empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sexual assault sexual exploitation sexual harassment trump

Open Thread: Donald Trump brags, on tape, about sexually assaulting women

Big mouth strikes again
Big mouth strikes again

So Trump’s been caught on video bragging about grabbing unsuspecting women “by the p***y.”

Watch the video in this tweet and throw up in your mouth a little:

Yes, this is horrible Trump revelation number two billion and seven, but this one looks like this could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and Republicans are scrambling to condemn his comments and distance themselves from their nominee.

I don’t have much to add here but I think some of you probably do.

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Nick G
Nick G
8 years ago

Who the fuck talks like that at the dining room table? – Marinerachel

Ooh, I know this one! Donald Trump. 😉

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

Suuuuper anxiety attack day today, apparently. Tension in the chest and a strong desire to hyperventilate. So, that’s fun! I dug a bit too deeply into this whole thing, and then the wikileaks email release got me panicked that this whole strike against Trump would blow over instead of hurting him, like it should.

That’s combined with the fact that there are relatives from England visiting this weekend (which is already enough stress) and it started snowing last night and hasn’t let up yet. So, Im’a hide from the world for a little bit here.

@Fiona, I totally get your problem – going through similar with a friend of mine as well. I don’t think the two of them (who have been tentatively supportive of Trump, mostly just being anti-Hillary) are as deep down the Alt-Right rabbit hole as your friend, but I’m sort of afraid to find out. I wish you best of luck, and do remember to take care of yourself!

8 years ago

@Fiona McCool

It’s your call. I grew up fairly conservative in a very Christian environment and didn’t really grow out of those views until late teens, early twenties, so a lot of the people I know and am friends with on Facebook are from that circle. I did try to just unfriend people at one point, but then I realized actually responding was far more satisfying.

Basically, I try to reserve unfriending for the ones I know there’s no hope of getting through to on any front and trying would only result in brain damage as a result of me beating my head against a wall. Like the guy who once tried to explain to another friend how Obama bowing to the Chinese leader was totally an intolerable display of submission and that (as close to the exact quote as I can recall) “As a male, I probably have a better historical perspective on this.” Despite the fact that said friend he was debating with delves deeply into Chinese and Japanese culture as a hobby. Thankfully, I haven’t had to deal with anybody trying to stalk me/abuse me via Facebook, so haven’t had to block/unfriend anybody for that reason.

However, I also won’t friend my landlord because I get the impression we share different political views, but overall, he’s been an extremely fair landlord who doesn’t shame my mess and respects my space, and I don’t think it’s worth risking our good rapport. A lot of people I think I’m only okay having as Facebook friends because I don’t have to deal with them much offline.

8 years ago

I agree with that article for the most part but #6 bothers me. There are plenty of Christians who support Trump and using a logical fallacy against them is unhelpful at best.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


Suuuuper anxiety attack day today, apparently. Tension in the chest and a strong desire to hyperventilate

*smiles from non invasive distance* <3

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Come and hide from the world, Scildfreja. You are among friends and are very welcome. We can build a blanket fort and discuss overly honest methods sections, or whatever it is that people do in blanket forts.

8 years ago

Guys, I keep seeing dudes respond to the stuff Trump said on tape about grabbing women with “well most men talk and act like this, no biggie”

It’s so infuriating that people can say this and think it’s ok. I’m so pissed. Wtf!

8 years ago

And they dare call feminists inherently misandrist. Look in the mirror bub, I have a penis and I don’t have any desire to be a sexual harasser, don’t speak for me.

8 years ago

Also, HOW IN THE WORLD do you guys deal with parents or family supporting Trump?? I seriously need help D: i’m starting to really dislike my mother in law.

8 years ago

@OoglyBoggles i know right! Holy rojection pls

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

I wish I could hide in a blanket fort, but I have to clean for the relatives that are coming over! They will be here soon and I’d rather deal with the cleaning than feelings of guilt over being ill-prepared! Thank you, though. I’ll be able to relax… sometime next week, I think.

Laugher at Bigots
Laugher at Bigots
8 years ago

Five Thirty-Eight seems to say that it is very likely that Clinton will win. Even in the worst case, her chances are better than 3 in 4. This is encouraging.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


I feel you. I’m having trouble containing my disgust with my in-laws.

8 years ago

I feel a little better looking at this timeline:

Only about 30 or so out of the 140 repubs who have declared they won’t vote for Trump have been from this last controversy.

8 years ago

Laughter at Bigots- the 538 stuff gives me some reassurance, but any of us with a vote or who’s friends with someone with a vote shouldn’t count on that. Complacency loses elections.

I’ve just had my husband’s best man from our wedding come onto my Facebook and say things like “all men talk like this” when challenged by a man on my feed – he goes “Well, not all men”, when a woman says “gosh, I hope not”, he says “Well, 95% of men.” Then he calls all the women who say they’ve also been groped say hypocritical for supporting Hillary when she laughed at a 12 yr old’s rape. (This is not actually true by the way, but it is a lie which is being widely spread). Interestingly he hasn’t commented on anything I’ve posted since my husband and I separated and he chooses a post where I say it’s disgusting that someone running for President is openly talking about grabbing women’s pussies without their consent.

I’m disgusted. Really, they never talked like that to me before. They both started reading Breitbart shit. I told that shithead that I’ve had enough of his bullshit. This stuff is making my head explode. I don’t know how I could have been that wrong about someone.

