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Donald Trump has been more than hinting for some time that he might not accept the election results if he loses, talking endlessly about a “rigged election” at his rallies and telling the New York Times that “we’re going to have to see” whether or not he’ll recognize Hillary Clinton as president if, as seems exceedingly likely, she wins — something he’d promised to do only a short time earlier in the first debate.
Many of Trump’s fans on the alt-right are making clear they absolutely won’t accept Hillary as president — and they’re urging one another to stock up on guns and ammo for the “race war” they think (hope?) will erupt is she wins.
The latest example of this disturbing trend comes from Roosh V’s garbage site Return of Kings.
You may recall Michael Sebastian as the sensitive Return of Kings contributor who was driven to despair by the large number of people of color he encountered on the beach during his summer vacation this year. In a new post on that execrable web site, Sebastian urges his readers to prepare for the totalitarian nightmare that will descend upon America’s embattled white majority ” if the unthinkable happens and Hillary wins.”
And by “prepare,” he means: buy guns and set up”alternative communication platforms” so you can talk to other far-rightists who have also bought guns.
Because if Hillary wins, he ominously warns, it will mean the end of democracy in the US:
If Hillary wins the election, trying to change the country democratically will become impossible. Hillary promises to grant citizenship to the 12 million illegal Central American immigrants already in the US. She also promises to flood the country with more third world immigrants from Islamic countries. …
The only thing preventing the US from going full SJW is white men. Once white men lose their demographic advantage under Hillary, the US will permanently become a leftist state.
At that point, Sebastian sniffs, there will be no point in voting.
What that means for us is that it will not make further sense to pay attention to conventional politics or participate in the democratic process. But that doesn’t mean that we should be passive. We’ll just have to recognize that any positive change will have to come from more difficult, less appealing avenues. …
Don’t expect one huge collapse. Rather, expect a long series of small collapses followed by periods of stability as the government gradually becomes unable to manage the chaos it has unleashed. This will create opportunities for local action to fill the gaps that the crumbling system is unable to address.
Sebastian is careful not to say explicitly what this ” local action” might consist of. But he does have rather a lot to say about the necessity of arming oneself to the teeth.
“Hillary has repeatedly made it clear that she favors more stringent gun control.” Sebastian declares, and will likely stack the Supreme Court with anti-gun justices. She will also, he adds,
move to regulate firearms and ammunition. After all, if you can’t obtain ammo, your gun is useless. If Hillary gets in, stock up while supplies last.
Don’t these guys have enough ammo left over from when they stocked up in anticipation of Obama’s oft-predicted, never-realized “gun grab?”
Or from the time they talked about taking up arms in case The Donald were to be assassinated?
Sebastian also suggests that RoK readers find some far-right buddies in the neighborhood to “work out with, train with … socialize with” and just generally prepare for the apocalypse with. Just make sure they agree with you. As Sebastian notes, you don’t really want “soy-eating, Hillary-supporting, transgender otherkin as part of your crew.”
While Sebastian stops short of explicitly saying ARM YOURSELF RACE WAR NOW, RoK’s commenters are a tad less subtle.
Some samples from the nearly 500 comments on Sebastian’s post thus far:
Not every commenter was convinced that taking up arms would be a sensible way to fight back against potential future SJW dictator Hillary Clinton. But the gun-talkers had ready responses for those who suggested it might be a little less than wise for rag-tag posses of RoK readers to take on the US Army and its more formidable weaponry.
This same fellow had some thoughts on the specific types guns that might come in most handy.
Duly noted.
Others thought they might not even need guns if the only opposition they faced turned out to be nothing more than a gaggle of hipster dudes in skinny jeans.
Just a reminder: These hateful dodos all think of themselves as pretty much the only thing protecting civilization itself from being overrun by the barbarian hordes.
Doesn’t that info-tank thing need a few more antennas on it? That’s just not quite enough.
