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Donald Trump has been more than hinting for some time that he might not accept the election results if he loses, talking endlessly about a “rigged election” at his rallies and telling the New York Times that “we’re going to have to see” whether or not he’ll recognize Hillary Clinton as president if, as seems exceedingly likely, she wins — something he’d promised to do only a short time earlier in the first debate.
Many of Trump’s fans on the alt-right are making clear they absolutely won’t accept Hillary as president — and they’re urging one another to stock up on guns and ammo for the “race war” they think (hope?) will erupt is she wins.
The latest example of this disturbing trend comes from Roosh V’s garbage site Return of Kings.
You may recall Michael Sebastian as the sensitive Return of Kings contributor who was driven to despair by the large number of people of color he encountered on the beach during his summer vacation this year. In a new post on that execrable web site, Sebastian urges his readers to prepare for the totalitarian nightmare that will descend upon America’s embattled white majority ” if the unthinkable happens and Hillary wins.”
And by “prepare,” he means: buy guns and set up”alternative communication platforms” so you can talk to other far-rightists who have also bought guns.
Because if Hillary wins, he ominously warns, it will mean the end of democracy in the US:
If Hillary wins the election, trying to change the country democratically will become impossible. Hillary promises to grant citizenship to the 12 million illegal Central American immigrants already in the US. She also promises to flood the country with more third world immigrants from Islamic countries. …
The only thing preventing the US from going full SJW is white men. Once white men lose their demographic advantage under Hillary, the US will permanently become a leftist state.
At that point, Sebastian sniffs, there will be no point in voting.
What that means for us is that it will not make further sense to pay attention to conventional politics or participate in the democratic process. But that doesn’t mean that we should be passive. We’ll just have to recognize that any positive change will have to come from more difficult, less appealing avenues. …
Don’t expect one huge collapse. Rather, expect a long series of small collapses followed by periods of stability as the government gradually becomes unable to manage the chaos it has unleashed. This will create opportunities for local action to fill the gaps that the crumbling system is unable to address.
Sebastian is careful not to say explicitly what this ” local action” might consist of. But he does have rather a lot to say about the necessity of arming oneself to the teeth.
“Hillary has repeatedly made it clear that she favors more stringent gun control.” Sebastian declares, and will likely stack the Supreme Court with anti-gun justices. She will also, he adds,
move to regulate firearms and ammunition. After all, if you can’t obtain ammo, your gun is useless. If Hillary gets in, stock up while supplies last.
Don’t these guys have enough ammo left over from when they stocked up in anticipation of Obama’s oft-predicted, never-realized “gun grab?”
Or from the time they talked about taking up arms in case The Donald were to be assassinated?
Sebastian also suggests that RoK readers find some far-right buddies in the neighborhood to “work out with, train with … socialize with” and just generally prepare for the apocalypse with. Just make sure they agree with you. As Sebastian notes, you don’t really want “soy-eating, Hillary-supporting, transgender otherkin as part of your crew.”
While Sebastian stops short of explicitly saying ARM YOURSELF RACE WAR NOW, RoK’s commenters are a tad less subtle.
Some samples from the nearly 500 comments on Sebastian’s post thus far:
Not every commenter was convinced that taking up arms would be a sensible way to fight back against potential future SJW dictator Hillary Clinton. But the gun-talkers had ready responses for those who suggested it might be a little less than wise for rag-tag posses of RoK readers to take on the US Army and its more formidable weaponry.
This same fellow had some thoughts on the specific types guns that might come in most handy.
Duly noted.
Others thought they might not even need guns if the only opposition they faced turned out to be nothing more than a gaggle of hipster dudes in skinny jeans.
Just a reminder: These hateful dodos all think of themselves as pretty much the only thing protecting civilization itself from being overrun by the barbarian hordes.
Being able to shoot a gun does not make you any sort of guerilla. The Dunning-Kruger effect may have convinced you that you know about tactics and strategy and communication and logistics and intelligence (haha) and all these other little skills that professional militaries have, but that don’t make it so. Most of all, being an “alpha” raging asshole does not predispose you to working well with other “alpha” raging assholes. Pretty much the opposite, really.
Honestly, the Bundy gang were waaaay more practised and organised than this shower of idiots, and they totally fucked up their own plans to a frankly embarassing degree.
