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Trouble in paradise! Just days before the opening of The Red Pill, the apparently quite awful Men’s Rights documentary, one of the film’s biggest backers is mocking Men’s Rights Activists as a bunch of sad men “who clearly need to improve their lives by going to the gym.”
Mike Cernovich, the notorious alt-right Trump superfan and steroid enthusiast, basically bought himself an associate producer credit on The Red Pill with a big donation. But he wants everyone to know that he’s no wimp, like the dudes interviewed in the film.
“When I joined The Red Pill as an Associate Producer, and agreed to match contributions up to $10,000, there was a mutiny among my readers,” he writes in a post on his blog.
How dare I fund a film by a woman? Clearly I went soft, becoming a white knight. (None who cried about me joining The Red Pill as an AP were making their own films.)
But despite the heroism he showed by shoveling money at the film, Cerno doesn’t have much sympathy for the sad men it depicts:
[T]hese sad faces are why I’m not an MRA (and why MRAs have disavowed me many times).
I have no tolerance for male weakness, and many MRAs are men who clearly need to improve their lives by going to the gym. My lack of compassion is rooted in a patriarchal view of traditional masculinity. When life hits you, hit harder.
While he likes the film, and says that he wishes MRAs “nothing but the best” in their struggles against the evils of gynocentrism, or whatever it is they’re fighting against, he reports that
The Red Pill is a reminder that the men’s rights movement isn’t for me. MRAs aren’t my audience and I’m not their voice.
In life you impose your will on reality, or you lose. That’s especially true for men. While MRAs seek to reform the system, my vision is for you to Unf*ck Your Mind.
It’s really kind of amazing that he managed to avoid the alt-right’s favorite c-word — cuck.
Cerno’s sentiments have not gone over well with some of the staffers at, and fans of, A Voice for Men, the Men’s Rights hate site at the center of the film, and they have swarmed the comments on Cerno’s blog to express their vociferous objections.
AVFM “Chief Public Relations Officer” Suzy McCarley launches an attack on all of those men who, in her view,
make juvenile pretenses of superiority, while digging ever deeper into their own pits of bitterness. They have given up all hope for anything, even for their own potential autonomy.
I wonder which does more to undermine the well being of the male half of the species – the smug traditional proponents of male disposabiliy, or the snarling dogs in the manger. And are either of them better in principle than feminists and gynocentrists?
A commenter named Bryan Scandrett, meanwhile, takes aim at “Mikes affected manliness,” declaring that
Mike seems happy to tread on the wounded man out of misguided ‘manliness’ and some belief in the unmanly weakness of the wounding. Weird.
He’s actually got a point — one that would be a lot stronger if the Men’s Rights movement actually did anything to help “wounded men” rather than exploiting their pain as an excuse to attack women and scapegoat feminists.
Cerno himself has moved on to attacking Alan Scherstuhl of the Village Voice, who gave the film a pretty scathing review yesterday, on the grounds that Scherstuhl, a professional film critic, “has never produced or directed a film people want to see.”
Wait, what?
Add “film reviewing” to the long list of things that Mike Cernovich does not understand.
NOTE: Today’s Pledge Drive Capybara prefers terrible shark movies to terrible documentaries.

@Joekster-betas bearded, sheeple shamed, dragons derailed. Reasonable rates.
This was all really fascinating to read (I’m a medical chick, been into Anatomy since I was 6 years old). I hope your info will be helpful to Dalilama’s friend.
@Miss A: You reminded me of something awesome that happened at work today.
We’re currently selling Halloween stuff now, and an elderly couple came in and purchased a life-sized poseable skeleton.
They told me that they were purchasing it for their five-year-old grandson, who is super into anatomy and medical science. They also told me a story of him sitting down and explaining to someone in a pharmacy about how your heart isn’t shaped like <3
It was so adorable, and then I ruined it with a dad joke.
"Why are skeletons always grinning? Because they find everything to be so humerus.”
They both groaned and rolled their eyes. I was just waiting to use that joke on someone, and I’m glad Mr. Bonejangles (who I named because I had to stand at the register and stare at him for seven and a half hours a day, so I might as well) now has a loving new home with a wonderfully curious child.
@Miss A: Thanks 🙂
@PI: That’s a great story. It warms my limbic system to hear about kids into geeky stuff like human anatomy.
Incidentally, does anyone know where the heart shape comes from? because the kid was right: the human heart looks nothing like it.
1) Is Cerno trying to be Flex Mentallo or what? If he starts ranting about the color green, do let us know.
2) I’ve seen suggestions that the heart shape is sorta upside down butt.
I have heard rumours that the heart shape comes from roman coins. The coins have a fruit embossed on them that both looked like a scrotum and was hugely popular as a birth control method. Inverted, the coins look like our current heart shape.
The romans also had two words they liked using in place of love, amos and eros, the birth control fruit could have easily been a symbol of one, and as time goes on, symbols and meanings evolve.
You guys are the bomb!
That cartoon was a Charles Atlas add, about 60 years old.
The add title – THE INSULT THAT MADE A MAN OUT OF “MAC” language has changed a little over the decades 🙂
Deregulating the medical field can allow much quicker change. Hopefully Trump will allow this if the opportunity presents, transhumanismist and futurist are speculating a likely future, humans will in fact have superpowers. America can be a leader in this new prosperity too.
@ joe
I think if Trump is elected the medical field will consist of wandering bands of survivors looting burned out pharmacies for bandages.
That’s a form of deregulation I suppose.
@Joe: yeah, I gotta say, looking at it from the trenches, as it were, the primary limitations on what I can do for my patients are placed by private insurance companies and HMOs. In order to increase profits.
I’m sorry, but capitalism does not work in medicine. Capitalism only works when the consumers are able to make informed and free decisions, and not only is the US public horribly medically illiterate, but nobody in pain is in a position to make free choices. It just doesn’t work. Sorry.
Capitalism as a system sounds fine on paper until you realize two major, fundamental flaws:
1.) Capitalism is based on the idea that competition will produce better results- lower prices, higher quality, etc.- in a sort of evolution based Darwinian system of commerce.
People want to buy the cheapest product at the highest quality, so producers diversify to meet those needs- a cheap but low-end product for poor needs and bulk needs, a high quality but expensive product for the wealthy and high endurance need customers, etc.
The worst possible result for capitalism is a monopoly where the system chokes out competition by having one person dominate so badly that no one can compete. Thus, this one group, free of the singular constraint of capitalism (i.e. the competition) will then get lazy and produce bad quality goods for too much.
2.) Monopolies are capitalism’s natural result. A capitalist in the system wants to beat everyone else and get more of the pie- and it’s so much easier to do that as a monopoly. It’s also easy to go around to your competition and just MAKE A DEAL with them; unlike in normal evolution, this isn’t a blind process, but a directed one, and human choice is powerful. A monopoly is safer for a capitalist, and the capitalist’s only concern is the safety of their bottom line- so even if it’s worse for the system as a whole, it’s BETTER for the individual capitalist actor, and so they’ll go for it.
It’s not just medicine that capitalism doesn’t work with. Pure capitalism is untenable, though variant systems may have value.
@ M. Hungry: I suppose I automatically think of ‘capitalism’ as ‘capitalism with anti-trust laws’. I realize that’s not pure capitalism, as you said, but it’s what I grew up with. At some level, there always needs to be some way to prevent big people from taking advantage of the little people.
Maybe the problem with how capitalism is applied to US medicine is that the only real checks on it here are handled via malpractice and the insurance companies? I think it’s more than that, though.