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The Alt-Right has a new plan to take over the culture … by appropriating the “corporate symbols of the left” and — get this! — subverting them. And then, like, pasting them on buildings and stuff. Because no one has ever thought of THAT before!
In a recent blog post, the pickup-artist-turned-white-supremacist-Trump-superfan “Heartiste” proudly posts a photo of one such subversion: street posters that have transformed the Apple logo, “an iconic image of globohomo shitlibbery,” into “a pro-Trumpening war banner” by turning the standard bite from the apple into a Trump silhouette.
Aw, it’s cute — they think they’re Banksy!
Heartiste then posts his own contribution to the “existential war for the soul of Western Man.”

If you’ve ever wondered if it was possible to screw up in Photoshop if all you’re doing is posting words onto a plain white background, it turns out the answer is “yes.”
Here’s a slightly more clever use of the Adidas brand:
@ Diptych
This was my take as well, though I’m pretty sure I’m biased as a Finnish-speaking Finn.
Over the years I’ve studied and worked in English-speaking (and Swedish) environments, and I never get used to people using gendered pronouns when referring to me. A non-gendered alternative helps, but it still makes me feel weird.
I guess I’m just so used to “hän” and “se” being used for everyone that even when someone speaking in another language chooses to refer to me with a gender-neutral pronoun, they’re still actively putting me into a box or something, if that makes any sense.
> Viscaria, History Nerd, Scildfreja Unnýðnes
Oh, ok, thank you for the explanation. It makes sense.
Ah, after all, it will not be the first time Nazis steal symbols rather than create them, the Small Mustachio had already done that with a Buddhist symbol.
> Scildfreja Unnýðnes
“elf-wife” : oh, pointy ears to nibble, yummy !
(Sorry, sometimes the fantasy take over.)
> Catalpa :
Not to forget the “usted” “ustedes” in Spanish.
Anyway, indeed, the realization that sometimes gender is undesired in a sentence hits the wall in France, where langage is pretty descriptive. The only neutral pronoun remains “on”, which is a bit of catchall pronoun : it can be used in place of any other pronoun, regardless of genders and quantities. But “on” is seen as a bit to “vulgar”, to be used only by the “common people”.
As some commenters have said it before, there are attempts to create more neutral pronouns like “el” or “ille” or “iel” or even “ol”, which can be used by or for persons who do not have or do not want to have their gender clearly specified. A neutral pronoun could also be good to designate all the non sentient things, as currently French attributes a gender to anything, even things which can do without. The only weak point i can see on this is that it can be a factor of discrimination, as long as the gendered pronouns are still used.
@The plural “you” discussion: “Y’all” is usually what I hear around here.
Just sayin’. It’s a word.
If I had a magic wish I would wish for English third-person pronouns to be replaced by Finnish non-gendered ones. Linguistic drift is going in the “they” direction, which I still struggle with after encountering it as the “neutral singular third-person” pronoun for my entire life. When I was a child, I tried for a period of time to get “he” and “she” replaced with a simple “‘e”, but that didn’t work out on account of me being a child. Also no clearcut replacement for his/her presented itself (“han” would work fine for this, with the umlaut lost because the English language has long since decided that it knows better than diacritical marks).
As a cis aro person, my opinion is not the most important in these matters, but I did grow up objecting to the male-as-default concept from a pretty early age, and am still having trouble accepting the “they” solution.
Banksy? These jerks aren’t even
Au contraire. It is y’all. And the super-plural of y’all is all y’all. Y’all has a possessive: it is y’all’s, as in, “What are y’all’s hours?” when you call a business.
The radical conception of power was first outlined in Power: a Radical View by Steven Lukes. But you should start first with the mobilization of bias, which was first described by Bachrach and Baratz in 1962 in an article called “The Two Faces of Power.” I’ve seen this scanned online in a few places. It’s pretty accessible to a new reader. For Steven Lukes’ book, I recommend the library (or an interlibrary loan) rather than buying it.
Foucault … is not accessible to new readers. He was a professional philosopher and not writing for newbies. If you want to go to the primary source with him, you will need to be prepared to spend a lot (a LOT) of time with him, and for a bunch of what he says to go over your head. A non-trivial amount of time, he’s talking directly to other philosophers, especially Nietzsche and Marx, and if you aren’t familiar with what Nietzsche and Marx had to say, you won’t really get much out of that.
