alt-right drama kings entitled babies guns hillary clinton men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny red pill return of kings

Return of Kings: Stock up on guns and ammo in case Hillary wins

Reminder to racist white dudes: These guys lost
Reminder to racist white dudes: these guys lost

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Donald Trump has been more than hinting for some time that he might not accept the election results if he loses, talking endlessly about a “rigged election” at his rallies and telling the New York Times that “we’re going to have to see” whether or not he’ll recognize Hillary Clinton as president if, as seems exceedingly likely, she wins — something he’d promised to do only a short time earlier in the first debate.

Many of Trump’s fans on the alt-right are making clear they absolutely won’t accept Hillary as president — and they’re urging one another to stock up on guns and ammo for the “race war” they think (hope?) will erupt is she wins. 

The latest example of this disturbing trend comes from Roosh V’s garbage site Return of Kings.

You may recall Michael Sebastian as the sensitive Return of Kings contributor who was driven to despair by the large number of people of color he encountered on the beach during his summer vacation this year. In a new post on that execrable web site, Sebastian urges his readers to prepare for the totalitarian nightmare that will descend upon America’s embattled white majority ” if the unthinkable happens and Hillary wins.”

And by “prepare,” he means: buy guns and set up”alternative communication platforms” so you can talk to other far-rightists who have also bought guns.

Because if Hillary wins, he ominously warns, it will mean the end of democracy in the US:

If Hillary wins the election, trying to change the country democratically will become impossible. Hillary promises to grant citizenship to the 12 million illegal Central American immigrants already in the US. She also promises to flood the country with more third world immigrants from Islamic countries. …

The only thing preventing the US from going full SJW is white men. Once white men lose their demographic advantage under Hillary, the US will permanently become a leftist state.

At that point, Sebastian sniffs, there will be no point in voting.

What that means for us is that it will not make further sense to pay attention to conventional politics or participate in the democratic process. But that doesn’t mean that we should be passive. We’ll just have to recognize that any positive change will have to come from more difficult, less appealing avenues. …

Don’t expect one huge collapse. Rather, expect a long series of small collapses followed by periods of stability as the government gradually becomes unable to manage the chaos it has unleashed. This will create opportunities for local action to fill the gaps that the crumbling system is unable to address.

Sebastian is careful not to say explicitly what this ” local action” might consist of. But he does have rather a lot to say about the necessity of arming oneself to the teeth.

“Hillary has repeatedly made it clear that she favors more stringent gun control.” Sebastian declares, and will likely stack the Supreme Court with anti-gun justices. She will also, he adds,

move to regulate firearms and ammunition. After all, if you can’t obtain ammo, your gun is useless. If Hillary gets in, stock up while supplies last.

Don’t these guys have enough ammo left over from when they stocked up in anticipation of Obama’s oft-predicted, never-realized “gun grab?”

Or from the time they talked about taking up arms in case The Donald were to be assassinated?

Sebastian also suggests that RoK readers find some far-right buddies in the neighborhood to “work out with, train with … socialize with” and just generally prepare for the apocalypse with. Just make sure they agree with you.  As Sebastian notes, you don’t really want “soy-eating, Hillary-supporting, transgender otherkin as part of your crew.”

While Sebastian stops short of explicitly saying ARM YOURSELF RACE WAR NOW, RoK’s commenters are a tad less subtle.

Some samples from the nearly 500 comments on Sebastian’s post thus far:

VaronosMinxaouzen • 10 hours ago In one word: start praying and get ready for: a race war, a civil war and a religious war. 16 • Reply•Share › Avatar Lusitano VaronosMinxaouzen • 9 hours ago Indeed. BLM niggers attacking white people with impunity, muslims being more and more demanding and aggressive, Christianity being more and more pushed aside from public life...The States are pivotal to a strong and proud Western Civilization. Lets hope and pray, Trump gets the victory.

Not every commenter was convinced that taking up arms would be a sensible way to fight back against potential future SJW dictator Hillary Clinton. But the gun-talkers had ready responses for those who suggested it might be a little less than wise for rag-tag posses of RoK readers to take on the US Army and its more formidable weaponry.

