empathy deficit entitled babies men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny sexual assault sexual exploitation sexual harassment trump

Open Thread: Donald Trump brags, on tape, about sexually assaulting women

Big mouth strikes again
Big mouth strikes again

So Trump’s been caught on video bragging about grabbing unsuspecting women “by the p***y.”

Watch the video in this tweet and throw up in your mouth a little:

Yes, this is horrible Trump revelation number two billion and seven, but this one looks like this could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back, and Republicans are scrambling to condemn his comments and distance themselves from their nominee.

I don’t have much to add here but I think some of you probably do.

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Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

I reached the limits on how much I can revile Trump way the fuck back. I do, however, have plenty enough animus left over for:
1)Paul Ryan, Kelly Ayotte, Kelly Conway, Rudy Giuliani, Ted Cruz, and every other ‘serious’ person who has or still does support him, knowing full well, the whole time, who he is

2)Anyone in the news media whose telling of this doesn’t begin and end with ‘accused sexual predator is an admitted sexual predator, we’re sorry we buried that for a year, and may any and all gods have mercy’

3)Those paragons of willful ignorance and selfish entitlement who seek to justify the contents of his confession by conflating acceptance and consent and proving themselves dangerous in the process

4)The ‘nondeplorable’ Trump voter and the Johnson voter and the Stein voter, and those staying home who would help him, even slightly, out of greed, naivety, indecision, accelerationism, or egotistical purity

All of you and more. You made Donald Trump, presidential candidate, possible. May you develop a sense of shame so that you can feel about yourself the way I feel about you

@kupo + Iseult
Nthing the unpology hate

8 years ago

Having watched the tape, I was so overcome with disgust and loathing that my brain decided to skip right past the open bragging about sexual assault and instead focus on the hilarity of Trump needing someone to explain to him how to open a bus door. Guess that’s what happens if you’ve never had to do anything for yourself.

I am pretty angry, though, at the number of news outlets that are reporting that “Trump has apologized for the first time in his campaign!” No, fools, he hasn’t. As several commenters here pointed out, all he gave was a textbook nonpology served alongside a heaping helping of “there was nothing wrong with what I did” and “the other side has done worse.”

8 years ago

My favorite comment on all this is “This is what happens when he has a good mic.”

8 years ago

Now when I think back on some of Hillary’s smiles in the first debate I’m imagining her thinking “just wait until people hear your tape…”

EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

I wish I was surprised by this. I wish I lived in a world where a rich powerful white man doing this was shocking and unusual. I wish I lived in a world where this would have resulted in a criminal conviction back when it happened.

I feel numb.

8 years ago

I don’t know why this is the straw that broke the camel’s back, when there have been umpteen straws just like it before–but I’m so, so glad it has. Here’s hoping the news media is finished trying to build up a “both sides” narrative.

8 years ago

@Policy of Madness

That’s all it takes. I’m a full-fledged Clinton fan and have been for a long time. But I do understand that she has some problems – some of them of her own making, but a lot of them because she’s a woman who is outspoken. I can be angry, sad, etc that she faces electoral challenge because of her gender, but I also accept it as a fact.

I urged Republican friends to stay home – don’t vote for Hillary if you don’t want to. But you know that you’re better than Trump. You know that’s not who you are.

I don’t know about your relationship with your mother but I urge everyone to take the high road and help people climb down after this latest (completely unsurprising to me) revelation. There is no shame in not voting if you have given it reflection and thought. If someone can’t bring themselves to vote for Hillary Clinton, the better thing to do, the moral thing to do is to not vote. A vote for that man is vote for the moral and intellectual and democratic decline of America.

On the other hand, if you’re not totally enamoured of Sec. Clinton but you’ve given it a passing thought, get your ass out and vote for her.

8 years ago

The man is a vile racist, misogynistic scum-sucking asshole, and I hope after the election is over, he ends up living a long life filled with poverty (after the various lawsuits are done) and shunned by all.

That being said…

On the one hand, given the context and the way he says it, I can believe it was only meant as hyperbole and that he doesn’t actually think it’s okay to, or make a habit of, greeting women by giving their crotches a handshake. On the other, there’s the accusations of spousal rape and sexual assault of a minor, so maybe he was speaking literally. In either case, I have no doubt what-so-blooming-ever that he’d do it in a heartbeat as long as he thought he’d get away with it.

[Last line redacted due to probable conflict with commenting policy]

OT: That baby/cat video really made me angry at whoever was filming it. That person shouldn’t be allowed to keep kids, if that’s typical of their behavior. Or cats, for that matter.

[Edited for minor readability issues]

8 years ago

This story is being reported on the BBC’s Breakfast show as I type. One of the anchors has just said “some might say ‘offensive'”.

They have some idiot on saying that it’s just the sort of thing that guys do and some other guys have said other things so it’s totally OK and anyway, Clinton’s policies are no good, so it’s wrong to not vote for Trump just because he’s a terrible person.

The tone of the piece is about whether or not it will harm his campaign, not about the culture of celebrity which makes Trump feel entitled to sexually abuse women in the full knowledge that he’ll get away with it.

Yes, I sincerely hope that it will end any forlorn hope he has of actually being elected, but there’s a huge opportunity being missed in the reporting, which frustrates me.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


just wait until people hear your tape…

HRC whipped out Drumpf’s mixtape. He got his dude Billy B on the track. Shit is so fire, he lit himself up. The whole campaign self immolating…

But seriously, if it was the Clinton campaign, I hope they have more stuff in their pockets. 30+ days is too long to be comfortable. I hold no illusions about how quickly the electorate lets these things fade

8 years ago

“This was locker-room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course — not even close,” Trump said in a statement. “I apologize if anyone was offended.”

