alt-right entitled babies heartiste literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever post contains sarcasm racism trump

Alt Right goes Alt Banksy with amazing(ly dumb) Adidas meme

Alt-right "street artists" will never match the brilliance of this bit of graffiti
Alt-right “street artists” will never match the brilliance of this bit of graffiti

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The Alt-Right has a new plan to take over the culture … by appropriating the “corporate symbols of the left” and — get this! — subverting them. And then, like, pasting them on buildings and stuff. Because no one has ever thought of THAT before! 

In a recent blog post, the pickup-artist-turned-white-supremacist-Trump-superfan “Heartiste” proudly posts a photo of one such subversion: street posters that have transformed the Apple logo, “an iconic image of globohomo shitlibbery,” into “a pro-Trumpening war banner” by turning the standard bite from the apple into a Trump silhouette.

Aw, it’s cute — they think they’re Banksy!

Heartiste then posts his own contribution to the “existential war for the soul of Western Man.”

Er, what?
Er, what?

If you’ve ever wondered if it was possible to screw up in Photoshop if all you’re doing is posting words onto a plain white background, it turns out the answer is “yes.”

Here’s a slightly more clever use of the Adidas brand:

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Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
8 years ago

This is a level of sophisticated wit that has not been seen since Wacky Packs.

I’ll be disappointed if Heartiste doesn’t attempt a Cucka Cola logo.

I Blame Myself
I Blame Myself
8 years ago

This has nothing to do with anything, but I feel compelled to post this video here.
Please, forgive me.


A. Noyd
A. Noyd
8 years ago

numerobis says:

Not the same font, and the kerning is awful.

But wouldn’t it undermine the message to have the letters, y’know, sharing space?

Dan Kasteray
Dan Kasteray
8 years ago

These idiots are further behind the times than my grandfather. He’s only stuck in the 1970s, they’re stuck in the 1870s.

And bootlegging soulless corporate art is the height of creativity these jackasses can come up with?

8 years ago

The Adidas one reminded me of the old XKCD cartoon about kerning

dust bunny
dust bunny
8 years ago

re: racist sexist assholery correlating with shitty art/humor/design skills and poor ability to appreciate them too

Being so clueless about the subtler aspects of being human kinda somehow makes these guys’ evil a little bit easier to accept. I mean, not really, but if I imagine someone with a solid grasp of emotions and reading and producing subtext who still shares their beliefs, that’s just too scary to contemplate. At least things aren’t quite that bad.

It also gives me a little hope, that if this humanness stuff could be properly explained and taught to them, that would fix their evil too. That it’s all just a big misunderstanding. That’s probably not true, and they’d just learn more refined and effective ways of being evil. But I still feel a bit better for having thought about it.

Edit: “corporate symbols of the left” – I haven’t laughed this hard all week.

8 years ago

Cucka Cola is FAR too clever for these idiots.

8 years ago

For a split second, I thought Heartiste’s Adidas parody portrayed a marijuana leaf…

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Hah! I hadn’t thought of that song in years, but this blog post triggered my memory. I was gonna post it in the comments, but you got there first.

8 years ago

Ezra Pound wasn’t badly treated by the US justice system, he was very lucky not to be executed for treason, which he certainly would have been had he been say British. As it was he got off very lightly. (I oppose the death penalty, but those were the standards of the time.)

Joekster-betas bearded, sheeple shamed, dragons derailed. Reasonable rates.
Joekster-betas bearded, sheeple shamed, dragons derailed. Reasonable rates.
8 years ago

maybe someone should appropriate Donald Trump to make the alt-right look bad.


Trumps already doing that by himself.

8 years ago

Confession: even years after leaving graf behind, I still find Bill Stickers/Bill Posters jokes hilarious.

8 years ago

Oddly enough I still read “heartiste” as “heartsite”.

I think that he would be so much happier and so much less fascist if he just found a decent girlfriend. Poor dude…

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

Lots of racists and misogynists have wives or girlfriends though. Plus, statements like that kind of imply that it’s the responsibility of women to love and/or fuck asshole men so that they don’t hurt people.

Bill Stickers
Bill Stickers
8 years ago

@ Judas Peckerwood

nazis, racists and other hateful turds simply cannot grasp the basics of either art or humor

I mean… sort of. I wish this were more true, but the rich tradition of misogyny and racism in the arts makes me think otherwise. Ezra Pound keeps coming up, but we also have Bukowski and Ginsberg, Jerry Seinfeld and Woody Allen, HP Lovecraft, Jim Goad.

NiOg, Adorator Culorum Actus Lesbiis
NiOg, Adorator Culorum Actus Lesbiis
8 years ago

I think that he would be so much happier and so much less fascist if he just found a decent girlfriend. Poor dude…

Pol: No. *thwaps with newspaper*

Humans aren’t currency. You cannot buy, sell, or award them to others and if you do so it’s called human trafficking. Humans are not bribes, rewards or sops. You do not ‘get’ them for being good, nor will acquiring one magically ‘cure’ anyone of their own shitty behaviour, a thing they are solely responsible for.

Also, why would you throw a ‘decent’ human being, girl or otherwise, under the bus like that by awarding them to someone so repugnant?

Lastly: No. *thwaps*

(beaten to the punch by WWTH, far more succinctly)

8 years ago


Read my mind.


….I think we’ve been over this several times. Well, not specifically involving me, but I’ve seen the topic covered in the comments over and over again.

re: the article

This doesn’t even deserve a “you tried” sticker.

8 years ago

Oh geez. I really gotta change my name from Pol to something else. Almost anything else actually. Otherwise people will jump to conclusions and judge me for my good looks…

I mean, how did my comment draw this response from you guys? I thought that I was being truthful. And to be honest, nice.

weirwoodtreehugger: communist bonobo

It’d be a problematic statement coming from anyone and would’ve got the same reaction.

I’m not saying you had ill intent, but maybe instead of getting defensive or changing your name, you should look at the reasons people were uncomfortable with your post and reflect on it.

8 years ago


Correction too late: it’s what the article showcases that doesn’t deserve the sticker. The article itself is fine.


It’s not that this brand of people “need a girlfriend.” They need to learn to think and act like a reasonable human, instead of thinking that they are entitled to a woman, and that having a woman on their arm/in their bed is some sort of status symbol, and a notch on their belt. You’re perpetuating their own excuse that if only a woman were to actually stay with them, they’d be a decent person; when in reality, their lack of being a decent person is driving people of all genders away.

It’s silly. It’s childish. And it’s certainly not helping anything worth helping.

8 years ago

It was a tounge in cheek comment from me. Mostly.

Although maybe if heartiste actually had a true loving partner he wouldn’t be like he is.

If indeed he is a “he”…

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago


Sure. Keep digging.

8 years ago


>>>claims “Just Joking” Justification
>>>repeats same sentiment in slightly different wording

Yeah, you’re really proving that you’re posting in good faith here.

And whether Heartiste is male, female, non-binary, agender, or identifying anywhere else on the spectra of gender, using alleged “strategies” that amount to date rape still makes him a bad person. Gender doesn’t matter.

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Build That Wall-Mart
General Mot-Whores

Nah. This is difficult. :/

Imaginary Petal
Imaginary Petal
8 years ago

Heartiste can’t have a true, loving partner precisely because he is the way he is.