in the losing team’s home-town newspaper. Yeah. I delight in the misery and hopelessness of the losing team’s fans after a loss.

I am not proud of this. (It’s not called a *guilty* pleasure for nothing.)

It was with this same spirit that I wandered onto Vox Day’s blog today. I kinda wondered what one of the cheerleaders on the losing side might be saying today. I read the post that David references above. It was pretty glorious.

(Still not proud, FYI.)

David left out the most glorious part. The closing paragraph:

“Is this going to change anything? For a few days of polling, perhaps. And then, once the virtue-signaling runs its course, everyone will remember that the alternative is letting Hillary Clinton start a war with Russia.”

Oh, my sweet lord. They still think he’s going to win.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Off-topic, but: I can’t sleep.

We had a six-hour power outage today (2PM to 8PM), and there was a lot of rain, so the apartment downstairs flooded.

So, they’ve been running what sounds like a leaf-blower downstairs from the time that the power came back on until now (2AM). I understand that water damage is bad, and you need to clean that shit up, I am totally sympathetic, but people need to fucking sleep and it is two in the goddamned morning. Do it TOMORROW, please.

I have to get up in five hours for work, because I’m scheduled for day shift for the next two days. Then I have a day off. Then I work two closing shifts. Then I have two days off. Then I work two more day shifts.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I’m really sorry that you’re stuck in earshot of those awful squirrel-cage forced air fans, Paradoxy, those things are noisy as heck. I used to work around them for a bit. They’re terrible. Unfortunately, I don’t think they can put it off until tomorrow morning – when the carpet gets soaked in they have to get it dry as soon as possible before the undercarpet or actual flooring gets water damaged, or they have to tear up the floor to the joists and replace it all. So your neighbours are probably stuck with it. I had neighbours who had a similar problem once, and there wasn’t much to do about it. I’m sorry you’ve gotten stuck with it though, it’s miserable :s

Also, split shifts like that are hell and should be illegal. They’re a pretty surefire indicator of a workplace that doesn’t give a shit about their employees, and would prefer they quit after a year anyways so that they don’t have to pay for raises. Two days off in a row! I hope that your two-on-one-off, open-close schedule doesn’t last too long, those are punishing.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Oof! Feel ya pain. We had the same thing a few years back. Flooded basement, soul chomping machine. And that’s where I sleep!

Anywho, here’s a sheep. Can’t really count it. I just like the gif
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8 years ago

What the hell is a Churchian? Is that a new manuresphere term I’m not familiar with?

Can assholes please stop making up stupid words?

Hu's On First
Hu's On First
8 years ago

Churchian, as in someone who practices “Churchianity” (I.e. Christianity that is too mainstream or middle-of-the-road for whoever is using the term). Fundamentalist evangelicals use it to refer to Catholics and mainline Protestants, for instance. Vox (who considers himself Christian in some sense, although his theological beliefs are very novel and he doesn’t belong to any actual church) uses it to mean any Christian who doesn’t support his alt-right PUA ideology (which is about 99% of them).

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

Scildfreja Unnýðnes | October 9, 2016 at 1:04 am
Also, split shifts like that are hell and should be illegal. They’re a pretty surefire indicator of a workplace that doesn’t give a shit about their employees, and would prefer they quit after a year anyways so that they don’t have to pay for raises. Two days off in a row! I hope that your two-on-one-off, open-close schedule doesn’t last too long, those are punishing.

Preaching to the choir here. The moment I get a proper workspace (desk and all) set up, I’m back to polishing my portfolio and ordering some proper business cards to go Design Job Huntin’. And that shouldn’t be too much longer, since my first paycheck is Thursday.

And I did mention to my roommate that it’s bullshit I’m being moved around shifts and how it’s going to wreck my sleep schedule, but I don’t have enough clout to bring it up with the manager yet, because I’ve only been here for about two weeks.

I honestly hate this job with a fiery burning passion*, but I need it, so I can’t just up and quit. My manager asked me if I would go rushing off to another job the first chance I got, and of course I said no because I needed the fucking job, but I think we both know that I’m outta there the first chance I get.