8 years ago

Laugher at Bigots:

Five Thirty-Eight seems to say that it is very likely that Clinton will win. Even in the worst case, her chances are better than 3 in 4. This is encouraging.

This is where it gets dangerous. The Guardian said “Multiple sources told the Guardian there was a meeting at Republican National Committee headquarters on Friday night, to discuss possible ways to remove Trump from the ticket. The meeting ended with no clear resolution”. It’s not going to be easy to get Trump to step down, but if they manage it, Pence may be harder to beat – and, in his own way, he’s just as odious.

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

Early voting and mail voting has already started in some places. Surely nobody can change candidates now, can they?

Also: fuck anyone who was fine with Trump until it seemed as though he would lose the election. Even if you’re a spineless bottom-feeder, you should at least have the courage of your convictions. There are slimy things dwelling in the deep ocean which look down on people as disgusting as you.

8 years ago

(edited to remove/amend my own classic nonpology, how ironic.)

nparker: My apologies. Whether or not I meant to insult anyone with my comment, the fact is that I did, which is what matters.

I guess I (a) thought of this as less like a city bus (where yes, doors often open automatically and which often have somewhat mystifying opening mechanisms) and more of like a large version of a van or shuttle – the door seems to have a pretty straightforward handle that is visible in the video. And (b) what got me wasn’t so much that Trump had difficulty opening the door, but that he didn’t even try to figure it out (I just thought most people would at least look for the door handle, though I could be wrong) – he just stood there and waited for it to be opened for him, even when it became clear the door wasn’t opening.

But all that is just me waffling. The fact is that I insulted you and made you feel like I lumped you in with Trump for something that isn’t actually unreasonable, and certainly doesn’t make you deserving of such detestable company. That was not cool at all, and I apologize.

8 years ago

@EJ – my understanding is that you can change the candidate but you can’t change the ballot. The ballot is as it is.

What can be done, though is to replace the GOP nominee. Trump’s name would still be on the ballot and the new nominee would receive the electoral college votes based on the votes for Trump’s name on the ballot, if delegates choose to do so. But that’s a hard message to communicate to voters. And withdrawing support for Trump at this point is a finely balanced thing. Maybe you still get the down-ballot benefit of dumping the loser, maybe people say “Gah those GOP folk are a bit muddled right now, don’t think I can vote for them…” or even more likely people who like to vote in the Presidential and were likely Trump supporters just don’t bother to show up so they ain’t gonna vote down-ticket either.

edited: not delegates, electors

8 years ago

I’m not even a little bit shocked that he would talk (and act) like this. Anyone with a brain who has known and been harassed by assholes like Trump their whole lives could spot his type a mile away. I am, however, pleasantly surprised to find out that there is a recording of it that demonstrates his character so beautifully, in a way that the even the right wing zealots will be unable to spin; it is delicious. The more approval and ego-stroking fandom he loses, the more out of control he will get; he throws the biggest tantrums when he has been shown up or has humiliated himself. He’s going to completely lose it at the debate and only dig that hole deeper.

My only concern now is the possibility that he might drop out, as many republican politicians are urging him to do. This is the nail in the coffin; he can’t win, at this point. Pence, however, might have half a chance and could actually be more damaging than Trump. We’re not out of the woods yet; it ain’t over till it’s over.

So it seems the country’s fate is hinged on how much ridicule this man’s fragile ego and less-fragile delusions can withstand. If he digs his heels in like a stubborn toddler and insists on going till the end, we’re golden and Clinton has got it. If he breaks and runs away with his tail between his legs, it’s a bit more of a risk; but even then, I’m not sure Pence has had enough time to distance himself from Trump and establish himself in the public sphere for America to feel comfortable voting for him; the republican party just looks like a huge mess at this point, and he’d have to really pull a rabbit out of his hat to compensate for that.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

My Significant Otter voted for Hillary this week.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Ktoryx, Pence has denounced Trump, and all of his speaking engagements have been cancelled by Trump’s team.

So, that’s good, at least.

8 years ago


No worries! I appreciate it a lot.

Trump expects everyone to do things for him, and so do his supporters- so many of them seem to think ‘he’ll be surrounded by good people to make the decisions’ is a defence for voting for him. Any other candidate and no one would think of that as a credible thing.

I know Trump is a literal fascist, and I don’t think I’m (and hope I’m not) Godwinning myself if I say this, but it has a certain similarity to the Nazi control of Germany- Hitler was a lazy bum and everyone else did his work for him, and that created ultimately a deeply ruptured country after his rule was over.

Back to the bus thing just a minute, do you mean like a minibus? I just ask because I LOVE minibuses, which is an incredibly odd and eccentric thing to say, but I think it has something to do with reminding me of fun school field trips, and that they seem rather cosy vehicles.


I know, right? They call us misandrist and stuff but then always give really negative descriptions that generalise whole swaths of men into them, all while we go ‘we think men are capable of learning to combat their own biases…’

PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
PeeVee the (Noice) Sarcastic
8 years ago

I feel that the hardliner die-hard, straight-party ticket Republicans (like my in-laws) who excused Trump’s ignorant stance on illegal aliens and Muslims did so partly because they didn’t actually know any, so it didn’t really affect them all that much…but everybody knows at least one woman.

They cannot stand Pence, anyhow, (they’re Hoosiers) and this just made them throw their hands up in the air and say “I give up!”