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With Donald Trump flailing in the wake of his disastrous debate performance Monday, his Alt-Right superfans are turning on each other.
Hitlerphile Andrew Anglin of the Daily Stormer has launched what’s he’s calling “a Holy Crusade” against the most famous fanboy of the Alt-Right, Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos, whom Anglin considers a “kike infiltrator and co-opter” of the Alt-Right and “the single greatest threat our movement has at this time.”
Milo is half-Jewish, you see.
Anglin’s “Final Solution to the Milo Problem,” as he so charmingly puts it, involves sending The Daily Stormer’s real-world troll army, such as it is, to confront Milo at his public appearances on college campuses. He’s also urging all true Alt-Rightists to boycott Breitbart unless it fires Milo (which is not going to happen).
The aim of the boycott is to deprive Breitbart of the “significant portion of their traffic” that comes from Alt-Rightists. The aim of the campus confrontations is to put Milo on the defensive by asking him questions he’d rather not answer. And, not incidentally, to scare the hell out of him.
“He will … be in a state of constant fear when he knows that real Nazis are going to show-up at every show and confront him,” Anglin wrote. “[T]here is nowhere to run.”
While Milo himself has yet to publicly respond to Anglin’s “crusade,” as far as I know, everybody’s favorite racist fantasy author Theodore “Vox Day” Beale has launched a counterattack of sorts, denouncing Anglin and his allies as #AltRetards, a teensy tiny group of confused malcontents who are no more than “the flea on the tip of the tail” of the true Alt Right.
“Neither Milo nor I,” Beale writes in a post on his Vox Popoli blog today,
want anything to do with them, their finger-painting, or their swastika panties. The Alt-Retard is the idiot branch of the Alt-White, which unfortunately does make them part of the Alt-Right despite their ideological incoherency, but then, every village needs its idiot.
As best as I can tell from Beale’s post today, his master plan to defeat the “Alt Retards” is … to call them “Alt Retards.”
“They want to babble about branding,” he declares, “well, they’ve just been branded.”
The enmity between Milo and the Daily Stormer isn’t new. Milo fired the first shot in the war in March when he and fellow Breitbarter Allum Bokhari wrote a 5000 word apologia for the Alt Right that, as I put it at the time, “celebrated the can-do spirit of the proudly racist and anti-Semitic alt-right and tried … to pretend that the virulently racist movement’s virulent racism was all a big goof.” All those angry dudes endlessly shitposting about “kebabs” and “dindus?” Just lovable scamps trying to get a rise out of the world’s grouchy Guses.
Just as the kids of the 60s shocked their parents with promiscuity, long hair and rock’n’roll, so too do the alt-right’s young meme brigades shock older generations with outrageous caricatures, from the Jewish “Shlomo Shekelburg” to “Remove Kebab,” an internet in-joke about the Bosnian genocide. …
Are they actually bigots? No more than death metal devotees in the 80s were actually Satanists. For them, it’s simply a means to fluster their grandparents.
Oh sure, the two admitted, there are some real Nazis in the Alt Right, but
there’s just not very many of them, no-one really likes them, and they’re unlikely to achieve anything significant in the alt-right.
To Anglin, them’s fightin’ words. He replied with a blunt tirade denouncing Milo as a “homosexualist half-Jew” and warning his readers that
Any attempt to downplay the Jew role in the destruction of Western civilization should be looked at as subversion.
This Breitbart article is the first large-scale attempt to co-opt the movement and remove the Jews. … Probably, they’ve been awarded this task by other Jews.
The Jews have their schemes.
But we also have schemes.
Anglin and his fans do indeed.
UPDATE: Breitbart says that a Milo event has been cancelled due to death threats. It’s not clear if they’re related to The Daily Stormer’s “crusade” or not.
Here’s today’s Pledge Drive capybara. I would like to apologize in advance for this.
OT, but that photo looks almost identical to the lobby of a local multiplex, save for the tables and chairs and neon sign over the entrance to the hall leading to the screens. Same colors, same layout to the snack bar. Well, except that the arcade machines were in the lobby in ours, instead of the hallway. Is it a current or former Carmike Cinema?
It’s a trivial thing, I know, but I spent a couple of years working there, and it was just so familiar looking when I saw the photo that I felt compelled to ask.
Sadly, I’m just waiting for his fanboys to start claiming that this is a false flag attack from the Left intended to discredit both Milo and the “real” (i.e., “meme teame” / troll / co-opted) alt-Right. Then again, those same people claim simultaneously that Milo is the real face of the alt-Right and that he’s not part of the alt-Right at all. Just like how Milo himself will claim any identity as long as it suits his agenda.
