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Red Pill film backer Mike Cernovich mocks MRAs as saddoes who need to hit the gym

The Men's Rights movement, according to Mike Cernovich
The Men’s Rights movement, according to Mike Cernovich

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Trouble in paradise! Just days before the opening of The Red Pill, the apparently quite awful Men’s Rights documentary, one of the film’s biggest backers is mocking Men’s Rights Activists as a bunch of sad men “who clearly need to improve their lives by going to the gym.”

Mike Cernovich, the notorious alt-right Trump superfan and steroid enthusiast, basically bought himself an associate producer credit on The Red Pill with a big donation. But he wants everyone to know that he’s no wimp, like the dudes interviewed in the film.

“When I joined The Red Pill as an Associate Producer, and agreed to match contributions up to $10,000, there was a mutiny among my readers,” he writes in a post on his blog.

How dare I fund a film by a woman? Clearly I went soft, becoming a white knight. (None who cried about me joining The Red Pill as an AP were making their own films.)

But despite the heroism he showed by shoveling money at the film, Cerno doesn’t have much sympathy for the sad men it depicts:

[T]hese sad faces are why I’m not an MRA (and why MRAs have disavowed me many times).

I have no tolerance for male weakness, and many MRAs are men who clearly need to improve their lives by going to the gym. My lack of compassion is rooted in a patriarchal view of traditional masculinity. When life hits you, hit harder.

While he likes the film, and says that he wishes MRAs “nothing but the best” in their struggles against the evils of gynocentrism, or whatever it is they’re fighting against, he reports that

The Red Pill is a reminder that the men’s rights movement isn’t for me. MRAs aren’t my audience and I’m not their voice.

In life you impose your will on reality, or you lose. That’s especially true for men. While MRAs seek to reform the system, my vision is for you to Unf*ck Your Mind.

It’s really kind of amazing that he managed to avoid the alt-right’s favorite c-word — cuck.

Cerno’s sentiments have not gone over well with some of the staffers at, and fans of, A Voice for Men, the Men’s Rights hate site at the center of the film, and they have swarmed the comments on Cerno’s blog to express their vociferous objections.

AVFM “Chief Public Relations Officer” Suzy McCarley launches an attack on all of those men who, in her view,

make juvenile pretenses of superiority, while digging ever deeper into their own pits of bitterness. They have given up all hope for anything, even for their own potential autonomy.

I wonder which does more to undermine the well being of the male half of the species – the smug traditional proponents of male disposabiliy, or the snarling dogs in the manger. And are either of them better in principle than feminists and gynocentrists?

A commenter named Bryan Scandrett, meanwhile, takes aim at “Mikes affected manliness,” declaring that

Mike seems happy to tread on the wounded man out of misguided ‘manliness’ and some belief in the unmanly weakness of the wounding. Weird.

He’s actually got a point — one that would be a lot stronger if the Men’s Rights movement actually did anything to help “wounded men” rather than exploiting their pain as an excuse to attack women and scapegoat feminists.

Cerno himself has moved on to attacking Alan Scherstuhl of the Village Voice, who gave the film a pretty scathing review yesterday, on the grounds that Scherstuhl, a professional film critic, “has never produced or directed a film people want to see.”

Wait, what? 

Add “film reviewing” to the long list of things that Mike Cernovich does not understand.

NOTE: Today’s Pledge Drive Capybara prefers terrible shark movies to terrible documentaries.

Looking forward to Sharknado 5: The Capybara-ing
Looking forward to Sharknado 5: The Capybara-ing
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snork maiden
8 years ago


true, but I still think a genuine look into the MRM would be interesting, from an anthropological point of view, rather than for the purposes of exposing them (which they do amply all by themselves).

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago

I can’t see this winning her any awards.

I’ll go one further: She’ll never find work as a serious documentarian again. I see Fox News punditry in her future and nothing else.

8 years ago


‘Also, does doing traditional, patriarchal masculinity include being bankrolled by your ex-wife’s alimony cheques?’

Is that true? Oh my God that would be too perfect.

Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
Scented Fucking Hard Chairs
8 years ago


Almost all the big-name MRAs are paid for by their exes, girlfriends, mothers and sisters. Juicebro, Elam, Roosh…

8 years ago

many MRAs are men who clearly need to improve their lives by going to the gym

Actually, they need to hit the library…Juicebro too. And this time, they need to head to the Women’s Studies section, so they can TRULY unfuck their minds. Because from where I sit, they ALL look like fuckheads.

8 years ago


Is there any practical difference between “impose your will on reality” and “live in a delusional bubble”?

None that I know of.

And I’m so sure that reality will just all roll over for some bozo’s “will”.

(she said, dripping snark all down her chin…)

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

It’s projection yet again. MRAs say women are goldigging parasites who refuse to do any actual work because they’re the parasites.

Please note that when I say parasite, I don’t mean it the way it’s usually meant. I’m not knocking people who are on unemployment or welfare. Nor am I knocking homemakers who do actual work in the home. I just mean specifically the type of people who take financial advantage of their partner and then act all self righteous in their “jobs” as online hatemongers.