He does know that people are not voting for Bill Clinton in November, right? That Bill and Hillary are two different people? And that everyone already knew that Bill can’t be trusted around women?

8 years ago
Reply to  Moggie

And that everyone already knew that Bill can’t be trusted around women?

That’s the bit that made my monocle fall out in amazement. It’s like saying “Well, Harold Shipman killed way more people than I did, as we discussed over a cosy dinner”.

Or like a school child being caught doing something wrong and naming everyone else who was doing it too. I’m not bitter.

8 years ago

They shouldn’t bother to vote for Stein or that Johnson dude who said he’d totally be able to sleep at night if Trump were elected either.

This is not the election to vote for a 3rd party candidate.

8 years ago


I assume it’s because he’s tanking in the polls after the first debate. It’s clear that any chance he could win is gone and only very stupid rats don’t abandon a sinking ship.

Also, don’t know if this has been mentioned here yet, but in case not, it’s good to remind people there is something worse then Donald Trump: Donald Trump Supporters.

Journalist writes a piece where they say bad (and presumably accurate) stuff about Trump. Trump fans know that this reporter suffers from epilepsy so they start sending him gifs that would trigger epilepsy. …Luckily the worst thing that happened was that he dropped his tablet when opening up one of them by mistake.

8 years ago

Hey, hello!
First of all, fuck Trump. I hope hell exists just so he can burn there.

Second, I heard the desperate call for brain bleach, so I’m posting it!
Since this is an open thread I would like to inform you I became a godmother to a few stray kittens and their mommy, who decided to give birth where I work. I had to move 22 boxes of beer bottles to find the kittens, she hid them so well… My arms are so sore, but totally worth it.

They are at my home now. I brought them without my mother’s knowledge or consent, HAHAHA, we had a fight, but she simply couldn’t deny them a home when she saw their faces.
They are all locked in my bedroom so my jealous cat doesn’t find out about them :p
I made them a nest with a big basket, newspapers and a furred fabric so they sleep warm and tight ^^
I already found future loving homes for all of them! I am just so ridiculously happy. I love kittens (duh), but above that, it just feels good to do something good. I don’t feel this whole in years.

Oh, as I didn’t want to flood the thread, I made a imgur album with all the pics. It includes my hand very badly scratched by this little black gentleman while I was trying to take him out of his hiding place, a pic of his sister, a picture of his nest (he spilled the water within three minutes), and a pic of his beautiful (though painfully skinny) mommy breastfeeding. And a BONUS PICTURE you’ll only find out if you click! Hint: It’s a sexy pantless bunny!
Here’s the link :

Ps: Sorry for the gray blur in the picture, I didn’t want to show faces there aren’t even my own in a place like this.

8 years ago

Congratulation Chiomara 🙂

Potential Human Bean
Potential Human Bean
8 years ago

The kitten pictures were the exact prescription I needed filled.
Thank you.

They look so loved.

8 years ago

This very well may be the leak that sinks the ship. Disgusting behaviour. Anyone who actually defends this now is truly sickening- but it looks like the American media may finally be trying to pull their weight.


I’m hoping the BBC’s Andrew Neil may have a go at coverage of it.


I’m not sure how it works in America, but over in Britain when the bus stops, the doors get opened automatically by the driver. I’ve never opened them myself and wouldn’t know how, and don’t really like the implications- I’m not like Trump.

8 years ago

MRAs will be all “Well how else do you expect a real man to act when women are so hateful”

PUAs advocates will praise his “Game”

Incels will want to copy him

MGTOWs will blame women and say that Donald should just leave them alone and fund robosex initiatives.

8 years ago


I consider this a successful and welcome derailment of the thread. Secret cats are among the best kind of cats. SECRET BLACK KITTENS tick every box I can think of.

Here is my own (not-so) secret black kitten(ish), looking terrifying and kind of like a dilophosaurus:

8 years ago

I’m not sure how it works in America, but over in Britain when the bus stops, the doors get opened automatically by the driver. I’ve never opened them myself and wouldn’t know how, and don’t really like the implications- I’m not like Trump.

There’s a button. On this occasion, I don’t think the driver was there but finding the button is really not difficult. It’ll probably have a picture of a door next to it, or a sign saying “door”. Trump is definitely the sort of person who would stand outside any door until it opened, then assume it had opened for him alone.

You can take that as referring literally to the bus thing or as a metaphor for every single thing Trump has ever done. Works either way.

8 years ago

Ugh. Can’t say I’m surprised by this. But do you know who else needs to be called a piece of shit here? Billy Bush. Note that that’s his co-host and college that Trump is talking about. Not only does he join in with Trump’s talk but when there out of the car he sets up that skeevy as hell hug with that poor woman who’s just trying to do her job.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

That mic wasn’t hot. It was a disgusting pig. A 5 or 6 at best. Sad!

Corey Lewandowski’s reaction was, as usual, breathtakingly dense:

I think the American people know exactly who Donald Trump is…What has been such an attraction to Donald Trump is that he’s not a career politician. He doesn’t measure every word. He speaks from the heart. He speaks the way many times people talk around their dining room table.

WTF? “Pass the peas, grandma, let me grab your p****”?

Said no one, ever, at any dining table I’ve ever sat at.

It ain’t the heart he’s speaking from. Try a couple feet lower.

8 years ago

I think the American people know exactly who Donald Trump is

Which is apparently false, since there’s shock and horror at this where there wasn’t before.

I saw someone quoted as saying there’s an October surprise every election, but this election, it’s more an October advent calendar.

8 years ago

Well there are actual accounts of The Donald trying to grab said region without consent, so…

Anyway, of course the horrible slimebag which is Scott Adams has weighed in too. Vomit.