GhostOfJefferson ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ Rob Banks • 6 hours ago You're putting a lot of faith in "advanced weaponry". Let's examine that. Night vision - we have it too Thermal sights - we have it too Radio - yeah, got it Long range sniping - got that too (Baretts are legal) Machine guns - we have those Silencers - we have those Bombs - don't have, but they're not going to bomb anonymous places. Uniforms - they have them, we don't. Advantage ours Anti-thermal camo - we got that too

This same fellow had some thoughts on the specific types guns that might come in most handy.

GhostOfJefferson ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ Unabashed • 8 hours ago Muskets lose to single shot walled cartridge guns every single time too. Their applicability is quite limited. I can see a black powder revolver being helpful only in a situation where it was used to kill a dude who was toting a machine gun, and then only if you do it from behind before he sees you. If we get to that point though, the game is already lost.

Duly noted.

Others thought they might not even need guns if the only opposition they faced turned out to be nothing more than a gaggle of hipster dudes in skinny jeans.

Unabashed GhostOfJefferson ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ • 9 hours ago Right??? It gives me hope. If it's the real men fighting off a generation of hipsters, we're going to have a grand old time. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar lolknee✓ᴺᶦʰˡᶦˢᵗ Unabashed • 9 hours ago this is another one of those times I wish I could make cartoons. Set up a classic 19th century battle field with one side being skinny jeans wearing hipsters fag lisping "attack!!!!!" against an army of men.

Just a reminder: These hateful dodos all think of themselves as pretty much the only thing protecting civilization itself from being overrun by the barbarian hordes.

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Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
Lone Galtian Bootstrapper
8 years ago


“a load of burnt Barbies”

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA brilliant. Going to use that one as much as I can from now on.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ buttercup

Makes me wonder how many bombs are rusting away in sheds all over Europe.

My mom and I used to watch Danger UXB

You’ve sort of addressed your own question there. I remember after that episode featuring the butterfly bombs (hey, how appropriate!) there were lots of stories of people producing them from their sheds; and in at least one case, bringing them into school.

8 years ago

@ Alan and Buttercup

Mr Bluecat often entertains me with tales of his youth on Canvey Island in the 50s, where the main leisure activity for the young local scallywags was picking up unexploded ordnance on the beach, and then trying to make it go off in various inventive ways. Including putting bullets in his grandfather’s woodworking vice and whacking them with the biggest hammer in the toolshed.

One of his schoolmates had what turned out to have been an unexploded shell at home. His parents were using it as a door stop.

B’s grandfather had a weapons’ cupboard referred to as the “H’arsenal” – (he was an old-style cockney). This was a man who had knocked the points off all the knives in the house because his wife had been known to stab him. She once fired a pistol at him in the street, but missed and was knocked over backwards by the recoil.

Lucky to be alive.

People I know who used to do a lot of metal detectoring used to say that northern France was impossible, because there was so much debris from WW1 and 2 lying around, there would not be a second when the thing was not going off.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ bluecat (and buttercup)

This is a pretty regular sight on my local beach. For some reason dogs are always digging them up. Maybe bombs smell interesting?

(Oh, ask Mr Bluecat if he remembers someone called Rob McGeorge)

8 years ago

“Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb”

Sheds are pretty magical. If you really must store something dangerous – WWII bombs, chemicals in rusting tins, suspicious fungi – a shed is the ideal place, because of its invulnerability field. Remember David Hahn, the “radioactive boy scout”? Shed user.

not Ian
not Ian
8 years ago


Fun fact: Here in Germany we have an estimated quarter of a million of unexploded WWII bombs hidden away in the ground.

About 5,500 get discovered and disarmed every year.

8 years ago

I notice that rather than calling for organization and actual work to learn and develop the skills necessary to change the political climate (like minorities have been doing for ages) they advocate a scattered hand full of dudes who are mad they can’t get laid get some guns.

They have no idea how anything works.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ moggie

“Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb”

That’s weird; I’ve literally just quoted that to someone today!

(In relation to why all the modern Batman films are rubbish)

8 years ago

I sincerely hope that FBI keeps an eye on the alt righters…..

Hopefully. Although The FBI did release a report saying that right wing extremists groups and lone-wolf individuals do pose a threat only to have the republican party force them to retract it.

tim gueguen
8 years ago

Here’s the Wikipedia entry for unexploded ordnance. It notes that the French and Belgians still find hundreds of tons of material each year dating from WW1, while places like Okinawa are still dealing with the aftermath of WW2. And stuff from the US Civil War still turns up occasionally more than 150 years later.

