
Migraine Vacation

Ow My Head
Ow My Head

Sorry about the dearth of posts over the last couple of days! I’ve been on a Migraine Vacation. Alas, this is not a vacation FROM migraines; it is, rather, a perverse sort of anti-vacation vacation in which instead of lying on a beach with a nice big lemonade you lie on the couch with a constant low-grade migraine.

I’m ok; I just get go through these from time to time. I’ve had issues with chronic migraines for years. The meds I take control them somewhat but don’t keep them from recurring, and I go through stretches where they’re pretty much unending — not full-blown stab-in-your-eye-socket migraines but migraines still powerful enough that they’re impossible to control with over-the-counter pain meds. Not the end of the world, but it’s hard to get much work done.

I will do my best to get some short posts out though. And hopefully this will ease up a bit sometime in the near future.

Thanks for your patience, and giant thanks to all those who have been donating during this pledge drive! More on that in a bit.

If you haven’t donated yet, here’s that magic button again!

Thanks again!


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8 years ago


Weirdly, I’ve found that I can usually head off a migraine by listening to certain types of music at window-rattling volume.

That’s terrific!

What kind of music? Inquiring minds need to know.

8 years ago

I recommend anyone suffering from migraines to definitively rule out sinusitis because I suffered for years and never met a doctor who made the connection even though the symptoms are often identical.

The strongest migraine meds did nothing for me but now I treat them with decongestants and sometime Vicks Vaporub under the nose. Obviously I’m not saying this is the case for everyone but I genuinely hope this might help someone

8 years ago

yuck, I used to get regular migraines, until I got pregnant. I was migraine free for years and now they’ve returned but not anywhere near the frequency or intensity that I used to get them.

Of course, your mileage may vary and this remedy might not work for you.

occasional reader
occasional reader
8 years ago


Have a good recovery, David.

Have a nice day.

Paradoxical Intention - Resident Cheeseburger Slut

This is the wonderful time of year where I can no longer breathe through my nose.


Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
8 years ago

Every morning I get a propaganda video from my vegan SO. As it happens today’s had a capybara in it. Enjoy (in all fairness it is a pretty cute video).

8 years ago

I can’t decide whether the bunny in the paper roll-thingy is ok with being stuffed in there or trying to set the photographer on fire with its mind. Bunny-friend seems to think the room smells weird and is sad about the photographer’s future of being on fire.

8 years ago

Sorry to hear about your migraines. Hope you feel better soon Dave.

8 years ago

Speedy recovery, David!

I get mine once per month, yes, linked to That Ghastly Thing… oh who am I kidding, my period. I just came off a week-long low-grade one which irritated the crap out of me, especially when the kittens thought that they were helping but actually making it way worse.

My migraine fix: ibuprofen (strong enough) + caffeine overload (usually achieved with an energy drink or three) + LOADS OF SPICYHOT CHILI. That latter part needs some careful consideration, because absolutely last thing you want to do is to hork up chili while having a migraine. But it does help a lot.

8 years ago

I know that they weren’t necessarily for me, but thanks for all the cute animals! I need them, today.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
8 years ago

Hope you feel better soon, David!

8 years ago

I hope the headaches go away soon, David. Get plenty of rest.

Joekster-betas bearded, sheeple shamed, dragons derailed. Reasonable rates.
Joekster-betas bearded, sheeple shamed, dragons derailed. Reasonable rates.
8 years ago

Good luck David. Migraines suck.

8 years ago

Feel better soon!

8 years ago

I had a migraine once. (it wasn’t fun). so I can relate to what you’re going through, David. Hope you feel better soon.

8 years ago

I’m so sorry you’re not feeling well, David. I have never had a migraine but I know enough people who suffer from them to realize I’m very very lucky.

I hope you have a very rapid recovery and that the kitties are helping you heal.

varalys the dark
8 years ago

Ouch, sorry to hear it, get well soon David.

I’ve never had a migraine and maybe get about one headache a year, but my first girlfriend used to suffer from real, lie in a darkened room, throwing up from pain, ones. So I’ve always been sensitive to how bad they are when I hear others having one. Oddly she was very short sighted and when she had laser eye surgery and didn’t need contacts anymore, her migraines stopped.

Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
Makroth - Agent of the Great Degeneracy
8 years ago

Just got this on Twitter and i must share it:

Source: PuppyBF

8 years ago

I have loved capybara for as many decades as I have been alive. The thing I love most about them is that they always look so *dignified*. They always look as though they should be wearing a monocle. It’s brilliant to know that all other animals seem to love them too.

David, you hardly need me to tell you that any kind of chronic pain or pain-causing condition sucks or that I hope you’ve managed to rid yourself of the effects for the time being. My wife suffers from chronic migraine too. The prophylactics are of dubious worth for her but she has self-administered injections of a drug called (here in the UK) imigran (a triptan) which cause her to sleep for a few hours and wake up a bit weak and shakey but almost always without a migraine.

I’ve no idea whether you have access to those drugs or whether they’d help you, but they are very effective indeed with Mrs Latsot and absolutely nothing else she’s tried is. I’m sure you know all this, I’m just mentioning it because these drugs (in their injected form) changed her life very much for the better.

8 years ago

I hope this works
Purring Kittens

Feel better soon, David!

Edit: Woo! It worked!

8 years ago

Feel better soon, David.

Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary
8 years ago

Have you see this one? It’s funny how capybaras seem to be really friendly and get on with other animals. They really are big guinea pigs. Do they squeak?

comment image

Feel better soon 🙂

8 years ago

Get well soon David and I hope the feline overlords are giving you plenty of soothing cuddles and head massages.