The worst thing is that Hearts of Iron 4’s logistics system is actually less ambitious than that of the previous game. In HoI3, every division would trace its own supply route back to your capital, causing bottlenecks which are vulnerable to strategic bombers and submarines. It meant there was an effective upper limit on the number of troops in an area, and meant that poor-infrastructure areas are better for lightly-equipped units.
It was hideously buggy, almost pathologically unpredictable and horribly unintuitive, which may be why they ditched it for the fourth game.
@JS, you’d think so, until you realize that they put all of those antennas…..
onto a bigger antenna! For BONUS SNEAKIN
The Military: Puttin’ Things On Other Things
@maistrechat: That reminds me of the plot of the comic book series DMZ. There is a popular uprising in the west of the USA and as they push east National Guardmen desert and join them until they reach Manhattan, the titular DMZ between the armed forces and the rebels which is where the series is set. Actually it was a backstory which allows for the writer Brian Wood to explore the effects of things like the occupation of Iraq on a civilian populace and the involvement of NGOs in warzones and so on but placing it in a context (a US city) that will hit home for more people, rather than something he thought had any chance of really happening, but it does seem to be what these keyboard warriors will think happen.
@EJ, I dunno if I’d call that a worse thing or a better thing 😉 I like streamlining! It’s a game, it’s okay to use game’y systems. If any game taught us that, it’s Civ V. That’s basically a board game, with simulation systems replaced with game’y systems that are a simple first-approximation of reality. It turns out that players’ imaginations are perfectly good at filling those gaps!
I mean, tracing back to the capital? Why? Armies can draw resources form all over the place, from any friendly area that’s able to provide. HOI4 requires deployed armies to be supplied from friendly supply points that are capable of providing them, and must travel through ports and shipping areas and whatnot, which can be interdicted. The abstraction makes for a better game and is still pretty true to life. My opinion at least!
Probably coming in late, as usual, but the stories about unexploded ordnance and other badly-stored old explosives reminded me of this tidbit:
Back when (then not-yet a state) Israel was under the British mandate, the various underground guerilla groups would often make hidden weapon caches, called sliks. And what with them having to stay hidden from the enemy, you’d only have a few secret-keepers who knew were they were, under strict instructions not to reveal the location without a direct order.
So far, fairly standard, I presume.
Now, after the War of Independence in 1948, we got a state, and we got the IDF. No more need for guerillas, obviously! So, you would assume that all those weapon caches would be opened up, either so the brand new army could find a use for them or just, yaknow, so that they won’t remain stuck in the ground or in a wall for years. Right?
In some cases it was a case of disagreement with the state, and a “what if we ever need those again” thing.
In other cases, the guy who was supposed to give the direct order to the secret-keepers to open the cache had died in the war, and so they were like “Avrasha said not to tell anyone!” and kept the secret.
For decades. Seriously. There are, like, kibbutzes where it is known that there’s a slik somewhere, but nobody knows where (or some old guys do and refuse to say). There’ve been cases where a slik was dug up by accident. It’s just… it’s like those stories about soldiers who were hiding somewhere and never knew the war ended, except these guys did know and are (/were) just stubborn, and also with the addition of buried explosives.
*shakes head*
Regarding the Y’allQaida numbskulls…I’m reminded of a story from the Lord of the Rings movies. A special computer programme was written for CGI’ing battle scenes; the “soldiers” acted autonomously, but had to have certain behaviour parameters programmed in. In other words, the little CGI battle sprites had to be “trained”.
For the hell of it, the animators dropped a bunch of untrained sprites into a battle to see what would happen. The ones that weren’t slaughtered…ran away. I feel this would be analogous to most of the people preaching violent revolution against the state. The exceptions would likely be military vets using their state training.
These people regularly break the irony meter, don’t they?
I genuinely don’t know why this thread brings it to mind, but it does, so anyway…
I went on my own on holiday to Venice in November 2001 (I’m British, so not the longest journey ever, although I randomly decided to do it by train – whole other story). Apart from my very random two night stand (again, whole other story), I met a gang of retired Americans from Boston, and had a few drinks with them.