This is what I think when an alt rightist calls someone “cuck”.

I’m reminded of Clayton Bigsby, the black white supremacist.
Is this real ? Or has David made a (possibly voluntary) spell mistake ?
Because, Popol, in France, well… Oh, after all, Vox Dicky rather than Vox Day may not be so far from reality, i guess.
Have a nice day.
“Finger painting”?
Wouldn’t it be great if that’s what the alt-right spent their time doing instead of smearing dung?
This is Milo’s Ernst Rohm moment.
You know what they say – as thou slowest so shalt thou reap.
And here we are. It was inevitable. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
I am tremendously pleased about this.
So wait…do I have this right? This guy wants Nazis to show up on American college campuses, announce themselves as Nazis, and he thinks that this is a good idea? Has he ever been on a college campus?
I just don’t see how this ends well for the Nazis. And I don’t feel bad about that.
If they’re pissed off now, I can’t imagine the infighting and caterwauling that will take place if Clinton wins. It’ll mirror the same in the GOP.
Can’t wait! 😀
I go away for a week (my apartment has very bad internetz, on wifi that’s shared with 300 people) and this is what I come back to. The alt-right’s in full meltdown mode. Gotta love weekends.
If some of today’s nazis showed up to one of Milo’s talks I think that the best response would be for people from our side of the culture war to protect him if they happened to be there. Some of the protesters for example. That would be the right thing to do and a powerful message.
Though I should add that I would not condemn anyone hurt by Milo that could not bring themselves to protect him. It’s not a simple issue. Experiencing consequences for actively creating such a “society” matters as much as expressing our own values.
Well, obviously, most of the alt and far right’s energies are devoted towards not becoming communists. Which really, is what they secretly want to be. But one can always delude themselves and work against their own interests I guess.
@JCfromNC, no idea! I was doing imagesearch wizardry, and the source didn’t say where the photo was from. Sorry to have an unsatisfactory answer!
This is the ultimate reality of ingroup authoritarianism.
There will always be a smaller inner circle for whom you’re not good enough. The moment you defeat your “enemies” of people who embrace difference, you get to become the next enemy.
These neonazis have jumped the gun, but if the whole country were run by the people Milo backs, he’d literally be killed or jailed.
I’ve repeatedly said (here and elsewhere) that Milo needs to understand that he’s dealing with people for whom he’s a convenient shield and tool, and who loathe his guts behind his back, and he’s due Night of the Long Knives and go the way Röhm did, either abso-fucking-literally or just booted out of the show.
And this is not exaggeration for funsies and flashing Hitler cards to win, seeing how we’re talking about actual fucking Nazis here. As in, people who espouse Nazi ideology in all seriousness and who believe in fucked up Nazi shit and above all, people who are preparing for a physical confrontation, gathering means of perpetrating it and who have mentally primed themselves for a good while to commit the crimes.
I see nothing good coming out of this.
re: “Alt-retard”
I know it’s against the comment policy, and violates general respect an politeness guidelines, but I laughed. I kinda hope it catches on.
Can a person get seriously ill from eating to much popcorn?
@HawkAtreides: I too am wondering when the “false flag” cry will go up.
@vox wrote:
You’re a very odd troll, Pol.
Alt-Right Civil War! Like Marvel Civil War, only none of the characters are likable and both sides can go take a long vacation on Snake Island.
I agree that Yiannopoulos as a person needs to be careful about which beds he gets into. However, I also suspect that Yiannopoulos as an idea is going to defeat Anglin for the soul of the Alt-Right.
Anglin is a loathsome, hateful little man, but he is honest and consistent, and he believes in something, wretched thought it is. Yiannopoulos believes in absolutely nothing except his ability to get away with whatever he feels like doing and to hurt whomever he wishes. He has no need to be consistent. Considering that they’re vying for the loyalty of a bunch of nihilists, I think Yiannopoulos has a decisive advantage – as his readership, followership and influence shows.
For that reason, I don’t think Ernst Rohm is an appropriate comparison. I’d argue that a better comparison might be to say that Anglin is Trotsky to Yiannopoulos’s Stalin. He’s not an angel by any means, but he’s being sidelined out of his own movement because he’s an idealist and his opponent is not.
(Apologies to the board’s Communists.)
Another day another Trump twitter meltdown. This time at 3am in the morning.

Nothing says “everything’s fine, I didn’t lose the debate and am now on tilt about it” like being up in the middle of the night ranting on twitter while in the middle of a extremely busy schedule.
David – if I decide to use Capybara Hitler for something of my own in the future (no idea whatsoever what that might be, I just think it’s hilarious), do I have your permission?