8 years ago

Does Doosh plan for his mom to buy his arsenal for him too?

8 years ago

@occasional reader:
” I mean, other than just by mere fantasies and suppositions full of “if” ?”

I really need to read more carefully. First reading was “suppositories full of ‘if'”, which is something they probably use daily.

Professor Snugglesworth
Professor Snugglesworth
8 years ago

Soy hate definitely goes back a ways. I recall from reading Atlas Shrugged in high school (I know, I took my sweet time growing up) that there was some nonsense background subplot about the evil socialists forcing farmers to grow soy beans as the country’s new staple crop, and how this completely wrecked the agricultural industry. Given that this is the same book that confidently predicted the shining train-based economy of the future, it’s safe to say that Ayn Rand was a less than stellar technologist.

8 years ago

In other news (well, news to me), Twitter has banned the alt-right personality Ricky_Vaughn99, who was identified by MIT’s Lab for Social Machines as the 107th most powerful influencer in the 2016 elections.

Unsurprisingly, many cries of “but freeze peach!” and “we’re being ‘shoah’ed” were heard. And with Twitter being rumored to be fielding bids for a sale, Andrew Anglin floated a theory:

“Presumably either of these Jewish companies would get a lot more hardcore on censorship than Twitter has been so far, but they certainly don’t want to spend billions on a company that is just going to collapse,” wrote Andrew Anglin. “Maybe part of negotiations was ‘ban one of these anti-Semitic and racist Trump supporters so we can see what happens.’”

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


According to my lady roommate (who is much smarter than me about this kind of thing and knows all the best places to get relevant information), we’re not going to get hit by it, at least directly


EJ (The Orphic Lizard)

When I read this, I couldn’t help thinking that there are probably large numbers of unhappy, vulnerable young men who are reading this and being influenced by it: believing that this is what a man should be, and how a man needs to assert his masculinity, and that he is not a real man unless he kills other men to ensure the dominance of his group.

GhostOfJefferson is ridiculous, yes, and he’s chosen to name himself after a vile scumbag of a human being, yes, but I’m not laughing. He’s going to get someone killed: possibly one of his followers, possibly one of their victims, hopefully not both. Either way is a tragedy.

The fact that he seems to regard being violently defeated as a better outcome than being nonviolently defeated is just… ack. What’s wrong with my gender? What bullshit have we internalised and taught one another?

Fuck this guy. I hope he lives a long and peaceful life, long enough to see his precious white nationalism turn to ashes around him and be forgotten.

Podkayne Lives (Hairless Marsupial Gutter Nun)
Podkayne Lives (Hairless Marsupial Gutter Nun)
8 years ago

I thought Obama had already taken everyone’s guns and begun the 1000 year reign of non-whiteness…

Yeah. I remember this exact routine when Obama was running the first time, and when Obama was running the second time. How long does it take to grab everyone’s guns already?

I guess a lot of ammo dealers are going to send their kids to college on the profits of this.

8 years ago

Sheila Crosby said

Night vision: both sides have it
Thermal sights: both sides have
Helicopters: Oops.
Training: Oops.
Discipline: Oops.
Experience: Oops.
Experienced officers: Oops.

You forgot the drones! Because flocks of flimsy helicopter drones totally equal the ones the Air Force has!

Training is a biggie; military personnel get a lot of it!

These macho, alpha fighting dudes also like to ignore the paper pushers, without whom little gets done. A big reason for this is that they also want to pretend they can be effective without (at least some) infrastructure and lots and lots of FUNDING (which requires administration and oversight!)

It’d get really hard to maintain any sort of fighting force if nobody got paid and their lives fell apart as a result. Or, alternately they try to plan an offensive and a third of their forces can’t make it because they can’t get out of work! >,<

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ hambeast

I think they’re also being a little over optimistic in assuming their radios will work.

ETA: Come to think of it, that thing can also jam drone control signals too.

Also, if they’re not going to wear uniforms (or at least a symbol recognisable at a distance) none of the Geneva Conventions apply to them; including the normal protections for armed insurgents.

8 years ago


What’s with the soy hate? That was kind of amusing “f***in Democrats, eating beans and s**t”

IME it’s aimed at vegetarians/vegans, who eat tofu as a replacement protein source. While actual vegetarians have branched out quite a lot, the right haven’t updated any of their stereotypes since around 1975.

