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Return of Kings: Stock up on guns and ammo in case Hillary wins

Reminder to racist white dudes: These guys lost
Reminder to racist white dudes: these guys lost

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Donald Trump has been more than hinting for some time that he might not accept the election results if he loses, talking endlessly about a “rigged election” at his rallies and telling the New York Times that “we’re going to have to see” whether or not he’ll recognize Hillary Clinton as president if, as seems exceedingly likely, she wins — something he’d promised to do only a short time earlier in the first debate.

Many of Trump’s fans on the alt-right are making clear they absolutely won’t accept Hillary as president — and they’re urging one another to stock up on guns and ammo for the “race war” they think (hope?) will erupt is she wins. 

The latest example of this disturbing trend comes from Roosh V’s garbage site Return of Kings.

You may recall Michael Sebastian as the sensitive Return of Kings contributor who was driven to despair by the large number of people of color he encountered on the beach during his summer vacation this year. In a new post on that execrable web site, Sebastian urges his readers to prepare for the totalitarian nightmare that will descend upon America’s embattled white majority ” if the unthinkable happens and Hillary wins.”

And by “prepare,” he means: buy guns and set up”alternative communication platforms” so you can talk to other far-rightists who have also bought guns.

Because if Hillary wins, he ominously warns, it will mean the end of democracy in the US:

If Hillary wins the election, trying to change the country democratically will become impossible. Hillary promises to grant citizenship to the 12 million illegal Central American immigrants already in the US. She also promises to flood the country with more third world immigrants from Islamic countries. …

The only thing preventing the US from going full SJW is white men. Once white men lose their demographic advantage under Hillary, the US will permanently become a leftist state.

At that point, Sebastian sniffs, there will be no point in voting.

What that means for us is that it will not make further sense to pay attention to conventional politics or participate in the democratic process. But that doesn’t mean that we should be passive. We’ll just have to recognize that any positive change will have to come from more difficult, less appealing avenues. …

Don’t expect one huge collapse. Rather, expect a long series of small collapses followed by periods of stability as the government gradually becomes unable to manage the chaos it has unleashed. This will create opportunities for local action to fill the gaps that the crumbling system is unable to address.

Sebastian is careful not to say explicitly what this ” local action” might consist of. But he does have rather a lot to say about the necessity of arming oneself to the teeth.

“Hillary has repeatedly made it clear that she favors more stringent gun control.” Sebastian declares, and will likely stack the Supreme Court with anti-gun justices. She will also, he adds,

move to regulate firearms and ammunition. After all, if you can’t obtain ammo, your gun is useless. If Hillary gets in, stock up while supplies last.

Don’t these guys have enough ammo left over from when they stocked up in anticipation of Obama’s oft-predicted, never-realized “gun grab?”

Or from the time they talked about taking up arms in case The Donald were to be assassinated?

Sebastian also suggests that RoK readers find some far-right buddies in the neighborhood to “work out with, train with … socialize with” and just generally prepare for the apocalypse with. Just make sure they agree with you.  As Sebastian notes, you don’t really want “soy-eating, Hillary-supporting, transgender otherkin as part of your crew.”

While Sebastian stops short of explicitly saying ARM YOURSELF RACE WAR NOW, RoK’s commenters are a tad less subtle.

Some samples from the nearly 500 comments on Sebastian’s post thus far:

VaronosMinxaouzen • 10 hours ago In one word: start praying and get ready for: a race war, a civil war and a religious war. 16 • Reply•Share › Avatar Lusitano VaronosMinxaouzen • 9 hours ago Indeed. BLM niggers attacking white people with impunity, muslims being more and more demanding and aggressive, Christianity being more and more pushed aside from public life...The States are pivotal to a strong and proud Western Civilization. Lets hope and pray, Trump gets the victory.

Not every commenter was convinced that taking up arms would be a sensible way to fight back against potential future SJW dictator Hillary Clinton. But the gun-talkers had ready responses for those who suggested it might be a little less than wise for rag-tag posses of RoK readers to take on the US Army and its more formidable weaponry.

GhostOfJefferson ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ Rob Banks • 6 hours ago You're putting a lot of faith in "advanced weaponry". Let's examine that. Night vision - we have it too Thermal sights - we have it too Radio - yeah, got it Long range sniping - got that too (Baretts are legal) Machine guns - we have those Silencers - we have those Bombs - don't have, but they're not going to bomb anonymous places. Uniforms - they have them, we don't. Advantage ours Anti-thermal camo - we got that too

This same fellow had some thoughts on the specific types guns that might come in most handy.

GhostOfJefferson ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ Unabashed • 8 hours ago Muskets lose to single shot walled cartridge guns every single time too. Their applicability is quite limited. I can see a black powder revolver being helpful only in a situation where it was used to kill a dude who was toting a machine gun, and then only if you do it from behind before he sees you. If we get to that point though, the game is already lost.

Duly noted.

Others thought they might not even need guns if the only opposition they faced turned out to be nothing more than a gaggle of hipster dudes in skinny jeans.

Unabashed GhostOfJefferson ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ • 9 hours ago Right??? It gives me hope. If it's the real men fighting off a generation of hipsters, we're going to have a grand old time. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar lolknee✓ᴺᶦʰˡᶦˢᵗ Unabashed • 9 hours ago this is another one of those times I wish I could make cartoons. Set up a classic 19th century battle field with one side being skinny jeans wearing hipsters fag lisping "attack!!!!!" against an army of men.

Just a reminder: These hateful dodos all think of themselves as pretty much the only thing protecting civilization itself from being overrun by the barbarian hordes.