They were quite self-congratulatory about being brave enough to come to Europe after 9/11. I’m afraid I wasn’t terribly sympathetic and pointed out Europe hadn’t been attacked (I realise I should have said “yet”), and that maybe they were safer here. Given Venice has yet to be attacked (unlike my then home, London, or theirs, Boston), I’m not sure I was wrong.
I told them a story about the Queen Mother. They didn’t seem to know who that was (I’m guessing they’ve all since seen the King’s Speech and now know the QM is clearly Helena Bonham Carter), but they loved the story. During WWII, she sent her daughters out of London (as did the majority of London families; there was an organised mass evacuation of children – which makes the current UK attitude to unaccompanied refugee children quite embarrassing when you think about it for a second), but the royal couple stayed. The Blitz had a devastating effect on London’s working class areas (by definition, a bomb in a high density population area will be harder, but the East End was where the bombs were falling anyway), so when one fell on the Palace, her reported response “I now feel we can hold our head up high” won her many fans.
They hadn’t heard that story, and loved it. I think I now see why.
Sorry for the essay.
@ weatherwax
I think it was “Now we can look the East End in the face”
Related: I love that bit in the film The Queen where the Queen reports in that her land rover had broken down and it’s the prop shaft. When they ask if she’s sure she just responds “I was a mechanic remember”
There’s also a nice story about the real Queen when she was walking in Balmoral. A tourist who didn’t recognise her asked if she’d ever met the Queen. The Queen pointed to her security guard and said “I haven’t but he has”
There’s no need for a conspiracy theory, this is just flatout the demographics of the firearms industry. DNC canidate wins, prices shoot up 900% because everyone panicks and figures the Ban of DOOM (TM) is coming right now. You can go 2-3 YEARS where prices are so insanely volitile that nobody has nothing in stock.
Last time it happened you couldn’t find any popular caliber in stock for more than a few days at a time, it got cleaned out faster then the ammo companies could press them.
In short the MRA’s are right for once, but it has a lot more to do with with extreme market volitility and vertical demand curbs than Black Helicopters.
Of course, it’s all driven by the same paranoia either way. Even if you don’t belive in that rot you stock up anyway because when the drought hits you won’t be able to find your favorite caliber anywhere.
Something about that makes me think about libertarians and avoiding the subject of how buisness can affect society, and how the moral beliefs of people and groups can affect “free” markets. Enough libertarians to be noticible anyway.
Forget guns. Get a crossbow and a powerful slingshot. No background check, no worries about ammo. Rocks are free (steel nuts maybe better) and you can reuse arrows. No bang, no muzzle flash. With any luck, you will soon have a gun, too.
That’s a signal jammer/radio jammer? It looks nothing so much like a giant GPS surveying unit to me.
Apparently there’s a whole realm of “Saucers on Sticks” technology I was unaware of until this very moment.
It was all stolen by burglars visiting their homes one of these years. The burglars left notes saying:
“Your firearms and firearm supplies have been confiscated by President Obama’s Citizen Disarming Task Force. You have no right to appeal. Expression of dissent in public or to the authorities may result in you being further blacklisted as a troublesome individual.”
@ catalpa
Yeah, it’s very clever how it works. It can disrupt individual frequencies OR it can disrupt across whole bands except for select frequencies. But what’s particularly cool is that it can keep changing those selected frequencies and all the friendly communications equipment changes frequency in synch*.
And who do we have to thank for that technology? Our old friend Hedy Lammar. 🙂
(*that’s the theory anyway, there have been a few problems with that, but that’s not Hedy’s fault, it’s an engineering issue)
“In one word: start praying and get ready for: a race war, a civil war, and a religious war.”
Do I have to point out the obvious that that’s far more than one word?
> Alan Robertshaw
Camo fedora is their recognizable symbol, so they can pretend to be both class and badass.