These people are so infatuated with themselves and their big, bad words!
That said, I’m not ever going to be complacent about people who make threats. And I hope that law enforcement — from small-town cops to the Secret Service to the FBI — isn’t either.
In other news, today is the day that Cassie Jaye’s film opens for realz!
Looking forward to an authentic review — not a fake review like that totally phony critic at the Village Voice wrote. Who writes a review before the movie opens?!
Night vision: both sides have it
Thermal sights: both sides have
Helicopters: Oops.
Training: Oops.
Discipline: Oops.
Experience: Oops.
Experienced officers: Oops.
And I doubt if they’ll even try to take on the US army. (Well, maybe a handful of them). I do worry that they’ll take out their frustration on what they see as soft targets. I really hope I’m wrong.
Aren’t you all forgetting that many of these heroes are battle-hardened veterans of countless hours of Call of Duty?
What’s with the soy hate? That was kind of amusing “f***in Democrats, eating beans and s**t”
@Sheila Crosby
I have no doubts they’ll do exactly that – that is, not engage with military and take their anger out on members of minority groups.
Does ammo go “bad” after a while? (As in, does it become less likely to fire, or somesuch?)
Because it seems to me that these folks have been madly stocking up since fears of Y2K were a Thing. They must have quite a lot, stockpiled back there! It’d be too bad if it caught fire, or had turned sour, or something.
I think the big question is whether Roosh’s mom is gonna be okay with all that ammo in the basement.
@ rosiela
Depends on how you store it. The key degrading things for ammunition are damp/humidity and very high temperatures.
Stick it in an airtight container with some silica gel and make sure it doesn’t go above room temperature and it’ll pretty much last indefinitely.
Expose it to the elements or leave it to cook in the boot of your car on a hot day and you could ruin it quite quickly.
Iknorite? Considering how ubiquitous soy is, who isn’t a soy eater (barring allergies)? If anything, lefties are more likely to consciously avoid soy due to GMO concerns.
@RosieLa – Yeah, ammo is sensitive to humidity and temperature changes. It can go bad over time if it’s not properly stored. (Edit: ninja’d by Alan!) These survivalist guys are probably plowing a considerable chunk of their disposable income/retirement savings into stockpiled weapons, ammunition, and MREs that, with any luck, will sit there mouldering for decades and eventually get thrown out by their eye-rolling heirs.
Extra Dunning-Kruger bonus points for a) muttering darkly about having to buy so much ammo because all the damn [insert conspiracy target or welfare recipient here] are taking away their hard-earned money b) lead exposure from repeated trips to the firing range.
@ buttercup
Speaking of ammunition storage my old pupil master lived on a farm that had previously been a WW2 airfield. One day he took me into his shed. He had three bombs that he’d dug up. Two were rusted through but one was still very much intact. He saw me about to make a run for it.
“It’s ok, don’t explosives go off after a while?”
“Well in so far as they become increasingly unstable ‘go off’ isn’t a very reassuring choice of words”
Funnily enough the RAF guys who came to dispose of it told us that the old 617 Squadron base had displayed a Tallboy bomb by the entrance gate and it wasn’t until the 60s that they released it had never been defused. So we were in good company.
I think the soy hate is due to a lack of realization that soy is so ubiquitous. They hear “soy” and think of vegans using soy milk.
It makes me think the agricultural part of their self sustaining right wing utopia plan won’t go so well if they didn’t know it’s such a major crop.
1. You cannot lisp “attack.” Do they know what a lisp is?
2. These dingleberries grossly underestimate the number of “real men” who would be delighted to stomp their dumb racist asses.
I hate, hate, hate the false dichotomy between “masculinity” and “progress.” One can be a man, be masculine, have traditional manly skills, do blue-collar work, drive a truck, hunt, etc, and still think that women, Black people, Mexicans, and Muslims are people. Sometimes, the person being masculine and doing masculine things isn’t even a white man! Imagine that!
(It’s this stupid, awful attitude that shuts women and minorities out of rural life and many of the trades, and it drives me nuts on a daily basis.)