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8 years ago

“Stock up on guns, bring your friends/It’s fun to lose and to pretend…”

8 years ago

In one word: start praying and get ready for: a race war, a civil war and a religious war.

That’s 16 words. I guess Varonos slept through math class as well as civics class.

8 years ago

I thought Obama had already taken everyone’s guns and begun the 1000 year reign of non-whiteness…

8 years ago

If it’s the real men fighting off a generation of hipsters, we’re going to have a grand old time.

You want “the real men” to do the fighting? Great! Do you know any?

Sorry for the multiple posts, but this column provides an unusually rich harvest of bullshit.

Policy of Madness
Policy of Madness
8 years ago

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition? For real? That’s what they’ve got?

8 years ago

“They’re gonna take our guns away! Quick–let’s act like exactly the sort of people who should not have access to guns!”

8 years ago

THEY are the barbarian hordes. (Tried to use bold and messed up. I guess caps for emphasis are my speed, sigh.)

8 years ago

If Hillary wins the election, trying to change the country democratically will become impossible. Hillary promises to grant citizenship to the 12 million illegal Central American immigrants already in the US. She also promises to flood the country with more third world immigrants from Islamic countries. …

The only thing preventing the US from going full SJW is white men. Once white men lose their demographic advantage under Hillary, the US will permanently become a leftist state.

This… none of this makes sense. White men make up about 30% of the population of the USA, so if it’s “white men vs. everybody else” they’ve already lost their “demographic advantage”. Additionally, “12 million illegal immigrants” is about 10% of that (just over 3% of the total population), so that in itself wouldn’t even have that big of an impact on the total white dude ratio.

It’s impressive that they’ve managed to simultaneously overestimate and underestimate the number of white dudes in the country.

Also I thought that the Muslim immigrants wanted to establish Sharia law? Since when did they switch over to supporting a leftist state?

8 years ago

Return of Kings is about self-improvement! Roosh just teaches men how to be self-confident!! and etc.

8 years ago


Also I thought that the Muslim immigrants wanted to establish Sharia law? Since when did they switch over to supporting a leftist state?

I think the alt right either can’t tell the difference, or don’t consider it important. They divide the world into Stuff We Like and Stuff We Don’t Like, with little or no nuance.

8 years ago

you want “the real men” to do the fighting? Great! Do you know any?

comment image

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

Somebody please delete my above comment…I screwed up

ETA: Seems someone already did! Thank you!

(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
(((VioletBeauregarde))): Social Justice Necromancer
8 years ago

“Return of Kings” I wonder if these bozos realize that their God didn’t originally want any kings besides himself.

not Ian
not Ian
8 years ago

GhostOfJefferson’s “we have the same advanced weaponry as the U.S. military!” comment gets even better under the cut:

Drones – we don’t only have them, we’re the people making them

Satellites – yeah, we work in the companies that utilize them

Their little rebellion will have better access to drones and satellites that the U.S. government, because all the real men are in STEM!

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago
8 years ago

Hillary has repeatedly made it clear that she favors more stringent gun control.” Sebastian declares, and will likely stack the Supreme Court with anti-gun justices.

Ok, I’ll admit I’m not any kind of Civics expert, but I feel like these guys really do not get how U.S government works in the most basic sense. How could she even do this? We have ONE seat on the SCOTUS that she MIGHT fill. Otherwise, how many justices are going to die during her presidency, probably none, MAYBE one if she’s elected for 2 terms? Do they not understand that it is a lifetime appointment? This was likely intentional so that presidents cannot do what they are saying she is going to do? Am I missing something, or are these guys just idiots? Or both? I mean this is not advanced this is like High School social studies shit.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

Many of Trump’s fans on the alt-right are making clear they absolutely won’t accept Hillary as president — and they’re urging one another to stock up on guns and ammo for the “race war” they think (hope?) will erupt is she wins.

Obama’s election v2.

8 years ago

I want another Oregon Standoff
Feed me Seymour

Feed me their impotence caught on camera on live tv

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago

Justices resign, and they usually do so when a)they’re old and/or b)the new President is on their ‘side’ of the spectrum. Clinton replaces Scalia, but she also probably updates Breyer and Ginsburg. Maybe also Kennedy, but that’s a bit more fuzzy. That’s either a 5-4 or (dare I dream) 6-3 bench. Huge deal. They should be worried. Or, rather, they shouldn’t. You get what I mean…

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

I’m not sure if I should be relieved or scared that the right has decided to drop the pretense that their movement has anything to do with small government or liberty and is in fact based on the desire to maintain white male supremacy.

On the one hand, they’ve lost their plausible deniability and are increasingly marginalizing themselves. On the other hand, this means they feel backed into a corner and we can expect violence from far right groups to continue to rise. They’ll lose but they can still do very real harm in the process.

8 years ago

I’d give it a few months/years of one off small attacks from people confused as to why people who generally have their needs and comforts met don’t want to rebel with nazis?

8 years ago

Thank you Axe: That at least makes some sense. I mean, they are still idiots, but I guess their fear is somewhat reasonable? I forgot justices could resign by choice. I might need to go back to high school civics myself. 🙁
Leslie Knope would be so disappointed!

not Ian
not Ian
8 years ago

Note that replacing one left-leaning justice with another doesn’t actually make any immediate difference, though. It might deny a future Republican president the opportunity to replace them with a right-leaning one, but that only stabilizes the current balance of power rather than altering it.

Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
Axecalibur: Middle Name Danger
8 years ago


I might need to go back to high school civics myself

Don’t even worry about it. Wikipedia is high school for adults 🙂

8 years ago

but that only stabilizes the current balance of power rather than altering it.

but, but, LIE-beral, activist judges!!!11!!

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