8 years ago

Oh, I know. One of the most parasitic and abusive men I have ever known lived with his wife for 10 years and didn’t have a job. Not that there’s anything wrong with being a stay at home parent, but stay at home parents you know, they clean things and cook and care for children and stuff. This guy sat around on the internet all day and yelled at the kids and wife to clean up after HIM. For quite a lot of the time they were together her parents were paying for all or part of their rent because they couldn’t afford to have a stay at home parent of any kind, let alone a noncontributing, dead weight, alcoholic one. But the whole time she and her family were catering to him, he was whining loudly about how he was the patriarch of the family and how unjust it was that they were expecting so much of him when he was the MAN and he should decide how his family is run! Her mum’s a Women’s Studies professor, so that factored into a lot of his whining – the FEMINISTS have taught you to hate men that’s why you’re expecting me to work and care for my children and pull my weight.

A lot of those redpill dudes remind me of that guy in a powerful way. The utter and complete talent for self-delusion and the unshakeable sense of entitlement.

8 years ago


Yes, Cernovich has openly admitted that his alpha wealth is due to an alimony windfall he received from his much more successful ex-wife. Proving that at the end of every alt-right manosphere joke is an even more ridiculous and ironic punchline.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

But men receiving alimony isn’t “divorce rape.” It’s revenge for all the millenia of bonbon eating and goldigging committed by feeemaales!

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Social Justice Wario
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Social Justice Wario
8 years ago

In life you impose your will on reality, or you lose.

Well hell, I’m practically a master then. Gravity is all like “Collapse in a heap!” and I’m like “My Muscles are too strong for you! DO YOU EVEN LIFT, BRO?” Hell, I can even do philosophy! Existential dread is like “Hey, none of this is real.” and I get right up into its face and be all “COGITO ERGO FUCK YOU!” and then I punch existential dread right in the throat!

(For maximum enjoyment, please read this in the voice of Mister Torgue.)

8 years ago

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Social Justice Wario
October 5, 2016 at 4:19 pm

Teach me grand master of Reality Bending.

8 years ago

@Ktoryx – Please tell me she lost 190lbs the easy way…

From a forum I frequent – when dudes show up asking about how to get their partners to lose weight, the response is usually ‘This will help her lose SO MUCH dead weight…and it’s instant too!’

8 years ago

@Weird (not wired) Eddie

that’s a very decentered and objective way to look at it and im glad to see that around

8 years ago

why the heck are there “snarling dogs in the manger?”
this is an expression I’m not familiar with.

8 years ago

The dog in the manger doesn’t benefit from being there – it doesn’t eat the sort of food that’s served in mangers – but it’s being a grumpypants and refuses to get out and let the horses and oxen and so on have their supper. I’m not sure, in this context, which group is meant to be represented by the manger-dogs, but because an MRA said it, well, I’m sure it’s very sensible and it’s just my simple feminine brain that’s unable to comprehend it.

Edit: Wait, I just realised, the dog in the manger is the opposite of the fox and the horse. Damn fables have got us coming and going!

8 years ago

The hilarity that JuiceBro doesn’t think he represents MRAs or that MRAs are not is core audience is absolutely laughable. If he were in Hollywood, he would be blasted immediately for hating on a movie that he funded on such a large scale. And continued on with the irony in that article where he says “Why do Feminists always dismiss men’s problems” when he openly says “I have no tolerance for male weakness.”

A daily reminder that the Alt-Right/Manosphere is a self-destructive Ouroboros.

Schnookums Von Fancypants, Social Justice Wario
Schnookums Von Fancypants, Social Justice Wario
8 years ago

October 5, 2016 at 4:49 pm
Teach me grand master of Reality Bending.

These secrets can all be yours by mailing a SASE to:
Schnookums Von Fancypants is totally not going to scam you, INC (Google us!)

8 years ago

@Handsome Jack

Mike seems happy to tread on the wounded man out of misguided ‘manliness’ and some belief in the unmanly weakness of the wounding. Weird.

Five bucks this dude has called some man a “mangina” or “cuck” and doesn’t understand the irony of this statement.

I’m not gonna bet against that.

You just want my 5 bucks!

Ted Belmont
Ted Belmont
8 years ago

TIWIHL(Today I Wish I Hadn’t Learned): Mike Cernovich has tiny balls.

Handsome "Punkle Stan" Jack

TIWIHL(Today I Wish I Hadn’t Learned): Mike Cernovich has tiny balls.

I’m not gonna bet against that.

You just want my 5 bucks!

You say that like no one wouldn’t just want five bucks, for real.

8 years ago

In life you impose your will on reality, or you lose. That’s especially true for men.

Mike C., I assume you’ve seen Triumph of the Will?

As you know, it’s an amazing documentary. Your friend Adolf is quite a gasbag.

Anyway, long story short — you do know what happened to Adolf, right? Yeah, suicide. After he ravaged lots of countries. He could dish out Nazism but couldn’t take the world’s justice.

He imposed his will on the world. Then he lost, big time.

That’s why you haven’t seen him around lately.

8 years ago

Agree 100% with Jackie.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago

Weirwoodtreehugger-Agreed! According to them, it is only ‘divorce rape’ when it is the man who has to make alimony payments. The double standards these men have are ridiculous.

MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
MissEB47 (Resident Rainbow Lorikeet and Beak Typist)
8 years ago

Ktoryx-That’s awful! That makes me so mad! ? I hope his wife divorced his useless arse.

Rick-that doesn’t surprise me at all.