*Standing on my feet for seven and a half hours a day (I’ve literally been unable to walk after some shifts because my feet hurt that bad), my manager is apparently prone to changing the schedule whenever he wants and will try to pretend that he didn’t (my roommate told me to take pictures of the schedule to show him he did, and another co-worker confirmed it), timed and unpaid lunches (I have to clock out for lunch, and clock back in exactly a half-hour later), and if I don’t take a break when I’m “supposed to” because it gets busy or whatever I don’t get it, and I was told that I’d be put in the photo department, but I’ve yet to get training for it or even had talks about when that should be, so I’m stuck behind the register and in the general vicinity thereof all shift, and I’m pretty much left by myself all shift long.

At least my coworkers are nice, and I get a discount on all their toys and stuff though.

8 years ago

No cult of masculinity going on with these losers at all!

8 years ago

Delta men live by the estuary, surely.

Gamma man seems like such an obvious superhero name, I wonder if it’s been used. Perhaps in the era when radiation was the fashionable spooky science stuff.

8 years ago


Oddly it wasn’t… at least not by the big two and to my knowledge.

Weird considering Marvel has a whole category of superbeings based on gamma rays (and nowadays genetics). The Gamma Mutates. The most famous one of these is the Hulk.

8 years ago

A sour and cynical old 2nd wave feminist like me sees straight through this bullshit from VD.

It’s ye olde resistance to the concept that there could be any such thing as rape in marriage. You see the same thing in some of the comments from the fundie and tea party types – they’re more offended about the prospect of adultery or fornication than they are about a woman’s consent (let alone enthusiasm) for sexual contact of any kind – with her husband or anyone else.

It’s also what allows them to equate casual sex among single people, adulterous affairs or a roving eye using charm and good looks for frequent philandering with willing women to this kind of assault or violation of any random woman’s autonomy. The only factor worthy of consideration in their eyes is marriage or not. If married, anything goes, including unequivocal rape. If not married, it’s terrible, disgusting and might as well be rape. There is no scope for judging whether any individual sexual act is, in and of itself – regardless of the relationship between the participants – completely, always and everywhere, unacceptable or criminal.

May all their footsteps be dogged by legos forever.

8 years ago

… and now I’ve MRAs vs. Hulk (any Hulk) scenarios in my head and in each and every one the Hulk wins.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

I scanned the front pages of the UK newspapers while doing my shopping and noted that this scandal has actually made headlines on the front of a few of the broadsheets.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

Never trust a moderate, a Churchian, or a cuckservative

Well, it might interest Beale to know that Trump himself may be a cuck. Some years ago Marla was caught on a beach near Mar-a-Lago with her bodyguard in the wee hours of the morning. Both initially denied any wrongdoing, and then the bodyguard got fired. Later he confessed to the press they’d been having an affair.

It’s not clear whether they were actually sleeping together, but at the very least there was impropriety. Contrary to what the alt-right insists, wealth and power alone aren’t enough to keep women’s undivided sexual attention. Despite being married to the ultimate rich alpha, Marla was well aware that there were better men out there than Trump.

I hate to drag sordid, gossipy tabloid fodder like this into political arguments, but I’m really tired of all the self-satisfied cucking from the alt-right barnyard. Their own idol doesn’t even pass the test.

8 years ago

Oh good – our very own Trump wannabee Nigel Farage has just waded in…

NO FARAGE, it is not the “kind of thing men do” it is the kind of thing misogynistic entitled cock-wombles such as yourself do.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Considering the average age of Telegraph readers is about 78 I can’t see that excuse flying with them.

Also “cock-womble” is a great insult.

8 years ago

There seems to be about a 50/50 split in terms of whether news outlets are calling Trumps comments simply “lewd” or a confession of sexual assault.

When you combine that with Derrick Rose’s testimony (professional basketball player being sued for rape after he and his friends had sex with a woman who was blackout drunk, for those that don’t follow sports) that he didn’t even know what consent means, we still have a really big problem in this country even defining what sexual assault is.

8 years ago

@Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger

Sigma males are not men anymore, they are reploids.

Vox Day = VD = Venereal Disease

It all makes sense now.

Herbert West
Herbert West
8 years ago

Gamma Man sounds like some comic book mutant that shoots radiation.
The alphabeth is already dumb and silly, but using any letter beyond the first two (which at least have definitions) will never cease to sound utterly stupid and delusional about the world.