I’ve just realized that they’ve completely erased black men from their race war scenario. They’re conceiving it as manly man right wing white men versus wimpy hippie SJW white men. Despite the fact that they stereotype black men as big hulking savages, they don’t imagine that they’d fight for their own side during the race war? Weird
I think it’s probably also something like, “All the black men who have guns are inner-city [insert slur here] who have pistols and shoot them sideways, gangsta-style.”
Also, is this the same audience that was too afraid to meet up in person because the super-dangerous SJWs found out about the super-secret “pet shop” password, and they might get made fun of?
It’s an easy mistake to make, so I’m going to be gentle here with them. Men (I can call you men, right?) Watching Red Dawn for the 500th time while masturbating to Soldier of Fortune magazine does not actually make you a military genius. I know, I know, it’s an easy mistake to make.
It’s an old wingnut belief that soy makes you gay. http://www.wnd.com/2006/12/39253/
That’s because to them, people of color aren’t people with their own interests to defend, but symbolic props/scenery.
… If nothing else, surely these guys have had soy-based sauces on their manly man-approved Trump Steaks?
I think there is a small testosterone-reducing effect trough a very soy-rich diet (not sure if that even applies to humans). 4Chan wildly exaggerated that and it became a trans femme / gay in-joke in those circles with some people believing it to be the cause of those identities — the old hypomasculinity narrative, nevermind that trans femme folk often have reduced testo levels pre HRT and that seeing masculine vegetarians/vegans as weak isn’t exactly a new idea. For some people out there, we are still living in a stone age where real men absolutely have to hunt and devour their red meat.
In my experience the soy hate started our as “ewww! Foreigner food!” when it got more popular. To justify it I have seen some go to “ewww! ‘Female hormones’ in soy!”
Edit: Ninja’d by Lyzzy and others.
Weren’t gladiators fed a vegetarian/vegan diet? Or did I just make that up.
According to my lady roommate (who is much smarter than me about this kind of thing and knows all the best places to get relevant information), we’re not going to get hit by it, at least directly, but we are going to get rained on quite a bit. She thinks we might lose power for a while (a day at most), but other than that, we’re going to be just fine and don’t have that much to worry about. We’re well-stocked up on batteries and candles and food, should we lose power and all that.
I’ve also encountered evacuees from Florida, who were purchasing supplies and such on their way to a place to wait the storm out.
Anyone remember when some GamerGoobers tried to claim that they were totally good to fight and could win their “culture war” because they had sat around and played CiV or CoD, or some other game where they dealt with the “workings” of the military, and thus they totally understood how logistics and combat worked and could actually be soldiers?
Good times.
Comments policy.
@Alan – So your pupil master dug up three bombs, and then decided “let’s store them in the shed, next to the potting soil”? Pretty casual. Makes me wonder how many bombs are rusting away in sheds all over Europe.
My mom and I used to watch Danger UXB, which was the ultimate test of the Chekhov Rule. I’ve never been so jumpy during a TV show.
“Grandpa, which side of the Great Stereotype War of Aught-17 did you fight on? Were you on the side of the lisping soy hippies and rapping thugs?”
“No, son. I fought with the 3rd Basement Cheeto Battalion.”
“The only thing preventing the US from going full SJW is white men. Once white men lose their demographic advantage under Hillary, the US will permanently become a leftist state.”
Not seeing a downside here.
@ mildlymagnificent
Nope, that’s completely true, as being cornered for five minutes by any vegan will confirm.
The gladiator diet was interesting. They got a nickname that translates as ‘ash eaters’ as they had to supplement their diet with ash to make up for certain things that were missing in their veggie diet. Contrary to the popular image of gladiators as tight abs Adonises they aimed for a thick layer of fat over their muscles. That gave them some protection but more importantly allowed a slight cut to produce lots of spectacular (but non life threatening) bleeding so they could put on a good show.
Although gladiatorial combat was used as a way of disposing of prisoners, most professional gladiators survived until retirement. They were very popular. They did endorsements, appeared in advertisements and sold their sweat to Roman ladies (and presumably a few Roman men; things were a bit cooler back then)
There were lots of Roman vegetarians. Sometimes it was for religious reasons, sometimes it was for health (lots of Roman legionaries only ate veggie whilst on campaign) and there was also a bit of snobbery about it. Some higher class Romans considered meat eaters in the same way that some people today look down on junk food.