It makes me think the agricultural part of their self sustaining right wing utopia plan won’t go so well if they didn’t know it’s such a major crop.

That’s actually…not great acgricultural policy.

Makes me wonder how many bombs are rusting away in sheds all over Europe.

A lot

Weren’t gladiators fed a vegetarian/vegan diet?

Most Romans ate a largely vegetarian diet; they weren’t very prone to pastoralism. They tended to consider herding livestock to be something that barbarians and foreigners did, as I understand it.
@Prof. Snugglesworth

that there was some nonsense background subplot about the evil socialists forcing farmers to grow soy beans as the country’s new staple crop, and how this completely wrecked the agricultural industry. .

Although government policy has actually led to soybeans being one of the nation’s staple crops, and it’s not turning out well at all.

These macho, alpha fighting dudes also like to ignore the paper pushers, without whom little gets done. A big reason for this is that they also want to pretend they can be effective without (at least some) infrastructure and lots and lots of FUNDING (which requires administration and oversight!)

IIRC, it currently needs about 3 administrative and logistics personnel per fighter in the current U.S. Army.

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Alan, I like our version of that guy,

(I really like the fact that our military recognizes the supremacy of information, not explosions. Fewer, smaller fights, with the right targets. I also think the Coyote just looks cool :3)

I’m pretty sure that their walkie-talkies, their RC cars and quadcopters, and their google maps are gonna go pretty flat, pretty fast, if the actual military decided to say no.

@Hambeast, I know, right? Alt-righties are all about manly men manning around, doing everything on their own! No wimpy preparing or organizing, that’s for people who are afraid of getting their hands dirty, go go go!

– O wait they just turned off all of the cell towers in the area so we can’t talk anymore. Okay, everyone, walkie-talkies! We’ll have to relay messages from one to the other, since the range on these things is –

– Billy? Joe? Dammit, they must be jamming us! Okay, everyone, we know that we’re all gonna meet up at the Roanoke farm, so we’ll organize resistance cells th –

– Whaddya mean, they’re watching the roads? Well, we’ll just have to hoof it through the forest then, it’ll take longer but it’ll be safer.

(captured by a team monitoring the forest with infrared systems)

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

@ scildfreja

To quote the old military maxim yet again

“Amateurs think tactics. Professionals think logistics.”

Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Scildfreja Unnýðnes
8 years ago

@Alan, Marginally related, I’ve recently bought Hearts of Iron 4, and wow is it a thinky game.

(HOI4 is a world war two simulator, starting in 1936 and ending in 1950. It’s not necessarily historical, so you can have weird things, like, France becoming fascist and joining the Axis, or Comintern never declaring war on Germany, instead focusing on a war with China, etc, etc.)

Can’t just raise a bunch of divisions and throw them at the enemy, it’s all about building factories. Like, not even military factories. Civilian factories, buildin’ toasters.

And planning – you don’t just line up your doods and tell them to march, either. That’s almost entirely unimportant. You draw the line and push the “go” button… and then you concern yourself with ensuring that your supply convoys get through, and that you have sufficient ports for delivering that supply on time, and that the infrastructure your divisions are moving through is good enough to move the supplies, and that the air support you’ve scheduled has access to enough fuel, and oh, we just researched a new fighter plane tech, but the factories would have to be re-tooled to start building them and we need planes now, and we’re running out of chromium so the convoys are under-escorted, and it’d be really nice to have some radar on the coast, and – whaddya mean that intel says that the Japanese are planning an invasion of Vancouver??

HOI4, might as well be “International Logistics Tycoon 2016.” Good fun, though! Fort Garry’s Horse will ride again!

not Ian
not Ian
8 years ago

@Scildfreja Unnýðnes

Paradox Interactive’s games sound awesome, in a totally ridiculous sort of way, yes. I’ve tried getting into Europa Universalis IV, but I haven’t had the patience so far. 🙂

8 years ago

Re: manly men defending themselves

In my experience these types usually assume that the military and local police departments will defect, which will make up for the UN-backed gun confiscation brigades, which will be comprised of volunteers from the Democratic party. I’ve found this weird belief that the left wing in the US is secretly training for a war where there will be no civilians or support staff, every single non-Conservative is going to join a brigade of gun confiscators.

If anyone has read Conservative News and Views, Ed Poor used to argue that his Democratic-voting neighbors were just waiting for the UN signal to show up at his door to steal his guns.