He was French and wrote in French, so I read translations. If you want to give it a shot and you read in English, I would recommend Power/Knowledge and Other Writings edited by Colin Gordon. Bring a notebook.
If you don’t want to go there (and I wouldn’t blame you) there is an okay overview of Foucault’s conception of power written by Peter Digeser. It’s called “The Fourth Face of Power” published in The Journal of Politics. I’ve also seen this scanned online occasionally. It’s pretty dense but it’s much less dense than Foucault himself. If you get a copy of this article, it references a ton of other resources on Foucault in the footnotes on the first page.
Good luck!
@PoM: Thanks. I bookmarked this page, so I can get to reading after November.
Similar, but not the same. In French, for example, the second person formal is the same as the second person plural (vous). In German, though, the second person formal is the same as the third person plural. So if you’re talking to one person you know, you use ‘du’ (you). If you’re talking to multiple people you know, you use ‘ihr’ (y’all). If you’re talking to one person formally, though, you use ‘Sie’ (They; and yes, the capitalization is required).
Not exactly on-topic for this thread but since it sounds like new posts may be delayed for a few days due to the Migrane so I thought it worth mentioning that The Village Voice has posted a review of “The Red Pill” documentary and it sounds pretty much EXACTLY what was expected.
Article also include a nice little Hat-Tip to this David and this place for their work keeping an eye on the bile from Elam et al.
Oh and it appears from the comments the MRAs have found the article….
Kinda tangential to this idea is the whole who is a “real American” thing. It’s always implied that rural/small town people are somehow better than those who live in urban areas. As someone who was actually born and raised on a farm and still lives in a very rural part of the country, it pisses me off that I’m used as an example of a “real” American. My ideas and needs are no more important than someone who lives in New York City. Of course, the whole rural/urban is pretty much just code for white/black.
Thank you for that, PoM. I’m going to look those up.
Thanks. That was a fun read. This is my favorite part
This is a pressing men’s rights issue? Having a fat son? I knew that feminists were conspiring to make young women fat so that we won’t lose the men we hate so much to them. I didn’t realize that we were supposed to be conspiring to make boys fat too. I’m not sure how that mission squares with our mission to ride alpha cock carousel though.
It also amuses me that half the movie seems to be footage of herself driving or doing Google searches. Sounds riveting!
And the MRA comments are pretty hilarious. Although they mostly come from some fellow named Gary Costanza
Since MRAs think that paying alimony or child support or not having primary custody of the kids after a divorce is the male equivalent of rape, then wouldn’t this be kind of like a feminist telling another woman she hopes she gets raped? Not only do MRAs fail at being a social justice movement as a social justice movement would be commonly defined, they fail at being a social justice movement by their own definition!
Apparently MRAs don’t understand the concept of the press getting to see screenings of movies before they’re released to the general public so they can write reviews that coincide with the release date. Has Gary ever read anything that isn’t MRA blogs?
I’m sure Gary would be equally aghast at Ghostbusters being downvoted on sites like IMDb before it was ever released as well, right?
@The plural “you” discussion: “Y’all” is usually what I hear around here.
Just sayin’. It’s a word.
Californian, and I use ‘you all’ in the same sense. “Are you all coming over?”
You is plural. The singular form is “thou”, obviously.
@ Joekster & EJ
You’re welcome! I also spent like 50 hours talking about power while playing Baldur’s Gate II on youtube. It feels weird to say that, but it’s a true thing that happened.
The plural “you” in my local dialect is “you guys,” but that runs into the same gender issue as Occasional Reader was talking about with “ils” et “elles.” It’s worse, actually, because even if you have a group of all women and girls, it’s still “you guys.” To combat that, I try to modify it online to “you folks” or “you all” or just the bare, sad, unadorned “you.”
Spontaneous speech is hard to change, though, so I still use “you guys” in my day to day life. Almost everyone I know irl speaks the same dialect, so it goes unremarked upon.
My edit window ran out, but @Scildfreja, if you’re around, it would be interesting if you were to either corroborate that, or tell me I’m full of shit XD. Just because we’re from the same neck of the woods.
Oh, this is so special.
Only in America. In Japan, the singular “you” is “Doki Doki Panic”.